Sunday, November 30, 2014


Being for the light from God






from Psalm 80

The sun is an image
of the light for life.

 The moon provides
reflection at night.

The movement of planets
 tacks back on the line of attack
in the dark sky.

They move in front of the stars.
The change in direction shows that
the planets are moving
around the earth.

We are not the center for the solar system,
the galaxy or the universe, but we are the
seat of the light for judgement. Human
being has to form opinions about truth
based on experience, experiment and peer review
if we wish to have credibility in the face
of social relation. We have to oppose that which is false
about claims to truth especially when the claim
only appears to be true according to perception.

Hear us, Designer of Order.
Protect us with justice.

Provide increase in providence
for our needs. Shine forth, you
who are enthroned on the wings
of dawn.

Stir up your strength in us.

Help us with our productivity,
protection and remembrance.

Help us to make choices
that are not harmful.

Restore integrity to us.
Show your light for our salvation.
Maker of mercy, forgive us for whatever is forgiveable.

Help us to become leaders in making improvements
for us and future generations. Help us to protest
leadership choices that exploit us.

We have been fed with fear.
We have been given tears to drink.
Pain has been the bread for our consumption.

We have been made a derision for private gain from profit.
Our enemies have laughed at us with scorn.

Restore us by faith with love.
Shine your light for our sight
for the right to life.
We will be saved.

Let strength be with your product;
the offspring who have been made
for your strength.
Give us life.

Gratitude will not turn from trust
for that which is worthy of respect.
Shine from the uncreated essence
of your presence. We will be saved
for what is true about faith in you.

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