Furukawa Konatsu
UpUp Girls
Enerugī o mite
When June dances over the death of May
the sweet sound of thrush ushers in her day.
All nature seems to work, play or sing.
The bees are stirring. Birds are on the wing.
Summer claims the open air.
The light is the voice for any fair.
The wind blows cool to calm the heat.
People find ways to stay off the street.
The bee dances from flower to flower
to drink the golden glow of particulate power.
He probes each flower to search for sweetness.
The pollen goes home to the comb to make honey with discreteness.
Peonies without pistils are just too simple.
Nectar and pollen are more than a symbol.
Farming this fragrance is the bee's prophetic Sibyl.
She foretells honey as the product for each cell's thimble.
The comb is a home
to many a drone.
This model of society is a recognized monarchy.
The natural government has a strong hierarchy.
The hierarchy frames the strength for the society.
There is order, stability and interest for production.
The utility of purpose acts as a reduction.
The reduction of wasted time and effort is the result.
The production of a tasteful product reduces tumult.
The spirit of Swammerdam wears the smile of productivity.
His research on insects showed proclivity for industry.
He had proved that the 'king' was a queen.
He used a microscope to see what needed to be seen.
The monarch had been named "king" from ancient times.
The visual detection of eggs in ovaries proved otherwise.
The sweetness of varying colors comes from the legs of drones.
It contains delight as a sign for those who reflect on their own.
The sweet radiance that is beyond all measure
is condensed in honey as the treasure.
Luminosity is formed as viscous grace.
Wisdom produces this grace with taste
in the colony's comb as the place
to make haste without waste.
I am the sole unbusy thing.
My watching doesn't make honey, build or sing.
The hive is the super-organism.
The community is a form of swarming formalism
Observers open the chambers hunting for the queen.
Is she eating honey, laying eggs or avoiding being seen?
She is old and not too bold.
She must live to make another fold.
The new virgins dwell
over their hexagonal cells.
A curtain of wax divides them from the bridal flight.
The barrenness of the virgin ends when the drone who fights
the swarm to make her pregnant in flight dies.
He falls from the sky.
She calls the swarm to follow her sighs.
Flight sings praise to the Giver of life.
The buzz hums gratitude to deliverance from strife.
Love fulfilled is chance imbibed.
The dance circumscribed
is the eternal flow of time in the hive.
Darkness is welcome even without rain.
The clouds spell relief from the heat as a pain.
The earth waits with patience for the golden guest of ray.
The brilliance is released to sing of angelic play.
This voice of gold has called me out there,
outside the window to receive the soft stare.
The uncontested summer played plainly in the air.
Your love looked as simple as that purest of pears
that you picked for me with the greatest of care.
The pearskin’s fleck and trace
was as smooth as any human grace.
It gave the power to break the attack
that held us back from what we lack.
That barrier that held us back
was best known to our zodiac
as the curse of the megalomaniac.
The “fear” most of us defined
was a product of the mind.
Those who conquered this great foe
weren't called heroes.
The feeling was brave
for it seemed unafraid.
The fear was not ejected.
It was actually extended
that courage could be defended.
Corporations probed households to increase their prices.
The prices shrieked MORE despite the height of their highness.
The veil of light in day hid the sky seen at night.
The memory of the hive was inscribed in the night by mind.
Industry sat in the shell of defense.
We built benefit to protect ourselves from menace.
The world was all that was the case.
The Dutch republic decided to give monarchy chase.
The seventeenth century was the frame.
The slave trade became the insane part of the game.
Otherwise, Dutch art became world reknowned.
It celebrated life as it was found.
Sea travel became more frequent.
The ships increased risk with the increase in sequence.
Large waves due to storms had a regularity in their swell.
The up and down was large, but it was manageable.
The rouge wave that had been thought to have been a fiction
was met more often in the sailor predilection for prediction.
The ocean south of Africa's Cape of Good Hope
was likely to make the seasoned sailor feel like a dope.
The rouge wave was formed by different factors.
They came together when it was wished that it hadn't mattered.
Crosswinds can push the water waves into a higher swell
when they converge in diagonals in the currents that propel.
Ocean currents can also create a rouge.
When waves conjoin, it increases the size of the flow.
The result can be a monster twice the size of normal.
This wave can break your boat as if it were paranormal.
I heard the unfamiliar voice say,
"I eased his burden along the way."
I answered you from the secret place of thunder.
You were rescued when you thought you had made a fatal blunder.
The bitter bite of storm
had threatened to take you from your normal forms.
The calm waters appeared to be made from luck
after the storm had tossed the ship around like a rubber duck
in a tub of foamy bubbles to remove your nasty funk.
Moxibusted mugwort was worth more than gold
when the sailor felt that his body had been told
that it had been mugged, drugged, thugged and rolled.
We confront death while we live
that salvation may be that which gives
us life as the win.
It is energy for the body
that makes it feel alive or godly.
Time for rest is given as a form of freedom
that the body may be forgiven for being driven as needed
in season with or without reason.
Beauty is a state of mind in elegance
that is refined with the practice of intelligence.
Cool black night had crept in through the forest.
The shadows shrunk as the darkness became enormous.
The moon approached Mars at about eleven.
The waning gibbous illumined earth from the darkness of heaven.
A mockingbird chased a squirrel with the confidence of flight.
The squirrel had to scramble as the bird left sight.
The shy moon cast light between the stones upon the river.
The river of stars reached across forever to cause a shiver.
The artist pulled back to look at the canvas.
Certain strokes needed more art as exacted by practice.
The musician cast a wary eye out the window.
The rest was a pest that wanted to be known as wind blown.
The ravine was parched by the heat of the day.
The porch held some souls without much to say.
The black leather jackets were open all the way.
Whatever the color, the wooden house looked grey.
The hi-fi made "Angels Never Die" echo through the trees.
The memory of the highway played along with the breeze.
The Harley hog road by fields, gardens and towns.
Nomadic soul drowned amidst the domestic sounds.
The starving black angel hid in human disguise
with dimensionless being by American design.
A solemn charge was laid upon our gift
as we had come from the land of misery for this.
We are born to suffer
the power of the other.
Sit down and breathe
the breath that you need.
The breath relaxes tension
with attention for descension.
Work like the sun.
See what you've done.
Don't take poison to see if the antidote works.
If it doesn't, your body will suffer pain or worse.
Realize birth in the boundless moment.
The light is delight in what power has chosen.
The celestial entourage shines in paradise.
The divine device resides inside your surprise.
Shine in your heaven.
The news is on at seven.
Give the past its place.
The present shapes your face.
The future will meet you further in space
with a place for you in grace.
Forget the flash in which you exist.
The world is your map should you persist.
If there was a time when you had to resist,
it went by like a gift without a twist.
You are the other already.
You took the chevy to the levy.
It may sound heavy,
but eternity is steady.
It's a lasting paradigm.
You are the heavy in eternal time.
Become one with your story. Revel with your rhyme.
Tell us who you are with every step.
We vanish inevitably, only when inept.
You remain in the experience you have kept.
You were shaped by dreams as you slept.
The shadow of the dome of pleasure
drifts past with the mingled measure.
I don't know how to pray to make pain pass.
I know how to fall down on my knees in the soft grass
to press the earth with my temple sideways cast.
It is a miracle of rare device.
My heart becomes warm where there had been ice.
What do you plan to do with your wild and precious life?
Sing with joy as your strength.
Let the divine experience of being human guide you at length.
81 Exultate Deo
1 Sing with joy to God our strength *
and raise a loud shout to the God of Jacob.
2 Raise a song and sound the timbrel, *
the merry harp, and the lyre.
3 Blow the ram's-horn at the new moon, *
and at the full moon, the day of our feast.
4 For this is a statute for Israel, *
a law of the God of Jacob.
5 He laid it as a solemn charge upon Joseph, *
when he came out of the land of Egypt.
6 I heard an unfamiliar voice saying, *
"I eased his shoulder from the burden;
his hands were set free from bearing the load."
7 You called on me in trouble, and I saved you; *
I answered you from the secret place of thunder
and tested you at the waters of Meribah.
8 Hear, O my people, and I will admonish you: *
O Israel, if you would but listen to me!
9 There shall be no strange god among you; *
you shall not worship a foreign god.
10 I am the Lord your God,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt and said, *
"Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
11 And yet my people did not hear my voice, *
and Israel would not obey me.
12 So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their hearts, *
to follow their own devices.
13 Oh, that my people would listen to me! *
that Israel would walk in my ways!
14 I should soon subdue their enemies *
and turn my hand against their foes.
15 Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, *
and their punishment would last for ever.
16 But Israel would I feed with the finest wheat *
and satisfy him with honey from the rock.
Deut. 5:15
Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there...
2 Corinth. 4:11
while we live, we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be made visible in our mortal flesh.
Mark 2:27
...he said to them, ‘The sabbath was made for humankind...
the driver and the worker
The close approach of the moon and Mars
Waning gibbous.
Moon, Mars AM: Mercury, Venus PM Jupiter, Saturn, Moon
M44 Beehive Cluster in Cancer
Jefferson Davis 6.3.1808-12.6.1889, Fairview, Kentucky
杰 Jie brave jie heroic ji 지 since
弗 fu not futsu buddha peu 프 the
逊 xun to yield no kanji jon 존 zone
戴 Dai support dai crowned cha 착 cling
维 wei to hold no kanji keu 크 big
斯 si this shi this cho 초 second
The community of Fairview was likely first established by Samuel Davis. He was a Revolutionary War veteran who settled on the Todd County side around 1793. Davis opened the first post office there on October 1, 1802. The locale was named "Davisburg". His son, Jefferson Davis, the future President of the Confederate States of America, was born there on June 3, 1808.
JD: "That will be an evil hour — the sand of our republic will be nearly run — when it shall be in the power of any demagogue, or fanatic, to raise a war-clamor, and control the legislation of the country."
"Secession belongs to a different class of remedies. It is to be justified upon the basis that the States are Sovereign."
Allen Ginsberg 6.3.26-4.5-97, Newark, NJ
艾 Ai mugwort gai mugwort ai 아이 children
伦 lun relationship no kanji
金 Jin metal kin gold geum 금 gold
斯 si this shi this cho 초 second
伯 bo older male haku earl bo 보 shop
格 ge frame kaku case laetiseu 래티스 lattice
Newark is one of the oldest European cities in the United States. It was settled in 1666 by Puritans from New Haven Colony. It is located at the mouth of the Passaic River. The river flows into Newark Bay. The location has made the city's waterfront an integral part of the Port of New York and New Jersey.
Port Newark-Elizabeth is the primary container shipping terminal of the busiest seaport on the American East Coast. Newark Liberty International Airport was the first municipal commercial airport in the United States. It is one of busiest terminals today.
Anderson Cooper 6.3.67, Manhattan, NY
安 An to rest an cheap aen 앤 and
德 de virtue doitsu ethics dog 독 dock
森 sen trees mori woods moii 모리 profiteering
库 Ku repository no kanji no hangul
珀 po amber kupa Cooper kupar 쿠퍼 Cooper
Tammany Hall was a Democratic Party political machine. It began to grow in influence with the support of many of the immigrant Irish. The hall dominated local politics for decades starting with the election of the first Tammany mayor in 1854. Central Park was a product of the machine. It first opened to the public in 1858. It became the first landscaped public park in an American city.
New York City played a complex role in the American Civil War. The access to ocean trade routes made it the American powerhouse in terms of industrial trade between the northern and southern United States.
New York's growing immigrant population had originated largely from Germany and Ireland. It began in the late 1850's to include waves of Italians and Central and Eastern European Jews.
Angelina Jolie 6.4.75, Los Angeles, CA
Hello Magazine
安 An calm yasu low an 안 not
吉 ji lucky kichi luck
丽 li beautiful ri lily li 리 lee
娜 na graceful na graceful na 나 I, we
朱 Zhu vermilion shu vermilion jol 졸 sol
莉 li jasmine rei jasmine li 리 lee
The population for Los Angeles had grown to more than 102,000 by 1900. This put pressure on the city's water supply. The Los Angeles Aqueduct was completed in 1913 under the supervision of William Mulholland. This assured the continued growth of the city.
Furukawa Konatsu 6.7.92, Kanagawa, Japan
UpUp Girls
古 gu ancient Furu ancient godae 고대 ancient
川 chuan river/ spring kawa river chuan 추안 chuan
小 xiao small Kona little jogeum 조금 a little
夏 xia summer tsu summer veoleum 여름 summer
冰 hyo ice 氷 kori ice bing 빙 bing
川 chuan river 川 kawa river chuan 추안 chuan
城 cheng city 都市 toshi city doshi 도시 city
堡 bao fort フォートfoto fort seongbo 성보 casting
Kanagawa is a prefecture just south of Tokyo. It includes the capital city, Yokohama. This city is home to a large Chinatown. The town is lined with food stalls and restaurants. The city also has traditional, landscaped Sankei-en Garden and the Landmark Tower skyscraper with its rooftop garden. Ōsanbashi Pier features waterside paths and shops. Northeast is the city of Kawasaki and its Buddhist Kawasaki Daishi temple.
Commodore Matthew Perry landed in Kanagawa in 1853 and 1854 and signed the Convention of Kanagawa to open Japanese ports to the United States.
Rogue waves most likely happen when a perfect storm of factors—especially wind and ocean currents—combine at just the right moment to form an incredibly large wave. A rogue is more than twice the height of a regular wave for the area.
"Rouge Giants at Sea"
NY Times: Science
"The storm was nothing special. Its waves rocked the Norwegian Dawn just enough so that bartenders on the cruise ship turned to the usual palliative — free drinks.
"Then, off the coast of Georgia, early on Saturday, April 16, 2005, a giant, seven-story wave appeared out of nowhere. It crashed into the bow, sent deck chairs flying, smashed windows, raced as high as the 10th deck, flooded 62 cabins, injured 4 passengers and sowed widespread fear and panic.
"“The ship was like a cork in a bathtub,” recalled Celestine Mcelhatton, a passenger who, along with 2,000 others, eventually made it back to Pier 88 on the Hudson River in Manhattan.
Rogue waves can be found where wave fields from different wind systems meet. This occurs mostly in wide mid-latitude ocean basins that are frequently exposed to strong winds.
Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which are generated by subsea earthquakes.
“Rogue waves are a result of different swell interfering constructively, that is two wave fields combining such that two wave crests add up to produce a much taller wave. Another way they are caused is the interaction of waves with surface currents,” Stössel explains.
“Strong currents, such as the Gulf Stream, often feature small-scale jets around which wave crests tend to bend (refract) and converge, thus creating taller waves. Therefore, regions affected by strong currents, such as the Gulf Stream, are more prone to rogue waves. Another example is the Agulhas Current that runs southwestward around South Africa, where it meets tall waves that are generated by the prevalent westerlies in this region.”
Re-birth of Republic
After the 30 years war with Habsburg Spain
The Dutch West Indies company was granted a charter for a trade monopoly in the Dutch West Indies by the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands on June 3, 1621. They were given jurisdiction over Dutch participation in the Atlantic slave trade, Brazil, the Caribbean and North America to compete with the Spanish Habsburgs.
The area where the company could operate consisted of West Africa between the Tropic of Cancer, the Cape of Good Hope and the Americas. The jurisdiction included the Pacific Ocean and the eastern part of New Guinea. The intended purpose of the charter was to eliminate competition with the Spanish or Portuguese trading posts established by the merchants. The company became instrumental in the largely ephemeral Dutch colonization of the Americas in the 17th century. This included New Netherland and New Amsterdam.
Dutch trade, travel, business, science and art were among the most acclaimed in the world.
Dutch Industry was inspired by the research into insects by Swammerdam.
Swammerdam was convinced that the creation or generation of all creatures obeyed the same laws. Having studied the reproductive organs of men and women at university he set out to study the generation of insects. He had devoted himself to studying insects after discovering that the king bee was indeed a queen. He knew this because he had found eggs inside the creature. He did not publish this finding.
Swammerdam was visited by Cosimo II de' Medici in 1669 and showed him another revolutionary discovery. The limbs and wings of the butterfly could be seen inside a caterpillar.
When "The General History of Insects," or "General Treatise on little Bloodless Animals" was published later that year, he not only did away with the idea that insects lacked internal anatomy, but also he refuted the notion that insects originated from spontaneous generation.
He asserted that their life cycle was a metamorphosis. He maintained that all insects originated from eggs and their limbs grew and developed slowly. He declared war on "vulgar errors." The symbolic interpretation of insects was incompatible with the power of God in his mind.
Swammerdam therefore dispelled the seventeenth-century notion that different life stages of an insect (e.g. caterpillar and butterfly) represent a sudden change from one type of animal to another. The same organism was transformed through different stages.
The first visual proof that his predecessors had mistakenly identified the queen bee as male was published in Biblia Naturae. He also provided evidence that the queen bee is the sole mother of the colony. He had engaged in five intense years of beekeeping. He had found that drones were masculine and had no stinger.
Swammerdam identified the worker bees as "natural eunuchs." He was unable to detect ovaries in them, but described them as nearer to the nature of the female. He had produced a drawing of the queen bee's reproductive organs, as observed through the microscope. It had been asserted that the queen bee was male and ruled the hive since ancient times.
Brothel scenes are a familiar type of seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting. Their popularity poses questions. Who bought these pictures? Prostitution, procuring and adultery were criminal offenses. The word hoererij (whoredom) denoted any kind of nonmarital sexual intercourse. Religious piety was deeply felt not only by Calvinists but by people of other denominations. A market existed for pictures of half-nude women whose charms were for sale in this political climate. The definition of human nature as totally depraved carried some unpredicted side effects with respect for artistry.
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