Sunday, November 18, 2012



The apostles had commissioned Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles with one condition: Remember the poor. He had already been eager to do this. (Gal.2:10)

Paul was from Tarsus. His father was a Greek (Acts 16:3) Tarsus was a center for trade in Asia Minor. Education was promoted in public. He had been exposed to the ideas contained in the dialog called “Timaeus” during the course of his education.

The “Timaeus” associated elemental spirits with the destructiveness in nature. This destructiveness was viewed as a justification for tyranny in the use of political power. The king or leader of the polis was expected to select a “suitable war.” People were not regarded as suitable for participation in politics or philosophy.


(elitism) “…people of your class are the only ones remaining who are fitted by nature and education to take part at once both in politics and philosophy…therefore yesterday when I saw that you wanted me to describe the formation of the State I readily assented, being very well aware that if you only would, none were better qualified to carry the discussion further; and  when you had engaged our city in a suitable war, you of all men living could best exhibit her playing a fitting part.”
“There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes.”


“As I said at first, when all things were in disorder God created in each thing in relation to itself, and in all things in relation to each other, all the measures and harmonies which they could possibly receive. For in those days nothing had any proportion except by accident; nor did any of the things which now have names deserve to be named at all as, for example, fire, water, and the rest of the elements. All these the creator first set in order, and out of them he constructed the universe, which was a single animal comprehending in itself all other animals, mortal and immortal. Now of the divine, he himself was the creator, but the creation of the mortal he committed to his offspring.”

Paul saw this philosophy as the basis for deception in imperial politics. “Civilization” was being built with belief that the cult of death ruled over the law.

Colossians 2.8
Don’t let anyone take you captive with philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men; according to the elemental spirits of the world; not according to Christ.

Paul had been a Pharisee for the law. (Phil.3:5)  

His zeal for persecuting Christians as apostates was grounded in the belief that enslavement to the law justifies the use of destructive power. There was some common ground between imperial polytheism and monotheism in this regard. The emperor was called the “high priest” insofar as he was believed to hold the power to call for the torture or the sacrifice of human life.

Paul maintained respect for the value of debate after his conversion to Christianity and his commission as an apostle when he expressed his disagreement with those among the apostles who would have the Gentiles subjected to the rite of circumcision. (Gal.3:20) His zeal for the law was converted to devotion to grace by virtue of his conversion.

Galatians 4:3
When we were children, we were in slavery to the elemental spirits of the world.

Now that you know God, do you wish to be enslaved to those elemental spirits?


The elemental spirits in the elitist philosophy are identified with the destructiveness of nature. This destructiveness is used to justify investment in the political philosophy that promotes the industry of war and pre-occupation with oppression. This philosophy promotes increase in the elitist advantage. The wealthiest are given license to put their money into campaigns and lobbies that determine political outcomes.

The association of the destructiveness of the elemental spirits with the offspring of God was the basis for calling the emperor, the son of the god of war. This was to become the primary principle for Arian (Aryan) theology.

The Son was not co-equal in power with the Father according to Arius. He was the demi-urge of creation. Destruction was necessary for creation, correction and construction in this view. The Father was perfect by virtue of his detachment from destruction in creation. The emperor as high priest was called to expand the empire with human sacrifice in the exercise of military aggression and the use of the death penalty for criminals within the state (of conquered territories).

The emperor that accepted this calling was regarded as Christ by elitists. This was the ultimate corruption of faith in Jesus as Christ. Now the Son of God was not willing to sacrifice his own life as the servant of salvation from evil (homicide, genocide, zealotry [terrorism], violent crime), he was the agent who had sacrificed his life so he could kill others to oppress and expand the empire.

Elitist “science” is used to serve this agency for oppression and expansion. It doesn’t need to be “scientific” in regards to natural law. It needs to endorse and promote aggression as the primary principle for survival in life.

This political philosophy was not just an exercise in theory for discussion. It was used by every emperor who was seeking to “conquer the world” particularly in the history of western civilization.

The Nazi regime actively advocated Aryan theology as the basis for the “master race.” The ‘Aryan’ kind of theology is also being used by sectarian agents for state religion in any single party government on the globe. The “atavism” of the “avatars” is not limited to western society. Sectarian theology is often used as the basis for the philosophy of partisan partiality.

People of faith do not believe that war, oppression and violence are necessary for building civilization.  (fm. Mark 13:6-9)
There are those who claim to be the One, the offspring, the Christ; saying, “You must keep up with me.” Some will be deceived. You will hear of wars and natural disasters, but it is not a proof that the end is here. Be careful. There are those who promote discrimination for the offspring. When they are partisan or sectarian, they are for partiality. They are not for liberty with justice in the law. They seek only to punish or destroy those who do not support the elitist advantage for the One.

Fm. Psalm 16
I have said to God,
“You are my LORD;
my good above all other.
Protect me. I take refuge in you.”

My delight is with those who
live for goodness with liberty
and justice in the law.

Those who make false gods;
who make individual benefit
the only good;
will multiply their troubles.

Libations of blood will not be offered.
Incense will not be burned for destruction.
Declarations of support for elitism
will not be made.

You provide the portion for my cup, LORD.
You uphold the kindness of our kind.

The boundaries of a pleasant land
are the heritage of goodness.

I will bless the LORD for direction with counsel.
My heart teaches me to watch day and night.

I have set the justice of the law before me.
I will not fail to remember the poor.
I will promote liberty with justice
in the rule of the law.

Remember the poor.

Billy Joel – New York State of Mind

I'm just taking a Greyhound on the Hudson River line.
Cause I'm in a, I'm in a New York state of mind
Have faith.
Live a good life.

Steve K.

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