Jennifer Garner
the Best
Xúnzhǎo zuì hǎo de
Besuto o sagasu
Heavenly Father, hear my request.
Help me to reach the time for rest at my best.
My cares have deprived me of peace.
Help me to find relief in the right degree of release.
I have been shaken by the noise of the enemy.
Their pressure has been at enmity with me.
Adversity has been used as an incantation.
Accusation has been the agent for defamation.
Public perception has been jaded with fake news
as a twisted incrimination of a mangled political view.
Fear and trembling have been miscast as courage.
The error of subversion has been thrown as a malnourished flourish.
My heart has recoiled within me.
What is it about the process that isn't being seen?
I said, "Ideas are bulletproof.
Each premise remains aloof.
"The conclusion is drawn as a proposal
for how to proceed with the vocal disposal.
"The better argument is so self-reliant
it is taken to be an expression of defiance.
"The purpose of government is self-limitation
to the most conservative form of legal expression.
"Liberty in law is for public instruction.
The range for freedom does not condone destruction.
"Expenditure has to be minimal.
Otherwise, taxation becomes criminal.
"National security is defined for defense.
Profit from the precipitation of conflict is too intense.
"Invasion destroyed the balance of countervaillance.
Probable cause was rejected to sell electronic surveillance."
Don't agree to the abundance of logical fallacy.
Those with the weaker argument resort to fantasy.
Policy gets shaped by insanity.
Stories of violence and strife were released
to suggest that chaos rules the streets.
The right to bear arms for defense
allows the power of the well regulated to become intense.
Should a friend become a violent adversary
my mission will become disciplinary.
Lethal force is only justified against an imminent deadly threat.
Otherwise, some other form of punishment for correction is a better bet.
Anyone who threatens to damage another has broken the covenant.
Common law is the basis for morality in government.
I will entreat the Lord in the morning with my petition
to establish a warning against sedition.
I will ask for direction as to what is best.
I will do my best to earn no regrets.
I will pray for sustenance during the day
to work with integrity for the moral way.
I will ask for protection when night falls
to rejuvenate with rest when sleep calls.
Every priest offers prayer in sacrifice for sin.
Sacrifice is offered to build softness gently until strength wins.
Jesus asked the guardian for a drink of water.
She was surprised as she was not a tribal daughter.
He said, 'Ask of me and I will give you life.
Living water will release you from strife.'
Cast your burden on the Lord.
He will sustain you in what you can afford
with accord.
Put these words in your heart and soul.
Bind them insofar as your hand can hold.
Fix them as an emblem for thought.
Teach them to your children as taught.
Talk about them when you are at home
or wherever you may roam.
Think about them when you lie down
or you rise again to move around.
Knowledge is formed by ruling out inconsistency
to frame general ideas for profit in rest, play or activity.
Consent builds consensus in knowledge.
Benefit seeks agreement in and out of college.
The destructive will be led to the pit of destruction.
They will be offered the chance to become productive.
Insidious ways
lead to pernicious pay.
I will put my trust in God
that I may walk with pleasure on the esplanade.
55 Exaudi, Deus
1 Hear my prayer, O God;
do not hide yourself from my petition.
2 Listen to me and answer me;
I have no peace, because of my cares.
3 I am shaken by the noise of the enemy
and by the pressure of the wicked;
4 For they have cast an evil spell upon me
and are set against me in fury.
5 My heart quakes within me,
and the terrors of death have fallen upon me.
6 Fear and trembling have come over me,
and horror overwhelms me.
7 And I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest.
8 I would flee to a far-off place
and make my lodging in the wilderness.
9 I would hasten to escape
from the stormy wind and tempest."
10 Swallow them up, O Lord;
confound their speech;
for I have seen violence and strife in the city.
11 Day and night the watchmen make their rounds
upon her walls,
but trouble and misery are in the midst of her.
12 There is corruption at her heart;
her streets are never free of oppression and deceit.
13 For had it been an adversary who taunted me,
then I could have borne it;
or had it been an enemy who vaunted himself against me,
then I could have hidden from him.
14 But it was you, a man after my own heart,
my companion, my own familiar friend.
15 We took sweet counsel together,
and walked with the throng in the house of God.
16 Let death come upon them suddenly;
let them go down alive into the grave;
for wickedness is in their dwellings, in their very midst.
17 But I will call upon God,
and the Lord will deliver me.
18 In the evening, in the morning, and at noonday,
I will complain and lament,
and he will hear my voice.
19 He will bring me safely back from the battle waged against me;
for there are many who fight me.
20 God, who is enthroned of old, will hear me and bring them down;
they never change; they do not fear God.
21 My companion stretched forth his hand against his comrade;
he has broken his covenant.
22 His speech is softer than butter,
but war is in his heart.
23 His words are smoother than oil,
but they are drawn swords.
24 Cast your burden upon the Lord,
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous stumble.
25 For you will bring the bloodthirsty and deceitful
down to the pit of destruction, O God.
26 They shall not live out half their days,
but I will put my trust in you.
Deut. 11:18-19
Put these words of mine in your heart and soul. Bind them as a sign with your hand. Fix them as an emblem in your thought. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home, when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.
Put these words in your heart and soul.
Bind them insofar as your hand can hold.
Fix them as an emblem for thought.
Teach them to your children as taught.
Talk about them when you are at home
or wherever you may roam.
Think about them when you lie down
or you rise again to move around.
Hebrews 5:1-3
Every high priest chosen from among mortals is put in charge of things pertaining to God on their behalf, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He is able to deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself is subject to weakness. He must offer sacrifice for his own sins as well as those of the people because of this.
Every high priest offers gifts in sacrifice for sin.
Sacrifice is offered to build softness gently until strength wins.
John 4:7-9
A Samaritan woman came to draw water and Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink.’ His disciples had gone to the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, ‘How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?’ Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.
Samaritan-Watchmen; Guardians
Jesus asked the guardian for a drink of water.
She was surprised as she was not a tribal daughter.
He said, "Ask of me and I will give you life.
Living water will release you from strife."
Animal Sense
Anthony Kenny
3.16.19 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Consider the value in the critical analysis of reason with faith as it relates to the path to citizenship. This is what Aristotle had done with Plato. It is what Aquinas had done with Aristotle. It is what Berkeley had done with the Platonism in Locke and Newton. Anthony Kenny has made a point of critically assessing the reason of Aquinas.
It may sound like there is too much second guessing going on with respect for faith, but if you look at the size of the errors associated with the philosophy of Aristotle as it has effected the imperial policy in empire, it stands to reason that there is a benefit to be gleaned from looking at dialectical reason in a way that includes respect for rights and modern scientific discovery.
The re-institution of slavery after the Renaissance stands a warning to certain dangers in Aristotle's thought. The use of the Inquisition against Galileo was another manifestation of the same kind of error.
The critical analysis of reason associated with faith develops historical perspective on political policy for moral philosophy. A sense of what is right for the present as it has worked through the ages is manifested as cognitively feasible.
Liverpool is on the northwest coast of England. It is east of the Mersey Estuary. The city had about 490,000 in 2017. It is part of the 5th largest metropolitan area in the UK with 2.25 million in 2011.
The name comes from the Old English lifer and pol. Lifer means thick or muddy water. Pol means a pool or creek. The name for the settlement was first recorded as Liuerpul in 1190. The original reference was to a pool or tidal creek into which two streams drained, but has now been filled up.
Liverpool was the center for the “Merseybeat” sound in the 1960’s. It was synonymous with the Beatles. The proximity to the Republic of Ireland lent itself to an appreciation for American rhythm and blues music.
The Beatles became internationally known as the most commercially and musically influential band in popular history. John Lennon was shot in New York City in 1980. The airport for the city was named for him in 2002.
Anthony Kenny
Anthony Kenny was born in Liverpool on 16 March 1931.
He went to the Liverpool diocesan seminary for 6 years. He was given a classical education there. He was able to teach Greek philosophy at Balliol on the strength of what he had learned.
He went to English College in Rome for 7 years to receive training as a Roman Catholic priest. He was granted a degree in Licentiate of Sacred Theology. He was ordained in 1955 and served as a curate in Liverpool (1959-63).
He went to the University of Oxford during this time and received his DPhil in 1961. He worked as an assistant lecturer at the University of Liverpool (1961-63).
He questioned the validity of Roman Catholic doctrine. The requirement for celibacy for priests, the exclusion of women from the priesthood and the claim to papal infallibility as a development of supremacy over national politics in a kingdom or a republic are issues that suggest belief in favor for the practices by God.
Kenny declared himself an agnostic. He returned to the lay state in 1963. He married Nancy Gayley in 1965. He had not been dispensed from the obligation to clerical celibacy by canon law. He was excommunicated when he was married.
He retained interest in traditional Catholic teaching and continued to attend Catholic Mass. He explained his belief in What I Believe. He is not a theist or an atheist. Atheism makes a stronger claim than theism.
The atheist argues that no matter what definition you choose, the statement 'God exists' is false. Theism only claims that there is some definition which will make the statement true. Kenny argued that neither claim has been "convincingly established." The true default position is agnosticism.
His philosophy of religion applies analytical philosophy to the work of Thomas Aquinas. He wrote about The Five Ways to examine the five proofs of God according to Aquinas. Kenny argued that none of the proofs are wholly valid. He set out to show the flaws in the proofs.
His argument ranged from the problem of Aristotelian motion in a modern scientific context to the ability of contingent being to cause eternality in other contingent beings. The criticism of the work of Thomas Aquinas was set down to focus on modern analysis.
It would be mistaken to think that the implication is that there is no value to the consideration of what Thomas wrote. Aquinas used Aristotle to establish a metaphysical framework for the consideration of political structures. He anticipated the consequence of the revival of classical thought with his defense of monarchy.
I didn't find the argument for agnosticism to be persuasive. I think that theism admits that the divine nature is defined as undefinable insofar as it is immaterial. The value of belief in the immaterial is that it allows for criticism of material forms.
This is not to say that anything material is rejected as evil or 'immaterial.' There is value to be found in agreement with beneficial constancy as opposed to radical obstinacy or revolutionary reform.
Anthony Kenny
安 An still 安 an relax An あん アン Aen 앤 Ann
东 dong east 東 to east so そ ソ seo 서 book
尼 ni nun 尼 ni nun ni に- ニ- ni 니 nee
肯 Ken willing 肯 ko consent Ke け ケ Ke 케 ke
尼 ni nun 尼 ni nun ni に- ニ- ni 니 nee
Consent builds consensus in knowledge.
Benefit seeks agreement in and out of college.
The Principles of Human Knowledge was written prior to the time that education was instituted by legislation for the public. The thought of how we learn is not as apparent to the adult mind that has not considered the mechanisms by which we learn. Learning without structured education exists primarily in the imagination for those who have already learned how to use language.
The empiricists introduced the notion of simple ideas as a pedagogical tool. The existence of simple ideas suggests that children learn ideas from words. Words are associated with images or things. Abstraction takes place with comparison and contrast in the experience of education.
Children in school need lists of words to learn as an objective. A list not only makes words into objects to learn definitions, it provides something to study to strengthen the memory. The word list is used by the teacher to write tests that the children can use to check their memory of the instruction.
The question and answer form is used to build strength in memory. What is the meaning for the word? The answer is the meaning for the word.
Rubrics provide rules, examples for application and a point scale for correct answers. The student is given an idea of how to apply the words in sentences. The rubrics give the student the skill to create conceptual expressions or verbal communications. The offer of a good report motivates students to respect the measure for their performance as an incentive to perform at their best. The reporting system is designed to report grades for achievement and behavior.
This method for the course of instruction provides a scientific basis to test for knowledge fairly. The student is not expected to guess at what the instructor is looking for as a pre-packaged opinion so much as he or she is expected to remember definitions and how to use the words that are being taught.
There is room for debate in issues that are debatable.
Knowledge of the meaning of words is important in business as well. Labor needs instruction in how to perform operations. Management needs to look for efficient means for production and markets for the product. Marketing and sales have to convey a sense of the value of the product to the people to whom the product is being sold. A strong vocabulary helps to develop the means for production.
George Berkeley
Principles of Human Knowledge
"And it is on all hands agreed that there is need of great toil and labour of the mind, to emancipate our thoughts from particular objects, and raise them to those sublime speculations that are conversant about abstract ideas. From all which the natural consequence should seem to be, that so DIFFICULT a thing as the forming abstract ideas was not necessary for COMMUNICATION, which is so EASY and familiar to ALL SORTS OF MEN. But, we are told, if they seem obvious and easy to grown men, IT IS ONLY BECAUSE BY CONSTANT AND FAMILIAR USE THEY ARE MADE SO. Now, I would fain know at what time it is men are employed in surmounting that difficulty, and furnishing themselves with those necessary helps for discourse. It cannot be when they are grown up, for then it seems they are not conscious of any such painstaking; it remains therefore to be the business of their childhood. And surely the great and multiplied labour of framing abstract notions will be found a hard task for that tender age. Is it not a hard thing to imagine that a couple of children cannot prate together of their sugar-plums and rattles and the rest of their little trinkets, till they have first tacked together numberless inconsistencies, and so framed in their minds ABSTRACT GENERAL IDEAS, and annexed them to every common name they make use of?"
Knowledge is formed by ruling out inconsistency
to frame general ideas for profit in rest, play or activity.
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