Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Brittany Anne Pirtle
Power Rangers

Hinansho o toru
ps 31

Take refuge.
Safety is your due.

I have taken refuge in you.
You keep me from feeling blue.

Don't make me regret my trust.
I feel like this will last beyond the dust.

Bring me civility.
Civility cultivates fertility.

Please listen.
My sweat glistens.

The clock is ticking.
My pulse quickens.

Time is escaping.
Reality is quaking.

Be my defense.
Let me see what is sure about sense.

You are my rock.
You walked the walk.

My foundation is sure.
My intention is pure.

Lead me in love.
Love me until I've won
time for fun.

Limit weapon use to defense.
Offense is not what's meant.

Let defense be defensive
Non-violence isn't offensive
but it doesn't rule out aggression.
Aggression isn't an excuse for violence,
cruelty in punishment or violet silence.

Deliver me from the trap they have set.
I won't enter into something I have to regret.

They have been exploiting trust.
They promised protection that would not rust.

You are my strength.
The measure extends beyond length.

I commend my spirit to your care.
Your love has led me to dare
to share.

You have redeemed me with truth.
Meaning gives trust that soothes.

My time is yours.
Design divined cures.

Help me to find independence.
Freedom in the law is sent from heaven.
Deliver me from deception and oppression.
The state created is not worthy of leaven.

Let your light shine through me.
Your joy in my face will be seen.
Your kindness will redeem me.
Your redemption will be believed.

I have taken refuge in you.
You kept me from feeling blue.

Safety is your due.
Take refuge.

Jeremiah 26:4-5
You shall say to them: Thus says the Lord: If you will not listen to me, to walk in my law that I have set before you, 5and to heed the words of my servants the prophets whom I send to you urgently—though you have not heeded— 6then I will make this house like Shiloh, and I will make this city a curse for all the nations of the earth.

Acts 7:51-3
‘You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are forever opposing the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do. 52Which of the prophets did your ancestors not persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, and now you have become his betrayers and murderers. 53You are the ones that received the law as ordained by angels, and yet you have not kept it.’

Matt. 23:34-5
Therefore I send you prophets, sages and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town, 35so that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.

Friday, December 26
This is the time of year when Orion shines in the east-southeast after dinnertime. Although he's well up now, his three-star Belt is still nearly vertical. The Belt points up toward Aldebaran and, beyond Aldebaran, the Pleiades. In the other direction, the Belt points down to where bright Sirius is about to rise and twinkle furiously.

Saturday, December 27
The Moon is almost first-quarter this evening. Look above it at dusk, or to its upper right after dinnertime, for the Great Square of Pegasus. At dusk the Square is upright, as shown here. Later in the evening it turns to balance on one corner.

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