Wednesday, July 24, 2019



Jiù wǒ
Eripe me

The purpose for punishment is correction.
Where is correction without redemption?

The blessed son of the light from the lamp
recorded the words to exalt God's camp.

He who was healed for the Most High to set up
was set on the path for a plan that would not let up.

The LORD said 'I am going to break down what I built with my hand
to pluck up what I have planted, the whole land.

'I will give you as king your life as a prize in war.
You will be spared in any place that you attempt to score.' 

The foster father, the brother of grace, was killed with a sword
as the hero sought to act as an emblem for the hand of the Lord.

The Son said, 'It is not mine for you to sit at my side
The place has been prepared by my Father to be satisfied.

I take refuge in you in whom I believe.
Deliver me from all who pursue to retrieve me.

Vindicate me from the charges pressed.
I did not do that which was said. 

Rescue me from those who persecute
to destroy or reduce to servitude.

They seek to tear me to pieces like a lion
or to shoot me with an arrow from the bow of Orion.

O Lord my God, if I had done the things of which I have been accused
I would be guilty of having been the one who had abused.

If I had repaid my friend with evil
I would have called forth the penal primeval.

If I had plundered him who without cause was my enemy
then I would have been the cause of a desperate destiny.

Then you would have been right to let my opponent overtake me
to trample my life into the ground, to make me eat dust to forsake my enmity.

Rise up in your anger
against their rancor.

Let the assembly of the people gather round you
to hear the decree of justice resound as true.

Act as the judge of nations
from the height of your station.

Judge me for the right intent
to live in accord with your righteousness.

Let the malice of wickedness end
to establish the mind and heart of a friend.

God is my shield and defense.
He is the Savior of true intent.

He is a righteous judge
who sits in judgment without a grudge.

My Lord is the God
who has prepared a way for me to beat the odds. 

Weapons have been prepared for defense
to preserve life from attack in the lethal or violent sense.

Look at those who labored with evil intent
to craft their lies for wickedness.

They dug a pit to make it deep.
You let them fall in it to heave and weep

You had their malice turn back on their own head
that their memory of violence may deter their action instead.

I will praise the name of the Most High.
This witness will serve what's right.

The agent for good news went west to edify those drafted.
He was imprisoned and executed as though for rebellion he had acted.

Punishment as a goal is misdirected.
Incentive corrects with benign intent.

It redirects behavior until corrected. 
Punishment is a substitute for retribution.
if the offender can't pay restitution
the punishment is a kind of substitution.

Punishment only points toward redemption.
Cruelty reinforces penal inclination.

Beneficial intention is removed 
to leave the punished used,
bruised, unmoved and unproved. 

Correction is the name of the game.
What will it take to get the offender to seek dutiful fame?

The path to citizenship is lined with the incentive of mutual benefit.
Observe law without judgment that is punitive, prejudiced or preemptive.


7 Domine, Deus meus
Dominated, my God

1 O Lord my God, I take refuge in you;
save and deliver me from all who pursue me;
2 Lest like a lion they tear me in pieces
and snatch me away with none to deliver me.
3 O Lord my God, if I have done these things:
if there is any wickedness in my hands,
4 If I have repaid my friend with evil,
or plundered him who without cause is my enemy;
5 Then let my enemy pursue and overtake me,
trample my life into the ground,
and lay my honor in the dust.
6 Stand up, O Lord, in your wrath;
rise up against the fury of my enemies.
7 Awake, O my God, decree justice;
let the assembly of the peoples gather round you.
8 Be seated on your lofty throne, O Most High;
O Lord, judge the nations.
9 Give judgment for me according to my
righteousness, O Lord,
and according to my innocence, O Most High.
10 Let the malice of the wicked come to an end,
but establish the righteous;
for you test the mind and heart, O righteous God.
11 God is my shield and defense;
he is the savior of the true in heart.
12 God is a righteous judge;
God sits in judgment every day.
13 If they will not repent, God will whet his sword;
he will bend his bow and make it ready.
14 He has prepared his weapons of death;
he makes his arrows shafts of fire.
15 Look at those who are in labor with wickedness,
who conceive evil, and give birth to a lie.
16 They dig a pit and make it deep
and fall into the hole that they have made.
17 Their malice turns back upon their own head;
their violence falls on their own scalp.
18 I will bear witness that the Lord is righteous;
I will praise the Name of the Lord Most High.


Jeremiah- Exalt Yah
Baruch- Blessed
Neriah- Lamp
Jehoiakim- Whom Yah has set up
Josiah- Healed
Judah- Praise

Jeremiah 45:1,4-5

The word that the prophet Jeremiah spoke to Baruch son of Neriah, when he wrote these words in a scroll at the dictation of Jeremiah in the fourth year of King Jehoiakim son of Josiah of Judah (605 BCE):

Thus you will say to him, 'Thus says the LORD: I am going to break down what I have built and pluck up what I have planted--that is the whole land...but I will give you your life as a prize of war in every place to which you may go.'


The blessed son of the light from the lamp
recorded the words to exalt God's hand.
He who was healed for the Most High to set up
was set on the path for a plan that would not let up.
The LORD said 'I am going to break down what I built with my hand
to pluck up what I have planted, the whole land.
'I will give you as king your life as a prize in war.
You will be spared any place that you attempt to score.'


Herod- hero
Agabus- locust
Claudius- crippled
James- supplanter (derived from Jacob)
John- Yo is gracious
year of the famine- 46 CE

Paulus Orosius (375-418) was a priest and historian from the northwestern province of Gallaecia in Spain in the 4th and 5th centuries. He was a student of Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

A copy of his historical comment on the famine was made by Alfred the Great (847-899) in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.

The Chronicle contains the following remarks:
      “A.D. 46 . In this year, Claudius, the second Roman emperor to invade Britain, put much of the island under his control and added the Orkneys to Rome’s kingdom. This took place in the fourth year of his rule. In this same year, a great famine in Syria took place which Luke mentions in his book, “The Acts of the Apostles.”

Acts 12:1-2

King Herod laid hands upon some who belonged to the church about the time that the famine predicted by Agabus took place during the reign of Claudius. He had James, the brother of John, killed with the sword.


The foster father, the brother of grace, was killed with a sword
as the hero sought to act as an emblem of the hand of the Lord.

Matt. 20:23

He said to them, 'You will indeed drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left, this is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.'


The Son said, 'It is not mine for you to sit at my side
The place has been prepared by my Father to be satisfied.



James the Apostle
b.  c. 3 CE Bethsaida, Galilee
d.  c. 44 Jerusalem, Judea, Roman Empire

The apostle James was honored with a favored position by Jesus Christ, as one of three men in his inner circle. The others were James' brother John and Simon Peter.

James was older than John. Their father's name was Zebedee. Their mother's name was Salome.
James, his brother John, Peter and Andrew were all partners in a fishing business prior to being called by Christ Jesus to follow Him.  Zebedee was, also, a partner in the business.

James and John were apparently from a higher social level than the average fisherman. Their father could afford hired servants (Mk. 1:20). John, the "beloved disciple", had connections with the high priest (Jhn. 18:15).

Jesus nicknamed the two brothers "sons of thunder" (Mk. 3:17). Two incidents reported in the
Gospels indicated that they were headstrong, hot-tempered and impulsive.

Jesus and the disciples were refused the hospitality of a Samaritan village on one occasion (Lk. 9:54ff). James and John proposed to call down fire from heaven on the offenders.

They asked Jesus for a special place of honor in the Kingdom on another occasion (Matt. 20:20-23 = Mk. 10:35-41). They were told that the place of honor is designated by the Father.

They, together with Peter, were privileged to behold the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1 = Mk. 9:2 = Lk. 9:28), to witness the healing of Peter's mother-in-law (Mk. 1:29), to see the raising of the daughter of Jairus (Mk. 5:37 = Lk. 8:51) and to be called aside to pray with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on the night before His death (Matt. 26:37 = Mk. 14:33).

James is believed to have made a pilgrimage to the Iberian Peninsula. He visited the Jewish colonist and slaves in Spain within a 14 year period after the crucifixion to proclaim the gospel.

He was the first of the 12 apostles to be martyred. He was killed with the sword by the order of King Herod Agrippa I of Judea, about 44, in a general persecution of the early church. (Acts 12)

Two other men named James appear in the New Testament. James, the son of Alphaeus, was another apostle. James, the brother of the Lord, was a leader in the Jerusalem church and author of the book of James. Bar-Zebedee is often called the "Greater" to distinguish him from the other two.

The remains, or relics, of James the Greater were transported by his followers to the Iberian Peninsula. They are said to be buried in Santiago de Compostela. St James the Greater is reverenced as the patron saint of Spain.

James Zebedee
S. 吉艾姆斯齐贝迪
T. 吉艾姆斯齊貝迪

吉 Ji      lucky                 吉 kichi   good luck           Je     じぇ-  ジェ-        Je    제    my           
艾 ai     mow                   艾  kai     moxa                  mu    む       ム             im   임   being         
姆 mu  governess            姆  mo    wet nurse            zu     ず       ズ             seu  스 switch               
斯 si     this                      斯 shi      this                     Ze    ぜ       ゼ              Se   세  three           
齐 Qi    level                    齊 sei      alike                   be    べ       ベ               be   베  the         
贝 bei  money                  貝 bai      shellfish             de   でぃ-  ディ-          di    디   d             
迪  di    enlighten             迪 teki     edify                                                           


The agent for good news went west to edify those drafted.
He was imprisoned and executed as though for rebellion he had acted.


Lectionary the Apostle James
wiki James Son of Zebedee
Learn Religions Apostle James
History of the Apostle James
Bible History Famine in Acts 11
wiki First Jewish Roman War
Primitive Hebrew Church

Josephus, Antiquities 20:1.3-2.5

"Herod, the brother of Agrippa who had perished, was allowed to govern over Chalcis. He asked Claudius Caesar for control over the temple along with the sacred treasury, and the ability to choose the high priests, and he was given all that he had asked for.

      "Around this time lived queen Helena of Adiabene, along with her son Izates. They both began to follow the Jewish way, turning away from their past lifestyle . . . Her arrival was of great help to the masses in Jerusalem; for there was a famine in the land that overtook them, and many people died of starvation.

      "When it became necessary to obtain food abroad, queen Helena sent some of her attendants, with money, to the city of Alexandria to purchase as much grain as possible. She also sent others to the island of Cyprus to bring back dried figs. This whole process happened very quickly, and as soon as they had returned, they handed the provisions out to those who were in dire need of them. Because of this, she left behind a legacy and was held in great respect by the people and the nation at large. And when her son Izates became aware of this famine, he sent a large gift to the leaders in Jerusalem."

Philo of Alexandria

Riots erupted in Alexandria in 40 CE between Jews and Greeks. Jews were accused of not honoring the emperor. Disputes occurred also in the city of Jamnia (Yavne). Yavne is in central Israel. Jews were angered by the erection of a clay altar and destroyed it.

Caligula ordered the erection of a statue of himself in the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem. The governor of Syria, Publius Petronius, feared civil war if the order were carried out. He delayed implementing it for nearly a year. Agrippa finally convinced Caligula to reverse the order.

Gaius Caligula was assassinated in Rome on January 24, 41. The Jewish Nazarenes received a great influx of new worshippers in Antioch at this time.

A message was sent  to Jerusalem for help. Barnabus went to study the situation to make a report for the apostles.  There was a sudden need for a teacher who understood the Greek and Roman mind to guide the new believers.  Barnabus went to Tarsus and recruited Paul to come and help in this emerging ministry.

Barnabus and Paul worked together for a year (41-42). The name Christiani appeared to describe the Gentile followers of Jesus. The word was a mixture of Latin and Greek.

Peter met and baptized Cornelius in Caesaria. Cornelius was known as ‘a centurion of the cohort known as Italica.' (Acts 2) These were pious and God fearing Gentiles.

The conflict between Paul and the Nazarenes as to whether a Gentile who became a God-believer that accepted Jesus as messiah, could also become a ‘Israelite’ without embracing the complete tenets of Judaism arose after the baptism of Cornelius. Could he be a true Nazarene if he wasn't circumcised?

A Sabbatical is a 7 year cycle. The second Sabbatical Passover and Pentecost since the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus took place in 41. Events were rapidly unfolding in the lives of the followers of Jesus.  Persecution, trials and acts of providence had beset not only the Jewish messianic followers of Jesus but the Jewish people as a whole.

The report of the Gaius Caligula statue had announced  stark realities to Jews and the Jewish Nazarenes. The signs of the times depicted events when Jesus would return for his followers for the apocalyptic philosophy.

The call went out that the “End of Time’ was at hand. The radical fringe moved into high gear. The empire became inflamed with subversive activities among the disaffected. Underground financing for weapons and supplies for rebellion went into effect.

This Passover was to be a pivotal period in the Nazarean faith. The Apostles were called to Jerusalem for this momentous occasion.

The Sabbatical Passover was always a major event with pilgrims from all over the world.  James the Just, the leader of the congregation in Jerusalem was constantly praying for the safe travel of all his friends and brethren.  He would officiate at the Supreme Council of the Elders and the Apostles as the Nasi or the high priest of the Nazarenes.

John was the Spokesman. He was the deputy to James (Jacob) the Just. Simon Peter was the Ab-Beth Din or the general supervisor of all the ministries. He was busy in the preparations.

Andrew, the brother to Peter, Judas of James, the brother and disciples of James and Jesus was his brother’s helper were also residents of Jerusalem.  Matthew Levi was the attorney for the Nazarene and the political liaison to the Sadducee party.

Simon Zealotes still had not left the city and remained a good contact with various factions of the Zealots. Matthias who was selected by lots to fill the apostleship of Judas the Sicarii was also there.

James the Greater, the brother to John, was returning from the diaspora after six to seven years in his ministry in the country of Spain. Joseph of Arimathea returned from Avalon on the Isles of Britannia with his stories of the rapid acceptance of the message of Jesus to the Druidic high priests and the household of Argaviras of the royal family of the tribe of Siluria in Wales.  Joseph was to set up residence with Philip the evangelist in the port city of Caesarea.

Bartholomew returned to Jerusalem from the Imperial city of Rome. He brought a British convert from Rome with him. Clements met the other apostles and especially Simon Peter.   He detailed meeting Philip the evangelist, Joseph and the Bethany family prior to 36 in his book, Recognitions of

Clements would be anointed as the third bishop of the ecclesia in Rome by the Apostle Peter 2 decades later. The Pharisee Saul returned from a three year spiritual retreat in the Nabotaean region of the Arabian desert. He was renamed Paul to acknowledge that he was a former enemy of the Nazarenes. He was to become one their greatest evangelists.

Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great, was tetrarch over Galilee. He had newly been proclaimed King of Judea, Samaria and Caesarea in 41 by Tiberius Claudius Caesar. He was wary of Jewish aspirations to overthrow the Roman rule.

The Herodians were looked upon  by the Nazarenes as a usurper to the throne of David. Each was known as a ‘friend of Caesar’  Agrippa was  scrupulous in the observance of the Jewish faith. He was known for his piety. This helped him to gain the support of the Sadducees and many Pharisees.

James had gone to Sardinia, then Spain to preach. It had been recorded by Tacitus that as early as 19 CE that 4000 youth which were “affected by the Jewish and Egyptian superstitions” (Annals, Vol. ii, c., 85) were banished from their homeland and forced to enlist as Roman soldiers and placed in Sardinia.

Josephus recognized the “4000” in his Antiquities of the Jews. (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, bk., xviii, c. 3) This enlistment of Jewish youth was not popular with the Jews.

James was a former disciple of John the Baptist. He felt called to go to Sardinia and Spain to preach the "Way” as a disciple of the crucified Christ. This was a source of concern to Herod Agrippa .
It was felt that the initial “4000” were probably remnants of the disciples of the slain Hasmonean aspirant, Judas the Galilean. He had led the first major revolt under direct Roman rule in 6 CE. (Acts 5:37).

James the brother of John was captured and executed. The rest of the apostles were suddenly in fear for their lives. Their preaching was being perceived as a political action against Caesar. James became the first apostle to die for the “Way.”

Agrippa’s grip over the Nazarene ecclesia was not over.

Peter was next.  He was apprehended and imprisoned. Four soldiers were ordered to guard him. They were changed every three hours. The night before his trial, white clothed ‘angels’ were sent to rescue Peter. The efficient Jewish underground was at work.

While the Nazarean leadership was non-militant, their message had many sympathizers with the Zealots and members of the Fourth Philosophy. Some were capable of a daring rescue operation.
Peter stayed in the home of Mary, mother of John surnamed Mark, until he escaped town.

The next record of Peter is in Rome. He was visiting the Roman Senator Pudens, father-in-law to the Apostle Paul in his palatial estate in Viminal Hills in 44.  A date of 43 for the imprisonment of Peter would be reasonable allowing for travel time and other events in his life.

The death of James the Greater sent a message to the Apostles.  The hands-off policy to the Nazarean leadership was gone.  The death of any Apostle could be expected.

An insurrection by the Jews broke out in the province of Judea in 46 during the reign of Claudius. The Jacob and Simon uprising was instigated by two brothers. It lasted between 46–48. The revolt was concentrated in the Galilee. It began as a sporadic insurgency. It was put down by Roman authorities in 48. Both brothers were executed.

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