Saturday, December 27, 2014


from Ps147

It is good to sing.
It is great to sing praise.
Happiness grows with song.

All things came into being by design.
The order did not determine all outcomes,
but the framework for change
was formed. Liberty was made
for living life in the law.

The Creator existed before the beginning.
Creation was made by the Word.
The Word was the LORD.
The LORD is God.

Order is organized by design for providence.
Law protects the right to life for all people
or it is not legal. Exiles from the seat of light
are gathered to re-build a new structure
where flawed law had built injustice
for inequity.

Broken hearts are mended.
Wounds are cleansed and covered
for protection. Healing happens
with protection and care.

The downcast are lifted up
with care for basic needs.
Haters are corrected
until learning is achieved.

Sing out with thanksgiving.
Make music with instruments and voice.
Dance for happiness, health and well-being.
The heavens will be covered with clouds.

Rain will prepare the earth for growth.
Plants will be grown for life.
Flocks and herds will be fed.
Life will be lived for love.

Ardor for projectile destruction will be replaced
by appreciation for art and production.
The market will be for free trade.
Give thanks for providence.

Praise God with communion
in community and justice
in society.

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