Emma Watson
Social Network
Light is for sight. 視力 shiryoku
Less at night increases fright. 恐怖 kyofu
The new moon is the match for all fires. 火災 kasai
She is the mother of every desire. 慾望 yokubo
The moans of beastly release 解放 kaiho
echo until they cease 停止する teishi suru
to wait for the next unseen relief. 救済 kyusai
Explosion galore 豊富hofu
has a dazzling allure 魅力 miryoku
for the silvery hint of tints 色合い iroai
in the forest silhouette of linear imprint. インプリント inpurinto
Darkness plucks the wings from painted butterflies.
Unbelieving flutter fans the moonbeams from unseeing eyes.
Odd-shaped shadows in fertile gardens lie
under the stygian way of the black disked night.
Agate is the picture of minstrel quiet in complete despair.
Sandy quartz with colored swirls of arrested energy lie there.
The cup by the window has been assigned to you.
The design is a sign of form for shape renewed.
Fill the cup with the fire of Spring.
The bird of time is on the wing.
Winter had clothed earth for warmth to fling.
The root grows down while the stem shoots up.
Space makes a place for form to take shape as wine in a cup.
Touch the invisible with the lightness of your being.
Lift the light of your countenance from the unseen.
Mercy comes with recognition.
Recognition is the condition for good mission.
Time, courage, and reason fight in the absence of light
to do what's right with or without sight.
Leadership will shine alone
when the path to what's right needs to be shown.
When love is revealed, we will be like we are;
better than that which we discard.
Salvation is survival with progression.
Resurrection is salvation that transcends regression.
The moral code is the abode for law.
Law is a state that consciousness saw.
Law must be fulfilled
as a condition of will.
Will is not just for the thrill.
Objectivity is the goal for the till.
Sound is a seashell mound
to walk around.
Answer me when I call
defender of my cause.
When I call I will be heard
even when the word is a bird.
These are the words I spoke to you.
They were not spoken to misconstrue truth.
Do no harm to your self or another.
Keep this goal to be a good sister or brother.
Consider the lilies of the field.
They do not toil in excess to net their yield.
Smell is a ship’s bell.
It’s hard to tell
from where it swelled.
Scent can be immediate or indirect.
It owns attention in a surge of sweet sense
or it slowly wafts into consciousness,
stirring emotions and coloring the prominence
of unthought consonance.
Moxa is for aroma.
Aroma sooths persona
while you're laying in a coma.
Clear is the ring of the golden bell!
A world of clarity the sound foretells!
It rings out with delight
through the medium of flight.
The golden mold shapes the molded notes
in a tune the player connotes.
Circles become waves.
The waves become knaves.
The sound floats to the dove as she dotes
from her perch on a boat as though she wrote
the notes for sea goats.
The serpent, the lion and the bear
only kill when a threat is there.
Out of the sounding cells of the golden bell
a gush of euphony broadly wells!
Taste saves face
for the bouillabaisse.
Touch is a friction clutch
for your double dutch.
Feel too much?
Shift your stuff
to find your rush.
The experience of existence
forms the idea of persistence
in being as more than the idea of this.
The experience of existence exists
as more than just the idea of bliss.
Fantasy is the first of all the pleasures.
Nothing greater than the greatest idea of measure
can be conceived to be a better treasure.
If majesty exists in the mind,
it also exists in reality to find.
Nobility exists in reality
as well as the mental prelude to physicality.
The creature of consciousness
is to the path of pleasure contrivance lent.
Play is an invention that engages the emotions.
It is the art of stimulating devotion to motion.
The unmoved mover begins the song.
The movement tells your heart that what's right is strong.
Music is a prime example
of an unscrambled sample
of ample art in the gamble.
I had been absent from music in the spring
though rhythm puts the spirit of youth in everything.
When the usual cruelty of April had been dressed with trim
the rings of Saturn swallowed moons as the children of rebellion.
The flight of birds or the sweet smell of Spring
could not make the future speak or sing.
The flower doesn't need to know what odor to construe.
The tree doesn't have to tell the sex of the blooms it grew.
The lily doesn't have to wonder why it bloomed white.
The fruit is sweet, but it figures with the taste of delight.
The deep vermilion in the rose acts as praise
for the power that the stem had raised.
The softly-warbled song
moves from forest openings.
The pleasant woods and colored wings
flash quick as a glance in the April air.
The bright day fills the silver woods with care.
When forest glades are teaming with bright forms
dark and many-folded clouds foretell the coming-on of storms.
on the hollow hills to the upland known
in an appeal to the mercy of fire
in a mad expostulation with the deaf roar of the dire
frantic sire as he reaches higher and higher.
with desperate desire
to see the farmer finish his rows
before the freshness of day retires to expose
darkness to the rose.
Gladness grows in my heart
as the sown seed for grain gets a start.
4 Cum invocarem
1 Answer me when I call, O God, defender of my cause; *
you set me free when I am hard-pressed;
have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
2 "You mortals, how long will you dishonor my glory; *
how long will you worship dumb idols
and run after false gods?"
3 Know that the Lord does wonders for the faithful; *
when I call upon the Lord, he will hear me.
4 Tremble, then, and do not sin; *
speak to your heart in silence upon your bed.
5 Offer the appointed sacrifices *
and put your trust in the Lord.
6 Many are saying, "Oh, that we might see better times!" *
Lift up the light of your countenance upon us, O Lord.
7 You have put gladness in my heart, *
more than when grain and wine and oil increase.
8 I lie down in peace; at once I fall asleep; *
for only you, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Acts 3:14
But you rejected the Holy and Righteous One and asked to have a murderer given to you...
1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.
Luke 24:44
Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.’
Emma Watson, Seth Rogen, Suzuki Airi 4.12
Suzuki Airi
鈴 ling bell suzu bell
木 mu wood ki wood
愛 ai love ai love
理 li management ri reason
Persimmon Tree
Bluish-green leaves, male flowers are pink in groups of three, female flowers are creamy-white single. hachiya
Emma Watson
艾 ai mugwort ai moxa
玛 ma agate ba colored quartz
沃 wo fertile uwa able to produce
森 son forest mori woods
Seth Rogen
设 she assume se facility
置 zi home su place
哦 oh oh ro wow
根 gen root gen root
Social Network
New Moon
Haumea at opposition to sun
In Bootes
Haumea- Hawaiian goddess of fertlility, mother of the volcano and fire goddess Pele
Bootes- Grk. the farmer, a ploughman, invented the wagon and plow
April Constellations
the Sea Serpent, the Lion and the Bear
Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Venus, Jupiter
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