Sunday, February 10, 2019


Suzuki Airi

Gāoxìng de zǒuzhe
Yorokobi de aruku

Walk with joy.
It's not a ploy.

There is an end for the one who follows a path.
Rambling without purpose is a loss as long as it lasts.

If you look for truth as an exclusion of you       
you will be removed by your search for what's true.              

I meet truthfulness everywhere I walk.       
I am in it to win it, but it speaks when I talk.

If you understand yourself in this way 
you will merge with the way that things play.

This union between the earth and sky
is grounded in love with wings from on high.

Dance and sing with the strength that you may
help us to enjoy the light of the day.

The darkness of the earth is a source for mirth and great girth.
The length of light from the sky lends grace and favor to warm worth.

The earth writes trees upon the sky.
The forest is a poem of power for the stately eye.

The daughters of dawn dance to the end of the world.
They stop to watch as the wind swirls
in the late winter breeze. Spring starts to unfurl
in their veins as wonder for the pleasure of their curls.

Wearing the tiara in the color of hair,
light is reflected for the cause of the fair.

Wisteria grows wild in the field outside the city.
The flower rises with love, sorrow and the beautiful lily.

Standing still in wonder, a brother stands outside the forest shadow
to act as a witness to nature's joy as nature nurtured and hallowed. 

The canopy of forest courses with the air
as a crown that reaches wide above the height of stairs.

The leaves wave as the robust virtue of trees.
The heart of the moment is happily seized.

Thousands of moments wave in the breeze.
Words fail only to describe the majesty of what was seen.

Beauty reveals herself as though she were hidden
by the ordinary form of the forbidden as bitten.

The sons of the winter sun assemble in a different way.
Their assembly is on a court with a level lay. 
A ball is at the center of their play.

The courage of creativity 
gives conscience conscious virility.

The constellation of clouds speak of star dusted constellations
steeped in an indigo gown that conceal or reveal consolation
sequestered over the sea of cultured imagination.

This is a gift from the universe.
The gift gives from his excess to reimburse
loss for the privilege of the privy purse.

The right to vote makes the state a republic. 
Democracy is something the economy must stomach.

Government can't afford to favor the rich or the poor.
Land lies in the distance between shores.

The power to declare war has been used to undermine rights.
The inception of the conception has caused many fights.

Racism is bad. Sexism is as well. 
Sectarian religion promotes strife as an earthly form of hell.

Profit from violence undermines authority more than power. 
Credibility glowers as the force of law sours by the hour. 

When war is declared or enacted without tact
rights are diminished beyond recognition in fact.

Outlaw invasion to preserve the representation of rights. 
The world will be seen as it is, made by billions of lights.

When the death penalty is used for oppression by terror, 
justice is pushed out of the legal system into error.

Reduce the death penalty to convictions of murder actually proven.
Protect justice in the legal system to make the state more human and less gruesome.

Counter-terrorism has to deter terrorist acts
to protect security in fact.

Morality has regarded racketeering as illegal.
This view sees law as regal as an eagle.

Plutocracy takes too much from everybody
and gives more to those who use it to lobby.

Rights are the fruit of power. 
Power is the product of value in each hour. 

We pay for government with our taxes.
We have the right to free trade that waxes
as prosperity from production wanes or relaxes. 

We have the right to liberty in the law with justice.
The charge for our security cannot bust us.

Happy are those who do not choose
the will to power over others by making them lose.

Happy are those who do not use 
death or damage for profit profuse.

We delight in moral law.
Scientific goodness as defined by needs is raw.
Science leads perception into objective perspective for all.

The crowd tried to touch the healer Jesus Christ.
Power had gone out to heal consequence from sacrifice.

Christ has been raised from the dead.
He is the first fruit for those who by faith have tread.

Personal perspective goes gonzo 
when prejudice drives action with bongos
to follow fake news into discrimination as a motto, 
but happiness rules when objectivity values virtue for the cosmos.

Abstraction with respect for kind leads to generalization.
It is not a claim to the infinite extension of sensation.

An object is not just a line, length, surface or solid. 
The perception is an extension for knowledge.

That which is common is alike in all.
The detection of reflection distinguishes big from small.

Blue is not green, red, yellow, white or black.
It is a color with the specification attached.

If you are neither male nor female, free nor slave, one color or another
then you are defined as a kind with respect for difference in others.

A tree planted by the water is blessed.
The roots are by moisture in the soil caressed.

When heat comes, it produces fruit.
After winter has gone, green leaves still shoot.

We are like trees planted by the water.
We bear fruit in due season with our alma mater. 

Our leaves do not wither when nurtured by our kind mother. 
We prosper with achievement in performance for sister and brother.

Wisteria grows wild in the field outside the city.
The flower rises with love, sorrow and the beautiful lily.

Christ has been raised from the dead for us.
He is the first fruit for those who by faith have tread over root and ruts.

Our legacy will not be blown away.
Unlike dust in the wind, we will stay. 
Judgment will have mercy for the merciful day. 

Fortune will favor the mind 
that prepares a place for love in time.

The way of the righteous is known to be shown
that wickedness may falter, fall and fail, not grow.

Walk in faith with joy for civility.
Your mobility in ability will increase your utility.      

Walk with confidence in joy.
Bad feelings will be destroyed.                                                                    

喜悦  xiyue
喜び yorokobi

1 Happy are they who have not walked in the counsel of
the wicked,
nor lingered in the way of sinners,
nor sat in the seats of the scornful!

2 Their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and they meditate on his law day and night.

3 They are like trees planted by streams of water,
bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that do not wither;
everything they do shall prosper.

4 It is not so with the wicked;
they are like chaff which the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked shall not stand upright when
judgment comes,
nor the sinner in the council of the righteous.

6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked is doomed.

Jeremiah 17: 8
A tree that was planted by the water is blessed.
It sends roots to the stream.
When heat comes it produces fruit.
When drought hits the leaves stay green.


A tree planted by the water is blessed.
The roots are by moisture in the soil caressed.
When heat comes, it produces fruit.
After winter has left, green leaves still shoot.


1 Corinth. 15:20
Christ has been raised from the dead,
the first fruit for those who have died.


Christ has been raised from the dead.
He is the first fruit for those who by faith have tread.


Luke 6:19
The crowd was trying to touch him.
Power had come out from him to heal them.


The crowd tried to touch the healer Jesus Christ.
Power had gone out to heal consequence from sacrifice.


George Berkeley
Principles of Human Knowledge


"...the mind having observed that in the particular extensions perceived by sense there is something COMMON and alike IN ALL, and some other things peculiar, as this or that figure or magnitude, which distinguish them one from another; it considers apart or singles out by itself that which is common, making thereof a most abstract idea of extension, which is neither line, surface, nor solid, nor has any figure or magnitude, but is an idea entirely prescinded from all these. So likewise the mind, by leaving out of the particular colours perceived by sense that which distinguishes them one from another, and retaining that only which is COMMON TO ALL, makes an idea of colour in abstract which is neither red, nor blue, nor white, nor any other determinate colour."

Gal. 3:28-29
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

If you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.


Abstraction with respect for kind leads to generalization.
It is not a claim to the infinite extension of sensation.

An object is not just a line, length, surface or solid.
The perception is an extension for knowledge.

That which is common is alike in all.
The detection of reflection distinguishes big from small.

Blue is not green, red, yellow, white or black.
It is a color with the specification attached.

If you are neither male nor female, free nor slave, one color or another
then you are defined as a kind with respect for difference in others.


Minami Nomura, 2.10.2000, Tokyo, Japan
Kobushi Factory Hello! Project
Kitto Watashi Wa  I Am Ready

野 ye   wild                  野 No      field           Mi  み  ミ    Mi  미  beauty             
村 cun  village             村 mura  village         na  な  ナ    na  나  I
南 nan  south               み  Mi      body          mi  み  ミ    mi  미  beauty         
美 mei  to beautify      な  na      what           No  の  ノ    No  노 furnance       
                                    美  mi       beauty       mu  む  ム    mu 무  radish     
                                                                       ra    ら  ラ    la  라  la           

Wisteria grows wild in the field outside the city.
Fuji rises with love, sorrow and the beautiful lily.



Constitutional monarchy for Japan was modeled on the one for the Prussian government in 1889. The emperor agreed to share power with an elected parliament.

Japan signed the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1902. It was the first alliance signed between a western and a non-western power. Britain had refused to join the Triple Intervention of France, Germany and Russia against the Japanese occupation of the Liadong Peninsula. This peninsula is west of Korea in the territory known as southern Manchuria.

The Chinese empire was close to collapse. The Boxer Rebellion was a peasant uprising that started in 1900. The Xinhai (Metal Pig) Revolution would hit in 1911.

The Republic of China was established after the fall of the last imperial dynasty. Both the Republic of Taiwan and the People's Republic of China claim a start in the "Metal Pig."

The alliance would come to claim opposition to Russian expansion. The Russian revolution of 1905 challenged the authority of the Russian empire in 1905. The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party started looking at the expansion of their Marxist influence after that event.

France and Russia signed a pact in 1902. China and the United States were strongly opposed to the alliance.

The British grew suspicious of Japanese support for Indian nationalism prior to 1905. The renegotiation of the alliance in that year allowed for British interests in India and the Japanese presence in Korea.

The Anglo-Japanese alliance was announced in 1902. It was renewed in 1905 and 1911. Korea became a Japanese protectorate in 1905.

Japan remained an ally in World War I. It was after the war that the alliance ran into difficulty. The Australians feared the growth of the Japanese Imperial Navy. The American government was opposed to the Japanese domination of the market in the Pacific. They didn't want trade with China shut off. Canada was concerned that British imperial holdings in China would be cut off.

The British empire sacrificed the hope of increased trade with the imperial alliance to favor relations with the USA.

Hirohito ascended to the throne in 1926. He presided over Japanese expansion. The accusations of atrocities were presented against him in a trial after the Second World War. He was not found guilty in a trial by Allied forces.

Akihito ascended to the throne after Hirohito died in 1989. He announced the intent to include the people in the representation by government.

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi died unexpectedly in 2000. Yoshiro Mori replaced him, but resigned in 2001. Junichero Koizumi was elected in that year. He served until Shinzo Abe was elected in 2006.

He served only a year. A succession of 5 different prime ministers served for a year at a time until Abe was re-elected in 2012.

Minami Nomura

Minami Nomura was born in Tokyo on February 10, 2000.

Minamina auditioned for Morning Musume in 2010 and 2012, but was not selected.
She joined Hello! Project Kenshuusei along with Riko Yamagishi in June 2012.

Kobushi Factory was formed with 8 members in 2015. Nomura Minami was included with Hamaura Ayano, Taguchi Natsumi, Ogawa Rena, Wada Sakurako, Fujii Rio, Hirose Ayaka and Inoue Rei.  Hirose Ayaka is the leader. There are now 5 members.

Fujii Rio left in July 2017. Ogawa Rena graduated in September. Taguchi Natsume left in December. All three departed in 2017.

Nomura has celebrated her birthday with a fanclub event each year since 2016. She will celebrate her 19th birthday with a fanclub event on February 13, 2019.                                 

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