Lily-Rose Depp
to the Rose
Meiyo o sazukeru
ps 29
One of the seraphs flew to me.
A burning coal was held with tongs for me to see.
The future is the present towards which we move.
The move has a groove which the present behooves.
The essence of presence is where time exists now.
The past is a memory for existence to plow.
Experience is the field for our dreams.
Dreams are arranged in the streams of our themes.
The taste of fire didn't burn the dream.
Essence gave the scheme to glean
from the gleam of the steam stream
as taste beamed belief for relief.
You were not given the spirit of slavery.
You were given courage for bravery.
The fear that rises with the strength of challenge
is there to overcome the adversity of imbalance.
Spell your words to tell the race for grace.
Mystic flashes outline your face.
The Word is heard with intrepid love.
No one knows heaven without being born from above.
One night in late spring the bridge of dreams broke
leaving lines of cloud as the memory for what she had wrote.
The heights of the city laid out the accessories to memory
for the immensity of the streaming treasury in atmospheric reverie.
No matter what storms the street had commanded
nothing could draw me to abandon the defense my homeland demanded.
Plunged ever more deeply into the night of summer
I moved through the fiery places of sublime sights as a runner.
Another sun rose in my heart to awaken the revelation
that warmed the world with the fires of imagination.
Velvet soft symbols danced and leapt
for the sight of the silvery haired adept.
Back and forth. To and fro.
Soul and body moved with the flow.
Vertiginous caresses of morality
showed imponderable recesses in legality
until at last the word was woven with virility
to behold the thin silk veil as cloven for fertility.
There was sequence, space and stress
of the soul sick with consciousness.
Throw your body to the beasts!
Hand your spirit to the priests!
Break in twain the walking rod.
Hazel nuts lie there in the sod.
Tear the rose colored cross asunder!
Crack the bolt that caused the thunder!
The inky arch born above us showered star dust
with love on the darkness that had become us.
The moon waxed near the fullness of thrust
as the face of trust.
It was the dragon with just one eye,
‘I will turn the eye to see the sky
if upon his wings we will fly.'
My heart is destroyed by emotion
you have become an explosion
of devotion for my notion of motion
Everything was going up in smoke
Explosions boomed. The scene wrote 'hope is a joke.'
Fire was in the window of construction and sky.
The world was the word destruction written in sight.
Another sun rose in my heart to awaken the revelation
that warmed the world with the conflagration of imagination.
When he had foretold his doom
the letter caused his wife to swoon
He penned,“If we should never meet again,
I will always be your friend."
He was to suffer the most ignominious of fates
while holding two pair of black aces and eights.
When the urban cowboy had disappeared
the tracks of the Silverado had veered
toward the desert into the shimmering veneer
that the purple dawn had mirrored.
So it is that legends go.
The facts are the feelings you are left to know.
They say they found the old truck's treads
had turned into a horse’s tracks instead.
Assign economy to authority.
Respect the public as the whole majority.
Ascribe the properties of energy to power
and the creation of power as the cause of the tower.
Energy is the ability for a system to work.
Flip a switch and the power runs through a circuit kirk.
The machine can operate in accord with design.
When the power runs the machine works fine.
A storm system crackles with stacks that the energy packs.
Lightning flashes. The flash cracks.
Energy is transferred from the cloud to the ground
with a boom that shakes all that is around.
Energy can be transferred, converted and measured.
Whether it is transferred or converted, it conserves the same treasure.
The constraints for property develop the forms for design.
Design allows for variation in expansion, form and function in time.
Growth in populations can be exponential to preserve your existence.
Exponents provide proportions for this growth to preserve subsistence.
Exponents express proportion in size.
These powers also describe variance in curves as lines.
Beauty and courage create the gently curving line as twilight fades.
Time in this light plays a magical serenade.
Faith shines high and bright in the night sky.
The dog releases his breath with a mighty sigh.
The sides of the triangle are equal in length.
The hunter pursues the prey with the dog as his strength.
Being is the beginning of soul's self control.
Soul is the mirror for life that extols.
Living is the first right for all in the law.
Let wisdom reign to correct human flaw.
The voice of the sky is gruff upon the waters
when the thunder rumbles after the lightning honors
the concert of scholars.
The sound resounds through the air.
The waves roll and echo as though they had no care.
The sound has power
that often precedes a shower.
The flash of lightning shows
wonder in darkness before thunder rolls.
Light sees instant weightless motion
as spirit with speed, the notation of notion.
Spirit sings sound
as the crack pounds the ground
to break the back of the somber stillness
behind the roaring rain for the thrill of this.
The voice of thunder rumbles
across the sky as the wind tumbles
under the clouds dark jumble.
Hills are moved by walls of water.
Shelter protects your sons and daughters.
The mountain is consumed by the creation of clouds.
That which had been seen is no longer allowed.
The voice of power is strong.
She sings loud and long
for the splendor of fighting to right her wrongs.
Her song breaks the heart
of the redwood, the end of the start
that could not be broken apart.
All are crying “Have mercy”
on this temple of soul made from trees.
The power of creation
permeates life in time until cessation.
Fresh water is supplied for storage.
Grains are grown for our porridge.
The air has been cleansed for breath in life.
The cleansing reduces the incidence of strife.
Plants grow strong for consumption.
Consumption assures us of gumption.
Life lives with gratitude for providence.
Providence preserves essence with confidence.
Courage passes confidence in the power of the storm.
Power ravished beauty as a functional norm.
Faith did not stop beauty from her own ravishment.
The ravishment did not result in her banishment.
She remembered lessons the jazzman had taught her.
Cast jasmine on shadows where sunlight failed or had faltered.
Fish dwell in darkness to avoid being detected.
When the unseen strikes, all else stands as neglected.
The rainbow of fight in the scaled light pulls down to struggle
as the color of wroth weighed in the shining scales of life and death trouble.
The invisible line pulled taut to link them to the fight for life.
The fish gave life to show that it was worth the fight to overcome strife.
Arigato, Momma Cat.
This was just the result of that.
29 Afferte Domino
1 Ascribe to the Lord, you gods, *
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his Name; *
worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters;
the God of glory thunders; *
the Lord is upon the mighty waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is a powerful voice; *
the voice of the Lord is a voice of splendor.
5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar trees; *
the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon;
6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, *
and Mount Hermon like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of the Lord splits the flames of fire;
the voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; *
the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
8 The voice of the Lord makes the oak trees writhe *
and strips the forests bare.
9 And in the temple of the Lord *
all are crying, "Glory!"
10 The Lord sits enthroned above the flood; *
the Lord sits enthroned as King for evermore.
11 The Lord shall give strength to his people; *
the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.
Isa. 6:6
Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding a live coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs.
Rom. 8:15
you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’
John 3:3
Jesus answered him, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.’
Conjunction of Jupiter and moon; waxing gibbous; 94% full
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn
M4 is well placed in Scorpius
Gemini birth sign
Christopher Lee 5.27.22, London, England d.6.7.15
克 Ke able katsu overcome
里 li lining sato village
斯 si servant shi such, this
托 tuo support taku trunk
弗 fu not doru dollar
李 li judge ri plum
CL became an intelligence officer for the Long Range Desert Patrol in WWII. The LRDP was a forerunner of the SAS, Britain’s special forces.
London, England
London suffered severe damage and heavy casualties from the bombing in WWII. The worst hit part was the Docklands area. Just under 30,000 Londoners had been killed by the bombing by the war's end. Over 50,000 seriously injured. Tens of thousands of buildings were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless.
Wild Bill Hickock 5.27.1837, Troy Grove, Illinois
野 Ye wild no field
生 sheng student sei living
比 Bi ratio hi ratio
尔 er thus no kanji
希 Xi to admire mare hope
克 ke ability katsu overcome
克 ke ability katsu overcome
Ottawa, Illinois
Hickok was born and raised on a farm in northern Illinois at a time when lawlessness and vigilante activity were rampant because of the influence of the "Banditti of the Prairie".
Citizens in the city were active within the abolitionist movement. Ottawa was the site of a famous 1859 extrication of a runaway slave named Jim Gray from a courthouse by prominent civic leaders of the time.
Lily-Rose Depp 5.27.99, Paris, France
莉 Li Jasmine ri Pear
莉 li jasmine ri pear
罗 Luo net ruox thin silk
斯 si servant shi such
德 De Kindness toku morality
普 pu popular fu universal
19th century Paris
Paris hosted two major international expositions late in the 19th century. The 1889 Universal Exposition was held to mark the centennial of the French Revolution. It featured the new Eiffel Tower. The 1900 Universal Exposition gave Paris the Pont Alexandre III, the Grand Palais, the Petit Palais and the first Paris Métro line. Paris became the laboratory for Naturalism (Émile Zola), Symbolism (Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine) and of Impressionism in art (Courbet, Manet, Monet, Renoir).
Ogata Haruna 2.15.99, Osaka, Japan
Morning Musume 18
尾 wei tail O tail
形 xing form gata shape
春 chun spring Haru spring
水 shui water na water
The 16th-century shogunate Osaka Castle has undergone several restorations. It is the main historical landmark. It's surrounded by a moat and park with plum, peach and cherry-blossom trees. Sumiyoshi-taisha is among Japan’s oldest Shinto shrines.
An old couple who had no children prayed at Sumiyoshi taisha in the folktale "Issun-boshi." Their prayers were answered with a child. When their son went on a voyage, he departed at Sumiyoshi harbor, sailed down Hosoe-gawa to Osaka Bay, turned up the Yodo River and traveled to Kyoto.
Haru no yo no 張るの夜の One night in Spring
yume no ukihashi 夢の浮橋 the bridge of dreams
todaeshite とだえして broke
mine ni wakaruru 峰にわかるゝ parting the peak
yokogumo no sora. 横雲の空 leaving lines of cloud
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 2.17.81, Los Angeles, CA
约 Yue about
瑟 se dignified ogoto intimate
夫 fu husband otto husband
戈 Ge spear hoko halberd
登 deng to step to ascent
莱 Lai pigweed rai goosefoot
维 wei dimension no kanji
特 te special toku special
Pyrotechnic Displays
Railroads arrived with the completion of the Southern Pacific line to Los Angeles in 1876. Oil was discovered in the city and surrounding area in 1892. The discoveries had helped California become the country's largest oil producer by 1923. The production accounted for about one-quarter of the world's petroleum output
Rikako Sasaki
5.28.18, Miyagi, Japan
Hello Project: AngerMe
佐々木 莉佳子
佐 zuo to assist Sa son
々 Japnse4repeat sa every
木 mu wood ki wood
莉 li jasmine Ri jasmine
佳 jia good ka beauty
子 zi child ko child
Kesennuma was Japan's busiest port for processing bonito and swordfish prior to the 2011 disaster. Presently, fishing and associated industries account for 85% of jobs in the town. Tourism is next to commerical fishing in importance.
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