Sunday, December 30, 2018


Victoria Justice
by the Thames
in London

Sùzào zìjǐ
Jibun o katachidzukuru

The wild dance of the branches in the trees
leaned heavily upon the rest of the scene as seen
until the storm calmed to speak of peace as serene.

Stars appeared as remnants of splattered pattern
the lightning had blasted into bits of energy converting matter.
Silence prevailed to present serenity as the dancer's answer.

"Do not be frightened longer.
I am Truth heightened and stronger.
You have been spared from blast and fire
to reveal the triumph of desire.
I am the Word that joy will deploy
to form function to employ." 

Dawn broke without speech.
Tears dripped from the height to teach
about proportion in the extension of reach.

Angels hovered over the dwelling place.
Hearts were restored to share singleness in space.

The darkness gave birth to the sun.
The beauty of nature was not undone.

Arise! Shine! Your light has come. 
Glory has risen for your love to plumb.

My heart leaps to meet the sky.
Promise is the sign that gives me drive.

The Son is the Father to the man.
Space is the body for time to span.

This is my wish for those days to be.
Let them be bound by natural fidelity.

The divine kiss that joined lips in love
revealed secrets from the heavenly dove. 

The kiss introduced the great sigh to man
like the Almighty breath from which life began.  

That sigh led the way to the domain
where the glory of my soul remains.

This glory conserves resources as found and known
to protect and serve with the properties shown. 

Compare untanned animal skin with tanned leather.
Buy the kind that stands bad weather better.

Spirit moved without motion to form
a vision of what time will adorn.

Gold shone as the wealth of radiant matter
to show the value of the gradient ladder.

Leadership shines as royal light
to govern property as a human right.

The Father made heaven for the earth
to protect the seen and unseen as heavenly worth.

Incense is an emblem shared
to find your steps on the squared stairs
that curve into the chamber up there.

The burn fills the air with aroma like a prayer.  

The journey is there
for experience to declare.

The Son was begotten for the sake of salvation
by the power of the Spirit for incarnation.

Myrrh is steam distilled from resin for oil.
The oil is an ointment for the skin to recover from toil. 

Three kings made the case for royal succession.
The family was honored for security in confession.

The babe was esteemed by a radiant star
over the house of bread with a donkey and a cart.

Celebrants of Mithra, they saw Christ as the Son
whom the heavens proclaimed as the divine One.

The star appeared in the East 
before the celebration of the solstice feast.

They carried a chest
from which to draw their best.

They saw the mother with her child.
They knelt to see upon whom the star had smiled.

These Gentiles offered myrrh, incense and gold
to help your three-fold office unfold.

The prophet, priest and king
offered atonement to help people sing.

The atonement was offered once for all
that all might be saved by the Savior's call.

Myrrh and incense are derived from sap
that flows like tears from certain plants.

Tears that from true repentance fall
are shed in thanks for the call.

Prayers are made as gifts from the heart
to the God of love for the brand new start.

Gentiles have become fellow heirs that share the promise
in the good news of salvation by the twin to Thomas.

The wise men never went to Herod again.
They did not see the king as a friend.

Herod was a Roman client.
His role as king was viewed as defiant.

A king of heaven was defined as treason.
The trial of Jesus would not need another reason.

His course was set from his birth.
His plea for justice held real worth.

Finding Christ is our intent.
From misdirection we will repent.

We glorify our loving Teacher.
Faith is love for our Leader.

Only begotten from the Father,
the choir of angels sing for your honor.

The Holy Spirit flew as a dove above the water
that cleansed your flesh at the baptist's offer.

The uncreated had assumed human nature.
The ancient rite for initiation gave the public favor to savor.

The passage moved the baptized from unclean to clean.
This has served as a symbol for good health from hygiene.

Water is piped from the source to each among us.
Cleaning is used to remove unhealthy substance.

The Son was seen as blessed by heaven.
The Father bestowed essential presence as a leaven.

Republic can learn from royalty.
Defense from attack is our chief loyalty.

The clouds refresh with the reign of justice.
The wind blows breath for the august among us.

Pledge allegiance to order for the economy.
Organize service with respect for policy.

Illumination lights sight for the earth.
Darkness gives rest from functional work.

The luminous stars embellish night with joyous luster.
Gravity shows itself in each star cluster.

Paradise is open to public participation.
Righteousness aspires to incarnation.

Pledge allegiance to the flag and the state for which it stands.
The flow of water has cleansed perspective to receive that which is grand. 

Sin has been washed from the portal of perception
that thought may work against error from deception.

Bitterness has been turned to the sweetness of relief by release.
Happiness has earned completeness with belief that doesn't cease.

Pledge allegiance to what is right about the design for executive authority.
Agreement by the collegial body has to be good for the economy of the whole majority.

I close my eyes to look for the meeting place of the waters.
Under the lake's smile, the closed well gropes for order with borders.

My veins reach for the currents that don't strain.
There someone walks quietly with silence across the terrain. 

The water-lilies end to show that I’ve kept a rein on my life. 
Heavy drops fall on green leaves and petals white.
Your face is seen in the empty garden free from strife.

The water that touches you. touches the motionless reserve of a swan
moving as graciously and gracefully as the wings of the dawn.

The white wings among the living trees reflected by the fluency of light 
hold the promise of what can be obtained with the blessings of sight.

This road has no end. Recollections from your childhood years, 
from those who left, those lost in sleep, in the graves of the sea beyond the fount of tears,
ask bodies you’ve loved to bow under the branches of the trees where fears
are dispelled by the auspicious appearance of eternal presence in a ray of sun so dear
that faith is engendered as the dog leaps into this new year.

There where the ray of sun, stood naked, stood still, the dog swims
in happy swirls turned by the subtle pressure of pleasure from the joy that sensation gives.

I've kept a rein on my life with a book in hand,
a scar below the knee and a memory of sand
in the winter of existence at the edge of land.

The memories remain where the north wind blew
gusts like an alien voice across the newness of the view.

I thought that I had learned to live with the emptiness of the hollow.
I would place my ear against the edge of the sea shell to hear the waves follow
the flight of the bird through the air that traced the race of the swallow
through space with levity in brevity and a size that remained shallow
until the flight found a place to rest, to turn, to chirp or take a seed to hallow.

Equanimity was found in not expecting any more than proximity to the feast.
When I did not feel welcome to join, I refused to despair at least.

When water rushed in to fill the emptiness, it was a surprise
to feel the sudden fluency of fluid rise as a wellspring to devise
the sight of the size of the great space of heaven in the sky.

The burning bush by the door was aflame with the fire of Spirit
yet only he who took off his shoes was willing to go near it.

The rest moved through the bushes to pick berries.
The taste was sweet enough to repeat, but the satisfaction varied. 

Songs of thankfulness and praise
are to the Lord of berries raised.

Christ was manifested by the star 
to the sages from afar.

The branch of royal David's stem
saw his birth at Bethlehem. 

Anthems are to you addressed, 
God in man made manifest.

You were baptized in Jordan's stream
as prophet, priest and king supreme.

Cana saw the wedding guest
in your Godhead evidenced.

Revealed in the power divine 
you changed the water into wine.

Anthems are to you addressed, 
God in man made manifest.

Give the monarch your divine sense of measure
that your royalty may be passed to treasure.

Let your people govern with justice
that the poor may learn the joy of humbleness.

Help that heaven can yield 
is found in the beauty of the stone in the field.

Let the mountains yield prosperity 
that the hills may produce verity in parity.

Defend what's needed in the population
to preserve the opportunity to serve the nations.

Let Christ live in heart as long as the sun and moon endure
that we may live in kind with love that's sure.

Each generation will know their place
inside the jurisdiction of the human race.

His grace will reign over the winter field
that spring, summer and fall will produce a yield.

Rightness will flourish with directed mind
that proper reconstruction will be that which we divine.

The rule of law will reign from sea to sea.
People will become what we were meant to be.

Enemies will work together
until animosity is not engendered.

Negotiation will resolve dispute.
Something beneficial will serve as substitute.

Emergence from convergence generates life.
DNA is the key to generation in tune with the fife. 

The cell wall is a symbol for defense.
The defense defends against the externally immense. 

Emergence takes place after convergence and bond in unity.
A greater entity emerges than the sum of elemental spawn for impunity.

Christ has seen the horse, the bull, the camel and the castle.
Commerce has required the Word to reduce negotiable hassle.

The spear, the sword, the arrow and the bullet
have been hand to hand defense against the enemy's bullock.

The greatest enemy has been media fiction about atrocity.
The crusader knight was in error about terror as policy. 
He found his home on the range with lethal ferocity.
The jet fighter has fired missiles with diffident velocity.
The west has invaded the middle east to attack 'terrorist' impetuosity,
yet the 'beast' upon which they feast is the desire for peace without pomposity.

We were not taught to covet the spirit of fear.
Fear is for defense from attack that is near.
It is the source for courage that is held as dear. 

Long may we live in Christ
to oppose what is wrong with the official heist.

Liberal spending that proposes itself as the answer through expansion
supports those who agree to pay for destruction as enhancement.

Citizens are taxed to pay for problems that are created by covert agency
so liberal spenders can charge more to not fix the problems caused by the vagrancy.

Immigrants are imported to make domestic matters worse.
The taxpayer is left to pay for what amounts to a curse.

Pledge allegiance to the law that allows for defense against attack.
Let the republic learn from monarchy to keep conservative spending on track.

72 Deus, judicium

1 Give the King your justice, O God,
and your righteousness to the King's Son;
2 That he may rule your people righteously
and the poor with justice.
3 That the mountains may bring prosperity to the people,
and the little hills bring righteousness.
4 He shall defend the needy among the people;
he shall rescue the poor and crush the oppressor.
5 He shall live as long as the sun and moon endure,
from one generation to another.
6 He shall come down like rain upon the mown field,
like showers that water the earth.
7 In his time shall the righteous flourish;
there shall be abundance of peace till the moon shall be no more.
8 He shall rule from sea to sea,
and from the River to the ends of the earth.
9 His foes shall bow down before him,
and his enemies lick the dust.
10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall pay tribute,
and the kings of Arabia and Saba offer gifts.
11 All kings shall bow down before him,
and all the nations do him service.
12 For he shall deliver the poor who cries out in distress,
and the oppressed who has no helper.
13 He shall have pity on the lowly and poor;
he shall preserve the lives of the needy.
14 He shall redeem their lives from oppression and violence,
and dear shall their blood be in his sight.
15 Long may he live!
and may there be given to him gold from Arabia;
may prayer be made for him always,
and may they bless him all the day long.
16 May there be abundance of grain on the earth,
growing thick even on the hilltops;
may its fruit flourish like Lebanon,
and its grain like grass upon the earth.
17 May his Name remain for ever
and be established as long as the sun endures;
may all the nations bless themselves in him and call him blessed.
18 Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel,
who alone does wondrous deeds!
19 And blessed be his glorious Name for ever!
and may all the earth be filled with his glory.
Amen. Amen.

Isa. 60:1
Arise! Shine! Your light has come.
The glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

Eph. 3:6
Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body that share the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.


Gentiles have become fellow heirs that share the promise
in the good news of salvation by the twin to Thomas.


Matt. 2:11
They saw the child with Mary his mother upon entering the house. They knelt down and paid him homage. They offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh from their treasure chest.


They saw the mother with her child.
They knelt to see upon whom the star had smiled.



Emergence is the new evolution.

There is the sense that the origin of life was an act of emergence. How this happened is not known. The birth of a child gives us the sense that life emerged from the assembly of microbial organisms, then evolved.

The baby had germinated from the penetration of an egg in the womb by sperm. The fetus developed from cell reproduction and differentiation. Cell generation produced the fetal form. The form grew into a viable human life. The life emerged from the womb.

Somehow consciousness emerges from the brain and cognition is emergent from instruction in the language.

David Chalmers

Samuel Alexander

Samuel Alexander
S. 塞缪尔亚历山大
T. 塞繆爾亞歷山大

塞  Sai        plug                       塞  sai        close                  Se   さ       サ               Sa   사  four     
缪  mou     wind round            繆  ryo       error                   mi    み     ミ                mu  무  radish       
尔  er          you                       爾  ore       you                     yu    ゅ      ュ                el    엘   L             
亚  Ya          second                 亞  a            rank                   e       え      エ              Al    알   egg         
历  li            history                 歷                take place         ru     る      ル               leg  렉   rake       
山  shan     mountain               山  yama    mountain           A       あ      ア              san  산  mountain 
大  da          large                     大  dai        large                  re     れ      レ               deo 더  more         
                                                                                             ku      く      ク
                                                                                             san   さん  サン
                                                                                              da      だ-  ダ-     

Emergence takes place after convergence and bond in unity.
A greater entity emerges than the sum of elemental spawn for impunity.


Samuel Alexander
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Sydney is located in a basin on the southeast coast of Australia. The Tasman Sea is located to the east. It sits between Australia and New Zealand. The Blue Mountains rise in the west. The Hawkesbury River runs north of the city. The river runs into Broken Bay.

19th Century

Sydney was established as a penal outpost for convicts from England and Ireland in 1786. It was designated to replace the American colonies.

There were no prison buildings. Punishment for offenders was transportation to another location distant from the offense. Serious offenses were punished by flogging or hanging.

The male and female convicts did not have the skills to establish a colony. Early efforts at agriculture were not very successful. Supplies from overseas were scarce. There were 3,546 males and 766 females that landed in what was to become Sydney between 1788 and 1792.

Officers and convicts faced starvation when supplies ran low. Little was cultivated from the land. Many of the natives suffered from a small pox epidemic in 1789. Roads, bridges, wharves and public buildings were constructed using convict labor. The town had banks, markets and well-established thoroughfares by 1822.

There were conflicts with the natives in the Frontier Wars between 1790 and 1816. Irish convicts led the Castle Hill Rebellion in 1804 in the New South Wales. The Rum Rebellion of 1808 was led by the New South Wales Corps against the governor. The New South Wales Corps was the military force for the colony.

Macquarie served as the governor from 1810 to 1821. He established public works, a bank, churches and charitable institutions. He sought good relations with the Aborigines.

The year 1840 was the final year for convict transportation to Sydney. The population had grown to 35,000. Gold was discovered in the colony in 1851. Thousands of people traveled to the area to make money. The population reached 200,000 by 1871.

Samuel Alexander was born on January 6, 1859 at 436 George Street in Sydney. This is currently the commercial heart for the city. He was the third son of Samuel Alexander, a prosperous saddler, and Eliza nee Sloman. Both of his parents were Jewish. His father died just before he was born.

Eliza moved to the adjacent colony of Victoria in 1863 or 1864. They went to live at St Kilda. Alexander was placed at a private school kept by a Mr Atkinson.

He was sent to Wesley College in Melbourne in 1871. He was always grateful for the efficiency and comprehensiveness of his education. He matriculated at the University of Melbourne on 22 March 1875 for the arts.

He was placed in the first class in both his first and second years. He was awarded the classical and mathematical exhibitions in his first year. He won exhibitions in Greek, Latin, English, mathematics, natural philosophy and natural science in his second year.

Alexander left for England in an attempt to win a scholarship in May 1877. He sat for a scholarship at Balliol College in Oxford. He achieved second place and won the scholarship.

He obtained a first class in classical and mathematical moderations at Oxford. He also earned a first class for Greats for the BA degree in 1881.

Alexander was made a fellow of Lincoln College after taking his degree. He remained a philosophy tutor from 1882 to 1893. It was during this period that he developed his interest in psychology. It was a neglected subject at the time.

He won the Green moral philosophy prize in 1887 with an essay on the subject "In what direction does Moral Philosophy seem to you to admit or require advance?" This was the basis for his volume Moral Order and Progress. It was published in 1889 and went into its third edition in 1899.

Alexander had altered his views to some extent after his book was published. He considered that the work had become dated by 1912. He contributed articles on philosophical subjects to Mind, the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society and the International Journal of Ethics during the period of his fellowship at Lincoln.

He did some traveling on the continent. He was in Germany working at the psychological laboratory of Hugo Münsterberg at Freiburg in the winter of 1890–91.

Alexander had wanted to obtain a professorship for some time. He made three unsuccessful attempts before he was appointed at the Owens College, Manchester in 1893. He remained there for the rest of his life. He quickly became a leading figure in the university.

Alexander was a contemporary of Alfred North Whitehead. He influenced Whitehead. He mentored others who went on to become major figures in 20th century British philosophy.

Samuel Alexander is best known for his role in British Emergentism. This was an early twentieth century movement. The notion of ‘emergence’ explained how novel properties might emerge from underlying substrata. Consciousness emerges from the brain for example.

Alexander associated with both of the competing philosophical ideologies of his period. British Hegelianism (idealism) and new realism. The realism movement later became known as analytic philosophy.

Alexander was well known in British philosophy in his lifetime for his metaphysics. His metaphysical system was drawn from Spinoza in an original way. Spacetime is taken to be the ontological foundation of the universe.

He argued in Space, Time and Deity that all other existents including matter, minds and creation emerge from spacetime in an ontological hierarchy. His early thesis had equated spacetime and matter. The statement was called 'super-substantivalism.'

Alexander was one of the first philosophers to investigate the consequences of understanding space and time as combined into the four-dimensional manifold for spacetime. Time is the additional dimension in the three dimensional measure of anything in space.


Justin Welby
S. 贾斯汀韦尔比
T. 賈斯汀韋爾比
AoC Latest News

贾 Jia   buy                     賈 ka   buy                          Ja      じゃ    ジャ           Jeo 저 that                 
斯 si    this                      斯 shi   this                         su     す         ス               seu 스 switch               
汀 ting  shore                 汀  tei  shore                      te-in  てぃん ティン        tin  틴 tin                     
韦 Wei  soft leather        韋  I    tanned leather         U-e    うぇ   ウェ            Wel 웰 well                 
尔 er   you                       爾  ore  you                        ru    る         ル                 bi   비 ratio                   
比 bi   compare              比  hi   compare                   bi     び-       ビ- 


Compare untanned animal skin with tanned leather.
Buy the kind that stands bad weather better.


Justin Welby
London, England, UK


London is located next to the Thames River. The Thames Valley is a floodplain surrounded by gently rolling hills. Parliament Hill, Addington Hills and Primrose Hill are included. London was built from the lowest bridging point on the river. The Thames used to be much broader and shallower with extensive marshlands. The shores used to reach five times their present width at high tides.

The river has been extensively embanked since the Victorian Era. Many of the tributaries now flow underground. The tides of the river make the city susceptible to floods. The threat has increased over time due to the slow but continuous rise in the high water level from the slow ‘tilting’ of the British Isles caused by post-glacial rebound.

The city has a temperate oceanic climate. It receives less precipitation than Rome, Bordeaux, Lisbon, Naples, Sydney and New York City. Summers are generally warm. London’s average high for July is 24 C (74 F).

Winters are generally cool with little temperature variation. The average low for December is 2.7 C (36.9 F). Heavy snow is rare, but it usually snows at least once each winter.

There is a considerable urban heat island effect due to the large size of the city. The center is 5 C (9 F) warmer than the suburbs and outskirts.

The London Natural History Society has stated that London is “one of the World’s Greenest Cities.” More than 40 per cent has green space or open water. Two thousand species of flowering plant have been found. One hundred and twenty species of fish are supported by the tidal Thames. Over 60 species of bird nest in the central part of the city.

London has traditionally been Christian. It has a large number of churches. St. Paul’s Cathedral  and Southwark Cathedral are well known as Anglican administrative centers. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the principal bishop for the Church of England and the world wide Anglican Communion. His main residence is at the Palace in the Lambeth borough of London.

The largest religious groupings are Christians (48.4 per cent), followed by those of no religion (20.7 per cent), Muslims (12.4 per cent), no response (8.5 per cent), Hindus (5.0 per cent), Jews (1.8 per cent), Sikhs (1.5 per cent), Buddhists (1.0 per cent) and other (0.6 per cent) according to the 2011 Census.

Observance is very low within the Anglican denomination despite the prevalence of Anglican churches. Church attendance continues on a long, slow, steady decline, according to Church of England statistics.

The city had come to be known for smog caused by coal in the 1950’s. Pea-souper’ fog epitomized old-world London in Hollywood movies, but it was a feature of the city-scape from the time that coal had started to be used as a fuel for heat and lighting from 1845.

The Clean Air Act was part of a general move towards a cleaner environment. It was directed in particular against the burning of coal in urban areas. The Act was in response to the severe London smog of 1952. The combination of fog and smoke proved to be lethal. It was reported that more than 4,000 people were killed. Another Clean Air Act followed in 1968.

Justin Portal Welby was born on January 6, 1956 in London, England. His parents were Gavin Welby and Jane nee Portal. Jane had served as a personal secretary to Sir Winston Churchill from December 1949 until her marriage to Gavin in April 1955.

Gavin was the son of Bernard Weiler, a German-Jewish immigrant and importer of luxury items. He changed his family name to Welby shortly after the First World War broke out.

Gavin and Jane were divorced in 1959 when Justin was three years old. Gavin died in 1977 when Justin was about sixteen. His mother married Charles Williams in 1975. He was a business executive and first-class cricketer.

Welby was educated at St. Peter’s School, Seaford, Eton College and Trinity College, Cambridge. He graduated in 1978 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and law. He was later promoted to a Master of Arts by seniority as per tradition.

The future Archbishop of Canterbury related his conversion experience in a July 2013 interview with the Daily Telegraph. He said that while he was at Eton he had a “vaguely assumed that there was a God.” He didn’t believe though and he wasn’t interested at all.

When he was praying with a Christian friend at Cambridge on the evening of 12 October 1975, he suddenly felt a clear sense of change. There was the sense of a presence of something that had not been there before in his life. He has since said that he finds who he is in Jesus Christ, “not in genetics.” Identity in him never changes. 

Welby worked for eleven years in the oil industry. Five of them were for the French oil company Elf Aquitaine based in Paris.

He became treasurer of the oil exploration group Enterprise Oil plc in London. He was mainly concerned with West African and North Sea oil projects. He retired from his executive position in 1989. He said that he sensed a calling from God to be ordained.

He became a congregation member at the evangelical Anglican church of the Holy Trinity in Brompton, London during his oil industry career.

He studied theology from 1989 to 1992. He trained for the priesthood at Cranmer Hall and St. John's College, Durham. He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Diploma of Ministry in 1992. He was ordained a deacon at Petertide 28 June 1992. He was elevated to priest the next Petertide 27 June 1993. He was ordained both times by Simon Barrington-Ward, Bishop of Coventry, at Coventry Cathedral.

He became a curate at Chilvers Coton and St. Mary the Virgin, Astley from 1992 to 1995. He was selected as the rector of St. James' Church, Southam. He later became vicar of St. Michael and All Angels, Ufton, Diocese of Coventry, from 1995 to 2002.

He was made canon residentiary of Coventry Cathedral and the co-director for international ministry at the International Centre for Reconciliation in 2002. He became sub-dean and Canon for Reconciliation Ministry in 2005.

He was appointed Dean of Liverpool in December 2007. He was installed there on 8 December 2007.

He has written about ethics and finance. His books Managing the Church? Order and Organisation in a Secular Age and Explorations in Financial Ethics were published.

His dissertation had been an exploration into whether companies can sin. It makes the point that the structure for a system can "make it easier to make the right choice or the wrong choice."

A booklet entitled Can Companies Sin?: "Whether," "How" and "Who" in Company Accountability was published by Grove Books in 1992. He has said that the Benedictine and Franciscan orders in the Anglican churches have influenced his spiritual formation along with Catholic social instruction.

He stated in an interview by the BBC in 2011 that his appointment as the Bishop of Durham was a challenge and a privilege. He stated that he had a passionate desire to serve Jesus Christ in a church "vigorously full of spiritual life." His election was confirmed at York Minster on 29 September 2011. He left Liverpool Cathedral on 2 October.

He was consecrated as a bishop at York Minster on 28 October 2011. He was elevated to the Bishop of Durham in Durham Cathedral on 26 November 2011.

He was introduced to the House of Lords on 12 January 2012. He sits on the Lords Spiritual bench. He gave his maiden speech on 16 May 2012. He was asked to join the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards in 2012.

Welby explained that senior bank executives avoided being given information about difficult issues to allow them to "plead ignorance." This was stated following the report of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards Commission in July 2013.

He also said that he would possibly have behaved in the same way. He warned against punishing by naming and shaming individual bankers. He compared the behavior to being exposed to a lynch mob.

He emerged as a candidate to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury on 6 November 2012. He expressed doubt that he would be selected. He had only been a bishop for a short amount of time. His appointment to the position was announced on 9 November 2012.

His confirmation of election ceremony to the See of Canterbury took place at St. Paul's Cathedral on 4 February 2013. It was announced the following day that he would be appointed to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom. This is standard for archbishops. The order for his appointment was made on 12 February. He made the oath of office on 13 March.

He was enthroned as the Archbishop of Canterbury at Canterbury Cathedral on 21 March 2013. This is the day on which the memory of Thomas Cranmer is made in the calendar of the Anglican churches.

He made an official visit to the Vatican on 14 June 2013. He met with senior Curial officials including Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He had an audience with Pope Francis and prayed at the tombs of St. Peter and Pope John Paul II.

The Archbishop has been a strong supporter of the Anglican consecration of women as bishops. He stated the aim to ordain women as bishops in November 2013.

He affirmed that others have the space to disagree. He called on Anglican Christians to avoid fear, prejudice and suspicion to grasp "cultural change in the life of the church."

The change does not diminish the need for the church to flourish. It doesn't mean that communities that have disagreed will be forced to take a woman as a bishop.

The challenge to make the change work for the church is too provide training and development in method in order to make things happen. It is not just a matter of stating a change in policy. The ordination has to be implemented in a way that will help the church community to build love and trust with growth.

The alienation of opponents is not the objective. It is hoped that a zero-sum game where people feel gain for one side is an inevitable loss for the other will be avoided. Caution, cooperation and unity are required for success.

Slightly revised legislation to allow women to be ordained bishops in the Church of England was agreed upon in July 2014. It became law in November 2014.

Same sex marriage has not been acknowledged by the Anglican Communion. The Church of England blesses partnerships. Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman as indicated in the bible.

The conservative majority on the US Supreme Court allowed for homosexual marriage. Many states legalized the institution shortly after the decision. There is question as to whether blessed union in partnership or sanctification in marriage is better. The punishment of homosexuality is no longer allowed by law in Great Britain.

Welby expressed the feeling that the rise in energy prices in the UK appears to be inexplicable. He also feels that energy companies have a responsibility towards customers.

The companies should not price their service only to maximize their own opportunity. The legislature should not authorize increased prices to prohibit competition from alternate energy sources.

The impact of the high prices on people particularly with low incomes is going to be severe. They have been allowed control of something everyone has to buy. That amount of power comes with a huge responsibility to serve society in a compensatory way.

The Archbishop is concerned about Fuel poverty. He feels that the problem is serious as energy costs have risen while incomes have remained static or caused to decline.

Justin Welby is married to Caroline nee Eaton. They have had six children. Their seven month old daughter, Johanna, died in a car crash in France in 1983. He established a special day for bereaved parents at Coventry Cathedral. There is now an annual service there to commemorate the lives of children who have died. 

He is grateful for his education. He has been praised for sending his own children to local state schools.

He speaks French and has admitted to being a Francophile. He lived and worked in France. He listed his hobbies as "most things French and sailing."

Ayumi Ishida
Morning Musume             
No One Can Replace You   

啊 A   ah                 石   Ishi   stone                  A   あ   ア        A  아  ah                                               
遇 yu  meet             田   da    rice field             yu  ゆ  ユ         yu  유  U                                 
里 li   inside            亜    A    next rank             mi  み  ミ        mi 미  beauty                                     
一 Yi   a                  佑   shi   heavenly help      I   い  イ          I   이   this                                       
是 shi  is                 美   da   beauty                   shi し  シ         si  시  city                               
达 da  attain                                                        da  だ  ダ       da  다  all


Help that heaven can yield
is found in the beauty of the stone in the field.


Ayumi Ishida

Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Sendai is located on the east coast of Henshu. It is about half way between Tokyo and Hokkaido.
The area for the city stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Ou Mountains. These are the eastern and western borders for the Miyagi Prefecture.

The Hirose River flows 45 km (28 miles) on its way to passing through the city. The river is well known as a symbol for Sendai.

Aoba Castle was built close to the river to use it as a natural moat. The river flooded frequently until the 1950's. Dams and levees were constructed in the 1960's and 1970's have made such floods rare.

Most mountains in the area are dormant volcanoes. Many hot springs can be found in the city. Hydrothermal activity gives the springs the heat. 

The Tohoku earthquake occurred offshore in 2011. It had a magnitude of 9.0. Sendai is 41 miles to the north of Fukushima by air travel. The earthquake set off a massive tsunami. The nuclear disaster at Fukushima took place in 2011.

Sendai has a humid subtropical climate. It features warm wet summers. The average high temperature for August is 27.9 C (82.2 F). The winters are cool and dry. The average low temperature for January is -1.7 C (28.9 F). The summers aren't as hot as Tokyo. The winters are milder than Sapporo.

Sendai is the capital for Miyagi. It is the largest city in the Tohoku region. It was the second largest city north of Tokyo.

The city was founded in 1600 by the daimyo Date Masamune. The nickname is the City of Trees. There are about 60 zelkova trees on Jozenji and Aoba Street.

Ishida Ayumi was born on January 7, 1997 in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

She was practicing to become a member of the cheerleading squad in Sendai before her audition with Morning Musume. When the electricity went out due to the Earthquake she kept practicing her dance with candles.

Daaishi was selected from Morning Musume's 10th generation audition to join the group along with Iikubo Haruna, Sato Masaki and former Hello Pro Kenshuusei member Kudo Haruka on September 29, 2011. She is the first Morning Musume member to come from Miyagi.

The tenth generation made their official debut on the same day they were announced as new members. They performed the song "Tomo" in the BELIEVE Concert tour with Takahashi Ai.

She enjoys modeling and dance. She has had a number of photobooks published.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


                                         Eliza Dushku

Zhìyù zìjǐ
Anata jishin o iyasu

Security for the nation state
is secure when it isn't late.

The expansion of alliance 
for trade, travel and science
will reduce the defiance
that opposes guidance
to compliance
with reliance 
on license
for triumph.

will set us free. 

I have been appointed 
to bring good news to those anointed
with the management of labor.
Freedom is ours to savor.

The blind will receive insight.
The redeemed will take delight
in their part in leadership
as the spirit dripped
device to sip.

Respect your role in the healing art.
Medicine treats malady after the start.

It works until you find something better
to avoid illness or injury as your debtor.

The pharmacist creates a tricky mixture 
of herbal extracts to work as an elixir
to change the body's texture
until health becomes the fixture.

The physician  provides a service
though it may make you feel nervous,
it will teach you to refrain 
from that which causes pain.

Diagnosis is a skill
that helps you redirect your will
to find the cause of malady
to deter avoidable tragedy.

Give up your faults as they are found.
Diet, exercise and hygiene are elements to which we're bound.

Adjust that which you are able
around the home and at your table.

We were imprisoned by law with cruelty until faith had been revealed.
Now we are guarded by the feeling of being healed.

The soul is often healed
when the cause of malady has been revealed.

It is good to sing your praise.
Your spirits will be raised.

Your house will be rebuilt with peace.
Return from exile will be achieved.

The broken heart will be unbroken.
The wound will be bound as healing spoken.

The growth of reflected light in the night near morn
represents the newness of the time that is born. 

The orbit for earth will start to straighten up from here.
The lean won't stray or sharply veer.
Gravity will keep our sphere 
on course for Spring in the new year.

The length of night will decrease each day.
Equal lengths will not find their say 
until two months before the latter part of May.

The light will increase as the earth is spun
to just before the northern axis starts to tilt toward the sun.

The number of the stars are counted.
Their course is set with majesty unbounded.

Hope in the heart of lowliness is lifted.
Pride from the reach of passion is sifted.

The harmony of the spheres is music.
Fluids move in amusement 
inside and out of that which is human.

I have been clothed with the garments of salvation.
The radiance shines beyond imagination.

The heavens are covered with clouds that are fluent.
Rain is prepared for life rooted and unrooted.
The earth will be given that for which it is suited.

Dormant grass on mountains lays beneath the snow.
Much of the earth awaits the warmth to sow.

Flocks and herds find food where it can be known.
Ravens will feed on anything edible where it is thrown.

The might of a horse is a sight for delight.
Exercise strengthens the human device.

The special work to reward the horse
made regular duty a matter of course. 

Lift your eyes before the morning light to see
a diagonal that suggests an ascent to lead.

The background for creativity waxes with courage.
Bravery aspires that leadership may flourish.

Light shines in darkness when it rises to reveal
that the absence of reflection kept many things concealed.

Become all things to all people for this reason.
You may save some within the season.

The she-goat had shined with special favor.
The shepherd was her dutiful savior.

Faith comes by seeing beyond what was seen
when that which was seen was violent or mean.

Pleasure is preserved for those who work with fear.
Favor is shown to those who are dear.

The seven sisters are the daughters of gravity and sailing.
The winds of freedom work to alternate the strategy prevailing.

Demons are purged when correction is urged.
Concept and practice are merged when the detection has surged.

Community that seeks that which is best
earns that reprieve known as rest from the test.

Security is strengthened with the bars on your gates. 
Your children are protected with the element of grace.

Peace has been established with your borders.
Immigration is constrained when by necessity it's ordered.

inside Kremlin

The wattage from the west 
is inside the room of the relative test.

The investigation of determination with logic and reason
made science for morality appear to be in season.

The case for the indeterminate retains a place
to insure that freedom works for the human race.

Near Osaka

Planting seeds in a furrowed row
grew plants to harvest from those seeds that had been sown.

We have been satisfied with wheat and corn from the earth.
Fiber and nutrients were provided for health that has worth.

Heal yourself from the cause of malady found.
You will see your self as more experienced now. 

147 Laudate Dominum

1 Hallelujah!
How good it is to sing praises to our God!
how pleasant it is to honor him with praise!
2 The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
4 He counts the number of the stars
and calls them all by their names.
5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
there is no limit to his wisdom.
6 The Lord lifts up the lowly,
but casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make music to our God upon the harp.
8 He covers the heavens with clouds
and prepares rain for the earth;
9 He makes grass to grow upon the mountains
and green plants to serve mankind.
10 He provides food for flocks and herds
and for the young ravens when they cry.
11 He is not impressed by the might of a horse;
he has no pleasure in the strength of a man;
12 But the Lord has pleasure in those who fear him,
in those who await his gracious favor.
13 Worship the Lord, O Jerusalem;
praise your God, O Zion;
14 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates;
he has blessed your children within you.
15 He has established peace on your borders;
he satisfies you with the finest wheat.
16 He sends out his command to the earth,
and his word runs very swiftly.
17 He gives snow like wool;
he scatters hoarfrost like ashes.
18 He scatters his hail like bread crumbs;
who can stand against his cold?
19 He sends forth his word and melts them;
he blows with his wind, and the waters flow.
20 He declares his word to Jacob,
his statutes and his judgments to Israel.
21 He has not done so to any other nation;
to them he has not revealed his judgments.

Isa. 61:10

He has clothed me with the garments of salvation.
   He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.


I have been clothed with the garments of salvation.
The radiance shines beyond imagination.


Gal. 3:23

Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed.


We were imprisoned by law with cruelty until faith had been revealed.
Now we are guarded by the feeling of being healed.


John 1:5

Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.


Light shines in darkness when it rises to reveal
that the absence of reflection kept many things concealed.


Russian Emperor

Vasily I
S. 瓦西里
V. 瓦西裡

瓦 Wa   wattage                       瓦   ga      tile                 Va      ば    ヴァ             Ba  바  bar
西  xi     west                            西   sei    west                su      す    ス                 sil  실   room           
里  li      inside                         裡    ri      reverse            i         い   イ                  li    리   lee             
                                                                                         ri        り    リ 


The wattage from the west
is inside the room of the relative test.


Vasily I
born 12.30.1371
in Moscow, Grand Duchy of Moscow

The Grand Duchy of Moscow

The Mongol Empire invaded Kievan Rus during the 13th century as part of the invasion of Europe.  Muscovy was a tributary vassal to the Golden Horde until 1480.

The duchy originated when Daniel I inherited Moscow in 1283. The state eventually eclipsed and absorbed the parent duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal by the 1320’s.

Muscovites, Suzdalians and other inhabitants of the Rus principality were allowed to retain their pagan, Slavic and Orthodox Christian traditions under the Tatar yoke. There was contact with the Byzantine Empire that facilitated cultural exchange.

The Line for Succession

Moscow was an insignificant trading outpost in the principality of Vladimir-Suzdal when the Golden Horde invaded Kievan Rus. The Tartars burned down Moscow in the winter of 1238.

The settlement was pillaged in 1293. The remote location for the outpost in a forested location offered some security from further attacks and occupation. A number of rivers provided access to the Baltic and Black Seas and to the Caucasus region.

The state of Moscow was developed by a line of dukes who ruled as princes in the larger principality. This line turned the small principality in the Moscow River Basin into the largest state in Europe in the 16th century.

Expansion of Muscovy 1340-1462

The first ruler was Daniel I. He was the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky of Vladimir-Suzdal. He started to expand his territory by seizing Kolomna and securing the bequest of Pereslavl-Zalessky to his family.

Daniel’s son Yury was also known as Georgiy. He ruled from 1303-1325. He came to control the entire basin of the Moskva River. He expanded westward by conquering Mozhaisk. He forged an alliance with the overlord of the Rus’ principalities, Uzbeg Khan of the Golden Horde, with his marriage to the khan’s sister.

The Khan allowed Yury to claim the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal. The position allowed him to interfere in the affairs of the Novgorod Republic to the north-west.

Ivan I ruled from 1325-1340 as Yury’s successor. He managed to retain the title of Grand Duke by cooperating with the Mongols. He collected tribute and taxes from other Rus’ principalities on their behalf.

The relationship enabled Ivan to gain regional ascendancy. The northern city of Tver rebelled against the Horde in 1327. The uprising was subdued by the joint forces of the Grand Duchy of Suzdal, the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Tatars.

The victory over Tver helped Ivan to become one of the richest people in Rus’. He was known as “Kalita”, the “Moneybag”. (Ivan IV was known as the “Terrible.”) He used his treasure to purchase land in other principalities to finance the construction of stone churches in the Moscow Kremlin.

The Orthodox Metropolitan Peter (1308-1326) transferred his residence from Kiev to Moscow in 1325. The move enhanced the prestige of the duchy.

Ivan’s successors continued to gather land in Rus’ to increase the population and wealth for their rule. Their interests clashed with the expansion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The subjects for this duchy were predominantly East Slavic and Orthodox.

Map of Lithuania 13th century

Grand Duke Algirdas of Lithuania allied himself by marriage with Tver. He undertook three expeditions against Moscow in 1368, 1370 and 1372. He was unable to take it. The main contention between Moscow and Vilnius was the city of Smolensk.

The royal family and the country were hit by the Black Death in the 1350’s. Dmitri Ivanovich was 9 years old when his parents died.

The ruler of Moscow found himself surrounded by Lithuanians and Muslim nomads. Dmitri Donskoi was educated by Metropolitan Alexis. Alexis ran the government in fact. Dmitry of Suzdal was the regent during the minority of heir apparent.

Donskoi acted as a champion for Orthodoxy when he ascended to his authority. He cultivated alliance with the Orthodox Church of Rus’. The duchy experienced a resurgence in influence due to the monastic reform of Sergius of Radonezh. The most important event during his early reign was to start the building of the Moscow Kremlin. It was completed in 1367.

The city withstood two sieges by Algirdas of Lithuania during the Lithuanian-Muscovite War (1368-72) thanks to the new fortress. The war ended with the Treaty of Lyubutsk. Dmitry settled a conflict with Mikhail II of Tver over Vladimir.

He managed to unite the warring principalities of Rus’ in his struggle against the Horde. Other princes from northern Russia acknowledged his authority. They contributed troops to the impending struggle. Dmitry had more than doubled the territory of the Principality of Moscow by the end of his reign.

He challenged the Khan’s authority and defeated his commander Mamai in the epic Battle of Kulikovo. The conflict took place on September 8, 1380 at Kulikovo Field near the Don River. Dmitry became known as Donskoi (of the Don) after the event.

The victory did not result in long term benefits immediately. Tokhtamysh sacked Moscow in 1382 to reassert vested authority over his vassal, the Grand Prince. While the Mongol domination did not end, it is regarded as the turning point. Muscovite power began to rise. Mongolian influence started to wane.

Dmitri became a national hero. The memory of Kulikovo Field mad the Rus’ people start believing in their ability to end Tatar domination. They were on the way to independence.

Vasily I Dimitriyevich

Vasily was the oldest son of Dmitry Donskoi and Grand Princess Eudoxia. Eudoxia was the daughter of Grand Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich of Nizhny Novgorod.

Vasily had traveled to the Tatar Khan Tokhtamysh in 1383 to obtain the Khan's patent for his father to rule the Russian lands as the grand prince of Vladimir. The prince of Tver also sought the patent.

Vasily succeeded in his mission diplomatically. He was kept at Tokhtamysh's court as a hostage until 1386. He took advantage of Tokhtamysh's conflict with his suzerain Timur Lenk (Tamerlane) to escape and return to Moscow.

He was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1389 to 1425. He continued the process of unification started by his father. He annexed the principalities of Nizhny Novgorod and Murom.

The Khan gave him Nizhny Novgorod in exchange for the help Moscow had given from 1397-98 against one of his rivals, Kaluga, Vologda.  Veliki Ustyug and the lands of the Komi people were also annexed.

Feudal land ownership kept growing during his reign. The judicial powers of land owners were partially diminished and transferred to Vasily's deputies with the growth of princely authority in Moscow.

The Cathedral of the Annunciation

Russian chronicles recorded the name of a monk, Lazar the Serb. When he had newly arrived from Serbia he invented and built a clock on a tower in the Grand Prince's palace in Moscow. It was located behind the Cathedral of the Annunciation at the request of Vasily I in 1404.

It was the first mechanical clock in Russia. It was among the first ten such advanced clocks in Europe. It was a technical miracle at the time.  The numbers were written in Church Slavonic. The clock and the church in which it was located have not survived.

The most important ecclesiastical event of the time was the elevation of the Bulgarian, Gregory Tsamblak, to the metropolitan see of Kiev by Vytautus, the grand duke of Lithuania.  The hold of Moscow on the south-western Russian states was weakened as an immediate political consequence.

Vasily entered into an alliance with Lithuania in 1392 to prevent being attacked by the Tatars. He married Sophia, the only daughter of Vytautas the Great. The alliance turned out to be fragile. They waged war between 1406-1408.

Timur was the last of the nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe. He was the Emir. He became the ruler of the Muslim world after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the emerging Ottoman empire and the declining Delhi Sultanate.  He led military campaigns across western, southern and central Asia, the Caucasus and southern Russia.

The Mongolian emir raided the Slavic lands in 1395. He invaded the Volgan regions but did not penetrate as far as Moscow. Timur's raid served the Russian prince in the damage it caused to the Tatars.

The Horde was left in a state of anarchy for the next 12 years.  No tribute was paid to the Khan Olug Moxammat. Vast sums of money were collected in the Moscow treasury for military purposes.

The Timurid Empire looked like the next threat to the duchy, but the empire fragmented shortly after he died in 1405.

Edigu of the White Horde burnt Nizhny Novgorod, Gorodets, Rostov, Moscow and many other towns in 1408, but he failed to take Moscow. Vasily paid a long deferred visit of submission to the Horde in 1412.

Moscow's influence was growing abroad. This growth was evident in the fact that Vasily married his daughter Anna to Emperor John VIII Palaeologus of Byzantium in 1414.

Vasily I had served as a vassal to the Horde between 1389-1395 and again from 1412-1425.

The Rurik line lasted from Daniel I in 1283 to Feodor I, the son of Ivan IV, in 1598. Ivan IV was the first csar. The Godunov line had a short run from 1598-1605.

The Romanov line was started in 1613 when Michael was elected Tsar. The line ruled as tsars until Peter the Great, another Romanov, reorganized the government as an empire along western lines. His reign started in 1682.

The first university of higher learning was established in Moscow in 1687. It was called the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. This was the start of public education. Education in literacy prior to that point in time was provided by the Church in Slavonic. It was taught for prayer and bible study.

Cyril and Methodius had created the Glagolitic alphabet to translate the Bible and other texts into the Slavic language. It was first used in Moravia in 863.

The early Cyrillic alphabet was a simplification of the Glagolitic for a closer correspondence with Greek. It was used at schools established by Boris-Michael in the first Bulgarian Empire after he was baptized in 864.

The people of Kiev were baptised in 988 when Vladimir was the prince of Rus. The Cyrillic alphabet was used to write in Slavonic.

The Romanovs stayed in power for the most part until Nicholas II was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in 1917.

Rasputin was murdered on December 30, 1916. The USSR was formed on the same day in 1922.
The Soviet Union fell on December 26, 1991. The current government for Russia is a federation with a constitution. They are not communists.

Socialism persists as a problem for many nations. It is a problem because the economic theory uses the threat of insurrection or subversion as a means to overthrow government that is perceived to be conservative.

The precipitation of profit from war is a policy that advocates for liberal expenditure to promote insurrection with the force of arms or subversion with the rejection of conservative officials at the expense of the tax paying public.

The current FBI investigation of the president has claimed organization against collusion with Russia. There were videos of President Putin released to social media. There was a claim that leading Democrats had been hacked by Russians, but the claim has been shown to be motivated by partisan politics.

J. Edgar Hoover had an anti-communist policy that resulted in the deportation of one US resident. Communism was associated with treason because the economic theory had been used for the violent overthrow of foreign governments. The threat of violent overthrow was used to promote socialism as a theory that obtained results in politics. This is the subversive element.

The Bureau was used by Senator McCarthy for media expression against communism. The people that were dismissed from work were released by the authority of Congress.

I haven't found any reports of anyone having been imprisoned for communism. Liberals in the leadership of the FBI have reported prison sentences as part of the punishment for supporting collusion with Russia.

The FBI has been using socialism as a means to subordinate the office of the president to the covert agency control of Congress. They also display a drive in organization to have the president impeached because he, unlike his opponent in the presidential election, did not support an increase in hostility against Russia.

Rep. Pelosi spoke of the “power” that her election represents to the president. The context suggests that her definition of power includes the impeachment of the president if he doesn’t ‘get on board’ with her authority.

The implication was subversive. The Democrat platform is against the wall and immigration reform. It is for agreement with an increase in the taxation of the people.

This is not acceptable as public policy. The end of increasing expenditure for the precipitation of profit for violent insurrection or political subversion abroad is being used to increase the expense for having the chief executive official impeached for not supporting the continual increase in expenditure for the promotion of insecurity abroad or domestically at the expense of the security that is inherent to the civil rights for the US or any other national population.

C.D. Broad
S. 查理布罗德
T. 查理布羅德

查   Cha     investigate         查   cha        investigation           Cha   ちゃ-  チャ-     Chal  찰  good
理   li          reason                理    ri           logic                        ru      る         ル          seu   스  switch               
布   Bo       announce           布   nuno     linen                        zu      ず        ズ          Beu   브  the               
罗   luo      catch                    羅   ra          gauze                      Bu     ぶ         ブ          lo       로  in                           
德   de       morality               德   toku     ethics                       ro      ろ-        ロ-         deu    드  de               
                                                                                                   do    ど           ド   

The investigation of determination with logic and reason
made science for morality appear to be in season.


C.D. Broad
Harlesden, England

The Jubilee Clock

Harlesden is an area located in northwest London. The clock that celebrates the jubilee of Queen Victoria serves as a focal point. The location has been unofficially called London’s reggae capital for the vibrancy of the Caribbean culture entertained by the population.

The population includes people of Afro-Caribbean descent as well as Irish, Portuguese, Brazilian, smaller Latin American and East African groups within the community.

Harlesden was a rural village in the 19th century. It began to develop an urban appearance with the building of the railways. Cottages for industrial and railway workers were built along with larger houses for the middle class.

The rural nature for the area was lost as factories replaced farms and woodland. Housing continued to expand from late Victorian times until the 1930’s. The village became part of the larger conurbation.
Charles Dunbar Broad

C.D. Broad was born in Harlesden in London, England on December 30, 1887.

He was educated at Dulwich College from 1900 until 1906. He gained a scholarship to study at Trinity College Cambridge in 1906. He gradaute with First-Class Honours with distinction n 1910.

He became a Fellow of Trinity College. This was a non-residential position. It enabled him to accept a position he had applied for as an assistant lecturer at St. Andrews University. He remained there in 1920 and worked there until 1923. He returned to Trinity College as a College lecturer.

He was a lecturer in 'moral science' in the faculty of philosophy at Cambridge University from 1926 until 1931.

He was appointed 'Sidgwick Lecturer' at Cambridge University in that year. He kept this role until he was appointed Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy at the university in 1933. He held the position until 1953. 

Broad was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1927 to 1928. He reprised the role from 1954 to 1955. He was also president of the Society for Psychical Research in 1935 and 1958.

He never married during a time when homosexual acts were designated as illegal by legislation. He sent a letter along with A.J. Ayer, Bertrand Russell, J.B. Priestly and 27 others to The Times. The letter urged the acceptance of the Wolfenden's Report's recommendation that homosexual acts should "no longer be a criminal offence."

Broad argued for "non-occurent causation" as "literally determined by the agent or self" in his essay "Determinism, Indeterminism, and Libertarianism."

Matt Lauer
S. 马特劳尔
T. 馬特勞爾

马  Ma    horse               馬   ba      horse               Ma   まっ  マッ         Mae  매  every
特  te      unusual          特   toku   special              to     と     ト              teu    트  the
劳  Lao   labor                勞   ro       reward            Ro    ろ-   ロ-             La     라  la               
尔  er      you                   爾  ore     you                  a       あ-   ア-            u       우   right
                                                                                                                   eo     어   uh                           

The special work to reward the horse
made regular duty a matter of course.


Matt Lauer
New York, New York

The musical West Side Story premiered on Broadway on September 26, 1957. The book was written by Arthur Laurents. The music was composed by Leonard Bernstein. The lyrics were written by Stephen Sondheim. Jerome Robbins was the choreographer. The musical was inspired by the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

The story is set in the Upper West Side neighborhood in New York City in the 1950's. The population was blue collar and ethnic. The Sharks were from Puerto Rico. The Jets were white. Maria is the romantic interest for Tony. They are from the different ethnic groups. Tony is best friends with the leader of the Jets. Maria is the sister to the leader of the Sharks.

The musical debuted one day after the forced integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. It received mixed reviews due to the story about racial conflict. It won two Tony Awards for choreography and set design.

There were 732 performances in the maiden run. The play inspired the film version with Natalie Wood and Richard Beyman in 1962. The film won 10 Academy Awards including Best Picture. The stage version was soon revived.

Matt Lauer was born in New York City on December 30, 1957. He was the son of Marilyn (nee Gentry) a boutique owner, and Jay Robert Lauer, a bicycle-company executive. His parents divorced when he was young.

His father had Romanian Jewish ancestry. His mother was not Jewish. The distinction retained a genetic influence. Matt was not raised to be religious.

Lauer earned his undergraduate degree from Ohio University at age 39 in 1997. He had studied at the school's Scripps College of Communication, School of Media Arts and Studies. He had previously dropped out of the same institution in the spring of 1979.

Lauer began his television career as a producer of the noon newscast for WOWK-TV in Huntington, West Virginia in 1979. He had become an on-air reporter for the station's 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts by 1980.

He then started to move around the country. He hosted a number of weekly information and talk programs in Boston, Philadelphia, Providence and Richmond. He was also host of PM Magazine in Providence then in 1984 at WNEW-TV in New York until the show's cancellation in 1986.

He then moved on to co-hosting Made In New York on the station  with Jill Rappaport for a fifteen-week run in 1986. He also co-hosted Fame, Fortune and Romance in 1986. He also worked for ESPN in the 1980's. He then headed to Boston in 1988 to host WNEV-TV's Talk of the Town.

He returned to the New York market from 1989 to 1991. This time he went to Secaucus, New Jersey's WWOR-TV, where he hosted 9 Broadcast Plaza, a three-hour live interview program.

He departed that series as it took a turn in booking "tabloid" guests and topics. He relayed as a refusal to live-read ads on the show for Dial-a-Mattress.

Lauer appeared as the co-host along with Willow Bay of "Etc., Etc.", a show on the Travel Channel in 1991. He moved to WNBC in 1992 where he became co-anchor, alongside Jane Hanson, of the early weekday news show Today in New York. He also filled the role of Live at Five co-anchor with Sue Simmons after a year. He held that job until 1996.

Lauer's on-camera presence provided him with many opportunities with NBC's national news organization. He filled in as the newsreader on The Today Show for Margaret Larson when needed from 1992 to 1993. This "audition" period allowed him to join The Today Show full-time in January 1994 as news anchor.

He substituted for Bryant Gumbel on the Today Show as the Today Show news anchor. He was named the official co-anchor on January 6, 1997 after Gumbel stepped down.
He also hosted programming on Discovery Channel and MSNBC.

Lauer embarked on what was generally an annual five-day, globe-spanning adventure from 1998 until 2009 on the Today Show. The show was called Where in the World is Matt Lauer?This segment sent him to various locations around the world from where he reported on the importance of each location.

He broadcast from locations that included Bhutan, Easter Island, the Panama Canal, Iran, Hong Kong, Croatia and the Great Wall of China. NBC News announced the segment would no longer air in consideration of the stagnant, unstable U.S. economy in 2009.

He announced that he had signed a new contract with NBC News through 2017 on the April 5, 2012 program.

He conducted separate 30-minute interviews with presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on September 8, 2016.

It was revealed on November 30, 2016 that Lauer had signed a new contract up to 2018.
NBC News announced on November 29, 2017 that Lauer's employment had been terminated after an unidentified female NBC employee reported that Lauer had sexually harassed her during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. It was claimed that the harassment had continued after they returned to New York.

Lauer admit that there was only some truth to the allegations.

Eliza Dushku
S. 伊丽莎杜什库
T. 伊麗莎杜什庫

伊   Yi       she                    伊   i         that one            Eri      えり  エリ             El 엘  L
丽   li        pretty                麗   rei    lovely                  za       ざ     ザ                  li  리  lee
莎   sha    insect                莎   sa      sedge                  Du     どぅ      ドゥ          ja  자  character
杜   Du     prevent             杜   zu     woods                 shu    しゅ     シュ          Du 두  two
什   shi     what                  什  shu   utensil                  ku      く         ク             syu 슈  shoe
库   ku      storehouse        庫  ku     storehouse                                                    ku   쿠  ku


The character who chose to prevent fire from raging in the woods
was allowed to fill her storehouse with many goods.


Eliza Dushku
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is the capital for Massachusetts. It is the largest city in population for the state and the New England region. It is one of the oldest cities in the United States. Ir was founded in 1630 by Puritan settlers from England.

It was the scene for a number of key events in the American Revolution. There was the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Siege of Boston. It continued to be an important port and manufacturing hub after the War for Independence. It developed as a center for education and culture.

The city's economy had recovered after 30 years of economic downturn by the 1970's. A number of high rise buildings were constructed in the Financial District and in Boston's Back Bay during this period.

Boston is sometimes called a "city of neighborhoods." There is a profusion of diverse subsections within the sections. The city government's Office of Neighborhood Services has officially designated 23 neighborhoods.

Nearly 23% of the population have identified as having Irish descent. This is the highest percentage of the top 50 most populous US cities according to a 2014 survey.

Boston had started as a Puritan stronghold. It changed dramatically in the 19th century with the arrival of European immigrants. The Irish dominated the first wave of newcomers during this period after the Great Irish Famine.

The population of Ireland had grown to about 8.2 million people by 1841. One estimate of the emigration for the potato blight put the population of Irish immigrants at 1.5 million between 1845 and 1855. Most moved to the US.

Their arrival transformed Boston from an Anglo-Saxon, Protestant city into one that has become progressively more diverse. Many Irish immigrants fought for the Union in the American Civil War. The display of patriotism helped to dispel much of the prejudice against them.

Summers are typically warm and humid. Winters are cold and stormy with occasional heavy storms. The coastal location on the North Atlantic moderates temperatures, but the city is prone to Nor'easter weather systems that produce much snow and rain.

Fog is fairly common in the spring and early summer. When sea breezes blow in from the sea when the ocean is cold create a drop in temperature. Thunderstorms are generated from May to September. These storms can occasionally include large hail, damaging winds and heavy downpours. The climate is relatively sunny overall.

The Boston based non-profit health care organization Partners in Health was founded in 1987. The organizational goals are to take the benefits of modern medical research to those in need to provide healthcare to the poorest areas of developing countries.

The organization collaborates with Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Women's Hospital. 
Eliza Dushku was born in Boston on December 30. She is the daughter of Philip Richard Dushku and Judith Ann (nee Rasmussen), a political science professor. Dushku's father is an Albanian from the city of Korce. Her mother is of Danish and English descent.

Dushku intended to attend Suffolk University in Boston where her mother taught at the time, but her agent asked her to submit a videotape audition for a show starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, another of his clients. Dushku rushed out to purchase dark makeup and other appropriate accessories for the part after reading the script.

She was cast to play Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When she began her work on that series, Dushku was still a minor. She had to receive emancipation to work the production's long hours.

She later recalled with amusement that the judge who handled her emancipation case was an avid fan of that show. She joked that she would sign the emancipation order if she could get a signed photo from Dushku.

She is an American actress and model known for her television roles. She starred as Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff series Angel. She starred in two Fox series, Tru Calling and Dollhouse. She is also known for her roles in films including True Lies, The New Guy, Bring It On, Wrong Turn and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Akari Uemura
J.  植村亜香里
C. 啊卡里和呃乌尔
Blown by the Wind

啊  A      ah                          植   Ue          planting                        Ue  うえ ウエ       U     우   right
卡  ka     card                       村   mura      village                           mu  む   ム            e     에    on
里  li       in                          亜  A              Asia; next rank            ra     ら    ラ          mu  무   radish
和  He    with                       香  ka            incense                         A      あ    ア          la    라    la
呃  e       hiccup                   里  ri              village                          ka     か    カ         A     아    ah
乌  wu   dark                                                                                   ri      り     リ         ka   카    car
尔   er     you                                                                                                                  li    리    lee


Planting seeds in a furrowed row
grew plants to harvest that which had been sown.


Akari Uemura
Osaka, Japan

Osaka means "large hill." The city's west side is open to Osaka Bay. The area is surrounded by ten satellite cities otherwise. The city used to be known as Naniwa.

Winters are mild in temperature (avg. high 49 F/9.3 C). It rarely snows. Spring starts off mild, but ends up being hot and humid. The rainy season happens between early June and late July.

Summers are very hot and humid. August is the hottest month (avg. high 92 F/ 33.5 C). Temperatures cool in Autumn. The second rainy season is from September to early October. Tropical weather systems including typhoons are possible from the south or southwest.

Central Osaka is roughly divided into downtown and uptown areas known as Kita (北, "north") and Minami (南, "south").

Kita is home to the Umeda district and its immediate surrounding neighborhoods. It is a major business and retail hub that plays host to Osaka Station City and a large subterranean network of shopping arcades.

Kita and nearby Nakanoshima contain a prominent portion of the city's skyscrapers. The high rise buildings are often featured in photographs of Osaka's skyline.

Minami is essentially in Chuo Ward (中央区 Chūō-ku). Chuo means "central." It is geographically central within the city. Well known districts here include shopping areas, the canal entertainment area and Nipponbashi Den Den Town. There are arts and fashion culture-oriented areas such as Amerikamura and Horie as well.

The business districts between Kita and Minami are called Semba (船場). They house the regional headquarters of many large-scale banks and corporations. The Midosuji boulevard runs through Semba and connects Kita and Minami.

Further south of Minami are neighborhoods with the Tsutenkaku tower, the Tennoji Zoo and the Kamagasaki slum, the largest slum in Japan.

The city's west side is a prominent bay area which serves as its main port as well as a tourist destination with attractions such as Kyocera Dome, Universal Studios Japan and the Tempozan Harbour Village.

East Osaka is zoned as a separate city. The east side of the city proper contains numerous residential neighborhoods including Tsuruhashi Korea Town, the Castle Park, the Business Park and the hub Kyobashi Station.

The city contains numerous urban canals and bridges. The phrase "808 bridges of Naniwa" was an expression in old Japan. It was used to indicate impressiveness and the "uncountable." There were roughly 200 bridges by the Edo period and 1629 bridges by 1925.

Many of the city's canals were gradually filled up. The number dropped to 872 of which 760 are currently managed by Osaka City.

The Osaka Castle was built in 1583 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The settlement grew into one of Japan's major cities over the course of the Edo period (1603–1867) and returned to its ancient role as a lively and important port. A vibrant arts culture typified by Kabuki and Banruki theaters was cultivated by 1780.

The Umeda Sky Building was completed in 1993. The building features a rooftop observatory, the Floating Garden Observatory and an underground market that attempts to recreate the atmosphere of Osaka in the early 20th century. An urban garden with walking trails and water features is located at the base of the towers.

Tempozan Ferris Wheel opened to the public in 1997. The 17-minute ride offers a view of Osaka Bay and surrounding areas. Mount Ikoma is visible to the east, Akashi Kaikyō Bridge to the west, Kansai International Airport to the south and the Rokko Mountains to the north.

The wheel has colored lights that provide a weather forecast for the next day. Orange lights indicate a sunny day, green lights a cloudy day and blue lights rain.

The Kyocera Dome is a baseball stadium that also opened in 1997. It is the home field for the Orix Buffaloes.

Uemura Akari was born on December 30, 1998 in Osaka, Japan. Aarii is a Japanese pop singer under Hello! Project as a member of Juice=Juice.

Uemura received vocal and dance training in Hello Pro Kenshuusei starting in January 2012. It was announced on February 3, 2013 that she would debut in a new unit, Juice=Juice, alongside Miyamoto Karin, Kanazawa Tomoko, Miyazaki Yuka, Takagi Sayuki and Otsuka Aina.

She has expressed her admiration for Sayashi Riho many times. She used to go out to eat ramen with Oda Sakura and Hamaura Ayano when the were in Kenshuusei together.

She celebrated her 20th birthday in a fanclub event titled Juice=Juice Uemura Akari Birthday Event 2018 at Yamano Hall on December 8, 2018.

Night Sky

The waxing crescent moon will glide past the bright star Spica at dawn on the last two days of 2018. It is the brightest member of the stellar pattern that marks the constellation Virgo. The maiden is the largest constellation in the sky.


The growth of reflected light in the night near morn
represents the newness of the time that is born.