Rachel Weisz
Zhěngjiù shìjiè
Sekai o sukuu
The sun shines for all the earth.
The moon shows fractions for what it's worth.
Rain falls for growth
in plants and animals, both.
Life is for living.
Love is for giving.
We live to rejoice!
Make music with your voice!
Praise the essential presence
of life in the present
as the field of perception
that rules out deception.
Use what was right in the past
to make the goodness last
and plan improvement for the future
to guide the present with its nurture.
Mighty lovers of justice,
equity will not bust us!
Wonderful winners of fame,
responsibility builds your game!
Wise witness of accountability,
care for others. Build your security.
Security is compensation
for unfair dispensation.
Reconciliation for the damage to liberty's bell
is more important than the crack can tell.
The competition for prosperity
has to be governed for posterity.
Let people agree.
This is easy to see.
No one is without flaw.
No one is above the law.
Murder for profit
is not on the docket.
Judgment is the purpose for reason.
Proof is the objective for judgment in season.
Reason rejects the fear of threat
as the justification for death
or destruction
as time's only induction.
Invasion, genocide, murder and torture,
are agents of misfortune.
Violence, cruelty and vice
are not elements of immortal device.
The existence of threat
is grounds for preparing defense.
Defense is limited to the least force
for the protection of our course.
Induction and deduction are ways
to learn logic as instruction in what to pray or say.
Making use of words implies having general ideas.
Animal consciousness is more like ours than the asclepias'.
Asclepias Tuberosa
Perception with controlled experimentation
is for the selection of facts in truth's detection.
The property of value is from solid substance drawn.
Background provides contrast like the sky above the horizon at dawn.
Freedom is seen in the observation of the sky.
Release from tedium helps your spirit fly.
Providence for labor requires land for construction
and machines for production.
The division of labor is an object for observation.
The labor is divided for ease in conservation.
The inference of prevalence
is to measure occurrence in relevance.
The rejection of false reason
helps us act in due season.
The salvation of hope for improvement
is the rock for political movement.
This formula for success
has gradual growth in the newness
of the que's access to due process
in economic noblesse.
Storytelling for the protection of theft
is express disrespect for what is left
in the national chest to invest.
Fake news
is not something to choose
to believe as true.
Truth in darkness and light
is present with or without sight.
It is the test of reason for right.
Reform for the code of law
began with that which the view from the mountain saw.
Jesus was transfigured by prayer on the mountain.
His appearance changed with the prophets’ counsel counted.
The sound from the scarlet feathers of the phoenix
rose with joy above the ashes to redeem keenness for cleanness.
The rule of law protects rights, not wrongs.
It is the bong that belongs with the gong.
Forgiveness allows for development
of the elements of the celebrant.
Restitution fosters retribution
for correction, not the institution
of elocution for destruction.
Revel in the revelation of love for others.
Shine forth with light for your sisters and brothers,
fathers and mothers; for your family wonders.
Respect rights for life with liberty and justice.
Save the world from reduction to the augustus
of just us. It will help others to trust us.
Bert and Ernie
Save the world from a world full of hurt.
Then you'll laugh with Ernie and Bert.
99 Dominus regnavit
1 The Lord is King;
let the people tremble; *
he is enthroned upon the cherubim;
let the earth shake.
2 The Lord is great in Zion; *
he is high above all peoples.
3 Let them confess his Name, which is great and awesome; *
he is the Holy One.
4 "O mighty King, lover of justice,
you have established equity; *
you have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob."
5 Proclaim the greatness of the Lord our God
and fall down before his footstool; *
he is the Holy One.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests,
and Samuel among those who call upon his Name, *
they called upon the Lord, and he answered them.
7 He spoke to them out of the pillar of cloud; *
they kept his testimonies and the decree that he gave them.
8 "O Lord our God, you answered them indeed; *
you were a God who forgave them,
yet punished them for their evil deeds."
9 Proclaim the greatness of the Lord our God
and worship him upon his holy hill; *
for the Lord our God is the Holy One.
Ex. 34:29
Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant. He did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.
Reform for the code of law
began with that which the view from the mountain saw.
2 Corinth. 3:17
The Lord is the Spirit. Where the Spirit is, there is freedom.
The property of value is from solid substance drawn.
Background provides contrast like the sky above the horizon at dawn.
Freedom is seen in the observation of the sky.
Release from tedium helps your spirit fly.
Luke 9:29
While Jesus prayed on the mountain, the appearance of his face changed. His clothes became dazzling white.
Jesus was transfigured by prayer on the mountain.
His appearance changed with the prophets’ counsel counted.
George Berkeley
Principles of Human Knowledge
“The reason that is here assigned why we have no grounds to think brutes have abstract general ideas is, that we observe in them no use of words or any other general signs; which is built on this supposition--that the making use of words implies the having general ideas. From which it follows that men who use language are able to ABSTRACT or GENERALIZE their ideas. “
Making use of words implies having general ideas.
Animal consciousness is more like ours than the asclepias'.
Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations
“In those great manufactures, on the contrary, which are destined to supply the great wants of the great body of the people, every different branch of the work employs so great a number of workmen, that it is impossible to collect them all into the same workhouse. We can seldom see more, at one time, than those employed in one single branch. Though in such manufactures, therefore, the work may really be divided into much greater number of parts, than in those of a more trifling nature, the division is not so near so obvious, and has accordingly been much less observed.”
Providence for labor requires land for construction
and machines for production.
The division of labor is an object for observation.
The labor is divided for ease in conservation.
Tolle lege
Take up and Read
When I first came to believe that I was a Christian, I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. My priest was my godfather. He gave me a copy of the Book of Common Prayer and the Confessions of St.
Augustine had re-written psalms to express his faith. He had been trained in classical rhetoric. He wrote a catechism based on his dialog with his son. The question and answer format was designed to define terms for use in communications about faith.
He re-wrote many of the ideas of Greek and Roman writers as a monotheistic expression of his faith in the City of God.
It was the first example of the re-construction of classical consciousness in the Christian world. His basic premise had been stated by the apostle Paul. Faith allows power in God, but it does not make us infallible.
Augustine ran into claims to perfection in divinity with the Manichaeans, the Donatists and the Pelagians. While the Pelagians didn't lay explicit claim to perfection, they did imply that synergy enabled authority to use slaves to live the good life.
It looks like the second Roman empire in Europe did not have slavery. Aristotle's argument for slavery remained dormant until the Spanish empire approached the conquest of the Roman world. Aristotle's argument for the institution was used to sanction the trade as a means to increase status for traders. Those patricians that used it did so to stay in front of non-patricians.
This contributed to Augustine's definition of human nature as corrupt. The basic implication was that we are saved by grace, not by our work. No one is without flaw. No one is above the law.
His work became the foundation for Roman Christendom with Latin.
Orthodox Christianity preserved instruction in the other Rome. Constantinople was even called the new Rome. Byzantium lasted until the 15th century. Their language was Greek.
The Russian empire was a product by design with custom in a different language. It was an extension of culture from the Egyptians to the modern age. The means for production was organized in relation to the ownership of land.
Ownership of land was chartered by the monarchy. Charters were contracted with respect for contributions to defense. Political organization was similar to that which was used in the west. Their policy on expenditure was more conservative.
Lex orandi built credendi for vivendi. The rule of prayer asked for a faith that could be lived.
Serfdom did not use chains and whips to induce labor. Serfs were an early form of residential labor. They lived on the land for which they cared. The land was owned by an owner.
Opposition to monarchy grew as the Spanish empire expanded. Republican ideas of government were bolstered by investment in reform in the classical model with a special emphasis on the republic in Rome. There were patricians in the Republic that had entertained slavery as a development of empire.
The Church in Rome had added celibacy as a requirement for priests and bishops. Any marriage of clergy was unofficial. It was viewed as a concession to the world by some and a corruption by others. Latin was the formal language for prayer and study.
The claim to papal supremacy had been used to reconstruct the Roman empire as a multi-lingual entity, but the Inquisition and extensive reliance on the "sword of Damocles" to deter rebellion contributed to the perception that the clergy and the monarchy were corrupt institutions.
The Church of England and the Lutheran Germans had agreed to the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist as biblically solid. They also agreed that monarchy and episcopacy were sanctified as forms for Leadership by the bible.
The principle for officially recognized religion was called Cuius regio, eius religio in Latin. It means Whose realm, his religion. The principle was intended to simplify the complexity of competitive claims to authority in the Roman empire.
The democracy of Calvin rejected monarchy and episcopacy to favor local councils as directed by the direct authority of Providence. Calvinism accepted Baptism and the Lord's Supper as ordained. They called them ordinances rather than sacraments. Some Calvinists entertained slavery. John Locke was a leading representative.
Opinions against slavery were written by the likes of Charles V (1500-58), John Locke (1632-1704) and Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), but they owned, traded and used slaves for their profit. They used a broker to keep the activity from the public record.
The trade was regarded as an imperial form in the Roman tradition. It just wasn't revived until the Spanish and the Dutch started to compete with the Ottomans. Parliament was not directed to legislate against the trade or the institution.
William Wilberforce led a lobby in British parliament for 18 years before legislation was enacted against the trade or the institution. Once the legislation was enacted however negotiations for treaties with foreign powers was promoted.
Adam Smith proposed a capitalist system of organization as the means to define the wealth of nations. The proposal acknowledged the organization of the means for production with respect for the ownership of land.
His system allowed for organizational development in the Republican form of government. The stress for efficiency and effectiveness in organization for production promoted independence from slavery. Management provided the means for producing wealth with labor.
The institution of slavery was made into a legal form by the US republic with the designation "slave state." Half the states were non-slave. They were in the north. A number of those had outlawed the institution after the American Revolution.
Florida made an issue out of secession from the union to join a federated government. The Ordinance of Secession declared the intent to join a confederation. There had been significant concern expressed against too much centralization of authority even with the federalist party not long after the revolution.
The country was moving toward centralization in national government. Southern states argued for a state's right to govern their people. The confederation had a constitution. Residential labor was necessary for agriculture.
This was a major difference with the north. Both had agriculture, but the south was more agricultural due to the climate and the favorable conditions for plant growth and domestic livestock.
Slavery was the term for the form of residential labor in the republic. The difficulty was that there were those who used shackles in the trade. Whips were also used to coerce labor for profit from production. It was an abusive form. It reduced voluntary participation in political and social relations.
Cotton was the cash crop for a number of the southern states. Mississippi was one of the largest producers. They also had the largest population of black people.
While legislation against slavery was enacted during the Civil War, the national government has since started to use precipitation of profit from war as a means to perpetuate an increase in taxation. It could be argued that the Civil War was precipitated for the profit of government officials and their favored relations in munitions, surveillance and the media.
National overreach has since been shown in electronic surveillance and protectionism for insurance agencies. Fake news has been used to promote gun control. The categorization of cannabis sativa as a narcotic has been another form of Prohibition.
The lack of coordination for immigration reform has been directed by media campaigns that don't admit that criminals are crossing the border illegally. Socialism has been used to press for increased taxation in general with a particular emphasis on populist factions. Increased taxation decreases the capacity for the sponsorship of small business.
National government regulation is detrimental to the growth of small business. Large industry cannot employ everyone. Even if they could, it wouldn't be good for the culture.
Meeting the demands of labor becomes an exercise in degeneration. Labor refuses to seek education. The attainment of educational standards loses significance. People who get education are punished for being too qualified.
Education provides the means to form judgments regarding contracts and services. When government limits representation to the concern for national and international industry, the self-employed and small business agents suffer as a result.
Akane Haga 3.7.2002 Nagano, Nagano, Japan
Hello! Project
Morning Musume '19 I Surrender
华 Hua flower 羽 Ha feathers Ha は ハ Ha 하 ha
卡 ka card 賀 ga joy ga が ガ ga 가 end
啊 Ah ah 朱 Ake scarlet A あ ア A 아 ah
卡 ka card 音 ne sound ka か カ ka 카 car
奈 nai endure ne ね ネ ne 네 yeah
The sound from the scarlet feathers of the phoenix
rose with joy above the ashes to redeem keenness for cleanness.
Nagano is located near the middle of Honshu, the main island for Japan. It was the site used for the 1998 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. The city also hosted the Special Olympic Winter Games for the world in 2005.
Kaizo Castle was built by Takeda Shingen in 1560. It was renamed Matsushiro by Sanada Yukimichi in the early 18th century (1711). The castle sits between the main stream and an old bed of the Chikuma River in the flatlands of the city.
The Chikuma is the upper part of the Shinano River. This is the longest and widest river in Japan. It starts in the Japanese Alps and flows northeast through the Nagano and Niigata Prefectures before it empties into the Sea of Japan.
Akane Haga
Haga Akane was born on March 7, 2002 in Nagano. She was raised in the Matsushiro district.
Haga auditioned for Morning Musume in 2012, but failed to pass. She took lessons in her hometown to improve her skills. No new members were added in 2013 when she auditioned again. She joined Hello Pro Kenshuusei to train for performance with Hello! Project.
Sayumi Michishige announced on September 30, 2014 that Haga was selected along with Ogata Haruna, Nonaka Miki and Makino Maria to become the 12th generation for Morning Musume.
She has held a fanclub event for each birthday since 2017. She will celebrate her 17th birthday with a fanclub event on March 22, 2019.
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