Monday, June 18, 2018


Minka Kelly


Why should I give thanks?
The world is full of tanks and pranks.

Temptation is a tricky bit.
Go too far and evil fits.

Evil is a problem as well.
It destroys the solemn self in hell.

Animal soul suffers constraint due to design.
Purpose is the royal incline. 

There is a measure to imitation by emulation.
The pleasure of human station is rationed
for health with stealth for demonstration.

I slipped off the bow of the boat in my youth.
The chilly sail that followed was a sleuth for truth.

The wealth of seeking gain for me
is guided by that which is naturally clean.

The hearth, the home and family
are seen as self that vary how I see.

These are worthy for defense
in terms of the immediacy of sense.  

Community, the state and the nation
are seen as self with respect for social station.

Politics is for the promotion of legal security.
National and social policy has to be balanced for maturity.

Otherwise arms are forced by hate
for a story embellished by increased spending as fate. 

The child raised with praise is expelled from the shore.
Long labors by air, sea and land would become the chore.
Before he was to win advance in the doubtful war 
in the realm of language reduced from so much more
to the not yet parsed, he was to build the store
for banished principles restored galore
to the augural rite to divine the adored.

Sure succession would be settled in his line
to determine economic success in time
for belief in healthy living for long life 
for the long glory of the majestic knife
to excise strife from spending on tripe.

I fell into a cement basement shell at night
when we had been told that playing there would not be right.

I was cut by a board on my shin. 
Stitches resulted in a scar that grins. 
I learned that my own safety wins
protection from harm in the reduction of sin.

The causes and the crimes of fate would relate
to what the people were told they hate.

What high-mindedness stoked the fan
for what offense a view of heaven began
to persecute so brave or just a man?

His anxious life was involved in endless cares
exposed to want for want and war as snares! 

Do heavenly minds show such resentment
or exercise spite in human predicament? 

Rome did not engage in war without reason
They had nearly been destroyed by Gauls in less than one season.

They had replaced the king with consul as the head of state.
Two consuls worked a year to make their bargaining great.

Alexander had made empire expand
to protect Greece from the Persian hand.
His generals divided the conquered lands.

The conquered were allowed to govern their own
but people grew tired of foreign control.

Carthage was a sister to the city of Tyre.
They made wheels for ease and speed in transportational fire.

The wheels added carts to the cavalry.
The wielding of weapons acquired another platform for industry.

Carthage was willing to take Rome by siege.
Unarmed trade would have made this an ease.

It was well known by that time
that Assyria had dispensed with Israel's tribes.

Babylon had taken the conquered captive. 
Persia had released those for whom there was no ransom.

Those who developed the strength for independence
had the imperial imperative for expansion to test.

Past the Tiber's mouth across the sea 
sat Carthage as a Tyrian colony.

The people were studious of their trade,
but stoutness for war was also made. 

Phoenician Trade 

There is a god in us who stirs what we kindle
in sowing the seed of inspiration for each symbol
to the special right to see the face of the divine as simple.

Hidden in a grove of trees masked from every sound but a trickle
lies the heart of home celebrated like a riddle.

That impulse was sown in the love by Juno more
than for her own Argos or the Samian shore.

Here stood her chariot. Here, if her heaven were kind, 
sat the seat of the awful empire she had designed.

She had heard an ancient rumor fly
long cited by the people of the sky
that times to come should see some hero from Troy
cause Carthage to be destroyed.

She thought the yoke of sovereign sway 
should lay on all the nations of the day. 

She could not forget the war she waged of late 
in using Greece to conquer the Trojan state. 

Meanwhile the smitten ocean moaned
from the tempest turbulent assault as it had grown.

The tumult vexed the deepest cave.
Neptune knew how to be brave.

He rose over the sea with his sovereign brow.
He saw how the escaping Trojan fleet had scattered bows.

Aeneas, the child as man, was overwhelmed with his men.
The mingling shock of wave and sky was Juno's vengeful strategem.

Her brother's royal glance did not fail to see
the violation of his authority.

He rebuked the wind. 
"This recklessness is a sin.

"You ride through heaven to stir these mountain waves.
It is against my will to save. Go away!" 

The storm was subdued swifter than his word.
As he began to speak, he was being heard.

The swelling of waves subsided as though they had rehearsed.
Light shown from heaven when the storm clouds dispersed. 
It was from this conquered state of storm that a hero emerged
to be tried by the trials of travel much like those Ulysses turned
but this Aeneas, the child of trials, would converge
on Rome with knowledge of the Phoenician birth
of Carthaginian mirth as born of the will to sacrifice the girth
of the male population in battle to control trade across the earth.

Rome destroyed Carthage in the Punic wars.
The fathers of the families who won were placed in a state to win more.

Republic was the form for the government that was in place,
but the victories were not achieved by political grace. 
They were won by battle to increase profit by trade.

Caesar and Pompei were locked in a race
for the general who could persuade the face
of the populace better than the Senate ways.

The Populares and the Optimates had inviable positions.
The force of forced inequalities insured violent conflict in the division of opinions.

Caesar won the battle and established hereditary succession.
The Senate disagreed to make the contention a contest for violent aggression.

Vespasian had the bible codified to make monotheism the religious form.
Roman government never allowed polytheism to transform.

When I had first learned to ski, I was challenged to go fast for fun.
I lost control, flipped and hit my head against a pipe. How dumb.

I had known better from prior lessons learned
but I let peer pressure overcome the caution I'd earned.

The Reformation used peer pressure as strength.
People were expected to reject human authority at length. 
The pope and the monarchy were to be seen as an unnecessary expense.

Luther and Henry VIII opposed the rejection of the aristocracy
but Calvin pressed hard to impose austerity through democracy.

Pope Gregory XIII had not renewed excommunication.
but Elizabeth I was presented with the large problem of insurrection.

If the Jesuits had never gone into England;
if the Pope and King of Spain had not sought to impose a catholic crown for the land;
if the Duke of Guise had not attempted to depose her majesty by his hand;
if Parsons and others beyond the sea had never been agents in the bloody band
with Throckmorton, Parry, Collen, York, Wil∣liams, Squire in their treacherous stand;
if they had not by their writings endeavored to defame their sovereign glands;
if they had not sought to have allured the hearts of Catholics from their allegiance grand; 
if they had not labored for the invasion of the islands by the Spanish fleet;
if the Spaniards were not known to be cruel in their proceedings;
if there there had been no speeches of racks and torture to cause pain with bleeding;
had the Puritans and Calvinists not been so aggressive for the popularity of austerity as greedy;
the state would have loved the divergence as a leaning. 
Imposition was not the goal for declaring the monarch as the Church leader.

Prayer was offered as an avenue to participation with petition for gleaning
the meaning for human being.

When the truck almost drove off the road into our teen age
I felt anger for the driver whether the threat was due to neglect or rage.

Driving was a responsibility that requires safety for self and others.
A truck was not a toy to employ towards the destruction of the druthers of teen wonders.

Memories flashed into mind out of many faces at the end of the day
away from the sidewalks where my shoe soles had traveled on the way
and the voices rose to form the afternoon roar as something to say
to hinder an old silence too familiar to play.

Parallel Bars 

When the farmer's son threw me around like a bale of hay
'Gymnastics will build your upper body strength' was what he chose to say.
I knew to take the advice at 'arms length' to show my resilience as pay.

I remember lean people in passing among you. 
There were throats in the clutch of a hope for rescue,
lips written over with striving on the gumshoe for the brand-new,
mouths that kiss only for love in the debut of beef stew,
records of great wishes kept as slept with to get through
that which was held long, prayed and toiled for with much to-do

Yes, wishes were written on your mouths and transcribed on your lips.
I read them when you passed by with a sea of soundless song in the swing of your hips.

When the burned grass of the drop zone showed the value of the 5 points of contact 
my feet screamed pain at the reduction to one point of bone spurring impact.

I was then given choice in military service.
I could have quit legally and retained dignity on the surface.

I chose surgery to remove the spurs leaving a marked reduction of my limp.
I served my time with the 82d Division as a partial gimp.

When the division almost went to Libya
it was related to events that took place in Lebanon and Syria.

We had been trained with the instruction of Chiron
to wait for the sound of the twenty four hour siren.

"Donne-moi voir de l'eau" 
Thoureau was the one who made the veto.

It's just as well.
War is hell.

Terrorism was a new thing in the American media.
It was paired with lack of term limits as the feed for the median Bohemian.

Thanks for the tree you put between me and the madness of the bullet.
That fluxion swayed seconds before the soundless raise of rifle and the finger pulled it.

When black ice took control of the pick up truck
I found the rock on the opposite side of 'this sucks.'
The praise of God included this as part of luck.
It could have been worse than the loss of the truck.

Black ice returned to move the moving van
in fishtails across the lanes of the highway span. 
The world looked silly all white from the side.
The wrecker put the van up right with my belongings scrambled inside.

There was nothing left to do, but drive on with the view
that the weather had improved.

Florida made for a different state of mind
than the one Montana had me find. 

The river rolls within us. 
The sea flows all around any fuss. 
The sea is the land's edge for sand, stone or moss. 
The water reaches the beaches where the toss
of wave hints of an earlier creation as boss.

The starfish, the sea turtle and the manatee
move in the pools of our ancient curiosity
with the more delicate algae and the sea anemone.

The brine tosses up our losses.
There lies the broken oar as half a cross.
The torn shirt, the rusted lobster pot
and the object from a foreign lot.

The sea has many voices. 
It has many powers and offers many choices.
The salt clings to the things which it adores.
The fog moves slowly across the water and over the shore.

The howl and the yelp are sounds from different voices
often heard together among the host of choices.
The creak is in the craft. The whine is in the rigging. 
The caress of wave swells to the menace of flipping
the tripping drops that crest the swollen spitting.

The distant note drifts as a warning 
of the approach of the headland that is forming 
dark shapes against the grey haze adorning
the space that the craft is aborting.

The tern sails and sings through the oppression 
of the silent fog as the rocking repetition 
of the tolling bell measures the swells in her mission.

The bell measures swells
rung by the unhurried tell
of time older than the tick that dwells
in the turn of the cogged gears in a clock shell. 

It is older than time counted by anxiety
lying awake, calculating the future of propriety,
trying to unweave, unwind or unravel impropriety in society
to piece together the past and the future with sobriety
between midnight and dawn, when the past was deceived by notoriety.

The future seems future-less before the morning watch
when time stops and is never ending along the notch
marked by the swell that is heard as though it was
from the beginning of cause
in the pause

between the clangs of the bell.

Constraint tells me what to do and how to sell
whatever gels as worthy for the cell
of a sale. 
I just need to choose a yogurt to feel hearty and hale.

I just need to know how to begin.
Rule constrains in order to win 
what is needed to live.

The heat has been so hot
there are times when I forget how to be thankful for what I've got.

The Hurricane has tested the building of strength and drainage.
The downward dip to the curve of the swale is like an inverted burial mound ridge.

Karl Marx followed Adam Smith in time.
He criticized that which Adam had defined as sublime.

Marxist analysis had this massive major flaw.
Political change was to be made with violence as the law.

The analysis has a value when detached from this.
It can be used to deter corporations from using government for personal bliss.

The state does not exist to make money easy with excessively limited public benefit.
It is an instrument to distribute the social contract in a way that suits the fit of it.

We are saying thank you over telephones, in doorways, in the backs of cars, in elevators,
remembering the forlorn torn from what had been born by the police at the door for the neighbor,
the eagle that soars and the beatings on stairs from traitors as waiters for the boring bore
as bourn past the saber of the tibor or tabor as the savior.

Law enforcement by government has to impose limitation on social relation otherwise.
Violence is only justified in defense against violent aggression as the crow flies.

Thanks for newness in old age.
Thanks for oldness for the new sage.

Thanks for health, the midday sun, the impalpable air,
for life with reduced strife and the increase in care;
for precious ever-lingering memory that bears
family and friends as the social element to be personally shared;
for all my days in debate for disagreement without violence;
for all that which is gained from learning in silence;
for gentle words, caresses, gifts from the foreign land of quiet;
for shelter, wine, meat and the appreciation of diet;
for beings, groups, love, deeds, words, books, colors and forms;
for all the brave strong men and women that work to make freedom the norm;
for the foreward spring as sprung in the cannoneers of song and thought as gold,
the great artillerists, the foremost leaders, the artists as captains of the soul,
for travelers out of myriads, to the long procession to the retrospective goal sown as known;
for distant, dim, unknown, young, old, countless and un-specified readers.
We never met and may never meet, yet our souls embrace that which is needed for believers.

I give thanks with gladness
and a soldier's well traveled sadness.

You are full of music, manhood, womanhood, childhood and infancy!
You are full of common employments, grain and trees.  

You are the voice of animals, the swift balance of fish,
the plip plop of rain drops and the motion of waves in sunshine kissed!       

You are the joy of my spirit un-caged! You strike from the lightning height!  
It is not enough to have this globe for a certain time. It's frightening.
I would have thousands of globes in a soul that is enlightening.

Face chance with the momentum of motivation.
Use anticipation to prepare for your participation in salvation.

Face chance with the spirit of strength
in your organization at length.

Say goodbye to every day before today.
You can shape your own outcomes by the way you play
and by what you say.

Watch chance to see how it changes
no matter what the range is.

The determination of merit in the establishment of status
is made by judgment with education and experience that matters.

Maturity is a location that respects the merit of experience.
Achievement is relative to the development of opposition to the imperious.

I will walk along the way ahead of the flux.
I will give thanks for the way I can shape my own luck.

I will tell people about what you have done.
I will rejoice in the success of what we have won.

I will be glad and rejoice in you from the start. 
I will give thanks for you with my whole heart.

9 Confitebor tibi

1 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart; *
I will tell of all your marvelous works.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you; *
I will sing to your Name, O Most High.
3 When my enemies are driven back, *
they will stumble and perish at your presence.
4 For you have maintained my right and my cause; *
you sit upon your throne judging right.
5 You have rebuked the ungodly and destroyed the wicked; *
you have blotted out their name for ever and ever.
6 As for the enemy, they are finished, in perpetual ruin, *
their cities ploughed under, the memory of them perished;
7 But the Lord is enthroned for ever; *
he has set up his throne for judgment.
8 It is he who rules the world with righteousness; *
he judges the peoples with equity.
9 The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, *
a refuge in time of trouble.
10 Those who know your Name will put their trust in you, *
for you never forsake those who seek you, O Lord.
11 Sing praise to the Lord who dwells in Zion; *
proclaim to the peoples the things he has done.
12 The Avenger of blood will remember them; *
he will not forget the cry of the afflicted.
13 Have pity on me, O Lord; *
see the misery I suffer from those who hate me,
O you who lift me up from the gate of death;
14 So that I may tell of all your praises
and rejoice in your salvation *
in the gates of the city of Zion.
15 The ungodly have fallen into the pit they dug, *
and in the snare they set is their own foot caught.
16 The Lord is known by his acts of justice; *
the wicked are trapped in the works of their own hands.
17 The wicked shall be given over to the grave, *
and also all the people that forget God.
18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten, *
and the hope of the poor shall not perish for ever.
19 Rise up, O Lord, let not the ungodly have the upper hand; *
let them be judged before you.
20 Put fear upon them, O Lord; *
let the ungodly know they are but mortal.

1 Sam.17:37
David said, 'The LORD who saved me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will save me from the hand of this Philistine.' Saul said to David, 'Go. May the LORD be with you.'

2 Cor. 6:2
Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation.

Mark 4:39-40
He woke up and rebuked the wind. He said to the sea, 'Peace! Be still! Then the wind ceased. There was a dead calm. He said to them, 'Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?'


Venus and the Beehive Cluster
Summer Solstice June 21
Close approach of Moon and Jupiter
Waxing Gibbous
Moon close to crown of Scorpio

PM Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Mars, AM Mercury, Venus
Mars in Capricorn

Mars was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian in the Roman religion. This was a combination characteristic of early Rome. Egypt was highly valued for the bread that was produced near the Nile. An army doesn't function if the soldiers aren't fed. He was second in importance only to Jupiter and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army.

Capricorn is a mythical sea-goat. The constellation was a symbol of the god Ea. The story about the god was shared to mark the winter solstice in the Early Bronze Age. The constellation is sometimes identified as Amalthea in Greek mythology. She was the goat that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother, Rhea, saved him from being devoured by his father, Cronos.
Saturn in Saggitarius

Cronus was the son of Uranus and Gaea in Greek mythology. He lead his brothers and sisters, the Titans in a revolt against their father. He won and became the king of the gods.

He married the Titan Rhea. She represents wealth and abundance. They had a total of six children. Cronus was tormented about how he had acquired the throne. He had a bad habit of eating his newborn children to prevent them from one day overthrowing him as king of the gods. Finally, Rhea tricked him at the birth of her last child, Zeus. She got him to swallow a rock instead. Zeus then beat his father with the help of his brothers and sisters. The Romans adopted Cronus as the god Saturn.

Sagittarius is associated with the centaur, Chiron. He was renowned for his instruction. He was an excellent archer, musician and physician. He tutored the likes of Achilles, Jason and Hercules.
Chiron was accidentally shot and wounded by Hercules. The arrow had been dipped in the poison of the Lernaean Hydra. The poison inflicted great suffering on Chiron. The suffering was so great that even the talented physician could not cure himself.

Chiron offered himself as a substitute for Prometheus. He was an immortal in agony. He was unable to find release from suffering in death. The gods had punished Prometheus for giving fire to man by chaining him to a rock. Each day a vulture would devour his liver. Each night it would grow back.
Jupiter had at the request of Hercules agreed to release Prometheus if a suitable substitute could be found. Chiron gave up his immortality and went to Tartarus in place of Prometheus. Jupiter placed him in the stars in recognition of his goodness.

The Cronia

The Kronia was an Athenian festival held in honor of Cronus (Kronos) on the 12th day of Hekatombaion. This was the first month of the Attic calendar. It is roughly equivalent to the latter part of July and first part of August. The festival was also celebrated in parts of Ionia. The month was known as Kronion after the festival in these places.

The Roman playwright Accius says that to celebrate the Kronia, "In nearly all fields and towns they happily feast upon banquets, and everyone waits upon his own servants." Slaves and the free, rich and poor, all dined together. They played games such as dice (kyboi), knucklebones (astragaloi) and the board game pessoi. The freedom from work and social egalitarianism enjoyed on the day represented the conditions of the mythical Golden Age when Cronus still ruled the world.

Robert Parsons 6.24.1546 Nether Stowey, England

罗   Luo    to catch             no kanji                          Ro    ロ                           Lo       로     to
伯   bo      uncle                  haku    uncle                 ba    バ                             beo    버    bur
特   te       unusual             toku    special                 -     ー                              teu     트    the
帕   Pa       headscarf         no kanji                          to     ト                             Pa       파    damage
森   sen     forest                mori    forest                   Pa    パ                            seun  슨    the
斯   si         this                     kou      such                 -       ー                            seu     스    the
                                                                                  So    ソ
                                                                                  n      ン
                                                                                  zu    ズ

Nether Stowey may have been a borough as early as 1157 or 1158 but by 1225 it is officially recorded as such. The economy of the medieval town was based on textiles and pottery, and it had both a weekly market and a yearly fair after 1304.

Robert Reich 6.24.46  Scranton, PA

罗   Luo        to catch           no kanji                              Ro    ロ              Lo       로    to
伯   bo          uncle               haku        uncle                   ba    バ               beo    버     bur
特   te           unusual           toku         special                 -     ー                teu     트     the
丰   Feng      plentiful          no kanji                               Ra  ラ
富   fu           wealthy           tomi        wealthy                i     イ
                                                                                         hi    ヒ

The great Railroad Strike instigated an organized action by railroad workers in Scranton in August 1877. The strike resulted in a multi-state action. It had started in WV, but workers in NY, MD, PA, IL and MO joined. This action attracted workers from the steel industry and mining as well.

Four rioters were killed during the strike after the mayor mustered a militia. Workers finally returned to their jobs. They were not able to gain the benefits that they demanded.

William Walker Scranton was from the most prominent family. He was then general manager of Lackawanna Iron and Coal. He founded Scranton Steel Company later.

The labor issues and growth of industry in Scranton contributed to Lackawanna County being established by the state legislature in 1878. Territory was taken from Luzerne County. Scranton was designated as the county seat. This strengthened its local government.

Minka Kelly 6.24.80 Los Angeles, CA

敏   Min    keen                    bin              keenness           Mi    ミ          Min    민     num.
卡   ka       card                    no kanji                                n      ン           ka      카     car
凯   Kai     victory                no kanji                                ka    カ           Kel     켈     kell
利   li         gain                    ri                  benefit              Ke   ケ           li        리     lee
                                                                                           ri    リ

The area was occupied by the Hokan-speaking people of the Milling Stone Period by 3000 BCE.  They fished, hunted sea mammals and gathered wild seeds. They were later replaced by migrants fleeing drought in the Great Basin. These migrants spoke a Uto-Aztecan language called Tongva. The Tongva people called the Los Angeles region Yaa.

Solange Knowles 6.24.86  Houston, TX

所   Suo         location                toko          place                    So     ソ         Sol   솔  brush
以   yi             by                        i                beyond                 ra     ラ          lang  랑  trang
年   nian        age                        nen           year                      n       ン         Nu    누  tower
龄   ling         experience            no kanji                                ge    ゲ           ol      올  come
知   Zhi          know                    chi            wisdom                No    ノ
道   dao         way                       dou           way                      re     レ
了   le             finish                    ryou         complete

Houston is the most populous city in the state of Texas and the fourth-most populous city in the United States. There is a census-estimated 2017 population of 2.3 million within a land area of 600 square miles (1,555 km2). It is the largest city in the Southern United States. It is the seat for Harris County. It is located in Southeast Texas near the Gulf of Mexico.

Yuko Nakazawa 6.19.73  Kyoto, Japan
Morning Coffee

中    zhong     center                   Naka   inside            Yu     ゆ           Yu   유    existence
澤    ze           fertile                    zawa                         ko    こ            ko   코    nose
裕    yu           abundant              Yu     wealth             Na    な            Na  나   we
子    zi            seed                       ko     child               ka   か             ka   카    car
                                                                                     za    ざ             j a   자    rule 
                                                                                     wa   わ             wa   와   socket

Kyoto was removed from the list of targets for the atom bomb at the insistence of Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. The city was replaced by Nagasaki. The city was largely spared from conventional bombing as well, although small-scale air raids did result in casualties.

The Imperial City (Emeritus) of Kyoto is one of the few Japanese cities that still have an abundance of prewar buildings such as the traditional townhouses known as machiya. Modernization is breaking down the traditional Kyoto in favor of newer architecture such as the Kyōto Station complex.

Hello Project Lyrics
Cha Cha Chance with the momentum of Muteki (Invincibility)
Cha Cha Chance in that spirit Tsuchiki (Faith)
I will say goodbye to AH every day before today
Cha Cha Chance! No matter how it changes
Chacha Chance! Keep watching unchanged
I will walk along the path ahead of glitter
with the power of the people of the sun!
The total accounting circle is nanana nana (777)!?
This is still the mode for the code
Two moons are months warm enough. Anything will matter.
Chacha Chance! Catch strength through the Kiseki (Cornerstone)
Cha Cha Chance! I will dramatically change AH every day from today

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