Sunday, May 19, 2019



Helena Bonham Carter

Xiàng shuǐ yīyàng
Mizu no yōna

Space is 

Raise praise
like a wave.

Last quarter moon. 
What's your tune?

Tides are pulled with the lunar day.
Water gives the moon a greater say.

The tidal force is strongest when the moon comes between the sun and earth.
The tide extends to the fullness of height when the moon's movement gives birth.

The ebb and flow cycles twice
though it's not that precise
it is quite nice.

Watch the tides.
Two high and low shadow the day by size
They rise by twelfths in the experience of the eyes.
One, two, three then another three twelfths by the fourth hour are spied.
Two, then one. The first and the sixth times were despised
in the size of the rise. ;)

Storms, wind and fractional moon produce a change in range.
Gravitational force made the range look strange
in the way it changed.

Energy for life, be gracious to us.
Let your face shine in space for trust.

May your way be shown upon earth.
Your saving power gave nations birth.

The water was as clear as crystal in the river that flowed from the throne of light.
The crystal flow cleansed perception to develop perspective for the bold in sight.

The tree of life was tended by the Son to produce fruit of different kinds.
Twelve kinds were produced for distinctive runs of productive fun in luminescent climes.

The leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations.
Eternity is shaped for the creation of key innovations.

The dealer in purple cloth listened to our humble speech.
She invited us to stay at her home to show respect for those who teach.

Let the people raise praise for all it's worth.
Let earned equity say "We have tidal girth."

Raise praise
like a wave.

The earth has yielded increase.
The moon displayed fractional peace.
Love will not cease.

May divine grace bless us.
The ebb makes less wetness. ;)

The Father has sent the Spirit in the name of the Son
to teach you everything to shape your point of view as one.

Contract morality is an inference from the experience of the applicability
of law for credibility.

The inference to the best explanation includes plausibility.
The report includes factual verity for accountability.

Let the ends of the earth show reverence.
for love as the evidence for divine presence.


Psalm 67
To the leader: with stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song.

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us
   and make his face to shine upon us,
2 that your way may be known upon earth,
   your saving power among all nations.
3 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
   let all the peoples praise you.
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
   for you judge the peoples with equity
   and guide the nations upon earth.
5 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
   let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase;
   God, our God, has blessed us.
7 May God continue to bless us;
   let all the ends of the earth revere him.


Acts 16:14-15

A certain woman named Lydia, a worshipper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she urged us saying, 'If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my home.' She prevailed upon us.

Lydia- Noble one
Thyatira- daughter; one of the 7 churches in Revelations
Paul- humble


The dealer in purple cloth listened to our humble speech.
She invited us to stay at her home to show respect for those who teach.


Rev. 22:1-2

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.


The water was as clear as crystal in the river that flowed from the throne of light.
The crystal flow cleansed perception to develop perspective for the bold in sight.
The tree of life planted by the Father is tended by the Son to produce fruit of different kinds.
Twelve kinds were produced for distinctive runs of productive fun in luminescent climes.

The leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations.
Eternity is shaped for the creation of key innovations.


John 14:26

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.


The Father has sent the Spirit in the name of the Son
to teach you everything to shape your point of view as one.


Life Without Common Law

Gilbert Harman
b. 5.26.1938 East Orange, NJ

Gilbert Harman is an American philosopher. He taught at Princeton University. He has published widely in the philosophy of language, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, ethics, moral psychology, epistemology, statistical learning theory and metaphysics.

Gilbert Helms Harman was born in East Orange, New Jersey.

East Orange

East Orange is a city in Essex County New Jersey. Essex is located in the northeastern part of the state.

The city was named after William of Orange. He was the prince for the principality located north of Avignon in south-eastern France.

William was prince of Orange from birth, Stadtholder of 5 districts in the Dutch Republic from 1672 and King of England, Ireland and Scotland from 1689 until his death in 1702. He became the King of the United Kingdom after James II was removed.

William's Catholic uncle and father-in-law, James II, became king of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1685. James's reign was unpopular with the Protestant majority. William invaded England with the support of a group of influential British political and religious leaders in what became known as the Glorious Revolution.

He landed at the southern English port of Brixham on 5 November 1688. James II was deposed. William became the third ruler with his name in England. William III and his wife became joint sovereigns. William and Mary reigned together until Mary's death on 28 December 1694.

William III ruled as sole monarch. His reign in Britain marked the beginning of the transition from the House of Stuart to the Parliament-centered rule of the House of Hanover.

East Orange is most likely Protestant, but white people only make up about 4% of the population. It is nearly 90% black or African American. Democrat Barack Obama received 98.5% of the vote in the 2012 presidential election.

Gilbert Harman

Gilbert Harman was born on May 26, 1938 in East Orange. He is the son of William Henry and Marguerite Variel (Page) Harman.

Harman has a BA from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He was supervised by Willard Van Orman Quine. He taught at Princeton from 1963 until his retirement in 2017 as the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in Philosophy.

He has been named a Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

He received the Jean Nicod Prize in Paris in 2005. He received Princeton University's Behrman award for distinguished achievement in the humanities in 2009. His acceptance speech was titled "We need a linguistics department."

Some of his well-known PhD students include Graham Oppy, Stephen Stich, Joshua Greene, Joshua Knobe, David Wong, Richard Joyce, R. Jay Wallace, James Dreier and Nicholas Sturgeon.
Harman's 1965 account of the role of "inference to the best explanation" has been very influential. Inference is distinguished from causation. Causation is physical. Inference is a mental process that applies reason.

A good explanation of an event requires three conditions. The explanation has to have causation, inference and plausibility to satisfy the quality of goodness. A good explanation is not always true.

The best explanation of observable phenomena is inferred from the existence of that which we need. Inference or reasoning should be conceived as rational to "change in view".

Conservatism is balanced against coherence. Simplicity and explanatory considerations are relevant to positive coherence. Avoiding inconsistency is relevant to negative coherence.

He has expressed doubts about appeals to a priori knowledge. He has argued that logic and decision theory are for implication and consistency.

Concepts such as time, space, matter, energy, light and the like are metaphysical insofar as the ideas were drawn from experience.

Knowledge is generally defined as measurable with the formulation of an equation of variables drawn from a priori categories, but that which is known is not drawn from a mental process that preceded experience. The notion of a priori knowledge is something that warrants skepticism.

The speed of light was defined as a constant with the Michelson/ Morley experiment. This experiment broke a ray of light with a spinning mirror in order to measure the effect of the break. The speed was calculated as the ratio of distance to time with respect for the light.

This constant was used to formulate an equation that defined energy in the theory of relativity. The observation of an event is minutely effected by acceleration as an element in the conditions in which an event is observed. This special case for observation was used for consistency in general.

Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers in his theory of special relativity. He showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels. This established the constancy of light for sight as an element in observation.

He found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time as a result. An event that occurs at the same time for one observer could occur at a different time for another. He was establishing the basis for objectivity in scientific observation.

Relativity was defined with respect for the special concern for the behavior of even sub-atomic particulates and the general interest in astronomical phenomena. The scientific observer seeks to understand reality as it is, but this is done with respect for the significance of how to use the knowledge for the benefit of human kind.

This presents a frame for the consideration of the production of electrical energy. Is solar energy better because it is safer, less costly and easier to manage than the nuclear form? If so, how is the production to be managed for the benefit of people in the market?

Will the state allow free market competition? Will the national government work to prevent competition for one of the major lobbies for political office? How is a transition from nuclear energy to be managed?

The method of inference to the best explanation says that you should infer the hypothesis that best explains an event. Abductive reason uses eliminative induction or theoretical inference to arrive at that which is best.

Harman argued that intuitions about knowledge are useful in thinking about inference in Thought and Change in View. He and Brett Sherman have suggested that knowledge can rest on assumptions that are not themselves known. He and Sanjeev Kulkarni have suggested that elementary statistical learning theory offers a kind of response to the philosophical problem of induction.

Harman has also argued that perceptual experience has "intentional content." It is important not to confuse qualities of the intentional object of experience with qualities of the experience.

Perceivers are only aware of qualities that are presented to them in experience. These presented qualities are distinct from properties of experience that represent what we experience as a kind of mental paint.

He has also proposed that perceptual and other psychological states are self-reflective. The content of perceptual experience might be the result of direct perception as opposed to one that is formed by description with language. The content of an intention might be to lead me to go home by six o'clock.

Harman relied on inference to the best explanation The Nature of Morality. He argued that there are no objective moral facts. We do not need such facts to explain our judgments about morality.

Moral relativism allows the individual to participate in contract morality. Choice is a key element in relativism.

Harman has rejected attempts to base moral theory on conceptions of human flourishing and character traits. He has expressed skepticism about the need for a good person to be susceptible to moral guilt or shame. Shame can be self-defeating. Guilt can be applied objectively to avoid the repetition of risky behavior that may result in damage to self or others.

Harman proposed contract morality, contractarianism, as the unifying motive force for moral relativism.


Hobbes had looked at the English Civil War in terms of the conceptual implications. Conflict is a social manifestation of disagreement regarding rights. Each was engaged in the struggle against each. Why did he define social relations in terms of conflict?

He was arguing against the state of nature as life without organized government for law. He was also attempting to draw a lesson from the civil war. Defense from attack became the elementary motivation for agreement with the the social contract for the state.

The social contract admit that the sovereign was the unity for the realm. This unity represented the manifestation of the absolute with respect for agreement with that which is right about common law.

The elementary motivation for unity implies agreement to refrain from criminal action. Criminal action was defined by the law of Moses in a manner that was not only more monotheistic, but it was less aggressive in the enforcement of punishment than the code of Hammurabi.

Punishment entertained torture and the death penalty but the punishments weren't unique to Judaism. They were standard for the time. It is plausible that they weren't enforced as aggressively in the Judaic community.

The ten commandments weren't explicitly anti-magical. The code of Hammurabi had defined necromancy and witchcraft as crimes. While magic was included in the bible as an undesirable act that could be severely punished, the references were anecdotal. The stories were included as the documentation of standards of social conventions for the Middle East. 

Hobbes didn't actually propose constitutional monarchy as explicitly as Spinoza had, but the implication was inherent to the social contract. Monarchy was organized elementally for defense from attack. Legislative authority was charged with the task of reforming the legal code with special attention to the elimination of cruelty in punishment in written law.

The global competition for colonial expansion made the reform an exercise in liberal expenditure for the establishment of legislative legacy. The more liberal members of the House of Commons acted as the aggressor in both the deportation of dissent and the taxation of citizens to the diminishment of economic power in civil rights.

The reform of legislation was the greatest need for constitutional monarchy or republic, but it was also exploited at the greatest cost to the taxpayers for the maximum benefit of aggression for state officials. Classical reconstruction had actually placed the House of Commons over that of the Lords in parliament.

It was as though the plebians were put over the patricians in the Roman Senate. The investment in the study of history as a basis for the consideration of reconstruction was inhibited by the change. The liberal use of the 'sword of Damocles' was also a deterrent to reasonable measure regarding public policy. When fake news is peddled to deceive the public on a regular basis, accountability for legislative decision making is reduced.

This degeneration in reform was assisted by Locke's claim to the supreme authority of the legislature. Locke had essentially overridden the conservatism recommended by Hobbes for the liberal benefit afforded to those who agreed with him in his liberal reform. This factionalized representation.

The English bill of rights was written with the strong indication that Puritans were the English Protestants and Presbyterians were the Scottish alliance.  It was the male members of these groups who had the civil rights.

Locke had listed the people as the greater supreme authority over the legislature, but he invited the people to overthrow the government wih the force of arms rather than to build political consensus with the use of rights. He was deceptive in his argument.

The alliance that William III had with his part of the Dutch Republic suggested a supply of arms that would work for the benefit of the parliamentarian monarchy. The House ruled in favor of Locke's gambit. The risk for his claim wasn't limited to the English speaking world.

Revolution would be used to establish republican government in France and the colonial world. Parliamentarian monarchy or republic was already designated as a part of the future for Europe, the colonies.

Contract morality addresses the voluntary cooperation of people with the common law. Socialism has been used to grant state officials an excess of favor in the competition to obtain advantage in the struggle to build prosperity for an open and just society.

The inference of the best explanation carried the value of reducing deceit in description. When an event is described in terms of causation, inference and plausibility it allows for factual explanation for the institution of public policy that is accountable to the public that pays for government with tax money.


Gilbert Harman
S. 吉尔伯特哈曼
T. 吉爾伯特哈曼

吉 Ji         lucky                 吉  kichi    joy                        Gi    ぎ    ギ         Gil     길  way     
尔 er        you                    爾  ore      you                         ru    る     ル        beo     버  bur   
伯  bo      senior                伯  haku   official                    ba    ば-  バ-        teu      트  the             
特  te       special               特  toku    special                    to    と      ト       Ha       하  ha             
哈  Ha      ha                     哈  go       school of fish          Ha    は-   ハ-      meon  먼   distant
曼  man   handsome          曼  ban     wide                       man まん マン               


Contract morality is an inference from the experience of the applicability
of law for credibility.
The inference to the best explanation includes plausibility.
The report includes factual verity for accountability.


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