Sunday, December 30, 2012


X-Mas 2012
Jesus is the cornerstone for the Christian faith. Salvation is the good news that he proclaimed. Happiness is the goodness to which we aspire. We believe that God saves, blesses and grants peace.  Peace is a good thing for which to pray. It is something that we believe is divinely desired.

Peace will not be achieved in the name of any one religion, but freedom of religion opens the door to liberty in the rule of law for civil government in any land.

The "kingdom" that Jesus announced was not "of the world" into which he was born because the law for the world was much too cruel to understand the blessings of the good news that he proclaimed.

His mercy however is and has been civil insofar as the torah has always been against rule by the cult of death. Slavery, murder, genocide, terrorism, wars of aggression, violence, oppression and crime of every kind are outlawed as too destructive to be regarded as instructive for peace in society. His love, the love of God, is improving the world.

God made flowers for the desert, so we may enjoy beauty even in a harsh environment.
Storms Threaten Holiday Celebrations
"Even without tornadoes, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said that its residents could see sustained winds between 70 and 80 mph, heavy rain and hail, and dangerous lightning. The system is supposed to move through the state on Christmas Day."

Storm is a reminder of the labor that preceded birth.
Clouds and wind were our agony;
Snow, sleet and rain, our blood;
Lightning, our pain.
Tornado was the aspiration of consciousness
to heaven. Take shelter from the destructiveness.
The baby's body longs to breath clean air;
to feel healthy blood and to taste food for life.
Rejoice! Time is born anew! Order has been re-aligned.
It's a brave new world!
CIW Promotes the Fair Food Program
"Greenawalt goes on to describe her experience with the Program, from when she first stepped out into the heat of a Florida tomato field to the changes her company has helped to build as the Fair Food Program spreads across the industry."

Pricing in Florida is complicated by Citizen's Property Insurance Corporation, a state controlled monopoly. Property Insurance rates have been elevated for businesses. The cost for property insurance has been transferred to the consumer in the form of higher food prices and a higher cost of living.
The life of Stephen the first martyr for the faith is remembered on December 26. The celebration of his life comes the day after the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It serves as a reminder that the Church was established during a period of imperial oppression.
Opposition arose with the deacon Stephen from the synagogue of the Freedmen; Jews from the cities of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia who had been freed from slavery.

The Theodotus Inscription is believed to have been inscribed on the synagogue of the Freedmen.
The Theodotus Inscription
The translation follows:
"“Theodotus son of Vettenus, priest and synagogue leader, son of a synagogue leader, grandson of a synagogue leader, rebuilt this synagogue for the reading of the Law and the teaching of the commandments, and the hostelry, rooms and baths, for the lodging of those who have need from abroad. It was established by his forefathers, the elders and Simonides.” (Shanks, BAR, July/Aug 2003.)"
Imperial liberation was often such that it championed the military force for the incumbent empire. A number of the freedmen felt allegiance to the Roman empire. They felt threatened by a historical perspective that did not promote advocacy for the agent of their liberation.
They dragged Stephen out of the city and began to stone him. They laid their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul. Saul approved of his death. A great persecution arose after they had killed Stephen. All but the apostles were driven from Jerusalem. ff.
Stephen and Paul were redeemed by faith in Christ.
I have been redeemed by my faith, but it came during a time that is constitutionally supportive of liberty in the law. My college experience went against the flow of social norms. I returned to the church while in school. My father had been driven from his during his college years. There were consequences for my conversion. I am still sorting through issues of opposition to faith with reason.
Statistics indicate that there is a consensus in the professional world against belief in God. Faith is for kids and old people. It is for those who are young and naive or old and about to die. It is for the weak in society according to the theory that aggression rules.
Evolutionary theory is the creed of choice for "professionals." It promotes the survival of the fittest where the fittest are strong enough to replace God with natural selection. The strong simplify reality by making it about "number one." The complications of community and democracy are cast aside to favor industrial individualism; code for dictatorship.
Plato becomes the philosopher of choice because he simplified the world of politics to the destructiveness of the elements. Politics is for the elite. The elite are there to pick a suitable war.
Socially, the consensus of agreement against faith in God translates as an opposition to the majority religion. Even atheists quote scriptures from other religions to show their spirituality.
Intelligent design is not the crackpot theory that it is made out to be. It presumes the existence of a Creator whereas atheist theory rejects it. This makes theism or atheism metaphysical; not strictly scientific. Atheists believe that randomness rules. They are existentialists without the Maker of existence. When all has been said and done, their satirical characterization of intelligent design simply argues against establishment of religion by the state.
I am for freedom of religion. I am against "establishment." This view however requires that the viewer take a step back to look at politics from the perspective of liberty. If I were a Christian in a predominantly non-Christian society, I would want legal recognition of my right to believe in God as faith in Jesus teaches me to believe. I can easily imagine that Muslims, Jews and other non-Christians desire the same rights for their faith.
Portrait of a Lady by TS Eliot

You have seen the scene arrange itself
as it will seem to do
with 'I have saved this time for you'
in the [wafting waves of] fog
on a December afternoon.
Wax candles in the darkened room
cast four rings of light overhead;
the atmosphere of Juliet's tomb
prepared for the things to be left unsaid.


Pray for hope, faith, love and peace.
President George H.W. Bush in Intensive Care
""Following a series of setbacks including a persistent fever, President Bush was admitted to the intensive care unit at Methodist Hospital on Sunday where he remains in guarded condition," McGrath said. "Doctors at Methodist continue to be cautiously optimistic about the current course of treatment.""
H.W. displayed respect for human rights in relation to acceptable international norms when he defended the independence of Kuwait. He did not have the US military invade Iraq to conquer it. He had the Iraqi invaders driven out to deter the re-occurrence of an event like the invasion of Austria by Germany prior to WWII. Best wishes for the wishes that are best.
Thomas Becket was killed on December 29,1190.
He was not qualified by training to warrant selection as the archbishop for Canterbury, but he served his post with nobility during trying times. His service raised questions about justice for society.
The law was still cruel insofar as it punished crimes less offensive than murder with torture and the death penalty. The mercy of the Church however waxed cruel in laxity. Members of the Church were granted sanctum by testimony in confession. They could legally get away with murder by the indulgence of Church leadership. This constituted a return to the Babylonian support for aggression in the law of imperial leadership.
Thomas Becket
"[There is an altar] in Canterbury Cathedral where Thomas Becket, [the] Archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered by four knights who believed or claimed to believe that they were acting on the orders of Henry II... The murder of Becket was a turning point in English history, one of the most dramatic events of the Middle Ages. "

Eye Witness Account by Edward Grimm  
"The fourth knight drove away those who were gathering so that the others could finish the murder more freely and boldly. The fifth - not a knight but a cleric who entered with the knights - so that a fifth blow might not be spared him who had imitated Christ in other things, placed his foot on the neck of the holy priest and precious martyr and (it is horrible to say) scattered the brains with the blood across the floor, exclaiming to the rest, "We can leave this place, knights, he will not get up again." "
What is the line between laxity and cruelty? The line is where justice lies. What defines mercy? Mercy has to have redemption by correction as the goal for punishment; not the destruction of the accused offender. How can murder be redeemed? This is the difficulty with the crime. It takes life that cannot be returned for the restitution of natural law.
The legal norm for contemporary society is such that the ‘life for a life’ formulation for retribution as punishment for murder is met with a life sentence in prison. Due process of law requires acknowledgement of the body of evidence (habeus corpus) as the determinant for judgment in response to the charge for crime.
Murder is a crime that warrants capital punishment, but the judgment for the death penalty has to be based on guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt. Why? Statistics show that it has been too easy for the majority to convict minorities of guilt. DNA evidence proved that some of those who were convicted of murder were not guilty for the charge. Whenever capital punishment is used to put somebody falsely convicted of murder to death, the state becomes a murderer. It effectively discredits its own credibility as an authority for justice in the law.
Murder is a crime that doesn’t warrant error in terms of laxity regarding the evidence. It is an empirical investigation insofar as it is sensory-conceptual in the analysis of the body of evidence. Certainty in judgment regarding the charged crime has to be proven.
The following re-write celebrates the importance of salvation. Salvation is defined as success in living a good life.
John 1; Gal.3; Isa.61; Ps.147
The Word existed before the beginning.
The Word was with God.
The Word was God.
There was a man sent from God.
His name was John.
He was a prophet.
He was the Baptist.
He was not the light.
He came as a witness to the light.
The true light which enlightens anyone
was coming to the world.
God saves.
Salvation is the name for God.
Jesus came into the world.
He became incarnate through the Virgin Mary
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He came to what was his own.
All people did not accept him.
Power was given to those
who believed in his name;
the power to become children of God.
The law was given through Moses;
grace and mercy came through Jesus Christ.
It was the Son who made God known.
We were imprisoned to the law prior to faith.
The law was under the tyranny of pain and death
until Christ came, so we could be justified by faith.
When the fullness of time had come
the Word was sent as Son;
born of woman;
born under the law
to redeem those under tyranny
so we could receive adoption as children.
The Spirit of the Son was sent into our hearts,
crying, “Daddy! Father!”
You are no longer a slave.
You are a child; an heir
to justice in the law.
I will rejoice in the LORD.
My whole being will exult in God.
I have been clothed in the garments of salvation.
I have been covered with the robe of righteousness;
as a bridegroom prepares for the wedding celebration;
as a bride adorns herself with jewels.
The earth brings forth its shoots.
The garden produces what is sown.
The Lord GOD will cause praise
and the righteousness of faith
to spring up before all nations.

It is good to sing praises.
It is pleasant to show honor with praise;
let your honor shine forth like rays
from the sun.
The LORD rebuilds peace.
The exiles have been returned
to their homeland.
God heals the brokenhearted.
Their wounds are bound for recovery.
Christ, you count the stars.
You call them by name.
You are mighty in power.
There is no limit to your wisdom.
You lift up the lowly.
Pride is cast down.
You cover the heavens with clouds.
You prepare rain for the thirsty earth.
You make grass grow
and green plants to serve humanity.
You make flowers for the desert
You provide food for flocks and herds;
for young birds when they cry.
You have strengthened our security.
You have blessed citizens as children.
Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving.
Make music for God with your voices and heart.
Is criminal law the only concern for government? No. It is important but the promotion of fairness in the providence of the economy is extremely important as well. Poor people are convicted of more crimes, but the lack of sufficient providence presents a deficit to basic needs for those who are disadvantaged by economic circumstance.
Tax breaks that are too large present an offense to society. When those with much more income are required to pay a smaller proportion for the social and national security, it gives them an unfair advantage. The unfair advantage is promoted as an ideal by elitists to protect the tax breaks. They get more from society than anybody else for a smaller proportion. It creates an environment that is favorable for criminal behavior. It undermines social and national security.
Restore our fortune with urgency LORD; like water from a flash flood in the desert.

Debt Ceiling Nears
"President Barack Obama and Senate leaders will return to work Thursday, and they are running out of time to broker a deal before tax increases hit almost every working American."
Obama Requests Tax Deal
"“Leaders in Congress are working on a way to prevent this tax hike on the middle class, and I believe we may be able to reach an agreement that can pass both houses in time,” Mr. Obama said during his weekly radio address. “We just can’t afford a politically self-inflicted wound to our economy.” "
The economy still suffers due to irresponsible acts by the US government. Two invasions were authorized during a major tax cut after a false flag operation.
National politics since 9/11 has been pushed in the direction of “establishment.” The body politic has been opposed to the recognition of liberty in natural design to favor opposition to Islam. Opposition to Islam has pressed Congress into the National Defense Authorization Act.
This NDAA includes two articles that violate human rights: "targeted killing" and "indefinite detention." Both articles presume guilt by virtue of association with the Muslim identity.
If a Muslim expresses anger at the policies promoted by the western coalition, mainly the US and Israel, he is regarded as a militant; someone subject to indefinite detention or targeted killing. When this policy is taken one step further, the Muslim doesn't even have to express anger against western policies. He or she is simply guilty by association. This presumption of guilt has been used to peddle collateral damage as though it were acceptable.
These articles do not recognize the importance of human rights in government representation. They are violations that offend belief in God as the Creator of humankind. Academic idolatry offends freedom of religion in this country. It also promotes intolerance of other religions around the globe.
The US was established by the battle against tyranny. Laws that endorse human rights violations are a terrible offense against our own heritage. Let Congress make no law that violates human rights. Then we can act as leaders that promote democracy with confidence politically and economically around the globe.
It is the support for military aggression that has prevented us from greater success in helping those nations that suffer from dictatorship. Syria, Egypt, Libya; all the nations involved in the Arab Spring could be establishing valid constitutions that promote a plan for fairness in representative government if the hypocrisy of western coalition alliance not blaring like an overconfident horn section in an orchestra.
Long Live Syria Free and Strong!
""In the name of God E., I am General Abdul-Aziz Jassem al-Shallal, head of the military police. I have defected because of the deviation of the army from its primary duty of protecting the country and its transformation into gangs [for] killing and destruction, the destruction of cities and villages and committing massacres against our unarmed people who went out to demand liberty," he explained. "Long live Syria free and strong.""
Long live democracy! Let it be for fairness in public policy. Promote representative government with due process in the rule of law!
“Who’s gonna save the world tonight?
Who’s gonna bring you back to life?
We’re gonna make it, you and I
We’re gonna save the world tonight!”

Swedish House Mafia – Save the World Tonight  
Turn up the love for happiness.
Serve justice for safety and health.
Don’t support unfair advantage.
Steve K.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Advent 3.12
Students and staff win! Education evolves.
Students Return to School in CT

"The site of the shooting, Sandy Hook Elementary, is the only
school that won't be resuming Tuesday. Authorities are still
working to relocate that school to nearby Monroe, where they
say a former school building will be ready to open to students
in a matter of days."

We have eaten the bread of tears.

We have tasted the bowlful of brine.
Sandy Hook Won’t Re-open Right Away,0,2307742.story
"Newtown officials couldn't say whether Sandy Hook Elementary, where authorities said all the victims were shot at least twice, would ever reopen. Monday classes were canceled, and the district was making plans to send surviving Sandy Hook students to a former school building in a neighboring town."
They couldn’t say whether it will re-open or not because security was not adequate. Vicky Soto was shot while hiding her students in the closet. The shooter also had access to the nurse’s office. The nurse made a point of stating that she hid in the closet much longer than the shooting event (4 hours).
There were no locks on the doors. If a lockdown emergency was not announced, doors would have been locked once the popping sound of guns was heard. Obsession with spending cuts to public sector functions is radically deficient when people won’t spend enough for locks on the doors.

NRA Silent...For Now
"Its deep-pocketed efforts to oppose gun control laws have proven resilient. Firearms are in a third or more of U.S. households and suspicion runs deep of an overbearing government whenever it proposes expanding federal authority."

Firearms from a Prepper's household were used to kill twenty eight: twenty children, six adults in the school, the Prepper mom and finally the shooter.

Who said the NRA wasn't making a statement? Apparently, the damage has already been done. How could they even suggest arming staff in a public school? Now they can afford additional spending? Don't they realize that arming school personnel is an offense to education?

Don't they understand that arming teachers implies coercion that will induce suspicion and mistrust? The thought of arming educational staff in response to the Sandy Hook slaughter is absurd. There wasn't sufficient regulation to prevent weapons from being taken to school from a household. How is arming teachers going to prevent violence? It will only make access to lethal weapons easier. 
Would lawmakers even consider this course of action had the NRA not already proposed the plan?
"By Wednesday, lawmakers in eight states were prepared to introduce legislation to allow – even require – guns in schools, either in the hands of police officers assigned to schools or secretly carried by school personnel.

Concern regarding gun control extends to the extent that self-defense is protected by the second amendment.

The SYG (Stand Your Ground) law is too elastic. It is open to misinterpretation. Claims to self-defense have tripled in FL since it was legislated.

Self-defense has more clarity in home invasion. If an invader enters someone’s home with a weapon, the immediacy of the threat demands a rapid response with enough force to stop harm to the residents. Lethal force is authorized when necessary.
Police aren't allowed to carry weapons without training. Citizens need to have to have instruction in proper use. Licensing needs to be required for carrying firearms outside the place of residence at the very least. A gun safety course needs to be required for licensing. People who carry lethal weapons have to have professional instruction in limiting gun use to valid self-defense.
"Around the globe, newspaper editorials from the Philippines to South Africa urged U.S. gun-control efforts and said they were long overdue."
Biden Played Major Role in Assault Weapon Ban
"Obama said he picked Biden because of his experience in the Senate, including a major role in the 1994 crime bill that included an assault weapons ban that lapsed in 2004."

The NRA will make a meaningful contribution to the issue if they emphasize the Castle over the Stand Your Ground law. People who buy more weapons than are necessary to defend the home present "probable cause" for surveillance.

Assault weapons need to be banned.

The NRA is a Hyper-Active Lobby
"According to the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group, the NRA spends 66 times more on lobbying than what the Brady Campaign to End Gun violence, the country's top gun control advocacy organization,..."

NRA Blasts Call for Gun Control
“"We're going to support an immediate appropriation before Congress to put police officers in every school," LaPierre said on Sunday.”

Ban Assault Weapons.
Require Gun Safety Training for Licensing.
Prevent Licensing to Those with History of Violence.
Require Gun Safety Training for Ownership After Probation
"... instead of finding proof that it’s movies and video games doing the demonstrable harm, we’re more likely to find 10-country studies that show no link between violence and gaming; the success of Australia’s weapons ban following a 1996 mass shooting despite the country celebrating violent/action-based movies like we do; and more information that (shockingly) links higher gun ownership to higher rates of gun violence."

Vicky Soto and Sandy Hook Faculty

Vicki and the other faculty who died to protect the children are tellers. Their lives tell the story of dedication to education.

"One Wants a Teller in a Time Like This"
by Gwendolyn Brooks

One wants a teller in a time like this
One's not a man, one's not a woman grown
To bear enormous business all alone.
One cannot walk this winding street with pride
Straight-shouldered, tranquil-eyed,
Knowing one knows for sure the way back home.
One wonders if one has a home.
One is not certain    if    or    why   or    how
One wants a Teller now:

Put on your rubbers and you won't catch a cold
Here's hell, there's heaven. Go to Sunday School
Be patient, time brings all good things--(and cool
Strong balm to calm the burning at the brain?)

Love is true and triumphs; God is actual.


Shine forth, you who are enthroned between the cherubim.
Ps. 80:1

Remember Sandy Hook. The fallen are enthroned between the cherubim.

Obama Rocks the House!
"Republicans should "peel off the war paint" and take the deal he's offering, Obama said sharply at the White House. He noted that he had won re-election with a call for higher taxes on the wealthy, then added pointedly that the nation aches for conciliation, not a contest of ideologies, after last week's mass murder at a Connecticut elementary school."

You know it had to be said. Don't deny it. LOL.

The rap battle in the Disney production, “Let It Shine” contains some lines for the Republicans:

“I guess it’s easier to play the role and act hard; ‘cause you don’t have the guts to tell us who you really are.”

Capital Hill Republicans would have us believe that they are our protectors. They want to limit spending to the military in the name of national security. National leadership however is not limited to “command and control” policy. National leadership has to promote responsible policies responsibly.

The Constitution is not a piece of paper that gets in the way of world domination. It is a document of the plan for government. It is testimony for the sanctity of representing human rights in leadership.

When foreign and domestic policies are limited to military and law enforcement spending, people programs and the democracy suffer as a result. That which is rendered is a de facto tyranny; a republic for dictatorship.

When the scripture lauds the cherubim, it is talking about our guardians or protectors. Protection however has to support providence. It is not the other way around. Providence is not limited to protection.

Cherubim: Near Ones [Guardians]
"Cherubim first appear in the Bible in the Garden of Eden, to guard the way to the Tree of life.[1]...The words Cherub and Cherubim appear many other times in the holy scriptures, referring to the Cherubim of beaten gold on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, and images on the curtains of the tabernacle, and in Solomon's temple, including two Cherubim made of olive wood overlaid with gold that were ten cubits high.[12]"

Four living creatures appeared in the fire. Their appearance was like that of a man, but each had four faces with four wings. Their wings pointed forward; touching each other; not turning as they moved. Each had the face of a man in front; the face of a lion to the right; the face of an ox to the left; and the face of an eagle.  ff.

Shedu, Lamassu, Alad
"Although "lamassu" had a different iconography and portrayal in Sumerian culture, the terms lamassu, alad, and shedu were used to denote the Assyrian-winged-man-bull symbol and statues during the Neo-Assyrian empire."

Persepolis, (Iran) Gate of All Nations
"Noted structures include the Great Stairway, the Gate of Nations (Xerxes the Great), the Apadana Palace of Darius, the Hall of a Hundred Columns, the Tripylon Hall and Tachara Palace of Darius, the Hadish Palace of Xerxes, the palace of Artaxerxes III, the Imperial Treasury, the Royal Stables and the Chariot House."

Religion in the Achaemenid Empire
"It was during the Achaemenid period that Zoroastrianism reached South-Western Iran, where it came to be accepted by the rulers and through them became a defining element of Persian culture. The religion was not only accompanied by a formalization of the concepts and divinities of the traditional Iranian pantheon but also introduced several novel ideas, including that of free will.[87][88]"

The modern republic is democratic. We are called to represent leadership in providence with protection. Constitutional principles have been documented for our application with respect for liberty in the rule of law.

The following song celebrates the evolution of government to constitutional representation.
"Bethlehem of Ephrathah"
fm. Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1; Ps.80

Restore us, God of hosts;
Show the light of your love.
We will be saved.
How long will you delay
despite the needs of your people?
We have eaten the bread of tears.
We have tasted the bowlful of brine.
We have been played for fools by the elite.
Our enemies laugh at our ways.

Restore us, God of hosts;

Show us your love.

We will grow in success.
The plentiful house of bread started
as a small group in the community of praise
among the states for independence.

Leadership in the promotion of providence
has come to rule in the field of competition;
not aggression with military force.

Providence for basic needs
has been essential for conception
from the most ancient of days.

The poor and disabled will only suffer disadvantage
until the time when she who is in labor
has brought forth the fruit of her womb.

My soul proclaims the greatness of good leadership.
My spirit rejoices in God as Savior.

We will be fed from the strength of spirit
in the plentiful house of bread.

The great society will receive restoration.
Sufficiency will be granted to the disadvantaged.
We will live secure in the celebration of human rights
to the ends of the earth.

All generations will be blessed.
The Almighty has done great things for us.
Salvation is the name for God.

You have mercy on those who show respect
from every generation. You have scattered the proud
in the conceit of their conceptions.

You have cast down the tyrannical from the throne.
You have lifted up the lowly. You have filled the hungry with good things.

The greedy have been sent away wanting more.
You have come to the help of the disadvantaged competitor
to honor the memory of the promise for mercy;
the promise that was made to our ancestors,
from the first to the last in time.

All generations will be blessed.
The Almighty has done great things for us.
Salvation is the name for God.

Hear Christ, the Champion of Competition,
leading growth in success and salvation;
shine forth, you who are enthroned near here
as the guardians for the horizon.
You dwell in the presence
of creativity, strength and mercy.

Martial your mind.
Gather your resources.
Help us to live well.

All generations will be blessed.
The Almighty has done great things for us.
Salvation is the name for God.

Restore us, God of hosts;
Show the light of your love.
We will be saved to live well.

The main point of concern regarding the Bhengazi incident hasn’t been expressed in the media. The security was inadequate to protect against attacks caused by outrage at the "indefinite detention" of a Libyan.
"An independent panel has sharply criticized the State Department for inadequate security at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on the day of an attack that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans."

Christ said to God, "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire. You prepared a body for me."

Add this amendment to the Constitution: "Congress will make no laws that violate human rights."

If Congress had not passed a law that warrants "targeted killing" and the "indefinite detention" of citizens (foreign or domestic) the Libyan radicals would not have had the motivation to attack the US Embassy.

The Petraeus affair brought this significant detail to light. The embassy was attacked because a Libyan was being held in custody. The law that allows for the indefinite detention of citizens as "militants" provided the motivation to liberate one of their countrymen.

The Republicans have been on the warpath in this issue as well. They want to pin all the blame on the party of the other part.

Granted. The proposal for increased spending for security at embassies is aimed at eliminating rather than reducing the problem. If there are no calls for the correction of the flawed law however, then all the spending in the world will not correct the problem. The offense to human rights still stands as a motivation for attacking those responsible for the offense to liberate a fellow citizen.

This is not just an American issue.

The Constitution is the "rule for reason" in leadership. If it favors the majority or a minority, it shows partiality. It has to present a plan that will represent all the people. Otherwise, the implementation of the law will be flawed repeatedly.

The claim to exemption from judgment of the high court is a declaration of intent to dictate. When a claim calls for more power than that which is implicit in leadership, it makes those who make the claim into an elitist faction. Elitists do not represent the people. They represent their own favor.

Constitutional Referendum
""Everything suggests the vote will go the way the Muslim Brotherhood wants.... But the misleading conclusion it will take away is that there is an overwhelming victory allowing it to continue on its chosen path," Hassan Nafaa, an analyst and commentator, said in the newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm."

The Muslim Brotherhood is an elitist faction. Islamists are an elitist faction. A political party cannot dictate favor for one religion without defining itself as an elitist faction.

Doubting Thomas
If I do not see the words for liberty in the law written for all to see, I will not believe.

Martial your mind.
Manage your resources.
Live well.
Steve K.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Staten Island
NYC Rapid Repairs

Advent 2.12

Constitutional monarchy documented rights that were to be recognized by the government (English Bill of Rights, 1689). It improved the potential for representation, but it did not eliminate tyranny. If it had, the colonies would not have made the Declaration of Independence (1776).

Constitutional democracy eliminated the institution of a royal family; added freedom of religion and documented other rights (US Constitution, 1789; Bill of Rights, 1791)

When Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark out to map a route to the Pacific Ocean (1803), he sent supplies and instructions to establish trade relations with Native Americans. This set a civic precedent for future relations.
Those Americans who respected human rights did well with the natives (and visa versa). It was when military force was used to take territory for natural resources that treaties were violated. The inclusive promise of constitutional democracy was cast aside for war or genocide.

John the Baptist did not preach the rejection of civil government. He preached civility in direct contrast to his insulting rhetoric (“You brood of vipers!”). Freedom of religion is to be valued as a civil liberty.

A state that establishes an official religion as the choice for the people does not show respect for representation. A religion that seeks to dictate policy to the people with the state as its enforcer does not respect freedom or the God that made it part of natural law.
Natural law is not aimed at our destruction. It is designed for our liberty and happiness. The destructive aspect of the elements call us to work together to build better constructs and a better society.

Charity was shared after destruction. Honor will be shown for rebuilding society.

Haiti Re-builds
"President Michel Martelly sought to encourage potential investors that Haiti was making progress in building homes for residents displaced by the catastrophic 2010 earthquake. He also said the country is increasing educational opportunities for children, updating infrastructure and creating jobs."
Sandy Relief Concert 12-12-12

Rejoice with all your heart, New York City! Relief is being raised!
The world has ended. Celebrate the brand new world! \/ ('^-^*) <3

The disabled will be enabled. The outcast will be accepted. Shame will be turned into praise.

Assad is Slipping
""The regime and the government in Syria are losing more and more control and more and more territory," Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bodganov told a Russian government committee. "Unfortunately, we cannot rule out the victory of the Syrian opposition.""


Surely, it will be God who saves us. The Lord is our strength and our song. We will break the bread of providence. We will draw water from the springs of salvation with rejoicing.


Syrian Refugees Suffer

"Home is now a leaking plastic tent on the Syrian side of the Turkish border. "We don't have bread. Fuel is very expensive. There is no electricity, no water," Mohammad said."

The Syrian constitution actually contains a provision for the term limit of the president. It hasn't been observed. Assad succeeded his father. He has been in power for more than ten years.

The constitution also contains a provision for freedom of religion; making the plan for government better than the implementation of it.

It looks likely that a Sunni coalition or faction will take over once Assad leaves. The takeover will most likely resemble the situation in Egypt. The problem will shift from the tyranny of a minority to that of the majority if they don't improve the plan for the representation of minority populations.

Freedom from religion has proven to be an unwritten part of civil rights. When religion is "chosen" by coercion, it is not chosen freely. Statistically, freedom of religion supports a majority who choose to worship God in a community that has made the same choice.

It is time to start celebrating the impending restoration!
Fm Zephaniah 3 & Isaiah 12

The world has ended.
Long live the new world!
Sing well, sweet daughter;
Compete with honor, strong son!
Surely it is God who saves.

The rule of law is our stronghold; a sure defense.
Rejoice with your heart, dear people.
The judgment against you has been turned away.
The leader of love, the LORD, is in your midst;
you will repair the damage that was done.

We will draw water with rejoicing
from the spring of salvation.
We will break bread made
from the grain of providence.
It will be said to the afflicted on that day:
Do not fear strife for life, dear citizens;
do not let your hands lay idle.
The LORD, your God, is in your midst;
a Champion who leads us to victory.

We will rejoice with gladness.
We will be renewed in love.
We will exult with loud singing
to celebrate deliverance.
Damage from disaster will be removed
by our labor. Damage from the storm
will not keep us from progress.
Repairs will be made.

Oppressors will be corrected.
The disabled will be enabled.
The disadvantaged will gain advantage.
Shame will be changed to praise
as an example for all the earth.

Your home will be restored for shelter.
Work will be made available for compensation.
People will sing praises for your accomplishments.
Your fortunes will be restored,
says the LORD.
You will sing praises in thanksgiving.


Bear fruit worthy of repentance.

Fiscal Cliff
"The cliff negotiations between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner have taken on the aspect of a game of chicken. Boehner needs spending cuts; Obama needs revenue. America needs both."

Cut military spending. Leave people programs alone. Enough damage has been done.
The concern about the rocket launch in N. Korea is overstated. The US has had enough sensationalist alarmism to have raised military spending by three times since 1997.

N. Korea Launches Rocket
North Korea officials say the rocket is meant to send a satellite into orbit to study crops and weather patterns, and Pyongyang maintains its right to develop a civilian space program.

Putin is promoting overcorrection with his isolationism, but he is right to contrast the "free market" economy with "capitalism."
Putin’s Address
Russia needs to develop a free market economy based on industry and middle size business as the growth potential of a resource based economy is exhausted, President Vladimir Putin said.


Citizens do not need a leader who claims exemption from Supreme Court rulings regarding his decisions. They do not need to be forced to join a religious community. The constitution is a plan for government. When the plan is flawed, it institutes flawed applications of the law. This is not just about making an improvement over the last errors in leadership. It is about establishing the basis for long term improvement with a plan that is worthy of implementation.

Egyptians Vote on Islamist Constitution
According to both supporters and opponents of the draft, the charter not only makes Muslim clerics the arbiters for many civil rights, it also could give a constitutional basis for citizens to set up Saudi-style "religious police" to monitor morals and enforce segregation of the sexes, imposition of Islamic dress codes and even harsh punishments for adultery and theft — regardless of what the laws on the books say.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a faction.
Sheik Mohammed Sayyed, who is linked to Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, said during Friday prayers at a mosque in Assuit: "Tomorrow is the day we will seek victory of Islam."

The partisan manipulation of voting machines to “win” elections is not unique to Egypt.

There is a strong correlation between states that have been taken over by Republicans and states that are using electronic voting machines. What does this mean? It is time to outlaw voting machines. It is also time to call the FBI! Your civil right to vote is being violated!

Twenty students and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT on Friday, December 14, 2012. Most of the students were six years old. One of the adults was the principal who had called for increased security measures at the start of the school year. Another was the mother of the shooter. She had been a teacher at the school. She and her husband had purchased the weapons that were used by their son in the shooting.
President Obama Calls For Action Again
President Obama said:"...while nothing can take the place of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need - to remind them that we are there for them; that we are praying for them; that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their own memories, but also in their community, and their country."

Teaching non-violent conflict solving skills needs to be more routine than the lockdown drills.
"Lockdown drills have become routine across the country and can serve a dual purpose: Prepare and reassure."

The following song is very significant in relation to the StandYourGround (SYG) law; the "war on terror"; "targeted killing"; and the "indefinite detention" of civilians as militants [suspected terrorists].
John Lennon – Imagine

Imagine there's no country. It isn't hard to do; nothing to kill or die for; and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Work for love. Live in peace.

Steve K.