Sunday, July 29, 2018


David Duchovny

the World
Sekai o sukuu

The sun shines for all the earth.
The moon shows fractions for what it's worth.

Rain falls for growth
in plants and animals, both.

The swift current painted rapids on the spacious run
to the tranquil ocean beneath the most August sun.

Life is for living.
Love is for giving.

We are drawn from the symbol of substance that is the earth.
It is in the form of life that we find our birth.

Attraction is the force for convergence.
From the convergence of organic matter life was emergent.

We live to rejoice!
Make music with your voice!

Praise the essential presence
of life in the present
as the field of perception
that rules out deception.

What was right in the past
makes the goodness last.

A plan for improvement in the future
guides the present with its nurture.

Justice with correction and grace
transfigures love for the human race.

A voice came from the cloud that said,
You are my body. My Son is your head.

When he came from the mount in the clay desert government
his face shown like the sun with the tablets of the covenant.

It was not clear who was best in the west
but the greatest joy was the path through the royal forest.

We did not follow cleverly devised myths. 
We were witnesses to the power that was his.

Mighty lover of justice,
equity will not bust us.

Wonderful winner of games,
responsibility builds your fame.

Wise witness of accountability, 
care for others builds social security.

Security is compensation
for inequitable dispensation.

Reconciliation for the damage to liberty's bell
is more important than the crack can tell.

The competition for prosperity
has to be governed for posterity.

The husband was handsome with a peach on the beach.
He was quick to pitch the pit to the dunes beyond reach.

Let people agree.
This is easy to see.

No one is without flaw.
No one is above the law.

Murder for profit
is not on the docket.

Reason is the soul for the law of eternity in space and time.
Logic stops when the chain of evidence reaches the height of the climb.

Judgment is the purpose for reason.
Proof is the objective for judgment in season.

Reason rejects the fear of threat
as the justification for death
or destruction 
as time's only induction.

Invasion, genocide, murder and torture,
are agents of misfortune.

Violence, cruelty and vice 
are not elements of immortal device.

The existence of threat
is grounds for preparing defense.

Defense is limited to the least force
for the protection of our course.

Induction and deduction are ways
to learn logic as instruction in what to pray or say.

Perception with controlled experimentation
is for the selection of facts in truth's detection.

The inference of prevalence
is to measure occurrence in relevance.

The rejection of false reason
helps us act in due season.

Good health did not prevent the orderly nun
from using the needle to embroider a forest for fun.

The small bell echoed in the temple space
as fragrance from incense filled the place with grace.

The salvation of hope for improvement
is the rock for political movement.

This formula for success
has gradual growth in the newness 
of the que's access to due process
in economic noblesse.

Storytelling for the protection of theft
is express disrespect for what is left
in the national chest to invest.

Fake news 
is not something to choose.

Truth in darkness and light
is present with or without sight.
It is the test of reason for right.

The rule of law protects rights, not wrongs.
It is the bong that belongs with the gong.

Forgiveness allows for the development
of the elements of the celebrant.

Restitution fosters retribution
for correction, not the institution 
of electrocution as elocution.

Revel in the revelation of love for others.
Shine forth with light for your sisters and brothers,
fathers and mothers; for your family and friendly wonders.

Respect rights for life with liberty and justice.
Save the world from reduction to the augustus 
of just us. It will help others to trust us.

Save the world from a world of hurt.
Then you'll laugh with Ernie and Burt.

99 Dominus regnavit

1 The Lord is King;
let the people tremble; *
he is enthroned upon the cherubim;
let the earth shake.
2 The Lord is great in Zion; *
he is high above all peoples.
3 Let them confess his Name, which is great and awesome; *
he is the Holy One.
4 "O mighty King, lover of justice,
you have established equity; *
you have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob."
5 Proclaim the greatness of the Lord our God
and fall down before his footstool; *
he is the Holy One.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests,
and Samuel among those who call upon his Name, *
they called upon the Lord, and he answered them.
7 He spoke to them out of the pillar of cloud; *
they kept his testimonies and the decree that he gave them.
8 "O Lord our God, you answered them indeed; *
you were a God who forgave them,
yet punished them for their evil deeds."
9 Proclaim the greatness of the Lord our God
and worship him upon his holy hill; *
for the Lord our God is the Holy One.

The Transfiguration

Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As he came down from the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant in his hand, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.

2 Peter 1:16
We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had been eyewitnesses to his majesty.

Luke 9:35
A voice came from the cloud that said, 'This is my Son, my Chosen. Listen to him.'

Francis Hutcheson
(8 August 1694 – 8 August 1746)

Francis Hutcheson 8.6.1694, Saintfield, Ireland

弗   Fu         not            fu-           fluo-                      Fu        ふ    フ          Peu  프   the
朗   lang      clear          rou          clear                      ra         ら    ラ          lan   란   what
西   xi          west          sei           Spain                     n          ん    ン          si     시   city
斯   si           this           kou         in this way             shi        し    シ          seu   스  switch
哈   Ha         yawn        ha-           ha                          su        す     ス          Heo  허   huh
钦   qin         royal        no kanji                                 Ha        は    ハ          chi    치   tooth
森   sen        forest        mori        forest                      tchi    っち  ッチ      seun  슨   the
                                                                                    so        そ     ソ
                                                                                     n         ん     ン

Frances Hutcheson was an Irish philosopher born in Ulster to a family of Scottish Presbyterians. He became known as one of the founding fathers of the Scottish Enlightenment. He is remembered for his book "A System of Moral Philosophy".

The Saintfield area was part of South Clannaboy owned by Sir Con McNeil Oge O'Neil. His lands were confiscated by the accusation of disloyalty in 1602. The land was granted to Sir James Hamilton in 1605 who 'planted' English and Scottish settlers in the area.

Hamilton sold the estate to Major General Nicholas Price of Hollymount, County Down in 1709.  He laid the foundations of the town and renamed it Saintfield in 1712. The village had a number of corn, flour and flax mills. The remains are visible today. Price retained a tradition of textile manufacture through Saintfield Yarns. He encouraged linen manufacturers and tradesmen to settle, established a barracks, repaired the parish church and established markets and fairs.

The Presbyterians were an unusual branch of Calvinists. John Knox did not reject the monarchy, though he questioned the Queen of Scotland for her policy. They are recognized as belonging to the Church of Scotland. The presbytery allowed the laity to be the leadership. They didn't require trained clergy to lead.

The Scots had parish schools that were not compulsory by the 18th century. It can't be called a public system of education, but the country had a well developed university system.

Francis Hutcheson took ideas from John Locke. He was an important influence on the works of several significant Enlightenment thinkers, including David Hume and Adam Smith.

Hutcheson anticipated capitalism and utilitarianism. He argued that we are led by our sense of virtue to compare the moral quality of actions in order to regulate our election among various proposals for action to select the greatest moral excellency. Virtue is in proportion to the number of people for whom the happiness is to extend. That action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. That is worst which occasions misery.

This argument was presented at a time when it was used to test for the impact that the slave trade would have on society. Liability for the trade would eventually overrule it. Liability for the liberal use of the death penalty helped to reduce the incidence of cruelty in punishment.

Torture was removed from the legal lexicon of punishment. Murder became the only crime for which the death penalty could be applied. The precipitation of war for profit by Parliament and Congress has evaded the consideration of liability. The size of the respective bodies makes the perpetuation of violent conflict a difficult thing to regulate. The refusal of the legislative body to legislate against its own precipitation is a large part of the problem.

Dustin Hoffman 8.6.37  Los Angeles, CA

达  Da     reach                 tai       reach                   Da  だ  ダ          Deo   더    more 
斯  si        this                   shi      this                       su  す   ス         seu     스    switch
汀  ting    beach                tei       shore                    te  て   テ          tin     틴    tin
霍  Huo    quickly            kaku   quick                     -i   ぃ   ィ         Ho     호    arc
夫  fu        man                 fu        husband                n   ん  ン          peu    프    the
曼  man    handsome        man    beautiful               Ho  ほ  ホ         man   만    just
                                                                                  fu   ふ  フ
                                                                                  ma    ま  マ
                                                                                   n      ん  ン

Jewish movie makers from New York found the sunny, temperate weather in Los Angeles more suitable for year-round location shooting In the 1900's. Hollywood boomed into the cinematic heart of the United States. It has been the home and workplace of actors, directors and singers that range from small and independent to world-famous.The business location leads development in related television and music industries.

Clifford Clinton was a crusading reformer and Los Angeles cafeteria owner. His home was bombed in an attempt to halt his inquiries into corruption in City Hall and police department in 1937.

The City of Los Angeles purchased Mines Field to be its official municipal airfield. Major airline traffic continued operating from the airports in Burbank and Glendale.

The height of a statewide rabies epidemic happened this year. Los Angeles County established a Pound Department. This was in direct response to 1,700 rabies cases reported in the county during the year.

Dick and Mac McDonald open an octogonal-shaped food stand in Monrovia named the "Airdrome." They did this after struggling to succeed in film backlot jobs in Hollywood and running a movie theater in Glendora. They would move the structure 40 miles to San Bernardino three years later  and launch their first version of a "McDonald's" eatery.

Dustin Hoffman was born in Los Angeles on August 8th in 1937. He is the second son of Lillian (née Gold; 1909–1982) and Harry Hoffman (1908–1987). His father worked as a prop supervisor (set decorator) at Columbia Pictures before becoming a furniture salesman.

His elder brother, Ronald, is a lawyer and economist. Hoffman is from an Ashkenazi Jewish family of immigrants from Kiev, Russian Empire and Iași, Romania. The family's surname was spelled "Goikhman" in the Russian Empire. He does not speak Yiddish.

His upbringing was non-religious. He has said that he doesn't have any memory of celebrating the religion's holidays while growing up. He had "realized" he was Jewish at around age 10.

Hoffman is an American actor and director. His career has been in film, television and theater since 1960. He has been known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and vulnerable characters. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1980 for Kramer vs. Kramer and in 1989 for Rain Man.

Charlize Theron 8.7.75, Benoni, South Africa

查   Cha       see               no kanji                         Shi  し   シ             Ti      샤   ti 
理   li           reason          ri                 logic           -ya  ゃ- ャ-            leul   를   the
兹   zi          time              no kanji                          ri-  り-  リ-            li       리    lee
塞   Sai        stop              sai               close           zu   ず   ズ            j eu    즈   the
隆   long      intense         ryu              noble           Se   せ   セ            Te      테    rim
                                                                                ro     ろ   ロ           lon     론    theory
                                                                                n       ん   ン

Benoni = Son of my Sorrow

Gold was discovered in the area in September 1887. The Chimes Mine was established by Cornishmen. The village became known as “Little Cornwall” for a time.

Sir George Farrar, the chairman of a mining company, undertook the planning of the rapidly growing mining town in 1904. A river was dammed to create a series of reservoirs for mine use. The reservoirs remain and are populated with fish. Recreational activities, including boating and picnicking, are enjoyed by many people.

Thousands of trees were also planted in the new mining district. It was declared the township of Benoni in 1906. Most residents were British miners followed by a strong Jewish population who had suffered anti-Semitism in eastern Europe and lost all their possessions.

The first synagogue and the Benoni Race Track were opened in 1907. This horse-racing track was large when compared to the small mining town in which it was situated. The first race was run on Saturday 7 December 1907. It was won by Fusy. The horse was owned by John (Jack) William Travis, a Jewish farrier on the gold mines who had come from England. He imported the first race horses from England.

The Rand Revolt broke out throughout the mines on the Witwatersrand in 1922. Thousands of white miners went on strike. The strike was partly led by the South African Communist Party. It was not well received by the South African Government so soon after the Russian Communist Revolution of 1917.

The strike quickly degenerated into open revolt. Armed miners fought the South African police and army in the streets. The revolt lasted for about a year. The miners were bombed by the newly formed South African Air Force (SAAF) during this time.

Some of the SAAF aeroplanes were shot down by groundfire from the miners. Benoni was used as one of the headquarters for the miners during the revolt.  Much fighting took place in and around the area. The Benoni Museum details this episode in the town’s history.

The South African Airforce trained pilots in Benoni during World War II.

Great Britain and France played the first of a series of three exhibition matches in the town in 1957 to introduce the sport of rugby to South Africa.

Designated townships for black people were established during the apartheid era. Daveyton and Wattville were set up near the town. The township of Actonville was established for the habitation of Indians. Benoni proper was reserved for “whites only”. The various suburbs remain. The town today is relatively well integrated. Members of all race-groups may live where they please.

Benoni has been honoured with three British royal visits. It has also had several visits from Princess Charlene Wittstock of Monaco. She had grown up in Benoni. It is still an English speaking city.

Gold mining decreased in importance over time. Today the city is focused more on industry and services. It is used as a service hub for other East Rand towns such as Brakpan, Nigel and Springs. Benoni is also the site of the Benoni Heliport for the use of helicopters.

The town is currently represented in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality by the African National Congress (ANC) in the majority. The liberal-democratic Democratic Alliance is the official local opposition.

Charlize Theron was born in Benoni. She was the only child of Gerda (née Maritz) and Charles Theron. Second Boer War figure Danie Theron was her great-great-uncle. She is from an Afrikaner family. Her ancestry includes Dutch as well as French and German. Her French forebears were early Huguenot settlers in South Africa

She is a South African and American actress and film producer. She is the recipient of several accolades including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award and the Silver Bear for Best Actress.

She became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 2007 while retaining her South African citizenship.

Theron has two children. She adopted a boy in March 2012 and a girl in July 2015. She lives in Los Angeles.

David Duchovny 8.7.60 New York, NY

大  Da       big                 O             large                     De   で    デ              De  데    place
卫  wei    health              wei          support                 bi   び    ビ                i       이    this
杜  Du      prevent          mori         forest                   ddo  っど  ッド         bis   빗   comb
楚  chu     orderly           suwae      chu                       De   で    デ               Dyu 듀   dew
尼  ni         nun               ama          nun                      -yu    ゅ-  ュ-             ko    코   nose
                                                                                     ko     こ    コ             beu  브   the
                                                                                     fu     ふ    フ              ni     니   needle
                                                                                     ni-    に-  ニ-

A gradual economic and social decay hit New York City during the 60's. Both of the longtime resident National League baseball teams moved to booming California. The Dodgers and the Giants left after the 1957 season. The void was partially filled with the formation of the Mets in 1962. They played their first two seasons at the Polo Grounds, the former home of the Giants. They moved moved to Shea Stadium in Queens in 1964.

I saw the Mets play the Dodgers at Shea Stadium in 1967. They won. Our family had just moved from Massapequa to Westhampton. The Mets had been the laughingstock for baseball. They wouldn't become the Amazing Mets until 1969 when they upset the Baltimore Orioles in the World Series.

David Duchovny is an American actor, writer, producer, director, novelist and singer-songwriter. He is known for playing FBI agent Fox Mulder on the television series The X-Files and writer Hank Moody on the television series Californication. He won Golden Globe awards for both.

He is the son of Margaret "Meg" (née Miller), a school administrator and teacher, and Amram "Ami" Duchovny (1927–2003), a writer and publicist who worked for the American Jewish Committee.

Duchovny's mother is a British Lutheran emigrant from Aberdeen, Scotland. His paternal grandfather was a Jewish emigrant from Berdychiv, Russian Empire (now in Ukraine). His paternal grandmother was a Jewish emigrant from Russian Poland (now Poland).

He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton University in 1982 with an A.B. in English literature. He earned a Master of Arts in English Literature from Yale University and subsequently began work on a Ph.D. that remains unfinished.

Hirose Ayaka, 8.4.99 Kanagawa, Japan
Kobushi Factory
Hirose Ayaka & Nomura Minami

広  guang  broad                   ko   spacious          Hi    ひ       ヒ                Hi  히   Hi
瀬  lai         swift current       rai  rapids               ro    ろ        ロ               lo  로   in
彩  cai        color                   sai  paint                 se    せ       セ                se  세  three
海  hai       ocean                   kai  ocean               Aya  あや  アヤ            A   아  ah
                                                                             ka    か        カ               ya  야  hey
                                                                                                                    ka  카  car

Minato Mirai, the central business district, saw the opening of the Yokohama Landmark Tower in 1993. It is the second tallest building in Japan.

The 2002 FIFA World Cup final was held in June at the International Stadium Yokohama.

Hirose Ayaka is a Japanese idol under Hello! Project as a member and the leader of Kobushi Factory.

She was born in Kanagawa on August 4, 1999.

Suzuki Kanon 8.5.98  Aichi, Japan
Suzuki Kanon & Fukuda Kanon

鈴  ling       bell                 Suzu  small bell            Su  す   ス            Seu 스  switch
木  mu        tree                 ki        tree                     zu  ず    ズ           j eu 즈  the
香  xiang    fragrant          Ka       incense               ki   き    キ           k i   키   key
音  yin        sound             non     sound                  Ka   か    カ          Ka   카   car
                                                                                no    の    ノ          non 논  rice field
                                                                                n      ん    ン

Mitsubishi Aircraft Company was established in 1920 in Nagoya and became one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in Japan. The availability of space and the central location of the region and the well-established connectivity were some of the major factors that lead to the establishment of the aviation industry there.

Nagoya lies north of Ise Bay on the Nōbi Plain. The city was built on low-level plateaus to ward off floodwaters. The plain is one of the nation's most fertile areas. The Kiso River flows to the west along the city border. The Shōnai River comes from the northeast and turns south towards the bay at Nishi Ward.

Suzuki Kanon was a Japanese pop singer under Hello! Project. She was a ninth generation member of the Japanese pop group Morning Musume.

She graduated from Morning Musume '16 and Hello! Project and also retired from the entertainment industry on May 31, 2016 in order to pursue a career in welfare.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Ayaka Wada

with Organization
Dantai to kyōiku o okonau

If the greatest possible being exists in the mind
then an even greater one must be possible to find.

Design is sensible in nature.
It is an indicator of the existence of the Creator.

Being is life itself In existence contained.
Blessed eternity is eternal blessedness retained.

Endow education with organization.
Structure the lesson from vocabulary to application.

Enhance organization with education.
Teamwork is built with relation to station.

A greater mind
is mine to divine.

I will free me from myself against you
to find my self in reality as true.

The second experience of something new
increases the sense that the new can be used to expand truth.

The fundamental search to preserve perspective
helps anyone to become a truth detective.

Barley is a grain.
It overcomes hunger pain.
It has more substance than manna.
The bread produces august trust in cultivated savannah.


The aurora flatters each awn 
from the grain beyond stem that is drawn
without flaw for the radiant dawn.

The barley grows in the field before the forest.
The wind weaves light in waves of light green before us.
it looks so beautiful. It's euphoric.

The field of green is seen with dabs of blue
that the wild flowers painted for you.

The loaf is broken as a substance you can chew.
The wine is consumed with love that's true.

Goodness has an objective form.
Greatness is an aspiration to preserve the norm.

The polarization of light appears to human sight
at the break of dawn or the descent of night.

Dawn or dusk preserves the trust
that change occurs in light, us and rust
among other things that have this thus in their thrust.

Buck Moon

The buck climbs slowly with the moon.
His horns are covered in velvet in July past June.
The silhouette aligns with the doe's swoon.

Courage shines brighter in time
due to the closeness to the perception and the shine.

Justice spares the ill intended from destruction
to allow repentance as redemptive reconstruction.

Those found guilty of crime are detained, not destroyed.
Detention has the intention for self-correction to be employed.

The wind blows softly through the heat in the streets.
The frogs are in their ponds. The birds are in their treed retreat.

The frogs fill the night with the intensity of song.
A bird cries out in fright with sensitivity, but not long.

Power that is not you flows into you like a river.
The sweet simple chords of darkness give rest with sleep as the giver.

Greatness does not seek to destroy.
Defense from lethal threat is the only reason for its employ.

Have you found what you did seek, my soul?
I sought only that which makes me whole.

Greatness in being does not lie in harm to others or self.
Power is defined by regard for the right to health and wealth.

It is by respect for others that one earns esteem
for his or her own freedom as wealth redeemed.

Freedom is granted by the grace of the entire body
within the boundaries of law not freed from study.

Law protects the body from physical harm.
A person organizes in the group to do this with charm.

There is no right to kill based on membership.
The right to defense from attack is immense in life, business and statesmanship.

Education is a qualification
that must be met for organization.

See the great joy of those
who lead by their service to others as a rose
held to the nose.

Their aim is to improve the quality of life.
Love is the refuge against competition with strife.

Let endowment be learned and earned
with respect for the right to life not spurned.

Morality is not defined by benefit for a single group's gain.
It is formed by the welfare of all to overcome harm from pain.

Both dawn and dusk are coming
through the course of the day change is running.

The film stills run together with voice over chills
to make the kindness of history ring in your will.

One after another my back shivers
trembling with excitement for the giver.

You arrange the prestige of power
to draw diction from science fiction by the hour.

Don't be overtaken by those memories of sorrow or pain.
Stand on the path of life with support that you borrow for gain.

You are what you do in the public view.
I break the leg for the stage to make them cheer and woohoo.

May love dwell in your heart with faith
as you are being rooted and grounded in being that is great.

14 Dixit insipiens

1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." *
All are corrupt and commit abominable acts;
there is none who does any good.
2 The Lord looks down from heaven upon us all, *
to see if there is any who is wise,
if there is one who seeks after God.
3 Every one has proved faithless;
all alike have turned bad; *
there is none who does good; no, not one.
4 Have they no knowledge, all those evildoers *
who eat up my people like bread
and do not call upon the Lord?
5 See how they tremble with fear, *
because God is in the company of the righteous.
6 Their aim is to confound the plans of the afflicted, *
but the Lord is their refuge.
7 Oh, that Israel's deliverance would come out of Zion! *
when the Lord restores the fortunes of his people,
Jacob will rejoice and Israel be glad.

2Sam 11:14
David wrote a letter to Joab in the morning and sent it by the hand of Uriah. He wrote, 'Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest fighting, then draw back from him so he may be struck down and die.'

Ephesians 3:17
I pray that...Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith as you are being rooted and grounded in love.

John 6:11
Then Jesus took the loaves. When he had given thanks he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.

Barley is the first grain to be harvested in the spring. The feast of unleavened bread celebrates the first fruits of the barley harvest.  Jesus performed the multiplication of the loaves miracle as Passover approached. He would explain later in John 6 that he himself is the bread of life.

Elijah had multiplied flour and oil to save a widow and her son from starvation.  Elisha did a bit better than his master, multiplying 20 barley loaves so as to feed 100. Some was even left over.

Did anyone else provide bread for God’s people in the wilderness?  Moses prayed for help and was given the manna.  What is the symbolic number associated with Moses?   There are five books of Moses which are called the Torah or Pentateuch.  The five barley loaves represent Mosaic Law.


The July full moon, known as the "Buck Moon," "Thunder Moon," or "Hay Moon," always shines in or near the stars of Sagittarius or Capricornus. This full moon is occurring only 0.6 days after apogee, generating the smallest apparent full moon size of 2018.


It’s not often that Mars outshines Jupiter, which is also visible in the evening sky. Jupiter is normally the fourth-brightest celestial object to light up the sky, after the sun, moon and Venus. But, indeed, Mars will outshine Jupiter from about July 7 to September 7, 2018.

We pass between Mars and the sun about every two years. Astronomers call this an opposition. Not all Martian oppositions are created equal. The best comes when Mars is near its perihelion – or closest point to the sun – around the time we are sweeping between the sun and Mars.

Mars will reach perihelion on September 16 in 2018. We go between the sun and Mars on July 27. Mars, earth and the sun will be in line. Mars will be especially close to us since it is approaching its closest distance to the sun. It will be the closest that it has been since 2003.

Much higher in the east, surrounding the Milky Way, are three bright stars forming the Summer Triangle, seen overhead by midnight. The Big Dipper sits high in the northwest, looking like its British name, “the Plough”.

Alexis de Tocqueville, 7.29.1805, Paris, France

亚  Ya    second               no kanji                                     A    あ  ア        Al    알   egg
历  li      experience         no kanji                                     re   れ  レ        leg   렉   rake
西  xi     west                   sai                 west                     ku   く   ク       seu  스   switch
斯  si      this                    shi                 this                      shi  し    シ       deu  드   de
德  de     favor                 toku               ethics                  de   で  デ         To    토   sat
托  Tuo   to trust              taku               entrust                To   と   ト        keu   크   greater   
基  ji       basic                 ki                   fundamental       ku   く   ク        bil     빌   Bill
维  wei    to perserve       no kanji                                     bi    び  ビ
尔  er      you                   no kanji                                      ru  る ル

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French diplomat, political scientist and historian. He was best known for his works 'Democracy in America' (1840) and 'The Old Regime and the Revolution' (1856). He analyzed the living standards and social conditions of individuals as well as their relationship to the market and state in Western societies.

He came from an old Norman aristocratic family. His parents narrowly escaped the guillotine due to the fall of Robespierre in 1794. His father became a noble peer and prefect under the Bourbon Restoration. The Bourbon Restoration was the period following the fall of Napoleon in 1814 until the July Revolution of 1830.

The brothers of the executed Louis XVI reigned in highly conservative fashion. Exiled supporters of the monarchy returned to France. They were nonetheless unable to reverse most of the changes made by the French Revolution and Napoleon.         

Tocqueville despised the July Monarchy (1830–1848), but this was where he began his political career in 1839. The July Monarchy was a liberal constitutional monarchy in France under Louis Philippe I. It started with the July Revolution of 1830 and ended with the Revolution of 1848.

Louis Philippe was a member of the more liberal Orléans branch of the House of Bourbon. He proclaimed himself as Roi des Français ("King of the French") rather than "King of France." The title emphasized the popular origins of his reign. The king promised to follow the "juste milieu", or the middle-of-the-road. The intent was to avoid the extremes of the conservative supporters of Charles X and radicals on the left.

Tocqueville was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly after the fall of the July Monarchy during the February 1848 Revolution. He became a member of the Commission charged with the drafting of the new Constitution of the Second Republic (1848–1851).

He defended bicameralism and the election of the President of the Republic by universal suffrage. The countryside was thought to be more conservative than the labor population of Paris. Universal suffrage was conceived as a means to counteract the revolutionary spirit of Paris.

Tocqueville sided with the parti de l'Ordre against the socialists during the Second Republic.. A few days after the February insurrection, he believed that a violent clash between the Parisian workers' population led by socialists agitating in favor of a "Democratic and Social Republic" and the conservatives, which included the aristocracy and the rural population, was inescapable. These social tensions eventually exploded during the June Days Uprising of 1848 as Tocqueville had foreseen.

He favored order as "the sine qua non for the conduct of serious politics." He hoped to bring the kind of stability to French political life that would permit the steady growth of liberty. Freedom was to grow unimpeded by the regular rumblings from the earthquakes for revolutionary change.

The Second Republic was a short-lived republican government of France under President Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte. It lasted from the 1848 Revolution to the 1851coup by which the president made himself Emperor Napoleon III and initiated the Second Empire.

Tocqueville was among the deputies who gathered at the 10th arrondissement of Paris in an attempt to resist the coup and have Napoleon III judged for "high treason." The emperor had violated the constitutional limit on terms of office. Tocqueville was detained at Vincennes, then released. He had supported the Restoration of the Bourbons against Napoleon III's Second Empire (1851–1871). He quit political life and retreated to his castle.

Tocqueville died from tuberculosis in 1859. He had lived his life sorting through every political form known to the time.

Ken Burns 7.29.53, Brooklyn, NY

肯  Ken   willing      koutei   affirmation      Ke  け  ケ      Ken   켄 Ken
伯  Bo     uncle         haku     earl                  n    ん  ン      Beon  번 time
恩  en      kindness   on         favor                Ba- ば- バ-    j eu    즈  the
斯  si       this           kou       in this way       n   ん  ン
                                                                      zu   ず   ズ
The air in New York City produced a dry, wheezing, watery eyed cough often enough. The number of emergency room visits climbed. The theaters in Times Square went dark for lack of business. Smoke and haze drifted across the region.

It was November 1953. There was a six-day siege of air pollution that fouled the region with a ferocity unimaginable by the standards of today's far cleaner air.

Ken Burns is an American filmmaker. He is known for his style of using archival footage and photographs in documentary films. His widely known documentary series include The Civil War (1990), Baseball (1994) and Jazz (2001).

Burns was born on July 29, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York. He is the son of Lyla Smith (née Tupper) Burns, a biotechnician, and Robert Kyle Burns, a graduate student in cultural anthropology at Columbia University in Manhattan at the time.

He shot a documentary about an Ann Arbor factory upon receiving an 8 mm film movie camera for his 17th birthday. He graduated from Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor in 1971. He turned down reduced tuition at the University of Michigan to attend Hampshire College, an alternative school in Amherst, Massachusetts.

He developed a signature style of documentary filmmaking. The style "adopted the technique of cutting rapidly from one still picture to another in a fluid, linear fashion." The visuals were given a voice over  with 'first hand' narration gleaned from contemporary writings.

The narration was recited by top stage and screen actors. It has become a classically American style. He made the feature documentary Brooklyn Bridge (1981)with this technique. It earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary.

Wil Wheaton 7.29.72, Burbank, CA

威  Wei   prestige    i              power    U   う ウ       Wil    윌
尔  er      you           no kanji                -i    ぃ ィ       Wi     위
惠  hui    favor         no kanji                ru   る ル      teon    턴
顿  dun   arrange     no kanji                 U   う  ウ
                                                              -i-   ぃ- ィ-
                                                               to   と   ト
                                                               n    ん  ン

The progress of the city of Burbank suffered a setback in December, 1946. The major airlines transferred nine-tenths of their operations to the newly opened Municipal Airport in Los Angeles. This ended the position of leadership held by Lockheed Air Terminal as the main commercial air passenger field in Southern California.

The shift of airline flights did not doom the Lockheed Terminal. The growth of the airport continued due to the steady increase in air travel and air freight shipments of all kinds after a short period of adjustment. The public demand for low cost, air coach type travel and the convenient location of the terminal facilitated the growth.

Lockheed Air Terminal ranked as one of the busiest and largest privately owned commercial airports in the United States in 1966. The Lockheed company had grown and diversified until its geographically dispersed facilities covered 22 million square feet and assets totaled more than $650 million. Employment was approximately 88,000.

Wheaton was born on July 29, 1972, in Burbank, California. His parents are Debbie (née O'Connor), an actress, and Richard William Wheaton, Jr., a medical specialist. He is an American actor, blogger, voice actor and writer. He portrayed Wesley Crusher on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gordie Lachance in the film Stand by Me, Joey Trotta in Toy Soldiers and Bennett Hoenicker in Flubber. He runs his own blog, Wil Wheaton Dot Net.

Wheaton married Anne Prince on November 7, 1999. They live in Arcadia, California with her two sons from a previous relationship. When one son was 19, he asked Wheaton to legally adopt him. He did.

Wheaton is an aficionado of computers, the internet and technology in general. He says he is drawn to alternatives like Linux because he is left-handed.

Tim Omundson 7.29.69, St. Joseph, MO

蒂  Di       stem                 no kanji                             Te   て  テ          Tim  팀  team
姆  mu     governess        -bo             daycare             -i      ぃ  ィ        Om  옴 ohm
阿  A         flatter              omun        flatter                 mu  む  ム         lon  론  theory
芒  mang  awn                  nogi          awn                   O     お  オ         son  손  hand
德  de        goodness         no kanji                              mu  む  ム
素  su        element           su               plain                 n      ん  ン
妍  yan     handsome        ken-           beauty               do    ど  ド
                                                                                     so    そ  ソ
                                                                                      n     ん  ン

 St. Joseph was one of the endpoints for the Pony Express between April 3, 1860 and late October 1861. The Pony Express operated for a short period over the land then inaccessible by rail, to provide fast mail service. The pony riders carried a small personal bible along with the mail.

The outlaw Jesse James was killed at his home on April 3 in 1882. The house was originally located at 1318 Lafayette. It is now sited next to the Patee House.  James was living under the alias of Mr. Howard. An excerpt from a popular poem of the time stated: "...that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard has laid poor Jesse in his grave."

His home is now known as the Jesse James Home Museum. It has been relocated at least three times. It features the bullet hole from that fateful shot. St. Joseph is identified by the slogan, "Where the Pony Express started and Jesse James ended."

Tim Omundson is an American actor. He is notable for his supporting roles as Sean Potter on the CBS television series Judging Amy, Eli on the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, Carlton Lassiter in Psych, King Richard on the musical series Galavant and as Cain in Supernatural.

Omundson was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, to a railroad worker father and teacher mother. His family moved to Bellevue, Washington where he started to study theater at the age of twelve at the Seattle Children's Theater. He interned at various theaters during his high school years.  He studied during the summer of his junior year in New York City at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts with acting as his primary focus.

Omundson spent a month traveling in Germany and Austria with his father at the age of 13. He views the time as one of the most formative months of his life. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater from the University of Southern California.

Allison Mack 7.29.82, Preetz, West Germany

艾  Ai      to cut              mogusa     moxa            A  あ ア             Ael     앨  Al
莉  li       jasmine          -suri           jasmine         ri  り  リ            li         리   lee
森  sen    forest              mori          forest            so そ  ソ            seun    슨  the
麦  Mai   barley             mugi         wheat            n   ん  ン            Maeg  맥  vein
克  ke      to restrain       ko-            deny             Ma ま  マ
                                                                             kku っく ック

Preetz is located in Germany near the coast of the North Sea and the border to Denmark.  It is also known as "Schusterstadt." This translates as shoemaker town. A lot of shoemakers used to live and work there.

Allison Christin Mack was born on July 29, 1982, in Preetz, West Germany to Jonathan, an opera singer, and Mindy Mack. Her parents were in Germany at the time of her birth because Jonathan was performing there.

Mack began her acting career at age four in commercials for "German Chocolate".  She then went into modeling for a short period, because her mother thought she "looked cute in clothes." She began studying at Young Actors Space in Los Angeles at age seven.

Mack began starring as Chloe Sullivan in October 2001. Chloe was one of Clark Kent's best friends in the WB/CW hit series, Smallville. She was an original character created solely for the show. The character was eventually introduced into DC Comics in 2010.

Mack earned several awards and nominations for her portrayal of Chloe. She appeared as a series regular for nine seasons and returned for five episodes in the tenth and final season. Mack's character appeared in her own miniseries titled Smallville: Chloe Chronicles from 2003-4. She reappeared in Smallville: Vengeance Chronicles in 2006.

Mack was arrested in Brooklyn by the FBI on April 20, 2018 on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy.  Allison was bailed on a $5 million bond and held under house arrest under the custody of her parents in California on April 24. She was charged with recruiting women into "DOS" or "The Vow", a sex cult propagated by NXIVM that presented itself as a women's self-help group.

The charges were made as a variant to those made against conservative male celebrities. The liberal media has been used aggressively to press for an admission of guilt to lend credibility to the false charges.

Ayaka Wada 8.1.94 Ota, Japan
Graduation 2019

和  he      to blend      Wa   harmony        A  あ ア    A  아 ah
田  tian    field            ta     rice field        ya や ヤ    ya 야 hey
彩  cai     variety        Aya  paint               ka か カ    ka  카 car
花  hua     blossom     ka    flower           Wa わ  ワ   Wa 와 wow
                                                                 da  だ  ダ   da  다 all

Ōta is in Gunma. The city leads the prefecture in manufacturing revenue. The revenue exceeds ¥1.3 trillion annually. It is the home of the car manufacturer Subaru.

Ayaka is a Japanese pop singer with Hello! Project. She is the team director for AngerMe.

She initially joined the umbrella group in 2004 as a first generation member of Hello Pro Egg. She took part in Shugo Chara Egg! in 2008 before becoming a member. She became the leader of S/mileage in 2009. The name for the group was changed to AngerMe in 2014. She became the leader of Hello! Project in 2016.

She is set to graduate from both ANGERME and Hello! Project at ANGERME's spring 2019 tour finale.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Thirst for
Seigi no tame no kawaki

My heart longs for the sensation of serenity
as a deer thirsts for flowing streams with plenty
of cool, clean water for the modus vivendi.

My soul is cast down.
I remember the celebration of the crown.
The majesty of mountain looked around
at the vibrant green lushness of trees and ground.

The raging peace of river 
was fed by the clear streams from the source as giver.

The water flowed down from beneath the peak 
that held up the soles of my dirty sneakered feet.

The water ran ajar with the contour of the land
as far as the eye could see. It was grand.

God was praised 
by the sun's rays.  

Divinity was seen
as serene
within me as the means
to see from sea to shining sea.

Worship was found outside the temple.
The reward was so ample it produced a gentle tremble.

The finite called to the finite 
in the climate of the light
of the infinite type
until the clouds rolled into sight.
Darkness increased quickly towards that of night.

My heart started at the rumble 
of the thunder drum bum bum tumble
as the waves of wind and spirit started the splattering patter
that cleanses the soul in relation to organic and inorganic matter
when rain roars to the ground with the madness of the hatter.

The lightning flash 
of love commanded respect with a dash 
from the crash.

The sign on the knoll was briefly illuminated
in a field outside of town. The welcome was stated.
I was too wet to be elated.

There was no gate 
inviting you to peacefully investigate.

A squad of five deer stood near
a pond in the forest looking queer.

A school of fish were edified by the nearness of the deer
to their sphere in their wet and clear frontier.

The builder of charm
felt alarm at the knight of swords card.
A hero on a horse rode forward ready to charge.

The empty mind in time 
presents perception as the means to align
perspective with design for the moral climb.

The darkness of knowledge 
is illumined with a question for college
revealed through prayer from the astonished.

"Will you help me?" 
I say to divinity.

"You are my rock,
the strength in whom I take stock.
You are the Giver of life
in whom I take refuge from strife.
You are the Savior in whom I trust. 
Why have you left me to rust? 
Why must I settle for less than enough
while my work is for boon, not bust?"

It's as if my adversary was from the tomb
pouring salt on my wound 
to increase the pain
in each refrain.

I am taunted. I feel tainted
by the question that was feinted,
"Where is your deliverance?
Why are you so ignorant?"

Why are you cast down, dear soul? 
Why have you become so unsettled within your role?

Put your trust in the experience of deliverance. 
Divine being will be praised without ambivalence
within the sanctuary of your temple with reverence.

Creative leadership will shine fully in time.
Love will be crowned with the chime
of live in prime time.

42 Quemadmodum

1 As the deer longs for the water-brooks, *
so longs my soul for you, O God.
2 My soul is athirst for God, athirst for the living God; *
when shall I come to appear before the presence of God?
3 My tears have been my food day and night, *
while all day long they say to me,
"Where now is your God?"
4 I pour out my soul when I think on these things; *
how I went with the multitude and led them into the
house of God,
5 With the voice of praise and thanksgiving, *
among those who keep holy-day.
6 Why are you so full of heaviness, O my soul? *
and why are you so disquieted within me?
7 Put your trust in God; *
for I will yet give thanks to him,
who is the help of my countenance, and my God.
8 My soul is heavy within me; *
therefore I will remember you from the land of Jordan,
and from the peak of Mizar among the heights of Hermon.
9 One deep calls to another in the noise of your cataracts; *
all your rapids and floods have gone over me.
10 The Lord grants his loving-kindness in the daytime; *
in the night season his song is with me,
a prayer to the God of my life.
11 I will say to the God of my strength,
"Why have you forgotten me? *
and why do I go so heavily while the enemy
oppresses me?"
12 While my bones are being broken, *
my enemies mock me to my face;
13 All day long they mock me *
and say to me, "Where now is your God?"
14 Why are you so full of heaviness, O my soul? *
and why are you so disquieted within me?
15 Put your trust in God; *
for I will yet give thanks to him,
who is the help of my countenance, and my God.

The Book of Judith is deuterocanonical. It is included in the Septuagint. This gives it a place in  the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox scripture. It is excluded from Jewish texts and assigned by Protestants to the Apocrypha.

The book contains historical anachronisms.  There are scholars that assert that it is non-historical. It has been considered a parable. It could be the first historical novel. The oldest existing version is in the Septuagint. It might be a translation from Hebrew or it could have been composed in Greek.

The story revolves around Judith. She is a daring and beautiful widow who is upset with her countrymen for not trusting God to deliver them from their foreign conquerors. She goes with her loyal maid to the camp of the enemy general, Holofernes. She slowly ingratiates herself with him by promising information on the Israelites.

Holofernes was an invading general of Nebuchadnezzar. He had been dispatched to take vengeance on the nations of the West. They withheld their assistance to his reign.

Who was Nabu?


Nabu was known as Nisaba in the Sumerian pantheon. He was worshiped by the Assyrians as well. He gained prominence among the Babylonians in the 1st millennium BCE when he was identified as the son of the god Marduk.

This made him a Mesopotamian deity. He was the god of literacy. Egyptian culture is older than the Mesopotamian. He was probably derived from Thoth, he who is like the ibis. The Greeks would call him Hermes.

Nebuchadrezzar II (c. 605 BC – c. 562 BCE)
Nebuchadrezzar II was not a part of the same dynastic succession as Nebuchadrezzar I  (r. c. 1125–1104 BCE).

He had the same name. It means "O god Nabu, preserve my firstborn son." He was the king of Babylon. He had the longest and most powerful reign of any monarch in the Neo-Babylonian empire.
Nebuchadnezzar was the eldest son and successor of Nabopolassar, an Assyrian official who rebelled and established himself as king of Babylon in 620 BC. The dynasty he established ruled until 539 BCE when the Neo-Babylonian Empire was conquered by Cyrus the Great.

Nebuchadnezzar is first mentioned in 607 BCE. The event where he was mentioned was during the destruction of Babylon's arch-enemy Assyria.  He was already crown prince by this time.
He led a force with his ally Cyaxares. Cyaxares was the ruler of the Medes and Persians. The combined force went against the Assyrians and Egyptians in 605. The Assyrians were in control of Syria.

Holofernes occupied the kingdoms along the sea coast. He destroyed the temples for the gods, so all nations would worship the god of Nebuchadnezzar alone. Holofernes was warned by Achior, the leader of the children of Ammon, against attacking the Jewish people. Holofernes and his followers were angered by Achior. They rebuked him insisting that there was no god other than Nebu.

The general laid siege to Bethulia, commonly believed to be Meselieh. The city almost surrendered. Holofernes's advance stopped the water supply to Bethulia. The people lost heart and encouraged Ozias and their rulers to give way. The leaders vowed to surrender if no help arrived within five days.

Bethulia was saved by a woman. Judith was the beautiful Hebrew widow who entered Holofernes's camp and seduced him. She was allowed access to his tent one night as he had fallen to the ground in a drunken stupor. She decapitated him, then took his head back to her fearful countrymen. The Assyrians had lost their leader, so they were dispersed. Israel was saved. Judith remained unmarried for the rest of her life though she was courted by many.

Judith 9:11
Judith prayed, 'Your strength does not depend on numbers, nor your might on the powerful. You are the God of the lowly, helper of the oppressed, upholder of the weak, protector of the forsaken, saviour of those without hope."


One of the inconsistancies of the story about Judith was that the kingdom of Israel was attacked by Assyria, not Babylon. Nebuchadrezzar was the ruler of Babylon, not Assyria.

Another was that Israel was saved. The kingdom was conquered. The people were either killed, sold into slavery or dispersed in some other way. The territory for the kingdom of Israel was called Samaria. Samaria was taken during the rule of Sargon II. The siege had been started by Shalmaneser in 722 BCE. This was after the reign of Nebuchadrezzar I and before that of Nebuchadrezzar II.

2 Corinth. 5:15
Christ died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them.

John 20:11-12
Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. She bent over to look into the tomb as she wept. She saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus had been laid. One was at the head and the other at the feet.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the Gospels as being among the women of Galilee who followed Jesus and His disciples. She was present at His Crucifixion and Burial. She went to the tomb on Easter Sunday to annoint His body. She was the first to see the Risen Lord. She announced His Resurrection to the apostles. She is referred to in early Christian writings as "the apostle to the apostles."

The name Magdalene is an association with Magdala. Magdala held the Migdal tower. This tower was used to dry fish.

The Mariamne tower had an association with the Hasmonean dynasty. It was named for Mariamne, the wife of Herod. Mariamne is a Hebrew form for the name Mary. The Hasmoneans were replaced by the Herodians in the Judean monarchy by the Romans.

Rome had helped the Hasmoneans to ascend to power, but they were interested in changing the kingdom into a republic.

Mariamne Tower
aka Mariamne Magdala
Mary Magdalene
Herod's Citadel

The Towers

King Herod built the three towers for the citadel upon a location that was already fortified. It had been a stronghold since the days of Solomon. The citadel was the highest point of the city. It was about 2500 feet above sea level. Herod added to the citadel and  built the towers to protect his palace and the western side of the city. These were fantastic towers. The largest was the Phasael Tower but the most beautiful was dedicated to his wife Mariamne.

The tower was named after the beloved Hasmonean wife whom he had murdered. Josephus said "the king considering it appropriate that the tower named after a woman should surpass in decoration those called after men." It stood 74 feet high.

Titus spared Herod's fortress when he destroyed most of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Nothing remains of Herod's three towers. A Citadel named "David's Tower" stands on the spot where Phasael’s Tower had been.

Herod's Murders
Antiquities 15.7.4 222-231

 The king lay down to rest about noon one day. He called for Mariamme out of the great desire he always had for her. She came in, but would not lie down with him. She expressed her contempt for him when he urged her. She bitterly reproached him for having had her grandfather and her brother killed.

He took the statement as impudence. He was on the verge of doing something rash to her. The king's sister Salome observed how greatly disturbed he was. She sent in his principal servant who had been prepared long beforehand for just such an opportunity.

Salome had instructed him to tell the king that Mariamme had tried to persuade him to assist in preparing a love potion for the king. If the king appeared to be greatly concerned and asked further about the supposed love potion, the servant was to say that Mariamme prepared the potion. He was only asked to give it to him. If the king did not appear to be much concerned he was to let the matter drop so no harm should come to the servant in either case.

Salome took this opportunity to send him in to make his speech. So he went in with assurance and urgency and said that Mariamme had given him presents to persuade him to give the king a love potion. The king felt that he had been bewitched. He put his wife on trial. Herod gathered together those most faithful to him. He brought the accusation against Mariamme concerning the love potions and drugs she had been alleged to have prepared.

He lost his temper while speaking and was in too great a passion to judge. The jury perceived  this. They condemned her to death.

It occurred to him and some of those in the court that she should not be so hastily put to death after the sentence had been passed. She should be imprisoned in one of the fortresses of the kingdom instead. Salome and her party labored hard to have the woman put to death immediately. They persuaded the king by advising him of the danger of demonstrations by the populace were she allowed to live. Mariamne was led out to her execution. She was killed about 29 BCE.

Herod's palace was constructed between 37 and 4 BCE. Jesus of Nazareth was most probably tried by Pontius Pilate in the courtyard for the palace.

The Hasmoneans were the family dynasty referred to in the books of the Maccabees. Herod professed love for her, but he was Idumaean. He wasn't Judean. He was appointed king by the Romans. He married Mariamne to appease the Judeans and the Romans. He was motivated by jealousy of their popularity among the people. He had a tower built in her name, but it was only a claim to his testimony of love. This "love" was an outward sign of a condition lacking grace.

The Magdalene Mariamne was known to the writers of the gospel.

Gospel Writers…/who-was-mary-magdalene-11…/…

The gospels are not eyewitness accounts. They were written 35 to 65 years after Jesus’ death. It is believed that there was a common source for the sayings of Jesus. The differences in the accounts was due to the jelling of separate oral traditions that had taken form in different Christian communities. Jesus was crucified in about the year 30 CE. The gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke date to about 65 to 85. The common material lends credibility to the existence of a common source.

The Gospel of John was composed around 90 to 95. It is distinct. It was written last. When we read about Mary Magdalene in each of the gospels we are not getting history in a strict factual sense. Each account is the documentation of a communal memory. The memory was shaped by time, shades of emphasis and the effort to make a distinct theological point.

The synoptic texts are Mark, Matthew and Luke. They share enough common material to warrant the assumption of the same source of sayings. The dating of the written record is associated with the destruction of Jerusalem. The destruction and the affiliated persecution gave the writers a motivation to document that which they believed to be true in the context of theological history.

Mary Magdalene was the first witness to the empty tomb in which Jesus had been placed. The crucifixion of Jesus corresponds with the destruction of Jerusalem in this context. His resurrection is a testimony to the faith that a better state of affairs would be constructed.

This was taken by the popes who called for the crusades as a claim to the city of Jerusalem. It is better to understand the resurrection of Jesus as Christ as a call to redeem the law from the doctrine of destruction that was grafted into the text of the bible during the codification of the canon by the Roman occupation.

The Magdala Stone…/800px-Magdala_Stone_%284%29.…

Altar ?

The Magdala stone is a carved stone block unearthed by archaeologists in a Galilean synagogue in Israel. It is dated to the time before the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70.
It is noted for detailed carving. The carving was made while that Temple still stood. It is assumed to have been made by an artist who had seen the scene before it was destroyed by the Roman military.

Some archaeologists describe the carving as something that enables a new, scholarly understanding of the synagogue. The place for worship was conceptualized as sacred during the period while the Temple was still standing. This overturns the long-held scholarly consensus that the synagogue was merely an assembly or study hall prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. The Torah and other sacred books were read aloud and studied in each synagogue building, but it was not a sacred space for worship with prayer.

The Magdala altar stone stood in the center of the Migdal Synagogue. It is tall enough to have been used as a reading desk or podium by someone in a seated position. A similar size stone was found in an ancient synagogue dating from the Byzantine period in a dig at nearby Horvat Kur.  It is also carved with images of the Temple.

Rina Talgam is a professor who specializes in the art of the ancient Near East at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a leading scholar on the meaning of this stone. She understands the Magdala Stone as a depiction of the Temple and the implements used in worship. The carving includes the depiction of the Holy of Holies by an artist who had actually seen the Temple and was familiar with the most sacred of spaces.

The image on the Magdala stone was intended to lend a sacred aura to this synagogue. The image made it “like a lesser Temple” for use in Galilee. The territory was a long journey from Jerusalem under the conditions of that pedestrian era. Most people traveled by foot.

Migdal, Israel,_Israel

The town is named after the old city of Migdala Nunia (Aramaic: "fish tower"). It was the home town of Mary of Magdala (Luke 8:2). It is situated just west of the Kinneret on Tiberias-Rosh Pina road.

A salvage dig was conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in September 2009. It was prior to the construction of a hotel. The dig revealed an ancient synagogue believed to date back some 2000 years. It was dated from 50 BCE to 100 CE.

Archaeologists discovered an unusual stone carved with a seven-branched menorah in the middle of a 120 sq.m. main hall. It is the first of its kind to be discovered from the early Roman period. The walls are decorated with brightly colored frescoes in addition to the engraved stone.

Mary Magdalene

All four gospels refer to a follower of Jesus called Mary Magdalene. It is usually assumed that this means "Mary from Magdala". There is no biblical information to indicate whether this was her home or her birthplace. Most Christian scholars assume that she was from the place the Talmud calls Magdala Nunayya. This is also where Jesus landed on the occasion recorded by Matthew.

Josephus refers to a wealthy Galilean town destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish War from 66-73 CE. The town had the Greek name "Tarichææ" from its prosperous fisheries. Josephus did not give its Hebrew name.

There are authors who identify this place with Magdala Nunaiya. The "fish tower" was used to dry fish. It was also known in biblical times for flax weaving and dyeing. It was a major campaign camp for Josephus during the Jewish Wars.

Its reference in Matthew 15: 39 is given as "Magadan" in some editions.  It is called "Dalmanutha" in Mark 8: 10. The site is known now as "el-Medjel."

The name, Mary Magdalene, represents a conjunction between the Mariamne and Magdala towers.
The resultant 'watchtower' was a testimony to the history for the time. The destruction of the city of Jerusalem was a marker that indicated that the Romans had assisted the Hasmoneans to obtain liberation from the Seleucids in order to establish a republic in place of the kingdom.

Judean law would still act as a witness to the history of law itself with respect for the development in the Middle East and Mediterranean areas. Allusions to the contributions of Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Seleucid and Roman empires were encoded with respect for the ancient law against murder recorded in the script for the code of Ur-Nammu, an ancient Sumerian expression.

Sumerian was the first language of cuneiform letters. It was a step beyond the hieroglyphs of Egypt. The factual expression of history was something that was being derived from the progression from the symbolic fiction associated with polytheism to the realistic frame for the historical perspective as presented by the prevailing moral concern of monotheism.


PM Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Neptune AM Uranus, Mercury, Venus
F7.20 Waxing Gibbous near Jupiter
T7.24 Full Moon meets Saturn

Karl Menninger, 7.23.1893, Topeka, KS

卡  Ka                card                  no kanji                           Ka-   か-     カ-           Kal   칼  knife
尔  er                 you                    no kanji                           ru     る     ル              Me   메  me
门  Men            gate                    mon             gate             Me   め     メ              ning  닝  ning
宁  ning            peaceful             cho              cal                n       ん     ン             geo  거  roughness
格  ge                investigate         ko                status           ni     に     ニ
                                                                                             n     ん     ン
                                                                                             ga-  が-   ガ-

Topeka passed through a boom period that ended in disaster during the late 1880's. There was vast speculation on town lots. The 1889 bubble burst and many investors were ruined. Topeka, however, doubled in population during the period and was able to weather the depressions of the 1890's.

Another kind of boom happened in the early in the 20th Century. This time the automobile industry took off. Numerous pioneering companies appeared and disappeared. Topeka was not left out.

Karl Augustus Menninger was an American psychiatrist and a member of the family of psychiatrists who founded the Menninger Foundation and the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. He was long considered the elder statesman and dean of American psychiatry.

He was a crusader for many causes, including neglected and abused children, prisoners, American Indians and wildlife.

Donald Trump 6.14.46, New York, NY

唐  Tang      empty            to             China              Do    ど   ド             Do  도  degree
纳  ne          admit             no kanji                           na    な   ナ             nal   날  day
德  de          morality         toku        morality           ru    る   ル             deu  드  de
特  Te          unique            toku        special             do   ど   ド             Teu  트  the
朗  lang      clear                ro             bright              To    と  ト             leom 럼  rum
普  pu          universal        fu              universal        ra    ら   ラ              peu  프  the
                                                                                   n     ん   ン
                                                                                   pu   ぷ   プ

The difficult years of the Great Depression saw the election of reformer Fiorello La Guardia as mayor and the fall of Tammany Hall after eighty years of political dominance.

Returning World War II veterans created a post-war economic boom. Large housing tracts in eastern Queens and Nassau County were developed as well as similar suburban areas in New Jersey. New York emerged from the war as the leading city of the world. Wall Street assumed America's place as the world's dominant economic power.

Donald Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States. He was a businessman and television personality before entering politics.

Woody Harrelson, 7.23.61, Midland, TX
伍  Wu         five                   go            squad                         U    うウ  ウ         U   우 right
迪  di           enlighten           teki         edify                           d     っ    ッ           di   디  d
哈  Ha          yawn                 ha           school of fish              de   で    デ           Hae 해 year
里  li            inside                 ri             village                        -i     ぃ  ィ            leol  럴 the
森  sen         forest                 shi           forest                          Ha  は   ハ            seun 슨 the
                                                                                                  re  れ    レ
                                                                                                  ru  る    ル
                                                                                                  so  そ    ソ
                                                                                                   n    ん   ン

Midland was established in June 1881 as Midway Station on the Texas and Pacific Railway. It earned its name because of its central location between Fort Worth and El Paso. It had become one of the most important cattle shipping centers in the state by 1890.

It was changed significantly by the discovery of oil in the Permian Basin in 1923. The Santa Rita No. 1 well began producing in Reagan County. This was followed shortly by the Yates Oil Field in Iraan. It was transformed into the administrative center of the West Texas oil fields.

Midland was the largest bombardier training base in the country during the Second World War. A second boom period began after the war with the discovery and development of the Spraberry Trend. It was still ranked as the third-largest oil field in the United States by total reserves.

Woody Harrelson is an American actor, comedian, activist, and playwright. He is an enthusiast and supporter for the legalization of marijuana and hemp. He is also an environmental activist. He has spoken publicly against the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Charisma Carpenter, 7.23.70, Las Vegas, NV

克  Ke            restrain           koku        overcome                Ka   か カ         Ka   카  car
里  li               home              ri               village                   ri     り   リ        li     리  lee
斯  si               this                shi             this                         su   す  ス         seu  스  switch
马  ma            horse              no kanji                                   ma  ま  マ         ma   마  hemp
卡  Ka            card                sa                card                      Ka- か- カ-       Ka   카   car
彭  peng         Peng               ho               swelling                pe  ぺ  ペ          pen  펜   pen
特  te              special           toku           special                    n    ん   ン         ta    타   other
                                                                                              ta- た- タ-

The Moulin Rouge opened in the 1950's. It became the first racially integrated casino-hotel in Las Vegas.

Nuclear weapons testing began at the Nevada Test Site in 1951. The tests were conducted 65 miles (105 km) northwest of the city. Residents and visitors were able to witness the mushroom clouds until 1963. They were exposed to the fallout. The limited Test Ban Treaty required that nuclear tests be moved underground.

The iconic "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign was created in 1959 by Betty Willis. It was never located within municipal limits.

Corporations and business powerhouses such as Howard Hughes were building and buying hotel-casino properties during the 1960's. Gambling was referred to as "gaming" which transitioned into legitimate business.

Charisma Carpenter is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Cordelia Chase in the popular TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–1999) and its spin-off series Angel (1999–2004).

She was born in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1970. She is the daughter of Christine, a bird sanctuary worker, and Don Carpenter, a salesman. She has two older brothers, Ken and Troy, and two nieces, Chrissy and Mackenzie. She is of Spanish (from her maternal grandfather), French and German descent.

Daniel Radcliffe, 7.23.89, London, England

丹   Dan           red                  tan            red                        Da     だ   ダ          Da   다   all
尼   ni               nun                 ni             nun                        ni     に   ニ           ni   니    needle
尔·  er              you                 no kanji                                   e      え  エ           el   엘    l
雷   Lei             terrific           rai             thunder                   ru    る  ル           Lae 래    below
德   de              morality       toku            morality                 Ra    ら  ラ            deu 드   de
克   ke              restrain         koku           overcome               do   ど  ド            keul 클  big
里   li                home             ri               village                    ku   く  ク            li     리  lee
夫   fu              husband        fu                husband                  ri    り  リ            peu  프  the
                                                                 fu ふ フ

The Greater London Council was abolished in 1986. This left London without a central administration until 2000. City government was restored, with the creation of the Greater London Authority. The Millennium Dome, London Eye and Millennium Bridge were constructed to celebrate the start of the 21st century.

Daniel Radcliffe is an English actor and producer best known for his role as Harry Potter in the film series of the same name. He was born in Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Hammersmith, London, England in 1989.

He is the only child of Marcia Jeannine Gresham (née Jacobson) and Alan George Radcliffe. His mother is Jewish and was born in South Africa and raised in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. His father was raised in Banbridge, County Down, Northern Ireland, in a "very working-class" Protestant family. Radcliffe's maternal ancestors were Jewish immigrants from Poland and Russia.

Marina Okada, 7.24.93, Tokyo, Japan

岡  gang          ridge                  Oka            knoll                       Ma  ま マ           Ma  마  hemp
田  tian            field                  da                rice field                ri     り  リ           li    리   lee
万  wan           by chance         Ma              10,000                    na   な  ナ          na   나   I
里  li                home                ri                  village                   O    お  オ          O    오   five
奈  nai             help ?                na                what?                    ka   か  カ          ka    카   car 
                                                                                                   da  だ  ダ          da    다   all

The Soviet Union declared war on Japan a week before Tokyo’s Aug. 15 surrender in 1945. The declaration scrapped the neutrality pact. The soviet republic seized the southern Kuril islands.

The two countries signed the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration in 1956. This ended the state of war and restored diplomatic ties. The Soviet Union agreed to return two of the four islands after a peace treaty was signed.

The 1993 Tokyo Declaration was signed by then Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The statement was central to the development of Japanese and Russian relations. The two nations agreed to settle the territorial dispute regarding the islands of Etorofu, Kunashiri and Shikotan in the declaration. The Habomai group of islets were added in order to conclude a peace treaty early and to normalize their relations.

When Putin was elected president in 2001 Japan and Russia agreed to recognize the 1956 joint declaration as the starting point for negotiations to resolve the island issue. President Putin met with Prime Minister Abe in 2016 for talks on the territorial issue.

Okada Marina is a Japanese singer. She is one of the vocalists in the pop-rock band LoVendoЯ and the unit Love Bitter EX. She was born in Tokyo in 1993.