Reese and Ava Witherspoon
Those whose transgression is forgiven
are happy with the gift that has been given.
Those whose sin has been put away
are glad to have another chance to play.
Those to whom no guilt has been imputed
feel their spirit has not been executed.
My bones withered when I held my tongue.
I felt as though I did not know what it was to be young.
Aches turned to moans inside the bones of the bound judge.
The marrow melded with so much fat it felt like sludge.
My aches entombed groans as though immured.
The heavy burden felt as though it could not be cured.
The pain became ingrained.
It threatened to drive me insane.
I felt depressed from being oppressed.
Sadness became a constant guest.
The weight of judgment weighed heavily upon me.
My head ached so hard I could barely see.
My moisture dried up as in heat.
Dehydration took a seat from head to feet.
The wetness simmered like it was summer.
My heart pounded beats like an unskilled drummer.
Then I acknowledged my error.
Like the soul of Nineveh, I had become a bearer
of terror.
When I admit my guilt,
it felt like the only thing I had built.
I did not conceal my sin from you.
I admit to that which was not true.
I said, "I confess. I was wrong."
I had made myself a victim for much too long.
"God, I acknowledge my transgression."
My soul was freed from that which had taken possession.
You are my preservation from trouble.
The wealth of happiness will only double.
You are my deliverance; my hiding place.
My faith in love will find no disgrace.
You surround me with shouts for relief.
Guilt doesn't haunt remorse with grief.
“Be reconciled to God in behalf of Christ
Become an ambassador for liberation from vice.
“I have rolled away the disgrace of enslavement.
From now on you will receive haven as an agent.
"I will instruct you. You will learn.
You will be rewarded for what you earn.
"I will guide you by design.
Much is said by the circle and the line.
"Do not act as though you have no understanding.
Creation works. It is always handy.
"Use knowledge with instinct.
Avoid being driven to the brink."
To bind the mind to reasonable reason
liberates the soul from classical treason.
Slavery had been defended by Aristotle
though a slave-less society had already been modeled.
He had the law of the excluded middle.
The effect on knowledge is not as large a riddle.
He had the sun revolve around the earth
when axial rotational orbit gave light its birth.
His dialectical method paved a way around conflict.
The reconciliation didn’t always convict the script
but more than one dichotomy
led to conceptual lobotomy.
The faithful will feel the joy of liberation
that hails the re-birth of greatness for our nation.
Prayers will be made in the time of trouble.
Deliverance will be granted. Gain may more than double.
Innocent are those to whom guilt is not imparted.
They are as happy as when they started.
This spirit does not covet guile.
It does not live to hate or revile.
Grateful are those who are forgiven.
Goodness will become the goal for which life is driven.
Fault will be put away.
Love will see the light of day.
I no longer feel the weight of that burden.
Freedom felt free. That feeling was certain.
I feel forgiven for that which was wrong.
Liberation has become my favorite song.
Now I walk with faith in times of trouble.
I don't hide myself in my ego's bubble.
I unite with those who are right,
but disagree with causing strife by blight.
Great waters do not reach the faithful in a flood.
My marrow no longer feels like sludge.
Tribulations are for those who are not forgiven.
Sing a song. Grace is no longer hidden.
Mercy embraces those with trust.
It will not fade. It will not rust.
We have to celebrate and rejoice.
One of us was dead. Now, he has found his voice.
Rejoice you who are grateful.
Happiness loses that which is hateful.
Sing with joy, all you who are true of heart.
It will bless you with another start.
Justice without cruelty or violence
is in the wind like the sound of violins.
Fairness will be embraced by society.
It will be celebrated with sincere sobriety.
The path to progress is built with organization.
The economy grows providence for normalization.
Grateful are those who are forgiven.
Goodness will become the goal for which life is driven.
32 Beati quorum
1 Happy are they whose transgressions are forgiven,
and whose sin is put away!
2 Happy are they to whom the Lord imputes no guilt,
and in whose spirit there is no guile!
3 While I held my tongue, my bones withered away,
because of my groaning all day long.
4 For your hand was heavy upon me day and night;
my moisture was dried up as in the heat of summer.
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you,
and did not conceal my guilt.
6 I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord."
Then you forgave me the guilt of my sin.
7 Therefore all the faithful will make their prayers to you in
time of trouble;
when the great waters overflow, they shall not reach them.
8 You are my hiding-place;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.
9 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you
should go;
I will guide you with my eye.
10 Do not be like horse or mule, which have no understanding;
who must be fitted with bit and bridle,
or else they will not stay near you."
11 Great are the tribulations of the wicked;
but mercy embraces those who trust in the Lord.
12 Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in the Lord;
shout for joy, all who are true of heart.
Joshua- God saves
Egypt- black country
Gilgal- rolled away or circle of stones
Jericho- place of the moon
Joshua 5:9-10
The LORD said to Joshua, 'Today I have rolled away from you the disgrace of Egypt.' That place is called Gilgal to this day. While the Israelites were encamped at Gilgal they kept the Passover in the evening on the fourteenth day of the month in the plains of Jericho.
I have rolled away the disgrace of enslavement.
From now on you will receive haven as an agent.
2 Corinth. 5:20
We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Be reconciled to God in behalf of Christ
Become an ambassador for liberation from vice.
Luke 15:32
The father said to his oldest son, "We had to celebrate and rejoice. This brother of yours was dead and has come to life. He was lost and has been found."
We have to celebrate and rejoice.
One of us was dead. Now, he has found his voice.
Rene Descartes
31 March 1596, Descartes, France
11 February 1650, Stockholm, Sweden
The word rational is derived from ratio. It means to compare. It includes the comparison of numbers. Fractions are basically numeric comparisons that serve to measure portions.
Rene Descartes is regarded as a key figure in rationalism. Rationalism was a system of thought that sought to promote the adoption of individual responsibility in reason.
Descartes rejected the scholastic thought that referred to authorities as the source for forming judgments. Classical thought referred to classical authors. Plato and Aristotle were treated as the primary leaders in this kind of thought. Christian scholasticism referred to the bible as well. Rene attempted to reduce reason to that which he could argue with certainty.
Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and scientist. He has been dubbed the father of modern western philosophy. Subsequent Western philosophy is a response to his writing. He spent about 20 years of his life in the Dutch Republic.
The Low Countries correspond roughly to the present-day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. They consisted of a number of duchies, counties and Prince-bishoprics until the 16th century. Almost all of this territory was under the supremacy of the Holy Roman Empire. The country of Flanders was the exception. It was under the Kingdom of France.
Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy expresses skepticism for scholasticism. Scholasticism uses dialectic and cross referencing to establish a hypothesis. The system is too internal however in organization. Thoughts are compared with others for testability, but it lacks a method for testing with measurement.
Thought builds agreement in relation to hypothesis, but when a statement is taken as true without respect for alignment with reality, it creates dissonance. Reification of the cause of distortion pairs belief in truth with the misconception of perception from sensation.
Agreement makes the dissonance social as well as personal. Descartes rejected argument based on the authority of the sources. Even an assembly of sources doesn’t necessarily produce a statement that can be tested to rule out false associations. His style of writing used personal expression as a means for ruling out error. His mathematics was aimed at refining a test with measurement prior to trial.
Descartes's influence in mathematics established a measure with a field for perception for the comparison of variables as a function or a shape. The Cartesian coordinate system allows for reference to a point in space as a set of numbers. Algebraic equations are expressed as geometric shapes in two-dimension or more coordinate system.
The system was named after him. He was named the father of analytical geometry. The bridge between algebra and geometry was used in the discovery of infinitesimal calculus and analysis. Descartes was a key figures in the scientific revolution.
Descartes asserted that he will write on this philosophy "as if no one had written on these matters before" in the opening section of the Passions of the Soul. This was a treatise on the early modern version of what are now commonly called emotions. Feelings were contrasted with thought. They were defined as motivational. Thoughts were reflective. Motivations move the soul. Reflections inhibit movement. Emotions stimulate motion.
He was suspicious of his own senses. His best known philosophical statement is "Cogito ergo sum." The Latin expression “Thought thus exists” was contrasted with the French: “Je pense, donc je suis.”
This translates to English as “I think, therefore I am.” The statements can be, found in part IV of Discourse on the Method (1637; written in French but with inclusion of "Cogito ergo sum") and §7 of part I of Principles of Philosophy (1644; written in Latin).
The traditional Scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy was prevalent in his time. His break with academic tradition promoted the development of the new, mechanistic sciences. His fundamental break with Scholastic philosophy was twofold.
First, Descartes thought that the Scholastic method was prone to doubt given their reliance on consensus in agreement as the source for knowledge. Second, he wanted to replace their final causal model of scientific explanation with the more modern, mechanistic model.
Descartes attempted to address the former issue via his method of doubt. His basic strategy was to consider belief that falls prey to doubt false. This “hyperbolic doubt” then serves to clear the way for what he considers to be an unprejudiced search for the truth. This clearing of previously held beliefs puts him at an epistemological ground-zero. He sets out to find something that lies beyond doubt from here.
He eventually discovers that “I exist” is impossible to doubt and is certain. He proceeds to demonstrate the existence of divinity from this point. Divine truth does not deceive. This serves to fix the certainty of that which is clearly and distinctly understood. It provides the epistemological foundation that he set out to find.
Descartes proceeds to rebuild his system of beliefs on this foundation once this conclusion is reached. These beliefs are re-established with certainty They include the existence of a world of bodies external to the mind. The dualistic distinction of the immaterial mind from the body is the platform for his mechanistic model of physics based on the clear and distinct ideas of geometry.
This points toward his second major break with the Scholastic Aristotelian tradition. He intended to replace final cause explanations with mechanistic principles. He applied this mechanistic framework to the operation of plant, animal and human bodies. Operations work with sensation and the passions. This understanding of motivations culminates in a moral system based on the notion of “generosity.”
He was a creative mathematician, an important scientific thinker and an original metaphysician during the course of his life. He developed the techniques that made algebraic or “analytic” geometry in math. He can be credited with several specific achievements for science.
He was co-framer of the sine law of refraction. He developed an important empirical account of the rainbow. He proposed a naturalist account of the formation of the earth and planets. It was a precursor to the nebular hypothesis.
More importantly, he offered a new vision of the natural world. The vision continues to shape our thought today. It is a world of matter that possesses a few fundamental properties that interacts according to a few universal laws. This natural world included an immaterial mind that was directly related to the brain.
He formulated the modern version of the mind–body problem in this way. He provided arguments for the existence of God in metaphysics. He sought to show that the essence of matter is extension. The essence of mind is thought. He claimed to possess a method of doubt. This method was variously exhibited in mathematics, natural philosophy and metaphysics.
Rene Descartes
勒 Lei to bind 勒 roku halter and bit Ri る ル Leu 르 le
内 nei inner 內 no kanji ne ね ネ ne 네 yeah
笛 Di whistle 笛 teki flute De で デ De 데 place
卡 ka card 卡 ka card ka か カ ka 카 car
尔 er you 爾 ore you ru る ル leu 르 le
to と ト teu 트 the
To bind the mind to reasonable reason
liberates the soul from classical treason.
Sexism Overstated
The statement that there is a "special place in hell" for women who don't help other women doesn't only threaten women. There is a special degree of relativity when the statement comes from a leading advocate for the war on terror in the US.
There have been two components to the definition for who the terrorist is in the media expression. There was the thread that identified 'expatriated' white males as terrorists. There was also the thread that said that Muslims were terrorists because the sexism of their society harbors them.
That which is false about the implications for either 'profile' effected covert operational applications of 'investigation' and 'prosecution' as related to both the Patriot Act and the NDAA.
The more recent application of special investigations by Congress has targeted the executive branch. It was taken from a long standing tradition that extends back to the House of Commons in England.
James Wilson of Pennsylvania, a future Supreme Court Justice and Convention delegate, wrote an essay in 1774. He called the investigators the "grand inquisitors" who made the "proudest monarchs" tremble at their censures.
The effort to effect the outcome of the vote regarding their investigation has jaded the objectivity of their 'prosecution.'
The "special place in hell" hasn't been reserved for women. It was used to threaten Richard Nixon into resignation from his office. It has been used by Mueller in the investigation of Donald Trump and his associates. It wasn't used in the investigation of the 'terrorist attack' on 9/11/01.
The whole notion of the special investigation unit is based on an inference of the Constitutional authority to legislate. The difficulty is that Congress and covert operations throw out objective investigation in order to obtain the objective of subordinating the authority of the executive office to that of the liberal element in Congress.
The appointment of the special investigator is so closely tied to association with the special prosecutor that the investigator is prosecuting his case during the investigation. The appointment is so lacking in a system of checks and balances that it doesn't warrant the claim to constitutional authority.
The appointment has been used to dismiss executive opposition to the use of legislative authority to precipitate profit from military action. Nixon was prosecuted for impeachment because he was pulling troops out of Vietnam.
The claim that Nixon had authorized the burglary into Democrat HQ was used as a pretense to have him punished for responding to national protests against the war. The date of the 'burglary' was dated to 1972.
Johnson had elevated troop presence in Vietnam after the Kennedy assassination. Nixon started to reduce troops in 1969, his first year in office. He announced the intent to end the war in Paris in 1973.
He was pressured to resign in the same year. It's not a logical fallacy to assert that the special prosecutor and the Washington Post worked together to control public perception regarding the outcome of the 'investigation.' The burglary claim was just a way to tag the person in the presidential office with the name 'crook.'
The special prosecutor's investigation is so laden with pre-determined liberal intent that it doesn't qualify for the standards of due process in law required by the US Constitution. It is an affront to the dignity and authority of the executive office.
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