Bié dānxīn
Do not worry when you lose.
The loss is a marker for how to choose.
The confidence that you can win is important to begin.
Adjustment to conditions is a variant form to avoid loss to sin.
Remember the skill that was used to beat what you had.
See capacity as the benefit in relation to other contests in the dyad.
Build your skill with drills that aspire to better performance.
Develop what you can. The results will be enormous.
The memory of the opposition will wither like grass.
Like the green of the plant the sense of loss will fade and pass.
Trust in your Leadership and do your best.
Enjoy the privilege of reasonable tests.
Own your responsibility.
It will enhance your ability.
Delight in what was given by Providence.
You are a valued member in the larger populace.
Establish a goal that you can achieve.
Challenge yourself to actually believe.
Commit to your goal to make it succeed.
Cultivated land produces a surplus of grain.
Storage makes the product last beyond drought or hunger pain.
Substance defines a unit as unique as a grain of wheat.
Quantity allows equitability to repeat.
Your honor in nobility will be made as clear as light.
Loyalty to royalty is a state that exists in your mind.
Be still.
Watch your will.
Listen for the power of faith.
Wait for the feeling that you can be great.
Watch to see what moves your body.
Move with that which seeks to embody
goodness as a vocation, not just a hobby.
Don't measure yourself against those who prosper.
The prosperous have moved into what they have to offer.
Don't feel jealous of those who profit from fraud.
They did not prosper in a way you should applaud.
They are liable for the harm caused by their theft.
Liability hinders the ability to achieve that which is best.
The detriment will consume the place where they dwell.
Their will to succeed will suffer more as well.
Pray for the abused and the abuser.
Redemption for prevention is the prime mover.
Refrain from anger aimed at destruction.
Keep your eye on the prize to build your production.
Organize for economy as the efficiency clause.
There is so much to manage. Don't damage your cause.
Enslavement to success is a loss in itself.
Your achievement must be governed by self-regulation to excel or do well.
Those who own responsibility with action will manage their land.
Violent aggression will be transcended with a productive hand.
The energy of anger will be redirected to reconstructing yourself.
Shaping the body anticipates action for improving where you dwell.
Nature has a law to govern it.
Speech is allowed to utter this.
The physical comes first.
Then the spiritual is nursed.
The gospel has a beautiful reach into history.
Good news has become less of a mystery.
The mystery of beauty was hidden in the bells of the wisteria.
Happiness bloomed with unusual radiance and no hysteria.
No one ought to cause damage to the health or property of another.
Wishing harm precedes damage unless the wish is replaced by something other.
The management of labor for production from private property
employs those who might otherwise have been unemployed and living in poverty.
Management is a principle of knowledge
that can be applied for organization after college.
Principle can be applied in organization
for government, business, society or household station.
The market is the measure for service to the public.
Supply is built for sales to meet the convenience need has structured.
The market is a measure
for pleasure to treasure.
The ownership of responsibility
is applicable to each at any level of ability.
Logic and metaphysics suppose existence for abstraction.
Abstraction is framed as a quality for attention's attraction.
Days are numbered to count.
The numbers on a scale give an amount.
Division allows equal portions to account.
Calculation helps the administrative fount.
The report of good news is a form of recognition.
Offering a good report for trade is negotiation.
Prediction is a kind of pre-cognition
that anticipates a desirable condition.
Personal existence plus my circumstance equals me.
I am my experience with the addition of that which I will see.
There is sin that is not mortal.
This is the area where liberty is the portal
for the negotiation between the moral and the immortal
for the elimination or reduction of the immoral.
Psalm 37
Part I Noli æmulari
Do not fret
1 Do not fret yourself because of evildoers;
do not be jealous of those who do wrong.
2 For they shall soon wither like the grass,
and like the green grass fade away.
3 Put your trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and feed on its riches.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he shall give you your heart's desire.
5 Commit your way to the Lord and put your trust in him,
and he will bring it to pass.
6 He will make your righteousness as clear as the light
and your just dealing as the noonday.
7 Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him.
8 Do not fret yourself over the one who prospers,
the one who succeeds in evil schemes.
9 Refrain from anger, leave rage alone;
do not fret yourself; it leads only to evil.
10 For evildoers shall be cut off,
but those who wait upon the Lord shall possess the land.
11 In a little while the wicked shall be no more;
you shall search out their place, but they will not be there.
12 But the lowly shall possess the land;
they will delight in abundance of peace.
13 The wicked plot against the righteous
and gnash at them with their teeth.
14 The Lord laughs at the wicked,
because he sees that their day will come.
15 The wicked draw their sword and bend their bow
to strike down the poor and needy,
to slaughter those who are upright in their ways.
16 Their sword shall go through their own heart,
and their bow shall be broken.
17 The little that the righteous has
is better than great riches of the wicked.
18 For the power of the wicked shall be broken,
but the Lord upholds the righteous.
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres
The fall of Babylon involved a complex set of circumstances. Nabonidus was the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He reigned from 556-539 BCE. He was not from the royal line.
Nebuchadnezzar II had been the ruler of Babylon from 605-562. He had the longest reign in the Neo-Babylonian empire. His daughter bore Labashi-Marduk. He was selected as the successor when he was a child.
Nabonidus seized power by having the child killed. He elevated the moon goddess Sin to a status over that of Marduk. This angered the priests and commoners of Babylon. Nabonidus left the capital to build and restore temples, mostly to Sin, for 10 years. He left Belshazzar in charge of Babylon.
The book of Daniel reduces the narrative to the interpretation of a vision of Belshazzar. The finger of a hand was seen to write words upon the wall at a banquet where cups used for worship in Jerusalem were used to drink wine at a feast in Babylon.
The finger wrote, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN. (Dan.5:25) Belshazzar offered gifts for anyone who could explain the meaning. He had been overcome with fear when he saw the inscription.
Dan. 5:26-8, 30
This is the interpretation of the matter: MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
That very night Belshazzar, the Chaldean king, was killed.
These words are known Aramaic names of measures of currency: MENE, a mina (from the root meaning "to count"), TEKEL, a spelling of shekel (from the root meaning "to weigh"), PERES, half a mina (from the root meaning "to divide," but additionally resembling the word for "Persia").
Cyrus had organized the Medes and Persians. He had popular support in Babylon due to his respect for the worship of Marduk as the chief deity for the empire. His entry into Babylon is remembered as a bloodless conquest. Leadership for the city as the capital for the empire was handed to him without armed conflict.
Days are numbered to count.
The numbers on a scale give an amount.
Division allows equal portions to account.
Calculation helps the administrative fount.
Article Mene Tekel Upsharin
1 John 5:17
All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that is not mortal.
There is sin that is not mortal.
This is the area where liberty is the portal
for the negotiation between the moral and the immortal
for the elimination or reduction of the immoral.
Luke 5:9,10
Simon Peter and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken. Then Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.'
The report of good news is a form of recognition.
Offering a good report for trade is negotiation.
Prediction is a kind of pre-cognition
that anticipates a desirable condition.
Locke declared that under natural law people have the right to life, liberty and estate. The social contract gave people the right to instigate a revolution against the government when it acted against the interests of citizens. He attempted to justify the Puritan and Calvinist rebellion against the crown with this argument.
Second Treatise s.149 (1689)
"Though in a Constituted Commonwealth, standing upon its own Basis, and acting according to its own Nature, that is, acting for the preservation of the Community, there can be but one Supream Power, which is the Legislative, to which all the rest are and must be subordinate, yet the Legislative being only a Fiduciary Power to act for certain ends, there remains still in the People a Supream Power to remove or alter the Legislative, when they find the Legislative act contrary to the trust reposed in them."
Rebellion could be used to replace the government with one that served the interests of citizens. Locke deemed revolution an obligation in some cases. The right of revolution was claimed as a safeguard against 'tyranny.'
Tyranny is a highly volatile subjective topic however that can be used to overthrow that which is functional in the incumbent government to replace the incumbents with others who aggressively believe that they can benefit from their belief in aggression.
Insofar as the social contract represents the right to a stable government with conservative reform, a balance of powers is a necessary part of the stability. Locke rejected the balance of power in the nation state in its existence among other nations with the assertion of supreme power for the legislature.
He attempted to justify the claim with the right to rebellion as the supreme power of the people. The executive and judicial branches of government are subordinate expressions in this definition of government. It was an unstable definition that was used to invade foreign territories that didn't agree with the Puritan formulation for moral government and allowed for invasion by foreigners who agreed that the legislative authority was supreme.
This was done at the expense of the people with taxation. Taxation was used to support invasion or insurrection in foreign relations that implicitly allowed foreign powers the opportunity to promote the same within the borders of nation. Apparently, liberal officials and the lobbies that supported their legacy figured that they would benefit most from the instability.
Constitutional authority that allows for representative participation doesn't need to be overthrown by revolution. Free speech with the freedom of assembly to form protest or petition with protection by due process in law from punitive action or the the threat of punishment is a large part of the path to citizenship that Locke and his liberal compatriots essentially discarded with the claim to supreme authority.
They essentially subordinated the people to liberal expenditure for invasion or insurrection with the claim that they had the right to rebellion. Liberal expenditure was used to undermine the stability of foreign governments and to enslave tribal people as a part of colonial expansion.
The conservative reform promoted by Hobbes and those who agree with him actually supports the development of stability in government. Defense from attack was stipulated as the primary element in common law. This principle supports the balance of power in each nation as a cooperative entity in the balance of power among other nations.
Personal Existence plus Circumstance
Jose Ortega y Gasset
b. 5.9.1883 Madrid, Spain
d. 10.18.1955 Madrid, Spain
Madrid is the capital and the largest city of Spain. The capital holds the seat of government and the residence for the monarch. It is the political, economic and cultural center for the country.
The city has almost 3.3 million inhabitants and a metropolitan area population of approximately 6.5 million. It is the third-largest city in the European Union (EU). It is smaller than only London and Berlin. The monocentric metropolitan area is the third-largest in the EU. This is smaller only than those of London and Paris.
The Madrid urban agglomeration has the third-largest GDP in the European Union. Its influence in politics, education, entertainment, environment, media, fashion, science, culture and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities.
The first documented reference to the city was recorded in Andalusi Arabic during the al-Andalus period. The name Magerit was retained in Medieval Spanish. The most ancient recorded name of the city "Magerit" comes from the name of a fortress built on the Manzanares River in the 9th century. It means "Place of abundant water" in Arabic.
Madrid lies on the River Manzanares in the center of both the country and the autonomous community.
The Peninsular War (1807–1814) was a military conflict between Napoleon's empire and Bourbon Spain for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars. Spain was assisted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and its allied Kingdom of Portugal.
The war began when the French and Spanish armies invaded and occupied Portugal in 1807. The conflict escalated in 1808 when France turned on Spain, previously its ally. The war on the peninsula lasted until the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1814. It is regarded as one of the first wars of national liberation. It was significant for the emergence of large-scale guerrilla warfare.
A new country with a liberal and bourgeois character was born during the reign of Ferdinand VII. The culture opened to influences coming from the rest of Europe. Madrid experienced the changes caused by this openness like no other city. It was filled with theaters, cafés and newspapers.
The Spanish Revolution of 1854 was led by General Leopoldo O'Donnell. This was known by the name Vicalvarada. It started with a confrontation between rebel troops under General O'Donnell, 1st Duke of Tetuan, and government troops near the village of Vicálvaro. This incident was followed by a military coup and a popular uprising which occurred between June 28 and July 28, 1854.
The Spanish Revolution ended the moderate decade (Década moderada) (1844-1854). The moderate party was in power during that time. It started the progressive biennium (Bienio progresista) (1854-1856). The Progressive Party attempted to reform the political system of the reign of Isabella II (1833-68).
The Cementerio de Nuestra Señora de La Almudena (Our Lady of Almudena Cemetery) is a cemetery in Madrid. It was started in 1884. It is the largest for the city and one of the largest in Western Europe.
The number of people buried is estimated to be about five million. It is larger than the current population since it was the main cemetery for the entire city from 1884 to 1973. It was almost the only one for the majority of the population from the 1920's.
The late 19th century saw the introduction of the electric power distribution. The city council could not concede an industrial monopoly to any company by law. The city experienced a huge competition among the companies in the electricity sector. The competition led to an overlapping of distribution networks. Five different networks could travel through the same street in the center of the city.
The city featured access to water, a central status in the rail network, a cheap workforce and access to financial capital by the end of the 19th century. With the onset of the new century, The Ensanche Sur, a neighborhood in the capital, started to grow to become the main industrial area of the municipality along the first half of the 20th century.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset was born 9 May 1883 in Madrid. His father was director of the newspaper El Imparcial. The publication belonged to the family of his mother, Dolores Gasset. The family was part of Spain's end-of-the-century liberal and educated bourgeoisie. The liberal tradition and journalistic engagement of his family had a profound influence in Ortega y Gasset's activism in politics.
Ortega was first schooled by the Jesuit priests of San Estanislao in Miraflores del Palo, Málaga (1891–1897). He attended the University of Deusto, Bilbao (1897–98) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the Central University of Madrid (now Complutense University of Madrid) (1898–1904). He received a doctorate in Philosophy.
He continued his studies in Germany at Leipzig, Nuremberg, Cologne, Berlin and, above all Marburg from 1905 to 1907. He was influenced by the neo-Kantianism of Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp, among others at Marburg.
He was appointed professor of Psychology, Logic and Ethics at the Escuela Superior del Magisterio de Madrid on his return to Spain. in 1908. He was named full professor of Metaphysics at Complutense University of Madrid in October 1910. The vacant seat had previously been held by Nicolás Salmerón.
Philosophy had a critical duty to lay siege to beliefs in order to promote new ideas and to explain reality for Ortega y Gasset. The philosopher was charged as Husserl proposed to leave behind prejudices and previously existing beliefs to accomplish such tasks. Wisdon had to investigate the essential reality of the universe.
Ortega y Gasset proposed that philosophy must overcome the limitations of both idealism and medieval realism. Reality in idealism centered around the ego. Reality was outside the subject in ancient-medieval realism.
Both had to be rejected to focus on the only truthful reality. The personal perception of "my life" was the meaningful reality for the life of each individual. He suggested that there is no "me" without things. Things have no meaning for me without me.
"I" (human being) cannot be detached from "my circumstance" (world). This led Ortega y Gasset to pronounce his famous maxim "Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia" ("I am I and my circumstance") (Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914). He placed this maxim at the core of his philosophy.
The Cartesian 'cogito ergo sum' was as insufficient to explain reality for Ortega y Gasset as it was for Husserl. The Spanish philosopher proposed a system wherein the basic or "radical" reality is "my life."
The first yo consisted of "I" and the second yo was composed by "my circumstance" (mi circunstancia). This circunstancia was oppressive. There was a continual dialectical interaction between the person and his or her circumstances. Life was a drama that exists between necessity and freedom as a result.
Ortega y Gasset wrote that life is at the same time fate and freedom in this sense. Freedom "is being free inside of a given fate." Fate gave us an inexorable repertory of determinate possibilities. We were given different destinies in order to choose one destiny.
Active choice in fate decided and created a "project of life" to avoid being like those who live a conventional life of customs with given structures in deference to an unconcerned and imperturbable life out of fear of choosing a project.
He became a contributor to the newspaper El Sol in 1917. He published his two principal works as a series of essays: España invertebrada (Invertebrate Spain) and La rebelión de las masas (The Revolt of the Masses). The latter made him internationally famous.
The Revolt of the Masses is Ortega's best known work. He defends the values of meritocratic liberalism in a way that is reminiscent of John Stuart Mill in his defense against attacks from both communists and right-wing populists.
Ortega likewise shared Mill's fears of the "tyranny of the majority" and the "collective mediocrity" of the masses. Aggression or complacency threatens individuality, free thought and protections for minorities. Ortega characterized liberalism as a politics of "magnanimity."
Ortega's rejection of the Spanish Conservative Party under Antonio Cánovas del Castillo and his successors was unequivocal. His distrust of the Spanish monarchy and Catholic Church was competitive.
Ortega was open-minded toward certain socialists and non-Marxist forms of socialism, and even complimented Pablo Iglesias Posse as a "lay saint." He adopted a communitarian ontology under the influence of German social democrats such as Paul Natorp and Hermann Cohen.
He could be critical of capitalism, particularly the laissez-faire variant. He declared that "nineteenth-century capitalism has demoralized humanity." It had "impoverished the ethical consciousness of man."
He founded the Revista de Occidente in 1923. He remained its director until 1936. This publication promoted the translation of and commentary upon the most important figures and tendencies in philosophy. These included Oswald Spengler, Johan Huizinga, Edmund Husserl, Georg Simmel, Jakob von Uexküll, Heinz Heimsoeth, Franz Brentano, Hans Driesch, Ernst Müller, Alexander Pfänder and Bertrand Russell.
He was elected deputy for the Province of León in the constituent assembly of the Second Spanish Republic. He became the leader of a parliamentary group of intellectuals known as Agrupación al Servicio de la República ("The Grouping at the Service of the Republic"). The group supported the platform of Socialist Republican candidates. He soon abandoned politics, disappointed.
He left Spain at the outbreak of the Civil War to spend years of exile in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He moved back to Europe in 1942. He settled in Portugal by mid-1945 and slowly began to make short visits to Spain. He returned to Madrid in 1948.
He founded the Institute of Humanities at which he lectured. He often privately expressed his hostility to the Franco regime upon his return to Spain. He stated that the government did not deserve anyone's confidence and that his beliefs were "incompatible with Franco."
He died in Madrid on 18 October 1955 at the age of 72.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
S. 或者哦尔泰钟啊义加塞特
T. 或者哦爾泰鐘啊義加塞特
或 Huo possibly 或 koku some
者 zhe that which 者 sha person
哦 O oh 哦 ga sing
尔 er like that 爾 ore you
泰 tai most 泰 tai calm
钟 zhong bell 鐘 sho bell
啊 a ah 啊 a ah
义 yi justice 義 gi honor
加 Jia add to 加 ka increase
塞 se block 塞 sai obstruct
特 te unusual 特 toku special
Personal existence plus my circumstance equals me.
I am my experience with the addition of that which I will see.
Wiki bio
SUEP: Stanford U Encyclopedia of Philosophy
New Deal
The ‘free market’ and the ‘people’ present a contrast to the idea of ‘executive authority’ in republic. Success in sales in a competitive market suggests the formulation of an organization that can last as a business entity.
Success in the struggle to produce a value for people in the market presents something that seems more objective than the judgment of a central authority figure in political office.
When government officials get involved in negotiation that determines outcomes in the marketplace, the freedom in ethical competition is reduced.
The ancient Roman republic imposed a single year term in office on two leading officials in order to oppose the belief that monarchy would always make leadership choices that were most beneficial to the single executive for the government.
This imposition of a term limit placed a great deal of pressure on officials to control the world in a way that allowed for a free market in commerce. It also presented a strong contrast with the conservative benefit in the line of royal succession.
The royal family was conservative insofar as they inherited property and leadership principles with education in the succession.
Once a political leader had passed through the line of offices to become a consul, he would become a patrician dedicated to making the world safe for Roman commerce.
Maintaining the increase in liberal expenditure became part of the pressure for acting patricians. This pressure in terms of public perception were misdirected with stories about overcoming ‘barbarian’ or competitor influence as the enemy.
The military was originally designed to provide protection. The pressure of building success with commerce became less profitable than taking plunder from defeating the enemy in battle.
The implication of entitlement was such that after Julius Caesar had achieved success against the Gauls whose ancestors had invaded Rome centuries earlier, it was assumed that he was coming to take leadership of the Senate for a family line of succession when he crossed the Rubicon with his army.
Sulla had declared himself a dictator when he was consul. Cicero had investigated classical literature in his rise through the line of offices. He had found the story of the sword of Damocles in his research. Cicero reportedly had a number of insurgents put to death when he was elected as consul.
The story indicated that the radical element in the public had to be dissuaded from rebellion with the threat of death penalty.
When Sulla claimed to be the dictator for the Optimates, then stories about the assassination of competitors in the opposition party, the Populares, were not denied. This created a difficulty with the objective assessment of the official communication.
The risk in telling the public that you were a tyrant may have been aimed at reducing blood shed, but there is a consequence to the public image for the story teller.
The consul system in the republic had become the kind of nightmare that had been used to reject monarchy. Monarchy had been rejected as an unnecessary form of institutional tyranny for the benefit of the royal family not the public.
Now the consul was telling the public that opposition positions in the political theater could be punished with death. This was largely a consequence of the lack of border strength for the republic. There were boundaries, but the patricians had become dedicated to beating the competitors whether tribal or monarchical with or without democratic elections.
The holy Roman Empire had been organized with the help of the pope in the Vatican. The rise of the college of cardinals reflected the political organization for the Patrician class, but the cardinals were supposed to be celibate.
The Renaissance led to a redistribution of classical literature. The classical literature promoted republican ideas of government.
The Reformation opposed the reincarnation of the republic. The reformed Protestant reform pressed for democracy by local council, republican government with a chief elected official or monarchy with elected officials in parliamentary government.
This particular reform welcomed the mass production of firearms as a technological advance. While the application to rebellion was seditious, there was a hope that the right to bear arms would be instituted as a constitutional right for people in defense from attack.
The Counter-Reformation required allegiance to the pope with that which was infallible in the authority of the office.
Colonialism allowed for the invasion of foreign territory, insurrection against foreign government and the enslavement of tribal people as a part of the competition with the success of the Ottoman empire.
The United States was a product that claimed independence from the parent government in the United Kingdom with the alliance with the republican form for government that was taking place in France.
The people of the US were mostly Protestant. Most of these were from the reformed Protestant movement. The Great Awakening movements played a significant role in the amendment of the US Constitution.
Preaching was presented with the Calvinist emphasis on the total depravity of man. Hellfire and brimstone were presented in a manner that reflected the ancient use of the sword of Damocles.
There was moral theme to the evangelism, but there was also a coercive element in the threat of damnation. There was a competition between the different denominations that suggested a limit to the threat. The evangelists had to win converts with the promise of something other than damnation.
The First Great Awakening contributed to the addition of the bill of rights to the US Constitution. The Second Great Awakening was for outlawing slavery and the right to vote for people of color. White women had yet to be explicitly recognized by the amendments to the constitution.
Adam Smith had proposed a free market economy in the 18th century. His proposal corresponded with the birth of the United States. Karl Marx defined capitalism as the cause of economic inequity in the 19th century. He predicted a proletarian revolution as the next and last stage in the formation of new government by violent rebellion.
He implied that government had to regulate the success of capitalists in order to represent the will of the people. The political aspect of his economic theory implied that government had to meet the demands of labor for this representation. It placed political leadership in a frame that compete to represent the interests of labor or management, not the middle class, independent business or competitive free market industrialists.
Third Great Awakening
The Third Great Awakening acquired a socialist element with the activism of the Social Gospel Movement. Pietistic Protestant denominations had a strong element of this social or political activism. The movement garnered strength from the postmillennial belief that the Second Coming of Christ occur after mankind had reformed the earth.
There was a correspondence between the Marxist and the millennialist belief in the end of time. New groupings emerged from the worldwide missionary effort. The Holiness and Nazarene groups were organized along with Christian Science.
Prohibition and voting rights for women were added along with a general support for the demands of labor. Prohibition was found to be too prohibitive.
Women’s right to vote was an expression of modern republic that was added in the 19th amendment ratified in 1920.
Violent rebellion to force management and government to meet demand in ‘negotiation’ was a violation of common law.
Herbert Hoover had celebrated capitalism with his administration. This was before the Great Depression started in 1929.
While the US had established republican government before France did with the French revolution, common law was adapted from the UK. The amendments to the Constitution were an abstracted modification of the English bill of rights from 1698.
The US had taken the idea of balance with the separation of powers from the French. This is how democracy has been defined in school. John Locke had claimed that the legislature was the supreme authority in the second of his Two Treatises on Government.
This claim was used to perpetuate the precipitation of profit from military operations as determined by judgment for taxation by the House of Commons. This policy had been established under King Edward I sometime near the start of the 14th century.
It isn’t out of the realm of possibility that the world wide depression was orchestrated to promote the claim to the supremacy of the legislature over executive authority. The legislature itself was shifting in a competition between the lower and upper houses.
The assertion of success for capitalism by executive authority was interpreted as a threat to the organization of labor as it influenced election results for Parliament or Congress. Democrat leadership adopted the policy of appeasement by agreement with the populist, socialist or liberal elements in the legislature.
The institution of the New Deal took place during the time period for the Third Awakening.
New Deal
The New Deal was a series of programs enacted in the US between 1933 and 1938. The programs were established by laws passed by Congress as well as presidential executive orders during the first term (1933-37) of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The programs were enacted to establish the government as an employer in order to relieve the economic distress of the depression. They focused on what historians refer to as the 3 R’s: Relief, Recovery and Reform. Relief was for the unemployed and poor. Recovery was for the economy to normal levels. Reform was for the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.The New Deal was instituted by FDR and his secretary of labor, Frances Perkins Wilson.
Frances Perkins Wilson (April 10, 1880– May 14, 1965)
Wiki Bio
Frances Perkins Wilson was the US Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945. She was the first woman appointed to the US Cabinet and the longest serving person in that position. She helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition as a supporter of her friend, FDR.
Frances Perkins Wilson was the US Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945. She was the first woman appointed to the US Cabinet and the longest serving person in that position. She helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition as a supporter of her friend, FDR.
She and Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes were the only original members of the Roosevelt cabinet to remain in office for his entire presidency.
She administered a number of the more characteristic organizations during her term as Secretary. The Civilian Conservation Corps, the Public Works Administration, its successor the Federal Works Agency and the labor portion of the National Industrial Recovery Act.
She established unemployment benefits, pensions for many uncovered elderly Americans and welfare for the poorest Americans.
She pushed to reduce workplace accidents and helped craft laws against child labor. She established the first minimum wage and overtime laws for American workers. She defined the standard for the 40 hour work week.
She formed governmental policy for working with labor unions and helped to alleviate strikes by way of the US Conciliation Service. Perkins dealt with many labor questions during World War II when skilled manpower was vital and women were moving into formerly male jobs.
The list of accomplishment is jaded by the executive agreement with the claim to legislative supremacy. It seems that Congress like Parliament wanted to establish itself as the authority over the executive authority, labor and the middle class by the legislative organization for the economy with special respect for labor.
Social security was established presumably as a government insurance policy for those who were employed as labor by any legal employment agency.
If the money taken from paychecks for social security is re-routed to some other agency or activity like payment for invasion, occupancy, insurrection or terrorist action in the promotion of insurrection against a foreign power, then social security is not being represented by the misappropriation. This is a major infraction against the social contract.
Term Limits
Term limits for the president were ratified in the 21st amendment in 1951. This amendment was unique to the US. European nations don’t have term limits. Only those nations who followed the US in the practice have them. The limits are a throwback to the ancient Roman republic.
The justification for the limits is probably grounded in the assumption that the free market is a better determinant for the will of the people than a central authority figure. Whether the figure is a king or an elected official is only relevant to the view that the executive authority is not necessary to the assessment regarding the will of the people.
This argument for this assumption has ruled out the importance that an executive authority plays in providing direction for the government with respect for national security. The executive authority in republic represents the monarch in monarchy. He or she is a representative of conservative leadership with respect for communication, ceremony and historical perspective.
The greatest difficulty with the 21st amendment is that the claim to legislative supremacy has been used to harass any president who has not agreed to speak in behalf of liberal Congressional consensus. The harassment has also been used to entertain invasion, occupation and the promotion of insurrection as directed by the liberal element in Congress.
This policy has instituted increased expenditure as a requirement for the taxpaying public.
Republic was instituted as though it were a better form of government than even parliamentarian monarchy. When the concept of improvement is limited to paying more for government policy that is destructive to market competition, private or public property or respect for border strength in national security, it hasn’t really been an improvement.
Congressional leadership has to impose conservative constraints on engagement in covert and official actions in foreign policy or they have to accept the recommendation of the executive authority to restrain their expenditure.
While the ‘aim’ of social security was established for the best possible life for the people, the use of social security to pay for damage to foreign government is a misappropriation.
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