Monday, June 4, 2018



My Voice
Watashi no koe o kiku

Jeremiah called for help 
from the depths of the well.

Jonah cried to be delivered in the tale
about his confinement in the belly of the whale.

This can be taken to mean
that he was trapped where he couldn't be heard or seen.

I have called to be saved out of the depths.
My cries have had the length of my breath.

I hope to see the sea again, 
to see the lonely ocean and sky as friend.

I love it when there is a grey mist on the sea’s face.
The sky and water grace the trace of space for the next interface.
All I'll need is a sturdy ship, a star to steer by eye,
a stern to turn, the wind’s song and a sail to make time.

She will sing beyond the prowess of the prow for me.   
The water will have never formed a voice so keen  
as the genius she will bring to be heard, seen and believed.

She is the whole body of the bonnie boat. 
Her sails flap and flutter like an empty overcoat
in between the tracks of the tacks against the wind as she is wrote.

What bolt of cloth has made you mine?
How dare you hold the wind in time?

She is formed by the waves of the ocean. 
The smooth cliffs stand tall like an act of devotion.

The mermaids shaped them as a monument
to the heart of the sailors who gave beyond the continent.

They had died when predatory winds had gathered clouds 
like lions to watch the water act as a burial shroud.

The teeth of the beast tore open the existence of soul.
She flew out to meet the stars so other sailors would find their way home.
Her mimic motion made a constant cry
for a course that was, yet is not mine.

It was not even ours although we understood
the inhuman purpose of the veritable ocean as good.
It told us to not lose heart or waste away.
Our nature will be renewed each day.

This fearful trip is nearly done.
The prize we sought has been won.
The ship has weathered every rack.
The seagulls cheer. The grackles grack.

The port is near.
The bells clear the pier. 
The people rejoice in their own business.
The steady keel formed the feel for the vessel as your witness.

An oyster lives in the boundless space within his shell.
Alone, unseen, protected, limited in motion by ocean swells,
he sleeps behind the sheltering rock
to roll with wakeful moments for taking stock without shock
the told toll of the ebb and flow of the infinite deep as his clock
to produce a pearl as lovely as the music of Bach.

The turning tide will flood to its height
but the oyster's being lives with insight
tied to the narrow shell of limited fight 
as the shining sign of calm delight.

I was able to go to the ocean without drowning in it,
because I was balanced like a vessel just launched with a waterline fit.

That lasted only for a while. When we moved, I rolled it up again
to store it in the shed behind our house until after the next bend
of the visual plane 
into a hurricane.

I have memories of buying a piece of the beautiful ocean
in a market with a ceiling of blue sky from the man selling the notion of motion
by spreading it out like a carpet and rolling it up to make the promotion
without commotion like a landscape seen in an afternoon nap as an omen
of ambrosian devotion pondering the dark dank stratagem of the ocean's motion.

Who beheld the figure of cloud bloom in the thick marine
like a silent boom that emerged from the unseen?

Like what bloom? Like a little purple plumbago horn in tune
or a white jasmine star for the green leaves to adore as adorned in June?

These were shaken off from the loosed girdles in the spangling must
of the windblown trust in the global earthen thrust.

C'etait avant ma foi, bon chance divine.
Get a nonchalant detente to ease the scene 
for the automated teller machine.
Mon repos in royalty has been so lean.

The nakedness would rise and suddenly turn
the bluest back track for sea-clouds above the great green urn.

Nakedness became the broadest of pentagram blooms
for the mild mannered mallows that the sun consumed.

The eagle soars high, wild and free
with an elegance and grace that is wonderful to see,
hovering with majesty in the summer breeze,
floating so gently with such perfect ease,
as graceful as the air in the line of sight,
there's nothing quite as regal as an eagle in flight.

When man flies, 
he assaults the sky.

He aims to claim the air as honest
to repay the good you gave as promised.

Human presence longs to dance with the wind
to touch the mountain top fringe
and sail over the canyon rims
before climbing to see starlight in day as dim.

The reach is for heaven.
Hope for the future is our leaven.

We seek to reach all that we can be in being.
We are not limited to what has been as all that can be seen in seeing.

A flash of silver slants through the skies. 
The roar provides speed as the jet flies. 
Dizziness lends ecstasy to the eyes.

I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
to dance in the sky with mirth
in sun split clouds that give birth
to soaring turns that hide the craft's girth.

I’ve chased the shouting wind as new
through footless halls of air in burning blue.

I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with grace.
Spirit leapt from the bourn in time and space.
I hoped to see my Pilot face to face
through the atmosphere which I displaced.

The beauty of brothers in the celestial line appears.
Love builds a stately house for fortune to rear.

If you were to come to this house of prayer
like the broken Saul seeking a soothsayer;
if you were to come after seeing the ugly toad,
it would be the same when you leave the road.  

Turn behind the pig-sty to the dull facade.
Pass the tombstone on the path you trod. 

What you thought you came for is only a husk.
The purpose breaks when it is filled with trust. 

If it breaks, you had no purpose 
or it is beyond the reach of the surface.

It is altered in fulfillment
as something less than brilliant. 

There are other places that lie at the world's end
where fortune spins her fancy as a friend.

Her fine web supports the frame of space
in a cave by the sea, in a tree over a dark lake, 
in a desert hole or any wasted corner place.

This is the nearest wisdom in place and time.
Sweep the webs out with the dirty grime. 

If you came this way from anywhere 
taking any route at any time with any care
It would always be the same fare.

You would have to put off your prior sense of form and motion.
You are not here to verify the formula for a potion.

You are here to instruct yourself with an informed curiosity
where prayer has been made valid with the conscience of humble velocity.

Prayer is more than the order of words for recitation.
It is the conscious occupation of the praying mind suspended in deliberation
for the sound of the voice praying for the right amount of celebration.

What the dead did not speak when living
can be told through the experience you are winning.

The communication of the dead is spoken 
with fire from beyond the form that has been broken. 

The intersection of the timeless moment
with nowhere and now is where you are most potent.

Never and always. 
We give chase to the fallen case.

Darkness enters the face of the lily at night. 
It closes around itself hiding inner beauty from sight.
The purse of nectar, pollen and fragrance
stand in the garden as the content for future grace.

Insects and worms turn the fertility of earth
that plants may grow strong in verse.

The common notion of the rule by the majority 
fights for power with violence in the competition for authority.
The rending pain of re-enactment
of all that had been done to patent enchantment
despite the shame of things done to others' harm
which had been taken for virtue with charm
found approval as the tool for fools
to stain honor as the rule for school.

You were most cursed among all the creatures.
Your face was disgraced with distorted features.

The temple for likeness was used to store explosives.
The house for the spirit was stripped to feed violent motions.

The plague hit town after the royals were defeated.
More death was added to the trolling toll of the conceited. 

Deathly hallows are bred into the race
with the blow that strikes the face
with the hemorrhage of pain and breath
to trill the grinding fear of death
as a curse for all that wastes
time as cohesive as paste
in conscious haste.

There is a cure inside the house.
Life is found in love of spouse
and offspring that rephrase the same
in and outside the ghost as the host for the frame.

Whoever does the will of the divine
finds a place in relation to mine.

The elegance of luck 
is the truck that gives us pluck.

The greenhouse and the farmer's field
produce freshness as their yield.

This freshness is both rare and common.
It keeps energy from being lost or forgotten.

When I left my body on a distant shore
my concern for speech was impelled to soar.

Language insisted on purity in the dialect of the tribe.
Communication urged mind to subscribe to parsing by the scribe.

The gifts reserved for the age disclosed 
a crown upon the sage imposed. 

The hormonal call for unity in marriage
included provision for separate lives, not disparaged.

The orchid blooms when the time is right.
The pleasure moves from the stem to bud to bloom in sight.
The pistil, stamen and pollen are a jewel from earth.
A cup of dirt with dampness from water gave the plant birth.
There at the center of the erotic test
lies the breath of life near the specter of death.

When pleasure in production fashions
constructs with the fire of passion
she is strengthened by progress in altering the situation
save for that which is due in the process of illumination.

The exasperated spirit had proceeded from wrong to wrong
unless restored by the refining fire for the length of strength's strong.

The plow made the earth shine with a million sillion turns.
The gashed golden embers fell as wood consumed by the vermilion burn.

You must move in measure like a dancer
between two lives, flowering self as the answer. 

The live and the dead nettle use memory
for liberation from the deception of the sensory
with love beyond desire for revery 
in the future as well as the past as your treasury.

It begins as an attachment to our own field for action
and comes to find that field holds insufficient satisfaction.

The demand for benefit is as active 
as the bee finds the flower attractive.

History may be used for servitude to increased uncertainty with cruelty
or it may be used for certainty in the circuitry for the divine design of eternity.

The faces and places which the self desires to hire
become transfigured in another pattern by the spirit as fire.

Diversity is a university
for certainty in beating adversity.

If judgment were to stand against the person for existence
no one would be found worthy of subsistence.

There is forgiveness with you
when you aspire to find that which is true.

Then when sin seeks to enter paradise renewed
the force of submission to servitude will be eschewed.

Grace restores the joy of our desire
to make the household palace even finer.
Love and grace take glory by the hand
to build a place to defend as grand.

My soul waits for you
more than Congress watches for the morning news,
more than the watchman waits for the aurora on dew.

Field of conflict, watch and wait for agreement.
Find congress in society with your achievement.

130 De profundis

1 Out of the depths have I called to you, O Lord;
Lord, hear my voice; *
let your ears consider well the voice of my supplication.
2 If you, Lord, were to note what is done amiss, *
O Lord, who could stand?
3 For there is forgiveness with you; *
therefore you shall be feared.
4 I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for him; *
in his word is my hope.
5 My soul waits for the Lord,
more than watchmen for the morning, *
more than watchmen for the morning.
6 O Israel, wait for the Lord, *
for with the Lord there is mercy;
7 With him there is plenteous redemption, *
and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.

The Dragon
The Gate of Ishtar

The mythical Dragon of Marduk is depicted in brick with a scaly body, serpent's head, viper's horns, the front feet of a feline, hind feet of a bird and a scorpion's tail. It was sacred to the god Marduk, the principal deity for Babylon.

The striding dragon was a portion of the decoration for one of the gates of the city of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar appears in the Bible as the despoiler of Jerusalem (Kings II 24:10-16, 25:8-15). He had the monumental entrance gate ornamented and dedicated to Ishtar, the goddess of love and war.
The processional street leading to it had scores of pacing glazed brick animals. There were alternating tiers of Marduk's dragons and the bulls of the weather god Adad on the gate. The street was lined with the lions of Ishtar. All of this brilliant decoration was designed to create a ceremonial entrance for the king in religious procession on the most important day of the New Year's Festival.

The Akitu Festival
Spring Equinox
Nisannu/ Nissan
The Barley Festival

The Lord God said to the serpent,
‘Because you have done this,
   cursed are you among all animals
   and among all wild creatures;
upon your belly you shall go,
   and dust you shall eat
   all the days of your life.

2 Corinth. 4:16
So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.

Mark 3:35
Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.’

PM Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, AM moon, Mercury, Venus
moon waning crescent

These next few evenings – June 10 and 11, 2018 – showcase the planet Venus making a line with the Gemini stars, Castor and Pollux, on the sky’s dome. The celestial line-up appears rather low in your west to northwest sky as evening dusk gives way to nightfall.

Judy Garland, 6.10.22, Grand Rapids, Minnesota

朱  Zhu   vermillion      shu    vermillion        주  ju  state
迪  di       enlighten       susumu edify              디  di ...디   awfully
加  Jia     to add           ka addition           갈  gal        to go
兰  lan     orchid           蘭  ran    orchid             랜 laen       LAN-LocalAreaNetwork
                                                                          드 deu       de

Grand Rapids was founded as a logging town. The Mississippi River provided an optimal method of log shipment to population centers. The predecessor of the Blandin paper mill opened in 1902.

Prince Philip Mountbatten, 6.10.21, Mon Repos, Greece
Vanity Fair

菲  Fei     humble hi thin pil    필   roll of cloth
利  li     favorable ri benefit   lib    립  lip
普  pu     general fu common    
蒙  Meng  blind mo ignorance
巴  ba      desire ha comma shape ba    바  bar
顿  dun      arrange no kanji teon 턴 turn

Mon Repos is a villa on the island of Corfu. Corfu is located off the most northwestern part of the Greek coast.

The villa was built as a summer residence for the British Lord High Commissioner of the United States of the Ionian Islands, Frederick Adam, and his second wife, Diamantina 'Nina' Palatino, in 1828–1831. Adam was called to serve in India in 1832.

The villa housed a school of fine arts in 1833. The park was open to the public in 1834. The villa was rarely used as a residence for the later British governors. Empress Elisabeth of Austria visited the island in 1863. She had the Achilleion Palace built later.

King George I of the Hellenes renamed the villa Mon Repos when it was granted to him as a summer residence after the union with Greece in 1864. The royal family used it as a summer residence up until King Constantine II fled the country in 1967.

Gina Gershon, 6.10.62, Los Angeles, CA

吉 Ji      lucky kichi  fortune             gil      길    way
娜 na     elegant aa      coquettish         na       娜   na
格 Ge    frame kaku   case                 gyeog 격   case
申 shen to explain     saru   report                 sin     신   power

Many Jews left the land of Israel to go to the "Eternal City" (Rome) in the second century BCE under the leadership of Judah Maccabeus. It was not until the Romans destroyed the second temple in Jerusalem [70 CE] that the Jewish/Roman alliance was broken and many Jews were forced into slavery.

Over a thousand Jews were transported to Rome to be used as work hands to help build the Coliseum. This image of history was frozen in time. It will be remembered by those who view the Arch of Titus. The Roman act was etched in stone.

When California was admitted to the Union in 1850, The U.S. Census recorded that there were eight Jews living in Los Angeles.

Joseph Newmark, a lay rabbi, arrived in of Los Angeles and helped found the Hebrew Benevolent Society for the evolving Jewish community, after organizing congregations in New York and St. Louis in 1854.

Elizabeth Hurley, 6.10.65, Basingstoke, England

伊  Yi     this, that     ise        elegance            el    엘    el
丽   li     beautiful      ri           lily li      리    lee
莎  sha    insect         sha        nutgrass ja     자    thing
白   bai   white         shiro     white be    베    be
赫   He   radiant       kagaya  shine seu  스    switch
莉    li     jasmine      ri           jasmine          heol 헐    OMG
                                                                   li     리    lee

Basingstoke is located in Hampshire. The county is on the southern shore of England. The first recorded historical event  was the victory gained by Æthelred of Wessex and Alfred the Great over the Danes in 871. The town saw a savage battle between Edward the Elder, Alfred's only son, and his cousin Æthelwald again in 904.

The town played host to a large number of Parliamentarians in the siege of Basing House during the Civil War. St. Michael's Church was damaged while being used as a store for explosives. Lead was stripped from the roof of the chapel of the Holy Ghost. It was left to ruin.

Kate Upton, 6.10.92, St. Joseph, MI

凯  Kai triumph    no kanji                    ke  케   ke
特  te special       toku    praiseworthy      i   이   profit
厄  E adversity      yaku    bad luck         teu 트   the
普  pu popular     shin    common         eob 업   work
顿  dun arrange     no kanji                  teon 턴  turn

The first water route across Lake Michigan between St. Joseph and Chicago began as a mail route in 1825. Service was sporadic until 1842 when Samuel and Eber Ward began a permanent service. That lasted eleven years. Service was provided primarily by owner-operated boats before the rise of large ship companies on Lake Michigan. Permanent and larger operations began operating out of the ports with the rise in shipping in Benton Harbor and the rise in tourism in St. Joseph.

Shane West, 6.10.78, Baton Rouge, LA

史  Shi   history shi      history        sye   셰     shale
阿  a       also         kuma  shade         in 인    sign
威  Wei   prestige    shi      power we 웨     we
是  shi     to be kore    here seu   스     switch
                                                               teu 트      the

The present name of the city dates back to 1699. French explorers noted a red cypress tree stripped of its bark that marked the boundary between Houma and Bayou Goula tribal hunting grounds. They called the tree "le baton rouge," or red stick.

Leelee Sobieski, 6.10.83, New York, NY

莱  Lai  field rai   fern li  리  lee
利  li   benefit ri    benefit      ye  예  yes
索  Suo  demand   saku  rope so  소  small
比  bi   ratio hi    ratio         be  베  bee
斯  si   servant kou   like this   i   이  profit
基  ji   base ki    group seu 스  the
  ki   키  key

The modern City of New York was formed with the consolidation of Brooklyn, Manhattan and outlying areas in 1898. Manhattan and the Bronx were established as two separate boroughs. They were joined together with three other boroughs created from parts of adjacent counties to form the new municipal government originally called "Greater New York".

Mizuki Murota, 6.12.98, Chiba, Japan
室田 瑞希

室 shi    room       Muro   greenhouse        mu    무   nothing
田 tian   field        ta         rice field            lo    로   by
瑞 rui    lucky      Mizu   freshness             ta    타   other
希 xi     to hope    ki         rare                   mi    미   beauty
                                                             jeu     즈   the
                                                              ki      키   key

Chiba became the political, economic and cultural capital of the Chiba Prefecture after the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and the advent of the railroad in Japan. The word "Meiji" means "enlightened rule." The goal was to combine "modern advances" with traditional "eastern" values. Numerous small villages and towns were merged into the previous town. The process continues until 1944. Land reclamation added to the area of the city.

The Libation Bearers
HP: The Deathly Hallows

Deathly hallows are bred into the race
with the grinding scream of death
and the blow that strikes the face
with the hemorrhage of pain and breath
as a curse for all that wastes.

There is a cure inside the house
but not outside the ghost of frame.
Life is found in love of spouse
and the offspring that rephrase the same.

Dark gods dwell beneath the plants that sprout.
Hear this you powers that lie beneath the ground.
Answer our call. Send your help to the sound
to bless our children with triumph now.

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