Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Glastonbury Thorn

Guǎnlǐ zīyuán
Risōsu o kanri suru
Curo opibus

A person is born in the image of God by conversion.
The universe is the machine for energy sought in recursion
through the design of nature as it ought to be taught with immersion.

Is there a place for the fear of God in your heart? 
The Broken (Hittites) reasoned from the position as a start
for placing the horse before the cart.

The Father was living among those where human sacrifice was a custom.
He was tempted by adversity to sacrifice his laughter before the 5 year lustrum.

He was given a ram with his horns caught in a thicket
as the thing to offer for propitiation as the ticket.

His Princess died after many years by his side.
He asked for a place where in the future he could be laid by his bride. 

The Father of many said, 'I am a stranger in this strange land.
Will you allow me a place to bury my beloved dame?'

The most fruitful of the Broken said,
'You are a prince. You may bury the one whom you had wed.'  

Conserving resources preserves energy.
The management works continually.

The cultivation of production in time
works best when managed with respect for design.

The Latin form for Addition (Josephus) was opposed to sedition
after his attempt to attain that force in factual recognition.

Truthful testimony for the law of God as covenant
was the basis for social organization for government.

The court system was established to evaluate the claim of a charge.
Two witnesses were needed to warrant consideration for the public at large.

Republic or kingdom was not as significant in form
as the need for the enactment of conservative reform.

The line of succession has a perpetual benefit in fact.
The ownership of property is passed to the family with the will as contract.

When the body of the Savior was taken from the cross
it was laid to rest that our management of resources would gain from the loss.

The rule of law is for protection.
Crime is subject to correction.

Cruelty in punishment is not the cure.
Direction by correction works for sure.

Delight is shown with respect for others.
Joy is a reward that doesn't smother.

The perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights as a generous act.
The atonement gives birth by the word of truth to fulfill the purposeful tact
that we may become the fruit of the divine contractual tract.

Law that places profit from violence above people is flawed.
War or genocide is not to be held in awe.

Life rules the living.
Love favors giving.

Order by design is my proportion.
This table doesn't suffer from mass distortion.

Boundaries enclose pleasure
as a measured treasure.

Healthy happiness is a good heritage.
It works in and outside of marriage.

My heart reviews reaching for the teaching of truth.
This teaching is not reserved for the dismissal of youth.

Good counsel is blessed.
It helps you test for the best.

Don't support the rule of death.
It is more destructive than a missile laden jet. 

Justice with liberty is the goal of law.
Equity is that which the economy has to draw.

The goal before me
is built upon the accomplishment seen.

My heart rejoices. My spirit is glad.
My strength avoids that which is bad.

I have not been condemned by the grave.
The rule of death does not bless or save.

The path to life is being known
by the design that is shown.

Those that sleep will wake
to rise or fall with respect for that which is great.

Let us approach authority in the house of worship
with a true heart and a conscience cleansed to cure it.

There will be disasters in various places.
There will be recovery with respect for stages.

The elegance of power requires restraint for the driven.
Intuition regarding objects provides a frame for reality in existence.
The colors of dried sedge provide objects for subsistence.
Mats, baskets and hats are useful to protect floors, store goods and provide solar resistance.

Exercise generates radiance for your tower
as you watch over the valley like a book for the hours.

The majesty of beauty in the language
builds prestige for you in the reduction of anguish.

The sound of the wind gave a promise to the man.
He was to be husband to both his woman and his land.

There is fullness of joy in your presence.
Search for the essential essence
gives joy as a gift for the present.


16 Conserva me, Domine
Preserve me, Dominated

1 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you;
I have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord,
my good above all other."
2 All my delight is upon the godly that are in the land,
upon those who are noble among the people.
3 But those who run after other gods
shall have their troubles multiplied.
4 Their libations of blood I will not offer,
nor take the names of their gods upon my lips.
5 O Lord, you are my portion and my cup;
it is you who uphold my lot.
6 My boundaries enclose a pleasant land;
indeed, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
my heart teaches me, night after night.
8 I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices;
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.


Abraham- Father of Many
Sarah- Princess
Hittites- Broken; those who fear
Isaac- laughter

Gen. 23:3-6

Abraham rose up from beside his dead and said to the Hittites, 'I am a stranger and an alien residing among you. Give me property among you for a burying place so I may bury my dead out of sight.'

The Hittites answered Abraham, 'Hear us, my lord. You are a mighty prince among us. Bury your dead in the choicest of our burial places. None of us will withhold from you any burial ground for burying your dead.'


Is there a place for the fear of God in your heart?
The Broken (Hittites) reasoned from the position as a start
for placing the horse before the cart.

The Father was living among those where human sacrifice was a custom.
He was tempted by adversity to sacrifice his laughter before the 5 year lustrum.

He was given a ram with his horns caught in a thicket
as the thing to offer for propitiation as the ticket.

His Princess died after many years by his side.
He asked for a place where in the future he could be laid by her side.

The Father of many said, 'I am a stranger in this strange land.
Will you allow me a place to bury my beloved dame?'

The most fruitful of the Broken said,
'You are a prince. You may bury the one whom you had wed.' 


James 1:17-18

Every generous act with every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. He gave us birth by the word of truth in fulfillment of his own purpose so we would become a kind of first fruits of his creatures.


The perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights as a generous act.
The atonement gives birth by the word of truth to fulfill the purposeful tact
that we may become the fruit of the divine contractual tract.


Joseph- He will add
Pontius Pilate- Fifth Cap
Jesus- God saves

Luke 23:50-54

There was a good and righteous man named Joseph who was a member of the council. He had not agreed to their plan and action. He came from the Jewish town of Arimathea. He was waiting expectantly for the kingdom of God. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then he took it down, wrapped it in a linen cloth and laid it in a rock-hewn tomb where no one had ever been laid. It was the day of Preparation. The sabbath was beginning.


The Latin form for Addition (Josephus) was opposed to sedition
after his attempt to attain that force in factual recognition.

Truthful testimony for the law of God as covenant
was the basis for social organization for government.

The court system was established to evaluate the claim of a charge.
Two witnesses were needed to warrant consideration for the public at large.

Republic or kingdom was not as significant in form
as the need for the enactment of conservative reform.

The line of succession has a perpetual benefit in fact.
The ownership of property is passed to the family with the will as contract.

When the body of the Savior was taken from the cross
it was laid to rest that our management of resources would gain from the loss.


The Disciple Joseph

When ancient Rome claimed authority over the land now known as Israel, they took the claim from the Seleucids. They were in the process of adopting the Hellenic system of government to something that satisfied the sensibilities of the Roman republic.

When Cyrus had liberated the captives from Babylon, Judea became a province of the Achaemenid Persian empire. They were appointed a governor who met the emperor's approval.

They were allowed to have a high priest who organized the building of the Second Temple. They maintained religious custom for the Temple. Synagogues were added after the exile as a place to read the Law and the prophets throughout the land.

The Sandhedrin

The ancient Jewish court system was called the Sanhedrin.

The earliest record of the system is by Josephus who wrote of a political body convened by the Romans in 57 BCE. Hellenistic sources generally depict the Sanhedrin as a political and judicial council headed by the country’s ruler.

The Great Sanhedrin was the supreme religious body in the Land of Israel during the time of the Holy Temple. There were also smaller religious courts in every town in the land as well as a civil political-democratic council.

There were two classes of rabbinical courts. A lesser Sanhedrin of 23 judges was appointed to each city, but there was to be only one Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges for the capital. This council acted as the Supreme Court among other roles. They took appeals from cases decided by lesser courts.

Jewish sources describe the Great Sanhedrin as a religious assembly of 71 sages who met in the Chamber of Hewn Stones in the Temple in Jerusalem. They met daily except on the Sabbath, festivals or festival eves.

It was the final authority on Jewish law. Any scholar who went against its decisions was put to death as a zaken mamre (rebellious elder). The Sanhedrin was led by a president called the nasi (lit. "prince") and a vice president called the av bet din (lit. "father of the court").

The other 69 sages sat in a semicircle facing the leaders. It is unclear whether the leaders included the high priest.

The Sanhedrin judged those accused as lawbreakers. They did not initiate arrests. It required a minimum of two witnesses to convict a suspect. There were no attorneys.

The witness who was making the accusation stated the offense in the presence of the accused. The accused could call witnesses on his own behalf. The court questioned the accused, the accusers and the defense witnesses.

The Great Sanhedrin dealt with religious and ritualistic Temple matters, criminal matters appertaining to the secular court, proceedings in connection with the discovery of a corpse, trials of adulterous wives, tithes, preparation of Torah Scrolls for the king and the Temple, drawing up the calendar and the solving of difficulties related to ritual law.

The Great Sanhedrin lost its authority to inflict capital punishment sometime around 30 CE.  These Jewish courts existed until the abolishment of the rabbinic patriarchate in about 425 CE.
Joseph of Arimathaea

It was the evening before the sabbath in the Passover festival in 30 CE. Joseph of Arimathaea was a member of the council. He was also a secret disciple of Jesus. It was the responsibility of the senior male representative of the crucified person to deal with the crucified. He was Mary's uncle. The responsibility fell to him.

Joseph went to Pontius Pilate and asked him for the body. Pilate sent for the centurion to see if he was dead. He ordered that the body be given to Joseph when he found out that he was.

He took the body. Nicodemus had been the first to come to Jesus by night. He brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes. They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in a fine linen cloth with the mixture according to the burial custom of the Jews.

There was a tomb that had been hewn out of rock in a garden near where Jesus had been crucified. No one had been laid in the tomb. They laid the body there, then rolled a stone against the door.

There is no town named Arimathaea in Judea. It is speculated that a small village 5 miles northwest of Jerusalem named Ramatha is the closest approximation. (Arimathea could be translated as 'thanks to the goddess.') It is reputed to be the resting place for the prophet Samuel. He was the prophet who had said, "Here I am" when he heard the Lord call to him. 

Joseph was a merchant. He traveled to England to buy some cornish tin. Britain was known to the Classical world. The Greeks, Phoenicians and Carthaginians had traded for Cornish tin as early as the 4th century BCE. The Greeks called them the Cassiterides or "tin islands" near the west coast of Europe.

Tin is an element in the periodic table. The symbol Sn is an abbreviation from the Latin stannum.
Tin was combined with copper to form bronze. The earliest bronze objects had a tin or arsenic content of less than 2% . These objects were believed to be the result of unintentional alloying due to trace metal content in the copper ore.

The addition of a second metal to copper increased its hardness, lowered the melting temperature and improved the casting process to produce a more fluid melt that cooled to a denser, less spongy metal.
Tin bonds readily to iron and is used for coating lead, zinc and steel to prevent corrosion. Tin-plated steel containers are widely used for food preservation. This forms a large part of the market for metallic tin in the contemporary world.

A tinplate canister for preserving food was first manufactured in London in 1812. Speakers of British English call them "tins", while speakers of American English call them "cans" or "tin cans".

The most likely use for tin during the time of Joseph of Arimathaea was to make bronze. Tools, weapons, armor and building materials such as decorative tiles were harder and more durable than their stone and copper ("Chalcolithic") predecessors.

Rome had not yet made Britain a colony when Joseph traveled there.

Julius Caesar had taken two campaigns to the Islands in 55 and 54. He believed the Britons were helping the Gallic resistance during his conquest of Gaul. The first expedition gained a foothold in Kent, but was unable to advance further due to lack of cavalry and a storm that damaged their ships.

The Roman Senate declared a 20-day public holiday in Rome to honor the unprecedented achievement of obtaining hostages from Britain. Belgian tribes were defeated on the return to the continent.

The second invasion involved a substantially larger force. Caesar invited many of the native Celtic tribes to pay tribute and give hostages in return for peace. A friendly local king was installed. A rival was brought to terms. Caesar conquered no territory. He left no troops behind but he established clients. Britain was brought into Rome's sphere of influence.

Augustus planned invasions in 34, 27 and 25 BCE, but circumstances were never favorable. The relationship between Britain and Rome settled into one of diplomacy and trade. Strabo claimed that taxes on trade brought in more annual revenue than any conquest could when he wrote late in the reign of Augustus.

Joseph is associated with Philip in the evangelical mission to the northwest of Europe. The Apostle Philip is reputed to have preached to the Gauls.

Philip had been named after the Roman Tetrarch (26 BCE-34 CE)whose territory was east of the Jordan and north of Decapolis.

He had been the one who had called Nathaniel to see Jesus of Nazareth of whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote. He was the father to 4 daughters who were named as prophets in the Acts of the Apostles.

There are stories that link his mission to Scythia and Phrygia. Scythia was north of the Black Sea. Phrygia was a kingdom in Asia Minor in the country now known as Turkey. This area came to have an association with Montanism. It was a doctrine regarding the prophesy of the Holy Spirit that was identified as a heresy by the Church in Rome. The Church in Gaul expressed respect for certain traits of the Montanists.

The mission of Joseph of Arimathaea to Britain has been associated with that of the Apostle Philip in France, but Philip probably never traveled to Gaul.

Joseph took the cup that had been used at the Last Supper to Glastonbury in Somerset, England.  The well is also known as the Red Spring. It is situated at the base of the tor in Glastonbury. Legend has it that the drops of Christ's blood were caught in the Grail. These drops and some rusty nails from the cross turned the water in the spring red when Joseph hid the chalice there.

The waters from this well have three attributes in common with human blood. The liquid is  red. It coagulates as does hemoglobin and it is warm. The iron content gives it the reddish color. There is a coagulation of rust with the accumulation of ferric oxide. The subterranean water from the well is often warmer than the surface ground temperature.

Roses near the well bloom even in winter when other plants and flowers further away do not. The Thorn Tree, also known as the Glastonbury Thorn (Crataegus Monogyna praecox) blooms in the Chalice Well garden every Christmas. Locals said that this tree took root when Joseph of Arimathea drove his staff into the ground near the well.

The name 'Avalon' refers to Glastonbury. The parish church is dedicated to St John. This was the location for the medieval legends regarding King Arthur and the Holy Grail.

The Glastonbury Thorn is a variety of hawthorn that flowers twice a year in winter and spring. It flowers at Christmas and Easter given suitable conditions. Blossoms from the Thorn are used to decorate the Christmas breakfast table of the Queen.

Joseph converted many to Christianity. Over a hundred were converted in a single day at the town of Wells. He converted Ethelbert a local king. Then he went on to found Glastonbury Abbey. The  Church has a stained glass window commemorating him.

S. 约瑟夫
T. 約瑟夫

约 Yue   to restrict                 約  yaku      promise                           Jo  じょ  ジョ     Yo   요  yo   
瑟  se      sound of wind        瑟  shitsu    stringed instrument          se   せ    セ          se    세  three 
夫  fu      husband                 夫  fu           husband                           fu   ふ   フ           pu    푸 fu   
                                                                                                          su  す    ス           seu   스 switch

The sound of the wind gave a promise to the man.
He was to be husband to both his woman and his land.

The Passion of St. John, J.S. Bach

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Kelley O'Hara

Bǎohù cáifù
Tomi o mamoru
Opes universalem
conservationem generabilium

Hear this you who dwell in society.
Economy favors conservative propriety.

High or low. Rich or poor.
Political action requires restraint in reform. 

My speech will speak for the knowledge of achievement.
My heart will meditate on understanding agreement.

I will incline my ear to moderation in expenditure.
I will watch for the cause of how events occur.

I will not allow evil to control my ways.
I will work for that which merits praise.

Wickedness seeks to destroy the value of worth.
Evil damaged products drawn from earth
to force others to pay for their deceptive work. 

The Redeemer redeemed us for our benefit
but earned redemption works to avoid the degenerate.

Life has been ransomed by the atonement
yet this placed us near the creative moment.

Personal effort lives for the family.
Trust is built for security against calamity
so we may live the life of faith naturally.

Work with wisdom and knowledge is better than
the automation of ignorance as the canned antediluvian.

Excess in desire has to be reduced to that which is right
to complete a task designated as somewhere in between fight or flight.

The wise make a will for when they perish
to leave wealth to those whom they cherish.

The family inheritance was made to be divided
but don't let greed act as the divisor.

Grave for Cremated Remains

The grave is but a place for that which died.
The worth of the will lives beyond that which the grave hides.

Honor lives in that which we treasure
as above that which is defined by bestial pleasure.

Liberals and socialists trust in their deception.
They seek to tax others for their belief in excess aggression.

Existential angst avoids work of any kind.
It kills the will that serves to drive.

Liberal legacy in tax will be changed.
The land of the dead will be rearranged.

God has ransomed my life from the pit.
I have been snatched from the grasp of the abyssmal rift.

Do not be envious when others do better.
Listen to learn what will be of more benefit for your effort. 

Memory lives in the life of soul.
The self in family allows for individual social growth.

Stories of success are bought for a  price
to promote a product to help things work right.

The faithful have joined the company of forebearance
to live with organization that values truth as apparent.

Those who live like animals with beastly passion
perish like beasties in their brutish fashion.


49 Audite hæc, omnes
Hear this, all

1 Hear this, all you peoples;
hearken, all you who dwell in the world,
you of high degree and low, rich and poor together.
2 My mouth shall speak of wisdom,
and my heart shall meditate on understanding.
3 I will incline my ear to a proverb
and set forth my riddle upon the harp.
4 Why should I be afraid in evil days,
when the wickedness of those at my heels surrounds me,
5 The wickedness of those who put their trust in their goods,
and boast of their great riches?
6 We can never ransom ourselves,
or deliver to God the price of our life;
7 For the ransom of our life is so great,
that we should never have enough to pay it,
8 In order to live for ever and ever,
and never see the grave.
9 For we see that the wise die also;
like the dull and stupid they perish
and leave their wealth to those who come after them.
10 Their graves shall be their homes for ever,
their dwelling places from generation to generation,
though they call the lands after their own names.
11 Even though honored, they cannot live for ever;
they are like the beasts that perish.
12 Such is the way of those who foolishly trust in themselves,
and the end of those who delight in their own words.
13 Like a flock of sheep they are destined to die;
Death is their shepherd;
they go down straightway to the grave.
14 Their form shall waste away,
and the land of the dead shall be their home.
15 But God will ransom my life;
he will snatch me from the grasp of death.
16 Do not be envious when some become rich,
or when the grandeur of their house increases;
17 For they will carry nothing away at their death,
nor will their grandeur follow them.
18 Though they thought highly of themselves while they lived,
and were praised for their success,
19 They shall join the company of their forebears,
who will never see the light again.
20 Those who are honored, but have no understanding,
are like the beasts that perish.


Ecclesiastes 1:21

Sometimes one who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge must leave all to be enjoyed by another who did not toil for it. This also is vanity and a great evil.


Work with wisdom and knowledge is better than
the automation of ignorance as the canned antediluvian.


Colossians 3:5

Put to death whatever in you is earthly: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire and greed (which is idolatry).


Excess in desire has to be reduced to that which is right
to complete a task designated as somewhere in between fight or flight.


Luke 12:13-15

Someone in the crowd said to him, 'Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.' He said to him, 'Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you?' He said to them, 'Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. One's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.'


The family inheritance was made to be divided
but be on your guard against greed as the divisor.


Diagram for Reason

John Venn
b. 8.4.1834 Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England
d. 4.4.1923 Cambridge, England

John Venn was the man who established the diagrams that bear his name. The Venn diagram uses circles to contrast sets of named objects. When different sets contain some common elements, the sets intersect. The intersection presents common ground.

When two sets contain the same elements the relation is considered to be a union. When no elements are the same, they are separate.

The diagram is used in the fields of set theory, probability, logic, statistics, competition math and computer science.

The diagrams represent a way of looking at things that doesn't reject any definition as logically inconsistent with anything but the urgency of the agent. It doesn't claim that the interests of one set are universal to all others either. There is often common ground between sets defined by different interests.

Venn published The Logic of Chance in 1866. It was a ground-breaking book which espoused the frequency theory of probability. It offered  that probability should be determined by how often something is forecast to occur as opposed to “educated” assumptions.

Venn then further developed George Boole's theories in the 1881 work Symbolic Logic. This is where he highlighted what would become known as Venn diagrams.

Kingston upon Hull

Kingston upon Hull is a port city near the east coast of England. It is 40 km (25 miles) inland from the North Sea. It lies upon the River Hull at its confluence with the Humber Estuary. It is 80 km (50 miles)  east of Leeds, 55 km (34 miles) southeast of York and 87 km (54 miles) northeast of Sheffield.

The town of Wyke on Hull was founded late in the 12th century by the monks of Meaux Abbey. It was a port from which to export their wool. It was renamed Kings-town upon Hull in 1299.

Hull has been a market town, military supply port, trading hub, fishing and whaling center and industrial metropolis. Hull also established a flourishing commerce with the Baltic ports as part of the Hanseatic League in the 15th century.

William Wilberforce came from the city. He was the Representative of Parliament who took a prominent part in the abolition of the slave trade for Britain in the 18th century.

Whaling played a prominent role in the town's fortunes until the mid-19th century.

John Venn

John was born on 4 August 1834 in Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire to Martha Sykes and Rev. Henry Venn. Fr. Henry was  the rector of the parish of Drypool.

His mother came from Swanland near Hull. She died when he was 3 years old.

The Rev Henry Venn was a fellow of Queen's College. His father, John's grandfather, was the Rev John Venn. He had been the rector of Clapham in south London. He became the leader of the Clapham Sect, a group of evangelical Christians, who lobbied for the abolition of slavery, prison reform, the prevention of cruel sports and supported missionary work abroad.

The Society for Missions in Africa and the East was founded by evangelical clergy of the Church of England in 1799. It was renamed the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East in 1812. The Rev Henry Venn became secretary to this Society in 1841. He moved to Highgate near London in order to carry out his duties. He held this position until his death in 1873.

John was brought up with a strict atmosphere at home. He began his education in London. He jointed Sir Roger Cholmeley's School with his brother Henry in September 1846. He moved on to Islington proprietary school. He went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in October 1853. He obtained his degree in mathematics and became a fellow in 1857.

He followed his family vocation and became an Anglican priest. He was ordained in 1859. He served first at the church in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, and later in Mortlake, Surrey.

He returned to Cambridge University as a lecturer in Moral Science, studying and teaching logic and probability theory in 1862.

Venn was very good in the branch of mathematics we call ‘logic’. He has three textbooks to his name. ‘The Logic of Chance’ was published in 1866. He married Susanna Carnegie Edmonstone in 1868. They had a son, John Archibald Venn. He went into mathematics as well.

‘Symbolic Logic’ came out in 1881. The Principles of Empirical Logic was released in 1889.
The books dealt with the interpretation that is the frequency theory of probability. The first book had a great influence on in the theory of statistics and its development. ‘Symbolic Logic’ was the book that gave the introduction of the Venn diagrams.

The diagrams were a representation of the relation between sets using circles within a circle. Take three circles A, B and C which are all subsets of D for example. The sections which overlap represent similar properties are subsets.  The independent areas were the distinct properties of the sets. Venn diagrams can be applied in various problems. They are particularly useful in Boolean logic.

John resigned from the clergy in 1883. He had concluded that Anglicanism was incompatible with his philosophical beliefs. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in the same year. He was granted a Sc.D. from Cambridge in 1884. An Sc.D. is a doctor of science degree.

He was elected President of the College in 1903. He held the post until his death.

He died on 4 April 1923 at Cambridge.

wiki John Venn
biography JVenn
mathematician JVenn
wiki text: The Logic of Chance

Friday, July 26, 2019


Devil's Den, Florida

the Public
Zūnzhòng gōngzhòng
Kōshū o sonchō suru
Quae secum palam

Disgraced fortune in misfortune lies
troubling heaven with proportionate cries.

I am not alone in this outcast state.
All too many bewail this desuetude fate.

Wishing to be more rich in hope
with another's art and another's scope
I am featured as one friendly to beasts
with the most joy contended least.

When I think happily upon you in my state
my spirit rises from the sullen earth to heaven's gate.

My hands gird my belt, my self almost despising.
Heart is felt like the lark song at dawn rising.

When love is remembered it brings me such health
that I scorn to exchange  my state for the richest man's wealth.

The clear water gushes
from the underground push
as it springs to light 
to sparkle for the delight 
of sight in life without plight.

The cool priceless breeze
flows with the water past cypress trees.
The feeling of youth courses with truth
past the grassy banks and the jutting roots.

The dragon fly knits blue
with side long flits that are new
to each moment of movement
with joy and amusement.

Enchantment is as delicious 
as the water is capricious. 

It gushes past flow
to a lower level of low.

Unchanging youth smiles
for miles among magical aisles
in eternal spring that blooms
to infuse the flowering wind with perfume.

New leaf is in bud.
The earth is graced with mud.

The sum of nought and ought is bought
by that sought with what the kinsman brought.
This was the least that was thought.

Cowardice flew from perch on known hand
to survey the play on the lay of the land.
This was a gesture one could understand.
The youth with brave heart moved according to plan.

Advance in adversity was a challenge to handle.
The key to success was not engaging in prattle.

The brightness of nought fought for standing with care
as running, riding and ruling directed the measure of fare.
Now good standing must keep that place there in the air
with instruction as to how they should hold safety outside of the lair.

The forward position was fortified with grace in space and no lace
until the right was alighted amid ranks to trace the space of the place for grace.

The most loyal heart of the hearth guarded with pleasure
the strength of the tenth as the confessor of treasure.

The brick thought of ought spoke back, raising the wield of the yield.
His anger was resolute in the appeal to reveal the taxed steel to the field.

"Have you read what these people had written?

The admission of administration has skewed our review of the victim.
They wish to give you tribute instead of leers from the contentious kitten.

"Poisonous points from ancient words contend against riot and war in succession.
The crow has not sown decrease in the deceased application.
It has flown on its own to know the estimation of the station for the nation
by calculation. The noble reader must be the leader of cessation.
This prattle about war will do no good in economic battle for station. 

"Herald of the brim-men, deliver this again.

Rejoice in the stem of plants for them then.

"Use first names in the smoke of conquest

as the small bird darts through the rain on this test's quest.
Give your people a pleasant report about the content of your best contest.

"Mind must grow stronger and courage more fierce as strength diminishes.

Points and the edges of pledges must reconcile grim war before the image
begins or finishes."

The last quarter of moon shines with a silvery flush
as age lays down his glasses and forgets his graph of other stuff.

Gray haired grandsires look and laugh at their youthful gruffness as fluff
in the rough and tough bluff that often left them with less than enough.

Wise men at their end know that dark is right
when their words fork no sight of lightning's flight.
The last wave bye as frail deeds might have danced bright
while wailing at the moon over the green bay at night.
Wild men caught the grave near death with the sight of blinding light.
Blind eyes blazed with rage as storm clouds faded into the dark height.

Our designs reign even in the rain
when they stand in accord with disdain for excessive pain
in the intelligence of nature's gain.

The prestige of unity in faith is a bargain
that helps to enter the Church pardon.

The Father destined us for adoption
to become children through his Son as our option.
He did this before the foundation of the world
that by the pleasure of his will we might whirl
into the redemption of grace for his glory
that we may remember the story 
of Jesus our beloved Christ,
the Son of God most high. 

Atonement was made through his blood
for the forgiveness of our trespass in the mud
of life to experience the smooth form of shining love
lavished on us from above.

The mystery of his will is revealed by the Spirit
for those who seek the real presence to dwell in it.
Wisdom and insight are set forth in Christ 
as a plan for the fullness of time sufficed
to gather to him in heaven by faith life's sacrifice.   

The Son asked not only in behalf of those with him
but on behalf of those who would come to believe with them.

As the Father was in the Son
and the Son in the Father as one,
we are also participants in the love.

The paternal with the maternal leads the fraternal.
The fraternal shows the world to respect the internal
as it shapes beneficial knowledge of the external.

The glory given to the Son by the Father
is passed by the power of the Spirit for faith to author
that we may be as one in the Trinity as they are one in our honor.

Unity by faith is testimony for the world to know
that the Son was sent to show
the love of God bestowed.

It is pleasant when people live 
together with respect for life that lives enough to give.

It is like the precious presence of agreement 
in a community living in communion in the cement 
of reason with the essential essence to our existence lent.

It is like the dew that falls 
with the exaltation of an exhaled thrall
from the heights of heaven
to the constructions of our creation in the leaven
of the most treasured and blessed essence of the divine presence.


Psalm 133

A Song of Ascents.
1 How very good and pleasant it is
   when kindred live together in unity!
2 It is like the precious oil on the head,
   running down upon the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
   running down over the collar of his robes.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
   which falls on the mountains of Zion.
For there the Lord ordained his blessing,
   life for evermore.

Ephesians 1:5-10

The Father destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. We have redemption in him through his blood for the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of the grace that he lavished on us. He has made known to us the mystery of his will with all wisdom and insight in the good pleasure that he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time to gather all things in heaven and earth up in him.


The Father destined us for adoption
to become children through his Son as our option.

He did this before the foundation of the world
that by the pleasure of his will we might whirl
into the redemption of grace for his glory
that we may remember the story
of Jesus our beloved Christ,
the Son of God most high.

Atonement was made through his blood
for the forgiveness of our trespass in the mud
of life to experience the smooth form of shining love
lavished on us from above.

The mystery of his will is revealed by the Spirit
for those who seek the real presence to dwell in it.

Wisdom and insight are set forth in Christ
as a plan for the fullness of time sufficed
to gather to him in heaven by faith life's sacrifice.

John 17:20-23

I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us so the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them so they may be as one as we are one in them and you in me that they may become completely united in the world that it may be known that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.


The Son asked not only in behalf of those with him
but on behalf of those who would come to believe with them.

As the Father was in the Son
and the Son in the Father as one,
we are also participants in the love.

The paternal with the maternal leads the fraternal.
The fraternal shows the world to respect the internal
as it shapes beneficial knowledge of the external.

The glory given to the Son by the Father
is passed by the power of the Spirit for faith to author
that we may be as one in the Trinity as they are one in our honor.

Unity by faith is testimony for the world to know
that the Son was sent to show
the love of God bestowed.



William Reed Huntington
b. 9.20.1838 Lowell, Massachusetts
d. 7.26.1909 Nahant, Massachusetts

William Huntington was an American priest and author. His analysis of the Church as an idea helped to define Christian unity as a goal. He wrote a four point articulation of the Anglican identity known as the Quadrilateral.

The Quadrilateral was passed by the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, England in 1888. The conference is held once every ten years. The passage established the four points as the basis for dialog with other faith communions.

He was a parish priest in Massachusetts for 21 years, then in New York for 26 years. He wrote his books during this time and attended Christian conferences to promote the ideas for organization.

He was born in northern Massachusetts in the first half of the 19th century.


Lowell is located near the northern border of Massachusetts. It was the 4th largest city in the state with an estimated population of 111,000 in 2018. It was the 2d largest in the Boston statistical area.

It sits at the confluence of the Merrimack and Concord rivers. Pawtucket Falls is a mile long set of rapids with a total drop in elevation of 32 feet. The falls end where the rivers meet.

The Pawtucket Dam was built at the top of the falls on the Merrimack. The city has a canal system that directs water from the millpond behind the dam for use in the area.

The Merrimack flows from Franklin, New Hampshire in a southerly direction to Lowell. The river turns to the east to run 40 miles (64 km) from the city. It empties in the Atlantic Ocean at Newburyport 32 miles (52 km) north of Boston.

Associates of the Boston Manufacturing Company, Nathan Appleton and Patrick Tracy Jackson, founded the city as a planned center for textiles in the 1820’s. They named the new mill town after their visionary leader, Francis Cabot Lowell. He had died 5 years before the incorporation of the town. The town grew and purchased land from neighboring towns to diversify into an urban center.

Many of the men who composed the labor force for constructing the canals and factories had immigrated from Ireland to escape the Potato Famine on the 1830’s and 1840’s. The millworkers were young single women from the farm families of New England. They were called Mill Girls.

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church was built in Lowell in 1824. It was consecrated by the Rt. Rev. Alexander Griswold in March 1825. It was the first building dedicated to religious worship in the town.

It was also the first church to have been established by a manufacturing company rather than a group of worshipers. It had been approved by a committee of the Merrimack Manufacturing Corporation in 1822.

The baptismal font for the church wasn’t procured until 1852.

William Reed Huntington

William was born in Lowell on September 20, 1838. His father was a physician and surgeon. He served as the mayor for the town a number of times. “Willy” was the youngest sibling of two much older brothers and a sister.

The family attended St. Anne’s. The rector was the high church Dr. Theodore Edson.
Mary Huntington Cooke remembered her brother as companionable and athletic. He was friendly and willing to engage in sports. He kept turtles and rabbits as pets. He developed a taste for fishing at an early age. This he kept through his adult life.

He also entertained an interest in chemistry. He spent his money on simple apparatus for experiments. He constantly engaged in making experiments of various kinds in an attempt to manufacture things.

There were some rough older boys who lived in the neighborhood who used to tease Willy. He was taught by his mother to not fight under any circumstances.

He was sent to military school at Norwich, Vermont due to his small stature. He said that he saw more wickedness there in the country, than in all his time at Cambridge.

He went to Harvard University in 1855 and graduated in 1859. He became an instructor in chemistry from 1859-1860.

He was ordained a priest in 1862. He was rector of All Saints Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1862-1883 and rector of Grace Church, New York City, 1883-1909. He was a member of the House of Deputies of the General Convention, 1871-1907.

The Episcopal Church at the time Huntington entered it “inherited an Anglican theological tradition that had been divided into party alignments ever since the seventeenth century. The Americans like their English predecessors fell into a grouping of latitudinarians [or broad church liberals], evangelicals and high-church theologians.”

There were also Anglo-Catholic partisans distinct from the high church theologians by the 1840's. Some high church theologians like John Henry Hopkins sympathized with the Tractarians without joining their ranks. The internal divisions in the Church were reflective of societal rifts in the Christian community.

Huntington was one of the leading advocates of church reunion, not only in his own Episcopal church, but among all the fractures of Christendom, particularly as they found expression in the American context.

He always took a prominent part in public affairs. He was active in the movement for liturgical revisions and was secretary of the Prayer-Book Revisions Committee and editor with Samuel Hart of the Standard Prayer-Book of 1892.

He took part In each of the thirteen General Conventions of the Episcopal Church during his life. These conventions were held every three years. He was a member of the House of Deputies. The conventions also have a House of Bishops.

He was committed to what he called the “principle” of Anglicanism, but he would devote most of his adult life to casting a vision for the “Church of the Reconciliation” in the American context. He had hopes that Anglicanism might be the votive motive for this reunion.

He is known for the formulation of the Chicago-Lambeth quadrilateral. The quadrilateral is an articulation of the four points for unity in Christianity. The four points were formulated in the essay “The Church Idea, An Essay Toward Unity” in 1870. They served as a postulation for Anglican identity and a basis for dialog with the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant communions.

The points were presented as a resolution to a conference of bishops in Chicago in 1886. The resolution was passed and presented to the Lambeth conference in 1888. It was modified and passed in the current form.

There should be acceptance of l) the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God; 2) the Nicene Creed as the rule of faith; 3) baptism and the eucharist as the two sacraments ordained by Christ himself and 4) the episcopate as the keystone of governmental unity in the church.

The first three points were modified.

The definition for scripture was changed from the “revealed Word of God” to the rule and standard for the faith containing all things necessary for salvation.

The Apostles’ Creed was added to the Nicene Creed in the second point.

The sacraments for Baptism and the “Supper of the Lord” were identified as ordained by “Christ Himself.” The words for institution were retained as a defining element for the Eucharist.

Adaptation is a key element in the fourth point. The local adaptation for the varying needs of the nations and peoples in the administration of the call to God in the unity of the Church is the basis for dialog between church administrations.

This "foursquare" approach became known as the "Quadrilateral." Huntington was the moving force behind its approval by the House of Bishops in Chicago.

The four points first found their way into a resolution of the House of Bishops of the American Episcopal Church meeting in Chicago in 1886. The quadrilateral statement was scaled back in 1888. The fourth point regarding the episcopate was reworded in 1920.

The four points of the Quadrilateral were listed by the Chicago statement as "inherent parts" of the sacred deposit of Christian faith and order "committed by Christ and his Apostles to the Church unto the end of the world, and therefore incapable of compromise or surrender. . . ." The Chicago statement lists the Nicene Creed as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.

The Chicago statement calls for administration of baptism and the eucharist "with unfailing use of Christ's words of institution and of the elements ordained by Him." The Chicago version expressed the fourth part of the Quadrilateral in terms of the "Historic Episcopate, locally adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the nations and peoples called of God into the unity of His Church."

Although the Quadrilateral was not enacted by the House of Deputies at the 1886 General Convention, it was incorporated in a general plan referred for study and action by the newly created Joint Commission on Christian Reunion.

The entire General Convention of the Episcopal Church affirmed the Quadrilateral in its Lambeth form in 1895. The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral has continued to serve as the primary Anglican working document and reference point for ecumenical Christian reunion. The Chicago and Lambeth versions of the Quadrilateral are included in the historical documents of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (pp. 876-878).

The first point concerning what Anglicans call "the sufficiency of Scripture" takes its language directly from Article VI of the Thirty-Nine Articles. This has been foundational to Anglican scriptural exegesis and hermeneutics since the sixteenth century. It has been accepted as written. The second point describes the sine qua non of Catholic faith since antiquity. It has not met with much controversy.

The controversy has centered on those parts of the Communion on the other formulae. The third point has been controversial among some Anglicans as being inappropriately limited. There are Anglo-Catholics who have maintained that the five other sacraments should be included as essential marks of the Church.

The most controversial point has been the fourth. The churches in the Calvinist tradition have not required bishops as part of the ecclesiastical structure. The Calvinist influence on the Church of England has been pronounced since the Civil War when the Puritans took control of Parliament.

The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral has been important to ecumenical dialogue. It had been helpful in consultations between the Anglican and Roman Catholic communions, but the 'sufficiency of scripture' has a strong historical basis for disagreement. The Anglican ecclesiastical provinces and national Lutheran organizations differ on the unstated provision regarding royal supremacy.

Lutherans recognized the right for the princes to choose the religion for the realm. Their statements regarding Christ as the authority hold a prominent place of respect in the leadership of the Church, but don't declare the sovereign as the head for the Church.

The Royal Act of Supremacy was written by parliament to designate the monarch as the protector for the Church. There is a great deal of agreement between the Anglican and Lutheran Church. There is unity in the essential things.

The fourth point of the quadrilateral has proved to be a stumbling block with other Church denominations. The discussion between the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada; between the Church of England and the Methodist Church of Great Britain and between the Church of England and other free churches have broken down largely due to the issue of episcopacy.

The Chicago version of the Quadrilateral provides an ecumenical statement of purpose and introduction which states that the Episcopal Church is "ready in the spirit of love and humility to forego all preferences of her own" concerning things of human ordering or choice regarding modes of worship, discipline and traditional customs.

The statement of purpose warns that Christian unity "can be restored only by the return of all Christian communions to the principles of unity exemplified by the undivided Catholic Church during the first days of its existence."

The call for unity does not demand the eradication of the different churches, but it is aimed at reconciliation from schism.

Church and state relations are such that too much unity in Church communication with political organization can result in dictates that contradict the human rights granted by God. When said dictums are applied to civic law through the state, it gives the public the impression that the Church is an instrument of oppression.

Dictatorship is not in accord with human rights. The division in Church administration deters the claim over the highest level of government. The variants in organization have facilitated discrimination in the respective churches however.

Catholics overstate celibacy. Protestants overstate marriage. The Orthodox overstate male leadership in church administration. Racism is evident as a byproduct of charismatic authority in lay leadership.

The call for unity cannot be answered with another form of discrimination. The oppression of rights is not an acceptable byproduct for membership in the body of Christ.

The reconciliation of schism is still advisable as an element in the redemption of the world, but the promotion of cruel punishment in administration conflicts with civil tranquility (peace) as taken with respect for rights as an expression of the will of God.

Huntington also sought greater flexibility and accessibility in the worship of the Episcopal Church. He sought to modernize Prayer Book worship in light of the needs of the American people.

He called for a complete revision of the BCP at the 1874 General Convention. His Materia Ritualis was the working paper of the joint committee on Prayer Book revision prior to the 1883 General Convention.

The  Prayer Book revision process ultimately resulted in the 1892 BCP. Huntington also had an important role in the canonical authorization of the order of deaconesses in the Episcopal Church.

He died in Nahant, Massachusetts on July 26, 1909.

William Huntington
S. 威廉亨廷顿
T. 威廉亨廷頓

威 Wei     prestige            威  i      dignity               Wi   うぃ  ウィ       Wil   윌   will                     
廉  lian     inexpensive     廉  ren  bargain               ri     り     リ            li      리    lee               
亨  Heng  no trouble        亨  ho   pass through       a     あ    ア             eom  엄   mum                        廷   ting    court                廷  tei   courts                 mu  む    ム            Heon 헌  second
顿   dun    pause               頓  ton   suddenly           Han はん ハン       ting    팅  ting           
                                                                                 chin ちん チン       teon   턴  turn             
                                                                                  ton  とん  トン                                                                                           

The prestige of unity in faith is a bargain
that helps to enter the Church pardon.


The Church of Ireland
Anglican Identity blog
Lambeth Conference
Lectionary WR Huntington

wiki William Reed Huntington
Memories of WRH
WRH history
ECUSA Huntington

Wednesday, July 24, 2019



Jiù wǒ
Eripe me

The purpose for punishment is correction.
Where is correction without redemption?

The blessed son of the light from the lamp
recorded the words to exalt God's camp.

He who was healed for the Most High to set up
was set on the path for a plan that would not let up.

The LORD said 'I am going to break down what I built with my hand
to pluck up what I have planted, the whole land.

'I will give you as king your life as a prize in war.
You will be spared in any place that you attempt to score.' 

The foster father, the brother of grace, was killed with a sword
as the hero sought to act as an emblem for the hand of the Lord.

The Son said, 'It is not mine for you to sit at my side
The place has been prepared by my Father to be satisfied.

I take refuge in you in whom I believe.
Deliver me from all who pursue to retrieve me.

Vindicate me from the charges pressed.
I did not do that which was said. 

Rescue me from those who persecute
to destroy or reduce to servitude.

They seek to tear me to pieces like a lion
or to shoot me with an arrow from the bow of Orion.

O Lord my God, if I had done the things of which I have been accused
I would be guilty of having been the one who had abused.

If I had repaid my friend with evil
I would have called forth the penal primeval.

If I had plundered him who without cause was my enemy
then I would have been the cause of a desperate destiny.

Then you would have been right to let my opponent overtake me
to trample my life into the ground, to make me eat dust to forsake my enmity.

Rise up in your anger
against their rancor.

Let the assembly of the people gather round you
to hear the decree of justice resound as true.

Act as the judge of nations
from the height of your station.

Judge me for the right intent
to live in accord with your righteousness.

Let the malice of wickedness end
to establish the mind and heart of a friend.

God is my shield and defense.
He is the Savior of true intent.

He is a righteous judge
who sits in judgment without a grudge.

My Lord is the God
who has prepared a way for me to beat the odds. 

Weapons have been prepared for defense
to preserve life from attack in the lethal or violent sense.

Look at those who labored with evil intent
to craft their lies for wickedness.

They dug a pit to make it deep.
You let them fall in it to heave and weep

You had their malice turn back on their own head
that their memory of violence may deter their action instead.

I will praise the name of the Most High.
This witness will serve what's right.

The agent for good news went west to edify those drafted.
He was imprisoned and executed as though for rebellion he had acted.

Punishment as a goal is misdirected.
Incentive corrects with benign intent.

It redirects behavior until corrected. 
Punishment is a substitute for retribution.
if the offender can't pay restitution
the punishment is a kind of substitution.

Punishment only points toward redemption.
Cruelty reinforces penal inclination.

Beneficial intention is removed 
to leave the punished used,
bruised, unmoved and unproved. 

Correction is the name of the game.
What will it take to get the offender to seek dutiful fame?

The path to citizenship is lined with the incentive of mutual benefit.
Observe law without judgment that is punitive, prejudiced or preemptive.


7 Domine, Deus meus
Dominated, my God

1 O Lord my God, I take refuge in you;
save and deliver me from all who pursue me;
2 Lest like a lion they tear me in pieces
and snatch me away with none to deliver me.
3 O Lord my God, if I have done these things:
if there is any wickedness in my hands,
4 If I have repaid my friend with evil,
or plundered him who without cause is my enemy;
5 Then let my enemy pursue and overtake me,
trample my life into the ground,
and lay my honor in the dust.
6 Stand up, O Lord, in your wrath;
rise up against the fury of my enemies.
7 Awake, O my God, decree justice;
let the assembly of the peoples gather round you.
8 Be seated on your lofty throne, O Most High;
O Lord, judge the nations.
9 Give judgment for me according to my
righteousness, O Lord,
and according to my innocence, O Most High.
10 Let the malice of the wicked come to an end,
but establish the righteous;
for you test the mind and heart, O righteous God.
11 God is my shield and defense;
he is the savior of the true in heart.
12 God is a righteous judge;
God sits in judgment every day.
13 If they will not repent, God will whet his sword;
he will bend his bow and make it ready.
14 He has prepared his weapons of death;
he makes his arrows shafts of fire.
15 Look at those who are in labor with wickedness,
who conceive evil, and give birth to a lie.
16 They dig a pit and make it deep
and fall into the hole that they have made.
17 Their malice turns back upon their own head;
their violence falls on their own scalp.
18 I will bear witness that the Lord is righteous;
I will praise the Name of the Lord Most High.


Jeremiah- Exalt Yah
Baruch- Blessed
Neriah- Lamp
Jehoiakim- Whom Yah has set up
Josiah- Healed
Judah- Praise

Jeremiah 45:1,4-5

The word that the prophet Jeremiah spoke to Baruch son of Neriah, when he wrote these words in a scroll at the dictation of Jeremiah in the fourth year of King Jehoiakim son of Josiah of Judah (605 BCE):

Thus you will say to him, 'Thus says the LORD: I am going to break down what I have built and pluck up what I have planted--that is the whole land...but I will give you your life as a prize of war in every place to which you may go.'


The blessed son of the light from the lamp
recorded the words to exalt God's hand.
He who was healed for the Most High to set up
was set on the path for a plan that would not let up.
The LORD said 'I am going to break down what I built with my hand
to pluck up what I have planted, the whole land.
'I will give you as king your life as a prize in war.
You will be spared any place that you attempt to score.'


Herod- hero
Agabus- locust
Claudius- crippled
James- supplanter (derived from Jacob)
John- Yo is gracious
year of the famine- 46 CE

Paulus Orosius (375-418) was a priest and historian from the northwestern province of Gallaecia in Spain in the 4th and 5th centuries. He was a student of Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

A copy of his historical comment on the famine was made by Alfred the Great (847-899) in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.

The Chronicle contains the following remarks:
      “A.D. 46 . In this year, Claudius, the second Roman emperor to invade Britain, put much of the island under his control and added the Orkneys to Rome’s kingdom. This took place in the fourth year of his rule. In this same year, a great famine in Syria took place which Luke mentions in his book, “The Acts of the Apostles.”

Acts 12:1-2

King Herod laid hands upon some who belonged to the church about the time that the famine predicted by Agabus took place during the reign of Claudius. He had James, the brother of John, killed with the sword.


The foster father, the brother of grace, was killed with a sword
as the hero sought to act as an emblem of the hand of the Lord.

Matt. 20:23

He said to them, 'You will indeed drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left, this is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.'


The Son said, 'It is not mine for you to sit at my side
The place has been prepared by my Father to be satisfied.



James the Apostle
b.  c. 3 CE Bethsaida, Galilee
d.  c. 44 Jerusalem, Judea, Roman Empire

The apostle James was honored with a favored position by Jesus Christ, as one of three men in his inner circle. The others were James' brother John and Simon Peter.

James was older than John. Their father's name was Zebedee. Their mother's name was Salome.
James, his brother John, Peter and Andrew were all partners in a fishing business prior to being called by Christ Jesus to follow Him.  Zebedee was, also, a partner in the business.

James and John were apparently from a higher social level than the average fisherman. Their father could afford hired servants (Mk. 1:20). John, the "beloved disciple", had connections with the high priest (Jhn. 18:15).

Jesus nicknamed the two brothers "sons of thunder" (Mk. 3:17). Two incidents reported in the
Gospels indicated that they were headstrong, hot-tempered and impulsive.

Jesus and the disciples were refused the hospitality of a Samaritan village on one occasion (Lk. 9:54ff). James and John proposed to call down fire from heaven on the offenders.

They asked Jesus for a special place of honor in the Kingdom on another occasion (Matt. 20:20-23 = Mk. 10:35-41). They were told that the place of honor is designated by the Father.

They, together with Peter, were privileged to behold the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1 = Mk. 9:2 = Lk. 9:28), to witness the healing of Peter's mother-in-law (Mk. 1:29), to see the raising of the daughter of Jairus (Mk. 5:37 = Lk. 8:51) and to be called aside to pray with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on the night before His death (Matt. 26:37 = Mk. 14:33).

James is believed to have made a pilgrimage to the Iberian Peninsula. He visited the Jewish colonist and slaves in Spain within a 14 year period after the crucifixion to proclaim the gospel.

He was the first of the 12 apostles to be martyred. He was killed with the sword by the order of King Herod Agrippa I of Judea, about 44, in a general persecution of the early church. (Acts 12)

Two other men named James appear in the New Testament. James, the son of Alphaeus, was another apostle. James, the brother of the Lord, was a leader in the Jerusalem church and author of the book of James. Bar-Zebedee is often called the "Greater" to distinguish him from the other two.

The remains, or relics, of James the Greater were transported by his followers to the Iberian Peninsula. They are said to be buried in Santiago de Compostela. St James the Greater is reverenced as the patron saint of Spain.

James Zebedee
S. 吉艾姆斯齐贝迪
T. 吉艾姆斯齊貝迪

吉 Ji      lucky                 吉 kichi   good luck           Je     じぇ-  ジェ-        Je    제    my           
艾 ai     mow                   艾  kai     moxa                  mu    む       ム             im   임   being         
姆 mu  governess            姆  mo    wet nurse            zu     ず       ズ             seu  스 switch               
斯 si     this                      斯 shi      this                     Ze    ぜ       ゼ              Se   세  three           
齐 Qi    level                    齊 sei      alike                   be    べ       ベ               be   베  the         
贝 bei  money                  貝 bai      shellfish             de   でぃ-  ディ-          di    디   d             
迪  di    enlighten             迪 teki     edify                                                           


The agent for good news went west to edify those drafted.
He was imprisoned and executed as though for rebellion he had acted.


Lectionary the Apostle James
wiki James Son of Zebedee
Learn Religions Apostle James
History of the Apostle James
Bible History Famine in Acts 11
wiki First Jewish Roman War
Primitive Hebrew Church

Josephus, Antiquities 20:1.3-2.5

"Herod, the brother of Agrippa who had perished, was allowed to govern over Chalcis. He asked Claudius Caesar for control over the temple along with the sacred treasury, and the ability to choose the high priests, and he was given all that he had asked for.

      "Around this time lived queen Helena of Adiabene, along with her son Izates. They both began to follow the Jewish way, turning away from their past lifestyle . . . Her arrival was of great help to the masses in Jerusalem; for there was a famine in the land that overtook them, and many people died of starvation.

      "When it became necessary to obtain food abroad, queen Helena sent some of her attendants, with money, to the city of Alexandria to purchase as much grain as possible. She also sent others to the island of Cyprus to bring back dried figs. This whole process happened very quickly, and as soon as they had returned, they handed the provisions out to those who were in dire need of them. Because of this, she left behind a legacy and was held in great respect by the people and the nation at large. And when her son Izates became aware of this famine, he sent a large gift to the leaders in Jerusalem."

Philo of Alexandria

Riots erupted in Alexandria in 40 CE between Jews and Greeks. Jews were accused of not honoring the emperor. Disputes occurred also in the city of Jamnia (Yavne). Yavne is in central Israel. Jews were angered by the erection of a clay altar and destroyed it.

Caligula ordered the erection of a statue of himself in the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. The governor of Syria, Publius Petronius, feared civil war if the order were carried out. He delayed implementing it for nearly a year. Agrippa finally convinced Caligula to reverse the order.

Gaius Caligula was assassinated in Rome on January 24, 41. The Jewish Nazarenes received a great influx of new worshippers in Antioch at this time.

A message was sent  to Jerusalem for help. Barnabus went to study the situation to make a report for the apostles.  There was a sudden need for a teacher who understood the Greek and Roman mind to guide the new believers.  Barnabus went to Tarsus and recruited Paul to come and help in this emerging ministry.

Barnabus and Paul worked together for a year (41-42). The name Christiani appeared to describe the Gentile followers of Jesus. The word was a mixture of Latin and Greek.

Peter met and baptized Cornelius in Caesaria. Cornelius was known as ‘a centurion of the cohort known as Italica.' (Acts 2) These were pious and God fearing Gentiles.

The conflict between Paul and the Nazarenes as to whether a Gentile who became a God-believer that accepted Jesus as messiah, could also become a ‘Israelite’ without embracing the complete tenets of Judaism arose after the baptism of Cornelius. Could he be a true Nazarene if he wasn't circumcised?

A Sabbatical is a 7 year cycle. The second Sabbatical Passover and Pentecost since the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus took place in 41. Events were rapidly unfolding in the lives of the followers of Jesus.  Persecution, trials and acts of providence had beset not only the Jewish messianic followers of Jesus but the Jewish people as a whole.

The report of the Gaius Caligula statue had announced  stark realities to Jews and the Jewish Nazarenes. The signs of the times depicted events when Jesus would return for his followers for the apocalyptic philosophy.

The call went out that the “End of Time’ was at hand. The radical fringe moved into high gear. The empire became inflamed with subversive activities among the disaffected. Underground financing for weapons and supplies for rebellion went into effect.

This Passover was to be a pivotal period in the Nazarean faith. The Apostles were called to Jerusalem for this momentous occasion.

The Sabbatical Passover was always a major event with pilgrims from all over the world.  James the Just, the leader of the congregation in Jerusalem was constantly praying for the safe travel of all his friends and brethren.  He would officiate at the Supreme Council of the Elders and the Apostles as the Nasi or the high priest of the Nazarenes.

John was the Spokesman. He was the deputy to James (Jacob) the Just. Simon Peter was the Ab-Beth Din or the general supervisor of all the ministries. He was busy in the preparations.

Andrew, the brother to Peter, Judas of James, the brother and disciples of James and Jesus was his brother’s helper were also residents of Jerusalem.  Matthew Levi was the attorney for the Nazarene and the political liaison to the Sadducee party.

Simon Zealotes still had not left the city and remained a good contact with various factions of the Zealots. Matthias who was selected by lots to fill the apostleship of Judas the Sicarii was also there.

James the Greater, the brother to John, was returning from the diaspora after six to seven years in his ministry in the country of Spain. Joseph of Arimathea returned from Avalon on the Isles of Britannia with his stories of the rapid acceptance of the message of Jesus to the Druidic high priests and the household of Argaviras of the royal family of the tribe of Siluria in Wales.  Joseph was to set up residence with Philip the evangelist in the port city of Caesarea.

Bartholomew returned to Jerusalem from the Imperial city of Rome. He brought a British convert from Rome with him. Clements met the other apostles and especially Simon Peter.   He detailed meeting Philip the evangelist, Joseph and the Bethany family prior to 36 in his book, Recognitions of

Clements would be anointed as the third bishop of the ecclesia in Rome by the Apostle Peter 2 decades later. The Pharisee Saul returned from a three year spiritual retreat in the Nabotaean region of the Arabian desert. He was renamed Paul to acknowledge that he was a former enemy of the Nazarenes. He was to become one their greatest evangelists.

Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great, was tetrarch over Galilee. He had newly been proclaimed King of Judea, Samaria and Caesarea in 41 by Tiberius Claudius Caesar. He was wary of Jewish aspirations to overthrow the Roman rule.

The Herodians were looked upon  by the Nazarenes as a usurper to the throne of David. Each was known as a ‘friend of Caesar’  Agrippa was  scrupulous in the observance of the Jewish faith. He was known for his piety. This helped him to gain the support of the Sadducees and many Pharisees.

James had gone to Sardinia, then Spain to preach. It had been recorded by Tacitus that as early as 19 CE that 4000 youth which were “affected by the Jewish and Egyptian superstitions” (Annals, Vol. ii, c., 85) were banished from their homeland and forced to enlist as Roman soldiers and placed in Sardinia.

Josephus recognized the “4000” in his Antiquities of the Jews. (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, bk., xviii, c. 3) This enlistment of Jewish youth was not popular with the Jews.

James was a former disciple of John the Baptist. He felt called to go to Sardinia and Spain to preach the "Way” as a disciple of the crucified Christ. This was a source of concern to Herod Agrippa .
It was felt that the initial “4000” were probably remnants of the disciples of the slain Hasmonean aspirant, Judas the Galilean. He had led the first major revolt under direct Roman rule in 6 CE. (Acts 5:37).

James the brother of John was captured and executed. The rest of the apostles were suddenly in fear for their lives. Their preaching was being perceived as a political action against Caesar. James became the first apostle to die for the “Way.”

Agrippa’s grip over the Nazarene ecclesia was not over.

Peter was next.  He was apprehended and imprisoned. Four soldiers were ordered to guard him. They were changed every three hours. The night before his trial, white clothed ‘angels’ were sent to rescue Peter. The efficient Jewish underground was at work.

While the Nazarean leadership was non-militant, their message had many sympathizers with the Zealots and members of the Fourth Philosophy. Some were capable of a daring rescue operation.
Peter stayed in the home of Mary, mother of John surnamed Mark, until he escaped town.

The next record of Peter is in Rome. He was visiting the Roman Senator Pudens, father-in-law to the Apostle Paul in his palatial estate in Viminal Hills in 44.  A date of 43 for the imprisonment of Peter would be reasonable allowing for travel time and other events in his life.

The death of James the Greater sent a message to the Apostles.  The hands-off policy to the Nazarean leadership was gone.  The death of any Apostle could be expected.

An insurrection by the Jews broke out in the province of Judea in 46 during the reign of Claudius. The Jacob and Simon uprising was instigated by two brothers. It lasted between 46–48. The revolt was concentrated in the Galilee. It began as a sporadic insurgency. It was put down by Roman authorities in 48. Both brothers were executed.