Sunday, February 17, 2019


Paris Hilton

Bié dānxīn

Don't fret. 

You'll teach yourself to regret.

Do not worry when you lose.
The loss is a marker for how to choose.

The confidence that you can win is important to begin.

Adjustment to conditions is a variant form to avoid loss to sin.

Remember the skill that was used to beat what you had.

See capacity as the benefit in relation to other contests in the dyad.

Build your skill with drills that aspire to better performance.
Develop what you can. The results will be enormous.

The memory of the opposition will wither like grass.

Like the green of the plant, the sense of loss will fade and pass.

Trust in your Leadership and do your best.
Enjoy the privilege of reasonable tests.

Own your responsibility.
It will enhance your ability.

Delight in what was given by Providence.
You are a valued member in the larger populace.

Establish a goal that you can achieve.
Challenge yourself to actually believe.
Commit to your goal to make it succeed.

Goshen, Egypt

Cultivated land produces a surplus of grain.
Storage makes the product last beyond drought or hunger pain.

Substance defines a unit as unique as a grain of wheat.
Quantity allows equitability to repeat.

Your honor in nobility will be made as clear as light.
Loyalty to royalty is a state that exists in your insight.

Be still.
Watch your will.

Listen for the power of faith.
Wait for the feeling that you can be great.

Watch to see what moves your body.
Move with that which seeks to embody
goodness as a vocation, not just a hobby.

Don't measure yourself against those who prosper.
The prosperous have moved into what they have to offer.

Don't feel jealous of those who profit from fraud.
They did not prosper in a way you should applaud.

They are liable for the harm caused by their theft.
Liability hinders the ability to achieve that which is best.

The detriment will consume the place where they dwell.
Their will to succeed will suffer more as well.

Pray for the abused and the abuser.
Redemption for prevention is the prime mover.

Refrain from anger aimed at destruction.
Keep your eye on the prize to build your production.

Organize for economy as the efficiency clause.
There is so much to manage. Don't damage your cause.

Enslavement to success is a loss in itself.
Your achievement must be governed by self-regulation to excel or do well.

Those who own responsibility with action will manage their land.
Violent aggression will be transcended with a productive hand.

The energy of anger will be redirected to reconstructing yourself.
Shaping the body anticipates action for improving where you dwell.

Nature has a law to govern it.
Speech is allowed to utter this.

The physical comes first.
Then the spiritual is nursed.

The gospel has a beautiful reach into history.
Good news has become less of a mystery.\

Wisteria above a stream on Mt. Fuji
aka Fuji on Fujiyama

The mystery of beauty was hidden in the bells of wisteria.
Happiness bloomed with unusual radiance and no hysteria.

No one ought to cause damage to the health or property of another.
Wishing harm precedes damage unless the wish is replaced by something other.

The management of labor for production from private property
employs those who might otherwise have been unemployed and living in poverty.

Management is a principle of knowledge
that can be applied for organization after college.

Principle can be applied in organization
for government, business, society or household station.

The market is the measure for service to the public.
Supply is built for sales to meet the convenience need has structured.

The market is a measure
for pleasure to treasure.

The ownership of responsibility
is applicable to each at any level of ability.

Logic and metaphysics suppose existence for abstraction.
Abstraction is framed as a quality for attention's attraction.

Psalm 37
Part I Noli æmulari

1 Do not fret yourself because of evildoers;
do not be jealous of those who do wrong.
2 For they shall soon wither like the grass,
and like the green grass fade away.
3 Put your trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and feed on its riches.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he shall give you your heart's desire.
5 Commit your way to the Lord and put your trust in him,
and he will bring it to pass.
6 He will make your righteousness as clear as the light
and your just dealing as the noonday.
7 Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him.
8 Do not fret yourself over the one who prospers,
the one who succeeds in evil schemes.
9 Refrain from anger, leave rage alone;
do not fret yourself; it leads only to evil.
10 For evildoers shall be cut off,
but those who wait upon the Lord shall possess the land.
11 In a little while the wicked shall be no more;
you shall search out their place, but they will not be there.
12 But the lowly shall possess the land;
they will delight in abundance of peace.
13 The wicked plot against the righteous
and gnash at them with their teeth.
14 The Lord laughs at the wicked,
because he sees that their day will come.
15 The wicked draw their sword and bend their bow
to strike down the poor and needy,
to slaughter those who are upright in their ways.
16 Their sword shall go through their own heart,
and their bow shall be broken.
17 The little that the righteous has
is better than great riches of the wicked.
18 For the power of the wicked shall be broken,
but the Lord upholds the righteous.


Goshen is located in the northeastern region of Egypt on the eastern side of the Nile delta. The sons of Jacob traveled from Hebron in the second of a seven year drought to ask for food from Joseph in the land of Goshen.

Gen. 45:9
Hurry to my father. Say to him, "Thus says your son Joseph, 'God has made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me. Do not delay.'


Joseph- increase
Goshen- Gosem- cultivated

Cultivated land produces a surplus of grain.
Storage makes the product last beyond drought or hunger pain.


1 Corinth. 15:46
It is not the spiritual that is first. The physical comes, then the spiritual.


The physical comes first.
Then the spiritual is nursed.


Luke 6:27
"I say to you that listen, 'Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who abuse you.'"


Pray for the abused and the abuser.
Redemption for prevention is the prime mover.


John Locke
Two Treatises of Civil Government

"The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions… (and) when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another."


Nature has a law to govern it. No one ought to cause damage to the life, health or property of another. Causing damage is a criminal act. Wishing harm is immoral.

The management of labor for production from private property is a principle of knowledge. The principle can be applied to government, business, social or household organization.

There are ways in which organization works the same. There are also ways in which there is significant difference. The ownership of responsibility helps to determine that which is manageable in any case.


Nature has a law to govern it.
Speech is allowed to utter this.

No one ought to cause damage to the health or property of another.
Wishing harm precedes damage unless the wish is replaced by something other.

The management of labor for production from private property
employs those who might otherwise have been unemployed and living in poverty.

Management is a principle of knowledge
that can be applied for organization after college.

Principle can be applied in organization
for government, business, society or household station.

The ownership of responsibility
is applicable to each of any ability.


George Berkeley
The Principles of Human Knowledge

"...the mind has a power of framing ABSTRACT IDEAS or notions of things. He who is not a perfect stranger to the writings and disputes of philosophers must needs acknowledge that no small part of them are spent about abstract ideas. These are in a more especial manner thought to be the object of those sciences which go by the name of LOGIC and METAPHYSICS, and of all that which passes under the notion of the most abstracted and sublime learning, in all which one shall scarce find any question handled in such a manner as does not suppose their existence in the mind, and that it is well acquainted with them."


The mind has the power to frame ABSTRACT IDEAS. Logic and metaphysics suppose the existence of abstract ideas. A mind is able to consider each quality for an object singly as abstracted from those other qualities with which it is united. This is how abstraction is framed.

Abstraction is used to discourage investment in the Platonic “world of forms” as having an existence independent from human thought. The primal existence of a chair as a form in the mind of God is regarded as an unlikely thing.


Logic and metaphysics suppose existence for abstraction.
Abstraction is framed as a quality for attention's attraction.


Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations

The Product of Labor
"...this produce, or what is purchased with it, bears a greater or smaller proportion to the number of those who are to consume it, the nation will be better or worse supplied with all the necessaries and conveniencies for which it has occasion.

"But this proportion must in every nation be regulated by two different circumstances: first, by the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which its labour is generally applied; and, secondly, by the proportion between the number of those who are employed in useful labour, and that of those who are not so employed. Whatever be the soil, climate, or extent of territory of any particular nation, the abundance or scantiness of its annual supply must, in that particular situation, depend upon those two circumstances."


The nation will be supplied with all the necessities and conveniences with the product of labor in proportion to those who consume it. This proportion must be regulated by two different circumstances. The skill, dexterity and judgment with which its labor is generally applied is first. The proportion between the number of those who are employed in useful labor and those who are not is second. The abundance of the annual supply depends upon those two circumstances whatever the soil, climate or extent of territory of any particular nation.


The market is the measure for service to the public.
Supply is built for sales to meet the convenience need has structured.

The market is a measure
for pleasure to treasure.



Amanda Berry Smith
b. Jan. 23, 1837, Long Green, Maryland
d. Feb. 24, 1915, Sebring, Florida

Mason-Dixon Line

The Mason-Dixon line was surveyed between 1763 and 1767 by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. The line was demarcated to resolve a border dispute between Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware in Colonial America.

The Penn's of Pennsylvania and the Calvert's of Maryland disagreed about the boundary.  Charles II granted a charter for Pennsylvania in 1681. Charles and William Penn though the that 40th parallel would intersect with the 12 mile circle around New Castle, Delaware. The 40th parallel actually runs north of Philadelphia.

New Castle

The difference in interpretation was significant for the claim to the resources of the land. An agreement in 1732 settled for something in between the two claims. Delaware was seded as a satellite to Pennsylvania. Cresap's war was fought between settlers on the respective sides starting in the mid-1730's.

The English surveyers, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, were commissioned by the Penns and Calverts to survey a line 15 miles south of the southernmost house in Philadelphia. The line was extended due west 5 degrees of longitude from the Delaware River for the southern border of Pennsylvania in 1779.

The border became a line of demarcation between slave and free states after Pennsylvania abolished slavery in 1781.

It is still used to mark the border for 4 of the United States. West Virginia and Maryland are distinguished from Pennsylvania. Delaware is designated as east of Maryland.

It became known as the border between the northern and southern U.S. It was used to draw the northern limit for slavery before the Missouri Compromise.

Long Green

Long Green was once home to an Amish community. The community was founded in 1833. It lasted for 120 years.

The community was established by Amish from Lancaster County, but few settlers moved to the area. Maryland was a slave state at the time. Few Amish crossed the Mason-Dixon line due to their opposition to slavery.

Amanda Berry Smith

Amanda was born to slaves in Long Green, Maryland. Her father's name was Samuel. Her mother's name was Mariam Matthews. The Smiths had 13 children. Her father was a well-trusted man. His master's widow trusted him enough to place him in charge of her farm.

Mr. Berry was allowed to earn extra money for himself and his family after his duties for the day were done. He would go without sleep many nights because he was busy making brooms and husk mats for the Baltimore market. He made the money to buy freedom for himself and his family. The Smiths move to Pennsylvania after their freedom was secured.

Amanda was taught by her parents to read and write. Her father read to his family from the Bible on Sunday mornings. Her mother helped her to learn reading before whe was 8. She was sent to school after she turned this age.

The Smith children were privileged to learn in their early youth. The school only held summer sessions. It was forced to close after Amanda and her  brother had attended for 6 weeks.

They were given the option of attending another school 5 years later at the age of 13. The school was 5 miles from their home. They were only taught if there was time after the teachers gave the white kids their lesson. The siblings felt that it was not worth traveling in the cold to receive lessons only if time was permitted. They dropped out after attending for two weeks. They were taught at home by their parents. Sometimes they taught themselves.

Amanda went to work in York, PA after only three and a half months of formal education. She worked as the servant for a widow with 5 children.  She attended a revival service for the Methodist Episcopal Church while there.

Her husband was killed in the American Civil War.  She had lost two husbands and four of her five children by the time she was thirty two.

She worked hard as a cook and a washerwoman to provide for herself and her daughter She worked through her grief by attending religious camp meetings and revivals. She immersed herself in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.

Prayer became a way of life for her. She trusted in God for shoes, the money to buy her sister's freedom and food for her family.  She became well known for her beautiful voice and inspired instruction. Opportunities to evangelize in the South and West opened up for her.

She wore a plain poke bonnet and a brown or black Quaker wrapper wherever she went. She carried her belongings in her own carpetbag suitcase.

The appearance of women in the 19th century was described as fraught with volatile meaning. African American women struggled to receive respect even when they dressed the part of a lady. The shadowed stereotypes bred by slavery pressed for division between wanton Jezebels and pious Mammies. If free women dressed out of their respective class, judgments were made against them.

Amanda arranged for her daughter, Mazie, to study in England in 1878. They traveled overseas and stayed in England for two years. The captain invited her to conduct a religious service on board on the journey over. She was so modest that the other passengers spread word for her.

She traveled to India alone next. She ministered there for 18 months.

She spent 8 years in Africa evangelizing in churches. She went to Liberia and West Africa. She expanded her family by adopting two African boys. She suffered from repeated attacks of "African fever" but persisted in her work.

She was a strong advocate for the Temperance Movement in Africa and the US. She was invited by the noted temperance promoter, Rev. Dr. Theodore Ledyard Cuyler to preach at his Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, NY upon her return to the USA. It was the largest church for the denomination.

Temperance turned out to be an over-extension of religion into public policy. It was too close to establishment to allow it to stand as an amendment.

Smith pursued her long-time dream of educating African American children by founding the Amanda Smith Orphanage and Industrial Home for Abandoned and Destitute Colored Children in Harvey, Illinois in 1899. She couldn’t support the school sufficiently despite her relentless fundraising efforts.

She left the school at the age of 75 and moved to a home in Sebring, Florida. She passed away on February 24, 1915.

Amanda Berry Smith
S. 阿曼达史密斯
T. 阿曼達史密斯

阿  Ah       ah                    阿  a            flatter                        A        あ      ア           A     아  a
曼  man   beautiful           曼  man       wide                          man  まん  マン        man  만  just
达  da       reach                達  da         accomplished            da      だ      ダ            da     다  all
史  Shi     history              史  shi        history                       Su      す      ス            Seu   스  switch     
密  mi      thick                 密  mitsu    secrecy                      mi      み      ミ            mi     미  beauty 
斯  si        this                   斯  shi        this                             su      す      ス            seu   스  switch                                 


The gospel has a beautiful reach into history.
Good news has become less of a mystery.


Max Black
b. 2.24.1909 Baku, Russian Empire
d. 8.27.1988 Ithaca, New York

Philosophy of Mathematics
Max Black

Max Black was born in Baku, Azerbaijan of Jewish descent.

His family moved to London in 1912. He grew up there.

He studied mathematics at Queens’ College, Cambridge where he developed an interest in the philosophy of mathematics.

Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, G.E. Moore and Ramsey were all at Cambridge at the time. Their influence on Black was considerable.

He graduated in 1930 and was awarded a fellowship to study at Gottingen for a year.

He was the mathematics master at the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle, England. The school had received royal foundation by Queen Elizabeth II.

His first book was The Nature of Mathematics (1933). It was an exposition of Principia Mathematica and the current developments in the philosophy of mathematics.

Black made notable contributions to the metaphysics of Identity. He presented an objection to Leibniz’ Law in “The Identity of Indiscernibles.”

He conceived of two distinct spheres having exactly the same properties in a hypothetical scenario.

The scenario contradicted Leibniz second principle in his formulation of identity. The existence of two objects even in a void with identical properties denies their identicality.


Max Black worked with Peter Geach to translate the philosophical writings of Gottlob Frege. Both Black and Geach were interested in the question of what constitutes identity.

A always has the property of being A itself. This can never be true of B insofar as it is B. The objects can be identical with respect to the intrinsic internal information when the extrinsic properties are ignored.

The object’s position in space and time remains the only distinction between the two spheres in the otherwise empty space.

Black lectured in mathematics at the Institute of Education in London from 1936 to 1940. He moved to the United States. He joined the Philosophy Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1940.

He accepted a professorship in philosophy at Cornell University in 1946. He became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. in 1948.

He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1963.
Black died in Ithaca, New York at the age of 79.


Max Black
S. 嘛佳卜啦赫
T. 嘛佳卜啦赫

嘛  Ma      well                      嘛  ma        wheat               Maku   まっく   マック   Mae  매   every 
佳  jia       good                     佳   ka        excellent           su          す          ス          keu    크   big   
卜  Bo      to divine              卜  boku     divining            Bu         ぶ          ブ          seu     스  switch
啦  la        la                         啦  ro         assertion            ra         ら            ラ          Bol     볼  ball
赫  he      awe-inspiring       赫  kaku     illuminate          kku      っく       ック       lag     락  rock                                                             

Substance defines a unit as unique as a grain of wheat.
Quantity allows equitability to repeat.


Miki Fujimoto 2.26.1985  Takikawa, Hokaiddo, Japan
Morning Musume- Sexy Boy

米  Mi    meter                    藤  Fuji     wisteria           Fu    ふ     フ             Hu    후   after                 
奇  qi      unusual                本  moto  book                 ji       じ      ジ            ji       지   G                     
福  Fu    happiness             美  Mi       beauty             mo   も      モ             mo    모   mother
即  ji      immediately        貴  ki         value                to     と       ト            to      토   sat                   
墨  mo  ink                                                                   Mi    み     ミ             Mi     미   beauty     
拖  tuo  to mop                                                             ki     き      キ            ki      키   key             


The mystery of beauty was hidden in the bells of wisteria.
Happiness bloomed with unusual radiance and no hysteria.



Takikawa is located in the west central part of the island of Hokkaido. The name comes from the Ainu language, 'Sorapuchi.' It means 'under the river.' The city is south and west of a waterall in the Sorachi River. The Ishikari splits from the the Sorachi just west of the city.


Takikawa is surrounded by nature. About 60 percent of the metropolitan area is covered in greenery by either forest or farmland. The population is estimated at 41,300.

It is the transportation hub for surrounding towns.

The average temperature in summer is 19 degrees Celsius (66 F). The winter temperature is about --5.9 C (21 F). It is the snowiest location in Hokkaido. It gets about 0.8 meter (31 in.) of snow per year. 

A lantern festival is held each year in late February. The event was organized by an artist named Igarashi Takenobu. He was born in the city. People are encouraged to craft their own lanterns. The festival lights the streets at night with over 10,000 hand crafted lamps.

Fujimoto Miki

Fujimoto Miki was born on February 26, 1985 in Takikawa. She wanted to become an enka singer when she was young due to her grandmother. Enka is sentimental Japanese ballad music.

Hello! Project offered Miki training lessons when she didn't pass the third audition to become a 4th generation member in 2000. She worded as a receptionist for UP-FRONT Agency during her training period.

It was announced in October 2001 that she would perform as a soloist. She started as a solo singer in 2002. Her first album was released on her 18th birthday in 2003. She was added to Morning Musume as a 6th generation member by Tsunku after the release of the solo album.

Miki became the sub-leader for Morning Musume in April 2005 when Mari Yaguchi resigned. When Yoshizawa Hitomi graduated in 2007 Miki took over as the leader. She was the fifth leader for the group.

She resigned as the leader of Morning Musume after she admit to dating someone in 2007. She remained a soloist with UP-FRONT.

She was married to Shouji Tomoharu in 2009. She had a baby boy in 2012. She had a girl in 2015.  She appeared in a Kamen Rider film in 2017.

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