Sunday, February 24, 2013


There is delight in discovery.
A couple set out to plant a garden on a headland of the Orkney Islands in 2003. They found a stone slab.
Call in the archaeologists! This is better than Nessie! This discovery will change the face of knowledge regarding life in northern Europe!
Archaeologists found a polished stone axe, stone mace-heads, grooved pottery and painted walls in a complex of walled ceremonial structures with a scale and complexity that had not been seen in Scotland.
Ness of Brodgar
"The Ness of Brodgar is kind of an archaeologist's dream site. What we have is a complex of structures the like of which we have never really seen before in Atlantic Europe, buildings of scale and complexity and architecture completely enclosed within this massive walled enclosure. It's just spectacular."
There is evidence of a large animal sacrifice. The complex had been in operation for a thousand years. Then, there was one large celebration before it was filled in with dirt. What happened? The Bronze Age started. The new technology presented a shift in emphasis from the community to the individual. Perhaps they were in too big a hurry to discard the security of community for the urgent fury of metal weapons.
Fm Ps27, Luke 13, Phil3, Gen15
Blessed are you who come in the name of the LORD.
We are citizens with Christ who delivers us
from cruelty, war and oppression.
The light of God’s love leads us to salvation.
Seek the face of delight each day.
The sun will show you the life of your inheritance.
The stars will bless you with the number in your family.
Our citizenship celebrates truth with justice in love.
Sacrifice celebrates provision.
It provides recourse
to resource enjoyment
for the satisfaction
of basic needs.
Happiness is the strength of faith.
When I have been loved
of whom will I be afraid?
When the homicidal seeks
to oppress with fear,
It is he who will be called to recall
the joy of forgiveness;
the evidence of progression
in reconciliation.

When the suicidal seeks
to control with desperation,
it is he who will be called to recall
the beauty of living life.
When the industry for war tries to cry
for more, the enterprise of security,
will rise to claim the prize
to bless the skies
with the rule of liberty
in the law with truth
and justice for all.
Civil rights cannot be used
to harm justice in the world.
The representation of human rights
is the purpose for national constitution
in international community.
Alliance is not limited to the past.
It is an expansion that seeks to welcome all
to the celebration of humanity.
For one thing have I asked.
I will seek this thing as long as I live.
I wish to dwell in the house of faith.
I desire to behold
the beauty of communion
in the community of love.
This will protect me in the day of trouble.
This will keep me hidden for security.
City of peace.
You had killed the prophets as martyrs.
They had testified for truth.
They bore witness for the security
of remembering the poor.
 You will come to believe
in the goodness of living life
as a gift of grace.
Blessed are you who come
in the name of the LORD.  
You will dwell in the light
of love for salvation.
Lyndon Johnson had used the assassination of President Kennedy to accomplish a dramatic transformation. While there was concession to the escalation of troops in Viet Nam, there was also a radical promotion of civil rights to make the US a great society.
Ronald Reagan helped to turn the nation in a different direction with the institution of trickle down or supply side economics, wealthy industrialists were given an advantage to promote private industry. Loopholes had been developed to avoid the rigors of taxation for the great society. Tax breaks were added for individuals and corporations to develop international commerce.
An international oligarchy was formed. The oligarchy has come to wield a degree of power that has sought to eclipse the significance of constitutional democracy with their claim to absolute power. It is running the western coalition. It was responsible for the invasions of two independent nations; not because it is really anti-Islamic or anti-establishment. It was increasing the accumulation of capital with the industry for war.
While aircraft aren’t exactly new to the modern age, air travel has introduced an increase in the level of risk associated with travel. There is a speed and height that remains unparalleled. Regulation is necessary to prevent the construction of unsafe vessels for flight.
The Boeing corporation is part of the oligarchy. They not only manufacture airplanes for travel. They produce jets, military aircraft and drones. They have been protecting their tax breaks and loopholes with lobbies and campaign contributions. They were a major player in the establishment of de-regulation. They exploited a government contract to produce an aircraft that would use less fuel.
Now, they have reached the end of the exploitation. Passenger safety is the line that the push for absolute power will not be allowed to cross.
Dreamliner Must Prove that It Can Cruise Safely
"Boeing must show in tests and analysis that the fixes will ensure that the batteries meet the FAA’s safety standards. No schedule for those tests has been released.

"The battery changes also would need the backing of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, who has said the 787 won’t fly again until the U.S. is “1,000 percent sure” it’s safe."
Dreamliner Blues Make More News
Other faults identified
"Meanwhile, on Friday, Japan's transport ministry identified the causes of two fuel leaks on a Dreamliner operated by Japan Airlines, pointing to a coating around the mechanism that controls fuel movement between tanks. That led to a switch not working properly."
Speak out against sequestration. Support the reduction of tax breaks. It is time for industry to pay their fair share of the burden for building national and social security.
Oppose the imposition of cuts that will seriously reduce the cash flow for small business around the country. The reduction of cash flow to less than a trickle will cripple many. Big industry won’t be harmed as much, but they will suffer as well. Some of the income from their contracts will be reduced or cut. Reduce tax breaks and close the loopholes. It will improve the security for the economy.
Be a friend to those whom you don’t even know.
Eric Woolfson  – Old and Wise
Someday in the mist of time
When they ask me
If I knew you
I’ll smile and say
you were a friend of mine.
Deny the industry for war absolute power.
Remember the poor. Work to restore the great society.
Steve K.

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