Sunday, June 30, 2019


Michelle Kwan

Qìngzhù chuàngjiàn
Sōzō o iwau
ps 66
celebramus creaturae

Celebrate creation with sound.
Let joy resound from the ground.

Sing for the glory of the light.
Dance for the mystery of the night.

When life give you ice
skate with joy for social delight.

The air adores the earth
for the mirth of her girth.

The planet gives birth to gravity
for fun in the sun, not depravity.

Sing praises for design.
Look to see that which is benign.
Have some wine! It's fine!

When Elisha saw Naaman with his leprosy
he invited him to bath in the Jordan as his therapy.

Leprosy was medically defined as a skin disorder.
The condition was condemned by the social order.

Skin disorders resulted from lack of hygiene.
Washing could cure an 'incurable' disease by reprieve.

Medical knowledge was not as well dispersed.
Media communication has helped reduce certain kinds of curse.

Cure the sick who have resigned to the 'design' of fate.
The benign design of function with form guides your mind to that which is great.

Work must be tested to show social worth.
Pride in good production is not a malicious birth.

The unseen wire is the inexplicable force. 
Card tricks are more numeric in the probability course.

Say, "You are awesome" to life.
Enemies become non-combatant with respect for rights.

Raise praise in different ways
for the rest of your days.
It will bring out the best in what you say.

Manifest destiny had its run.
Exclusion by destruction 
was what it had won.

Representation by inclusion
helps us to work as one.

The system of reward has to regulate
in relation to those who reformed from the degenerate state.

The rule of law by due process
helps us to do what needs to be done for progress.
Charges against a suspect need attention
in court with a jury that looks at the smoking gun
in the body of evidence to judge with doubt
to bring truth out.

Skepticism must have clout
to see truth. Justice will shout
for correction, not cruelty in punishment
for deception. Discrimination is self-diminishment.

Don't pout about the lout with no ground.
Bless this house with sound from all around.

Sound as Music

Let the sound be music as the profound ground
for happiness in what is best in what is allowed.

We have been tested, 
but not bested.

We have been tried, 
but not fried.
We will not be denied.

We had been pushed into a trap
with a burden on our backs.

Spinners made themselves look like winners.
Backers became whipcrackers
turned hackers,

but they will never win.
Spin is their sin.

We will enter our house with offerings of joy.
Everyone will accomplish more as we employ
our love together to deploy.

Draw near all you who are dear.
Don't fear. 

You will hear celebration 
for what has been done for our nation!

Celebrate civility with joy
to employ

love as an alloy.

Build a bastion of happiness

for your memory practice.

Raise praise in different ways
for the rest of your days.
It will bring out the best in your way.

Celebrate creation with sound.
Let joy resound from the ground.

Sing for the glory of the light.
Dance for the mystery of the night.

Yea Yah!
You fill me with awe!


66 Jubilate Deo
Shout for God

1 Be joyful in God, all you lands;
sing the glory of his Name;
sing the glory of his praise.
2 Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds!
because of your great strength your enemies
cringe before you.
3 All the earth bows down before you,
sings to you, sings out your Name."
4 Come now and see the works of God,
how wonderful he is in his doing toward all people.
5 He turned the sea into dry land,
so that they went through the water on foot,
and there we rejoiced in him.
6 In his might he rules for ever;
his eyes keep watch over the nations;
let no rebel rise up against him.
7 Bless our God, you peoples;
make the voice of his praise to be heard;
8 Who holds our souls in life,
and will not allow our feet to slip.
9 For you, O God, have proved us;
you have tried us just as silver is tried.
10 You brought us into the snare;
you laid heavy burdens upon our backs.
11 You let enemies ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water;
but you brought us out into a place of refreshment.
12 I will enter your house with burnt-offerings
and will pay you my vows,
which I promised with my lips
and spoke with my mouth when I was in trouble.
13 I will offer you sacrifices of fat beasts
with the smoke of rams;
I will give you oxen and goats.
14 Come and listen, all you who fear God,
and I will tell you what he has done for me.
15 I called out to him with my mouth,
and his praise was on my tongue.
16 If I had found evil in my heart,
the Lord would not have heard me;
17 But in truth God has heard me;
he has attended to the voice of my prayer.
18 Blessed be God, who has not rejected my prayer,
nor withheld his love from me.

2 Kings 5:8

When Elisha, the man of God, heard that the king of Israel felt threatened by the letter from the king of Aram, he sent a message, 'Why have you torn your clothes? Let him come to me that he may learn that there is a prophet in Israel.'


Leprosy was medically defined as a skin disorder.
The condition was condemned by the social order.

Skin disorders resulted from lack of hygiene.
Washing could cure an 'incurable' disease by reprieve.

Medical knowledge was not as well dispersed.
Media communication has helped reduce certain kinds of curse.

Gal. 6:4

All must test their own work; then that work, rather than their neighbor's, will become a cause for pride.


Work must be tested to show social worth.
Pride in good production is not a malicious birth.

Luke 10:9-10

Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you; cure the sick who are there and say to them, "The kingdom of God has come near to you."


Cure the sick who have resigned to the 'design' of fate.
The benign design of function with form guides mind to that which is great.


Popular Culture
Lucy Hale

C.J. Ducasse
b.  7.7.1881, Angouleme, France
d.  9.3.1969, Providence, Rhode Island

Curt John Ducasse was a distinguished American philosopher who taught at the University of Washington and Brown University. He spent most of his professional career at the latter.

He is best known for his work in metaphysics and epistemology. His discussions about causality, the nature of mind and aesthetics are of particular interest. He greatly influenced the work of many mid- and late-twentieth-century analytic philosophers.

His magnum opus in parapsychology is his book, A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death (1961).

He was born in France in the latter part of the 19th century.


Angouleme is in the southwest of France.

The city is located on a plateau overlooking a meander of the Charente River. It has the nickname "balcony of the southwest."

Angoulême was a fortified town for a long time as the capital of Angoumois in the ancient regime. The term in French means "old regime" or "former regime".

It was used by revolutionary advocates for republican government to describe the monarchy as the political and social system of the Kingdom of France from the Late Middle Ages (circa 15th century) until 1789. The hereditary monarchy and the feudal system of French nobility were abolished by the French Revolution.

The notion of "absolute monarchy"  was pejoratively typified by the king's right to issue lettres de cachet. These letters reportedly denied the right to appeal. They were used in the efforts by the kings to create a centralized state.

The Kingdom of France retained its irregularities despite the organization in centralization. Authority regularly overlapped and nobles struggled to retain autonomy.

The need for centralization in this period was directly linked to the question of royal finances and the ability to wage war. The internal conflicts and dynastic crises of the 16th and 17th centuries included the Huguenot Wars between Catholics and Protestants and the Habsburg's internal family conflict.

The territorial expansion of France on top of these conflicts in the 17th century demanded great sums which needed to be raised through taxes. The land tax (taille) and the tax on salt (gabelle) are examples. Contributions of men and service from the nobility were also solicited.

Angouleme was highly coveted due to its position at the center of many roads important to communication throughout the history of France. It suffered from many sieges. The city inherited a large historical, religious and urban heritage from its tumultuous past perched on the rocky spur.  It attracts a lot of tourists.

Curt John Ducasse

Ducasse was born in Angoulême, France on July 7, 1881.

He obtained A.B. and A.M. degrees in philosophy from University of Washington. He obtained his PhD from Harvard University in 1912.

He is most notable for his work in philosophy of mind and aesthetics. His influence can be seen in the work of Roderick Chisholm and Wilfrid Sellars.

Roderick Chisholm advocated for Libertarianism or Indeterminism. He has been called the philosopher's philosopher. His argument for free will was related to the argument of survival in the belief in immortality as presented by Ducasse.

Wilfred Sellars is known as an American philosopher who was prominent in the development of critical realism. Talk of reason, epistemic justification and intention is not the same as talk of cause and effect in the sense of physical science. Dialog for reason cannot necessarily be mapped onto the explication of experimental investigation.

Ducasse used critical realism to remove psychology as the basis to investigate the paranormal. The study of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) and PK (Psycho-Kinesis) was limited to that which could be measured with scientific devices and observation. The contrast with generally predictable events was assumed.

He served as the president of the Eastern division of the American Philosophical Association (1939-40) and president of the Philosophy of Science Association (1958-61).

He was influenced by William James and Josiah Royce. William James is known for his radical pragmatism. Josiah Royce is the father of American idealism.

Ducasse wrote on parapsychology. He joined the American Society for Psychical Research in 1951 and served a term as vice president beginning in 1966.

His book A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death is a philosophical attempt to examine the idea of immortality. He expressed his belief in survival in it. The book was praised by parapsychologists. Criticism came from philosopher Corliss Lamont who asserted that some of the content was wishful.

When he wrote his books Nature, Mind, and Death and A Philosophical Scrutiny of Religion, he contended that we have not only a right, but not an obligation, to believe in survival and reincarnation.

He was interested in parapsychology early in his career. His views on the strength of the evidence evolved over the years. He was consistently clear that, as far as the experimental research for ESP and PK was concerned, that evidence is ‘practically conclusive.’

Ducasse would come to distinguish paranormal investigation from pyschology. He is the reason that ghostbusters go into houses with scientific devices to measure for the claim of paranormal activity.

It was Ducasse who coined the term ‘paranormal’ to divest psychical research of its psychological association. He felt that this field of research concerned paranormal phenomena as a distinct domain not to be subsumed under a standard or widely-recognized set of psychological phenomena.

Suppose that some phenomenon P is causally explicable in terms of current scientific theory, but no one has discovered what that explanation is. The explanatory limitation here is ours with respect for current theories. This state of affairs would not justify our taking P to be paranormal.

If the thing can be explained in terms of cause and effect, it is not paranormal. It reduces to a consideration of thought in observation.

What was the 'magical' force that 'psychokinetically' moved an object with no apparent cause. Wire is used often enough in video productions because the wire doesn't usually show up on the video. Large wires can be attached onto a harness to make it look like someone can fly through space.

Ducasse's view is Platonic with respect for the immortality of the soul and re-incarnation. It attempts to explain the cyclical nature of progress from polytheism to monotheism in philosophy, but holds a position against majority view monotheism.

Science writer Martin Gardner observed that Ducasse was notable for "combining nonbelief in God with a belief in the preexistence and the afterlife of human souls."

Curt Ducasse
S. 柯特·杜卡斯
C. 柯特·杜卡斯

柯  Ke   stem                       柯  Ka        handle         Ka  か-    カ-          Keo  커  big               
特  te    very                        特  toku     special         to   と        ト          teu   트  the                       
杜  Du   restrict                   杜  to         woods         Du  でゅ  デュ       Dyu   듀  dew                   
卡  ka    card                       卡  sa         card              ka    か      カ         keo   카  big           
斯  si      this                        斯  shi       this               su    す      ス         se     세   three         


The unseen wire is the inexplicable force.
Card tricks are more numeric in the probability course.


wiki JC Ducasse
Immortality with Reincarnation
Critical Examination of Life after Death
Problems of Interaction
IEP: Interaction in Dualism
Immortality as Survival
Text on Immortality

The Foundation for Morals and Legislation

The statement that the greatest happiness for the greatest number has been criticized as hypocritical. When Bentham presented the argument slavery was legal. Revolution was being pushed as a norm.

The American and French revolutions had established independent republics. Constitutional law was the 'modern innovation.' Slavery had not been outlawed. Voting rights had not been extended to all citizens old enough to serve in the military.

It can be argued that people were persuaded that happiness for some doesn't justify the imposition of misery on others with enslavement. It was this principle that eventually outlawed slavery as a trade and an institution.

Was the thought that republic was for the majority and the majority was only for the happiness of the largest social group the only driving force in hypocrisy?

Socialism countered with the implication that labor was the largest representative body in any country. Their demands should be met for the happiness of the nation in the world. Their theory was that the happiness of the largest representative body was more important than the success of the wealthy.

The 'largest representative body' largely rejected the value of education as a means to attain success with joy without depriving upward mobility for others.

Rawls from Harvard used the 'veil of ignorance' to imply that the majority is the cause of oppression for the minority. This view was hypocritical of the view that the minority interest could be an even greater cause of social dissonance.

Republican government is such that the majority has to represent what is right in law. The minority has to agree with that which is right as well. Otherwise, minority groups views are collectively presented to make the majority view look like the cause of unhappiness for the country even when the collective view for liberal expenditure is worse.

The difficulty with the theory that the greatest number of people is always the determinant cause in making decisions is that government has to limit its own power in control with legislation.

Law is written to persuade people to act in a way that will not damage the property or health of others. Defense from damage is a significant qualifier.

Liberalism is the cause of liberal expenditure. Liberal expenditure reduces the economic support for rights for citizens.

Democrats have a liberal platform that seeks to increase expenditure by the broadening of appeal to diverse representation. It's a chaotic position.

Is the majority always wrong? Doesn't the statement that the 'majority is always wrong' beg the question as to what is wrong about the majority of minorities?

Public policy has to resolve itself to present the possibility that legal norms have to be guided by what is right with the moral position for law against doing damage. Defense from attack has to be against a clear and present danger.

There is a particular qualification with respect for defense against lethal and imminent deadly force. Deadly force can only be used against the physical threat of lethal attack.

Training has to have the intent to promote self-regulation with the use of military force in national alliance or international cooperation.

Search and Rescue operations condition participants to work together in adverse circumstances to rescue someone or a number of people who are in distress.

SAR is fundamentally beneficial to training that promotes teamwork for a benign benefit in well-regulated operations.

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