Sunday, November 25, 2012


Review for Thanksgiving Week 2012

Concern for provision in the economy and protection for human rights protects liberty within the law.
Physical and mental conditioning is necessary for competition and important for living a healthy life. Knowledge of the elements can be used for justice in the rule of law. Education promotes security based on defense and community; not aggression for personal gain.

Education and communication help us to survive natural disaster.  Recovery and re-building help us to review what had been learned and communicated.
Those who sowed loss with tears will harvest recovery with songs of joy.

Recovering from Sandy

Thanksgiving Reflection
President Obama said, "As Americans, we are a bold, generous, big-hearted people. When our brothers and sisters are in need, we roll up our sleeves and get to work - not for the recognition or the reward, but because it's the right thing to do. Because there but for the grace of God go I. And because here in America, we rise or fall together, as one nation and one people."


Elizabeth of Hungary had been married to Ludwig IV when she was 14 years old (1220).
"In the spring of 1226, when floods, famine, and the pest wrought havoc in Thuringia, Ludwig was in Italy attending the Diet at Cremona on behalf of the emperor and the empire. Under these circumstances Elizabeth assumed control of affairs, distributed alms in all parts of the territory of her husband, giving even state robes and ornaments to the poor. In order to care personally for the unfortunate she built below the Wartburg a hospital with twenty-eight beds and visited the inmates daily to attend to their wants; at the same time she aided nine hundred poor daily.”

Elizabeth’s fame was established as a gentle and charitable giver. Her honor will be remembered with joy.

There are those who use the death and destruction due to natural disaster as a justification for cruelty. It is better to suffer for having been good.

Those who live for evil haven't learned. They can't pay enough to restore life. They haven't started to pay in order to learn goodness.

Edmund (841-869), King of East Anglia, was killed when he was 28 years old. He had been king from 1855. He had been king for 14 years.

Condemn evil acts: homicide, genocide, tyranny, aggressive war and terrorism. Punish those who are guilty of enslavement, torture or violent crime.

Otherwise, do not condemn or you will be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Correct in a way that you would be corrected. Mercy is stronger than sacrifice. Love changes the world.

Clement of Rome (c.30-101 CE) wrote a letter to the Corinthians that encouraged mercy.
“Recall especially what the Lord Jesus said when he taught gentleness and forbearance. "Be merciful," he said, "so that you may have mercy shown to you. Forgive, so that you may be forgiven. As you treat others, so you will be treated. As you give, so you will receive… The measure of your giving will be the measure of your receiving."


There are those who believe that mercy has no place in national leadership. The bombing in Gaza last week provided another example of the excessive force associated with “targeted killing.”

Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. There will be deliverance from violence. The hatred will cease. Anger will be remembered. Survivors will be called to establish justice with reparations.

Gaza Ceasefire

Egypt Brokers Truce with US Support
“Morsi's aid in brokering the truce legitimized his presidency on the international stage, after he has struggled to consolidate control over a post-Arab Spring Egypt.”

National Madness
Lisa Goldman wrote: "That was the war (2008-9) that nearly wrecked my relationship with my oldest friend. She dropped by to visit just as I was ending a phone conversation with a colleague in Gaza – or, rather, the conversation was ended when a missile landed with a huge gut-churning crash right next to his home. When the static on the line cleared, the sound in the background was his 8-year-old daughter, screaming. He had just finished telling me that they had no electricity or running water and his daughter was confined to bed with a psychosomatic paralysis brought on by fear of the bombardment.

"Shakily, while setting out coffee and cookies, I recounted this conversation to my friend, whom I had known since I was 17. She responded, “Well, what can I say? He should not have voted for Hamas.” These people want to kill us, she continued, and what’s more they force us to kill them because they use their women and children as human shields.

"I hardly spoke to her for six months after that."

The state exists to serve people. It is not the vehicle for destruction and enslavement.


Fm. 2 Samuel 23:1-7

The statement of goodness, product of grace;
     the oracle of those whom have been blessed;
the elect for the God of creation;
    those favored with the strength of competition.

The spirit of the LORD speaks through
   that which is right about reason with science.
This word can be spoken with truth for justice.
   The Rock of competition has said:
One who rules justly for people,
    remembers the poor;
promotes provision for basic needs;
   rules with light from fire.
This leadership is like the radiance of day,
            like the sun rising on a cloudless morning
            with light gleaming from the rain on plants
            moving with the wind.
The goodness of creation is the house of God.
            We have an everlasting covenant;
            ordered with security by defense for community.
We have a plan for the rule of law
            that respects human rights.
Deterrent action is used to prevent harm.
Excessive force is not allowed.

Evil actions are high crimes:
murder, murders, tyranny, terrorism
and violent crimes that result in death
Slavery and criminal acts are outlawed.
Those accused with probable cause
will be investigated with due process
and tried in court. They will not be held indefinitely.
They will judged by reason with science
before a jury of their peers.


The state is not to dictate truth to the people. Truth guides the state in government. Law without liberty is dictatorship.

Morsi Claims Exemption from Judicial Review

Supreme Court of Egypt Declares 1/3 of Parliament Illegal (June 2012)

Decisions promoted by the President of the US are subject to review by the Supreme Court. Why should any leader have decisions placed beyond the judgment of law?

What is Healthcare to Cost in the US?

The Muslim Brotherhood is pushing for an Islamic state. Morsi is affectively declaring that Islamic presidential power cannot be judged by the Supreme Court of Egypt. His claim to power is a push for dictatorship. Fair statesmanship supports freedom of religion. It does not dictate religion to the people of the state.

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2012 was World Day of Prayer and Action for Children.

The story about the virgin birth is about children who are not registered with the state. Jesus did not have a birth certificate. He was not registered due to the fear that the tyrannical leadership would have had him put to death.

It has been argued that Europe without Greece is like a child without a birth certificate. Europe needs Greece, but poor families often live in fear that they are not being represented by leadership. Remember the poor by representing provision for basic needs.

The Synod for the Church of England Rejected Draft Legislation for the Ordination of Female Bishops

The House of Laity

A Clear Majority
"Speaking after the vote the Rt Revd Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, said: "A clear majority of the General Synod today voted in favour of the legislation to consecrate women as Bishops. But the bar of approval is set very high in this Synod. Two-thirds of each house has to approve the legislation for it to pass. This ensures the majority is overwhelming. The majority in the house of laity was not quite enough. This leaves us with a problem. 42 out of 44 dioceses approved the legislation and more than three quarters of members of diocesan synods voted in favour. There will be many who wonder why the General Synod expressed its mind so differently. "

Freedom of religion is supported in practice in the UK, but the legislative record has declared the monarch to be the head of the Church.

Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch for the UK. How is it that the monarch can be a woman, but a bishop cannot be female? The UK needs to legislate freedom of religion. The Church of England needs to establish a constitutional theocracy for the church. If the vote to ordain a female bishop does not pass all three houses with a 2/3 majority, additional change is in order.

Queen Elizabeth II

Dr. Rowan Williams (retiring Archbishop of Canterbury)
“Whatever decision was made yesterday, today was always going to be a difficult day.“

Some people were going to be left feeling that their presence and participation was not appreciated.
Archdeacon Christine Hardman said, "Archbishop Rowan’s leadership had been distinguished by his “scholar-like” insistence that we “attend to what is the case, even if we wish it were otherwise”

We also have the right to work for the ordination of female bishops; a more representative apostolicity. Strictly male leadership in ordained roles is outdated.

Apostolicity for Paul and the mission to the Gentiles is grounded in remembrance of the poor. Promote provision through a healthy economy. Support the rights of others as well as your own. Being Christian; being religious; is a commitment to being human. Living only for “number one,” individual self, is an act of self isolation that prevents the development of community by the alienation of others.
Led Zepplin – Kashmir

I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been;
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen.
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed.

We have a plan for the rule of law
            that respects human rights.

Steve K.

Sunday, November 18, 2012



The apostles had commissioned Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles with one condition: Remember the poor. He had already been eager to do this. (Gal.2:10)

Paul was from Tarsus. His father was a Greek (Acts 16:3) Tarsus was a center for trade in Asia Minor. Education was promoted in public. He had been exposed to the ideas contained in the dialog called “Timaeus” during the course of his education.

The “Timaeus” associated elemental spirits with the destructiveness in nature. This destructiveness was viewed as a justification for tyranny in the use of political power. The king or leader of the polis was expected to select a “suitable war.” People were not regarded as suitable for participation in politics or philosophy.


(elitism) “…people of your class are the only ones remaining who are fitted by nature and education to take part at once both in politics and philosophy…therefore yesterday when I saw that you wanted me to describe the formation of the State I readily assented, being very well aware that if you only would, none were better qualified to carry the discussion further; and  when you had engaged our city in a suitable war, you of all men living could best exhibit her playing a fitting part.”
“There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes.”


“As I said at first, when all things were in disorder God created in each thing in relation to itself, and in all things in relation to each other, all the measures and harmonies which they could possibly receive. For in those days nothing had any proportion except by accident; nor did any of the things which now have names deserve to be named at all as, for example, fire, water, and the rest of the elements. All these the creator first set in order, and out of them he constructed the universe, which was a single animal comprehending in itself all other animals, mortal and immortal. Now of the divine, he himself was the creator, but the creation of the mortal he committed to his offspring.”

Paul saw this philosophy as the basis for deception in imperial politics. “Civilization” was being built with belief that the cult of death ruled over the law.

Colossians 2.8
Don’t let anyone take you captive with philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men; according to the elemental spirits of the world; not according to Christ.

Paul had been a Pharisee for the law. (Phil.3:5)  

His zeal for persecuting Christians as apostates was grounded in the belief that enslavement to the law justifies the use of destructive power. There was some common ground between imperial polytheism and monotheism in this regard. The emperor was called the “high priest” insofar as he was believed to hold the power to call for the torture or the sacrifice of human life.

Paul maintained respect for the value of debate after his conversion to Christianity and his commission as an apostle when he expressed his disagreement with those among the apostles who would have the Gentiles subjected to the rite of circumcision. (Gal.3:20) His zeal for the law was converted to devotion to grace by virtue of his conversion.

Galatians 4:3
When we were children, we were in slavery to the elemental spirits of the world.

Now that you know God, do you wish to be enslaved to those elemental spirits?


The elemental spirits in the elitist philosophy are identified with the destructiveness of nature. This destructiveness is used to justify investment in the political philosophy that promotes the industry of war and pre-occupation with oppression. This philosophy promotes increase in the elitist advantage. The wealthiest are given license to put their money into campaigns and lobbies that determine political outcomes.

The association of the destructiveness of the elemental spirits with the offspring of God was the basis for calling the emperor, the son of the god of war. This was to become the primary principle for Arian (Aryan) theology.

The Son was not co-equal in power with the Father according to Arius. He was the demi-urge of creation. Destruction was necessary for creation, correction and construction in this view. The Father was perfect by virtue of his detachment from destruction in creation. The emperor as high priest was called to expand the empire with human sacrifice in the exercise of military aggression and the use of the death penalty for criminals within the state (of conquered territories).

The emperor that accepted this calling was regarded as Christ by elitists. This was the ultimate corruption of faith in Jesus as Christ. Now the Son of God was not willing to sacrifice his own life as the servant of salvation from evil (homicide, genocide, zealotry [terrorism], violent crime), he was the agent who had sacrificed his life so he could kill others to oppress and expand the empire.

Elitist “science” is used to serve this agency for oppression and expansion. It doesn’t need to be “scientific” in regards to natural law. It needs to endorse and promote aggression as the primary principle for survival in life.

This political philosophy was not just an exercise in theory for discussion. It was used by every emperor who was seeking to “conquer the world” particularly in the history of western civilization.

The Nazi regime actively advocated Aryan theology as the basis for the “master race.” The ‘Aryan’ kind of theology is also being used by sectarian agents for state religion in any single party government on the globe. The “atavism” of the “avatars” is not limited to western society. Sectarian theology is often used as the basis for the philosophy of partisan partiality.

People of faith do not believe that war, oppression and violence are necessary for building civilization.  (fm. Mark 13:6-9)
There are those who claim to be the One, the offspring, the Christ; saying, “You must keep up with me.” Some will be deceived. You will hear of wars and natural disasters, but it is not a proof that the end is here. Be careful. There are those who promote discrimination for the offspring. When they are partisan or sectarian, they are for partiality. They are not for liberty with justice in the law. They seek only to punish or destroy those who do not support the elitist advantage for the One.

Fm. Psalm 16
I have said to God,
“You are my LORD;
my good above all other.
Protect me. I take refuge in you.”

My delight is with those who
live for goodness with liberty
and justice in the law.

Those who make false gods;
who make individual benefit
the only good;
will multiply their troubles.

Libations of blood will not be offered.
Incense will not be burned for destruction.
Declarations of support for elitism
will not be made.

You provide the portion for my cup, LORD.
You uphold the kindness of our kind.

The boundaries of a pleasant land
are the heritage of goodness.

I will bless the LORD for direction with counsel.
My heart teaches me to watch day and night.

I have set the justice of the law before me.
I will not fail to remember the poor.
I will promote liberty with justice
in the rule of the law.

Remember the poor.

Billy Joel – New York State of Mind

I'm just taking a Greyhound on the Hudson River line.
Cause I'm in a, I'm in a New York state of mind
Have faith.
Live a good life.

Steve K.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The Greatest


The billion dollar baby and the supermajority have championed spending cuts for people programs. They cut the number of public sector jobs. They stand opposed to Obamacare to the point of secession, but they have given rate increase approvals to their property insurance corporation without decrease. The cost of living has gone up with the rate increases. Tourism has been harmed in the process.

The elitists are stingier to the people; looser to industry profit.

What is their plan? If it follows that of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, they will charge more for doing less to make big profits at a cost that is greater than taxes ever were.

Fm. Psalm 127
The LORD builds representation with respect for rights.
If we build without respect for the goodness of design,
our building is built in vain.

We, the people, are for law that is just and merciful.
Justice is not draconian. It is not directed toward
the destruction of the offender.
Due process in the law is aimed
at correcting actual offense in relation to truth
with respect for reparation with restitution.
Mercy provides correction with regard for resources.
Justice does not provide advantage to a single party.
Mercy does not exploit fear for the advantage of the party.
Liberty, health, providence and security
are goals for the law. Law without liberty
is tyranny. Law without happiness is misery.
Law without health promotes sickness.
Law without sustenance creates poverty
and homelessness. Law without security
is lacking defense.

Liberty, health, providence
and security promote happiness
with justice and mercy.

Children are the heritage of our creation.
The fruit of the womb is the gift of reproduction.
They are our future. They learn from their play.
They remind us of how we were.
They remind us that they are different from us.
Only some are similar enough to call the same.
Education provides security for the people
in accordance with the law.
Education is not just for children.
The market is constant in change.
Adults need education to adapt.
The greatest love of all
is happening to me
as well as the people.
We are greater than our collective.
We are greater than any individual,
but I am somebody who has the experience
associated with my education.
I deserve enough to pay for my stuff.
I have earned the right to prosperity.


George Benson - The Greatest Love
I decided long ago,
never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignity.

The greatest love of all is happening to me,

Steve K.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vote for Love

Elitists use extremes (absolutes about destruction and existence) to argue. The following is an example of the argument that has been used to dictate foreign policy for the Middle East:

Islam won’t admit that Israel has the right to exist.
Islamists represent a threat to the existence of Israel.
Islam does not have the right to exist.
Iran must be threatened with destruction.
Iran (as Islam), Israel and the USA

Political investment in this type of argument is placed in the elitist advantage as it promotes the industry for war. The elitist advantage won’t admit that Islam admits Israel’s right to exist, because they will lose the ability to profit from war if they do.
Social security is damaged by spending cuts for “national security.” The definition for strength in this argument is based on the will to use military force to destroy the “enemy.” (There always has to be an enemy according to them.)

Extremists either promote imperialist expansion by military aggression or by economic punishment. They place themselves outside of the nation by virtue of their competition with the extremists of any other nation. Then they claim that they are for patriotism. They define patriotism as agreement with them. Concern for social security is thrown out along with regard for diplomacy. The sole purpose for national government according to this view is to support the elite in the oppression of people.
Elitism exploits hatred and fear to control people. It is not love. Love has been opposed to cruelty and violence from before the dawn of recorded history.

from Mark 12
A transcriptionist drew near.
The sectarians had been disputing
about the law according to tradition.
Jesus had answered
their questions well.

The scribe asked him,
“What is the first commandment?”
Jesus said, “The greatest commandment
is first, ‘Hear O Israel: the LORD is one.
Love the Lord God with all your heart,
soul, mind and strength.
The second goes with it: “Love your neighbor
as yourself.” There is no commandment
greater than these. Mercy is stronger
than sacrifice”
The scribe said, “You are right Teacher.
There is one God. You will love the LORD
with your heart, understanding and strength”
and “you will love your neighbor as yourself.”
This is more important than burnt offerings and sacrifices.

When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said,
“You are not far from the kingdom of God.”

The sectarians had been arguing
that cruelty in punishment
achieved righteousness for the law.
Death as punishment for crimes
lesser than murder was cruel.
A monetary fine for murder
as manslaughter was too lax.
It encouraged cruelty, aggression
and crime among the people.
If the witness to a crime
was killed, then the criminal
could avoid the death penalty.

Law for the people of faith
according to the sectarians
only added the death penalty
for murder. It did not seek
correction for murder
or lesser crimes.
Now justice in the law
promotes correction
for the cause of the offense
as well as the offender
as a cause of offense.


When hatred doesn’t work for elitists, deception is used to exploit fear.
Watch for overstatements from the insurance industry regarding the destructiveness of global warming. The statements will be used to gain state approval for increased rates. The increased rates will be used by business to increase prices. The increased profits from insurance and business will be put into lobbies and campaigns to support politicians who endorse spending cuts for social security.

Here’s an example of deception promoted by overstatement:

"Nowhere in the world is the rising number of natural catastrophes more evident than in North America," the company stated in releasing the analysis. "The study shows a nearly quintupled number of weather-related loss events in North America for the past three decades, compared with an increase factor of 4 in Asia, 2.5 in Africa, 2 in Europe and 1.5 in South America. Anthropogenic climate change is believed to contribute to this trend."

Here’s the kicker. Damage due to flooding will be included in the estimate of damages, but they won’t pay for damages caused by floods. They have already been doing this to Florida with the approval of the supermajority.
They will call spending cuts on social security and education a necessary sacrifice for national security. Quality of life will suffer. It will be threatened and diminished. Protest will not be tolerated. Human rights won’t be respected. Everything is about agreement with “the boss,” BECAUSE the boss creates JOBS.

The worst things in history have been gained by obedience. War, genocide and slavery have come from agreement with the decisions of the elitist deciders who make decisions that favor their power over others. The boss doesn’t create jobs. The need for a service creates jobs. When need is exploited for profit AND the size of the CEO salary, economic slavery is a consequence. This is not efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of service. It is economic inefficiency at its highest. It is only effective in the promotion of dictatorship.
Use your “early voting” ballot to vote even if you go to the polls on election day. Take it with you. Use it instead of the electronic voting machines. Use of the voting machine is interpreted as a request to manipulate the vote for elitists who support industry profit above the welfare of the people.  Ballots provide a paper trail in case a re-count is needed. Voting machines don’t admit to the need for a re-count. They need to be outlawed.

Voting is an expression of the human right to participate in the election of government officials. It is the rock and roll way to celebrate recovery from economic hardship, especially that which had been imposed by elitist tyranny.
Voting is like rock and roll celebrities gathering together to promote recovery from Sandy. Give what you can. Recovery is part of survival. Participation is part of recovery.

I’ve seen the lights go out on Broadway.

We need to go on with the show.
Vote for responsible leadership.
Vote for love.
See the change.
Be the change.

Steve K.