Sunday, May 13, 2012



Racism is a product of elitism.

Noam Chomsky - The US War on Latin America

Excerpt: “In the U.S., the primary victims [of the war on drugs] have been African-American males, increasingly also women and Hispanics – in short, those rendered superfluous by the economic changes instituted in the 1970s, shifting the economy toward financialization and offshoring of production.

Downsizing, outsourcing and off-shoring have been taking place when tax breaks have been given as incentives for corporations and the wealthiest to invest in jobs for the US economy.

What are the wealthy industrialists doing with their incentive money? They have been plugging it into "spending cuts," "lobbying efforts," and "campaign funding" for neo-con candidates. The neo-cons are dedicated to the protection of the elitism that gives the unfair advantage to the wealthiest.

Tax reform is needed to reform our society.

Jhn 15, 1Jhn5, Ps 98

Salvation says,
“Love one another
as I have loved you.”
Living for others
is the greatest love.
We are not slaves
to having power
over others.

We are not enslaved
to those who claim
to have power over us.
The slave doesn’t know the plan.
The plan has been revealed to us.
Love others according to nature’s design.

Everyone who believes
that Jesus is Christ
has been born of God.

This Christ shines for human rights.
This Christ corrects crime.
This Christ condemns torture,
genocide and wars of aggression.

This Christ is the rule of law
for the power of the people
with a bill of rights
that protects liberty.

This is the victory that wins the world:
our faith in goodness with equity.

Sing to the LORD:
the Christ for good;
the good for God;
the God of love;
love by design;
nature’s design;
now mine.

The LORD has made known
the victory: truth for justice with equity.

Shout with joy for Christ all you lands.
Lift up your voice. Rejoice and sing.

God remembers those who serve
goodness with faith and righteousness.

Sing with the voice of song
and the music of instruments.

Let creation rejoice.
Let the wind rush;
the sea crash;
the rivers rage;
the lightning boom;
the thunder rumble.
Rejoice in the symphony
that surrounds us.

Let the waters
reflect the light of design.
Jesus was born for love by water.
Christ was born against
cruel punishment by blood.
The Spirit baptizes believers
in the name of Jesus Christ.

The world will be judged
with righteousness.
Equity will provide
for basic needs.


Love by design is not a “drive by.”

Train – Drive By

“Oh, I swear to you. I’ll be there for you…”

Love God by showing respect for others. It’ll make your mom happy.

Happy Mother’s day!

Steve K.

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