Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Masaki Sato
Hello Project: Morning Musume


Bear chance 
to make an advance.

The bear stands there looking in my direction.
It looks to fight or take flight with my detection.

Flight is deemed right in most cases.
The grace of another place is offered by the open space.

Having been hunted promotes the case for a charge.
Slow flight presents the plight of staying in place as large.

The odds are for a charge or against it.
Either bet can win. It's an even split. 

Flip a coin, but be ready to stand your ground.
The bear is faster no matter how tightly wrapped you're wound.

The charge will be fake unless you present a target to be tackled.
A thick stick will reduce the space that the claws of the paws can grapple.

Chance is a decision before it reaches choice.
Will you give your choice a voice? 

Take a stance to extend your stick as a lance.
Let the distance determine retreat or advance.

Defense is an act the animal can manage.
Courage gives the stance the elegance of advantage.

The bear will turn in time to resume descent, level tred or climb. 
Space in another place will make that case seem prime.

The turn breaks free from conflict.
The feeling of relief is so remarkable it flips
fortune to favor the fit.

The turn puts space in a place called distance. 
The distance restores calm to this existence.
The heart provides the measure for movement.
The paws move as fast as the inducement.

When he rests from this scientific tread
he sits back to sway his head
to fold the fortress of fortune to favor instead.
He sits on his backside to rock on his butt
with a lifted snout that lets his eyes shut.

Oh! The metaphysical extremes
are seen in the ninety degree arc it seems
as he sways between agreement with one cheek
or the other to induce a dream.

This dream will be seen as equally epic
whether it is in the sedentary form or the peripatetic.
The successive shock of chance
is also seen in the way the meteors dance 
as from the star stance.

Throw dice to account for the vigil
near the fizzle of the grid grill
with the rolling, shining and meditating on will. 

Chance is a decision before it reaches choice
in the process of movement on the way to thought or voice
at some terminus that lets enlightenment rejoice.

I roll the dice to watch it slice as vice. 
I root the ground as I close my eyes. 
I’m at your mercy on bent knees.
I’m at the disposal of probability for everyone to see.
The cubes roll and stop in the truculence of a position.
The miasma ミアマoverwhelms my frazzled indecision.     miama
My mendicance stops when the odds are at play. 
A man chooses to roll, but the outcome has its say!

Take the ex-musician turned insurance salesman
who sells himself a policy as his talisman
then doesn't seal the sale with his payment
or the magician who has himself locked 
and thrown into the water in a box,
only to discover the fake locks won't pop.  

I want the clear white light to work
against the fuzzy blurred edges that hurt
as in the bones of a hand of an x-rayed merc
whose bones were mangled by a kurd or a turk.

Even if the darkness precedes and follows us
we have a chance to shine with earned trust.                                                                           

My praise is for joy in the assembly of people.
I will declare that I was delivered from evil.

 I will celebrate life in the presence of the present
with those who assemble for love in essence.

The poor will eat and be satisfied.
The love of joy will be the guide.

Those who share a slice of providence 
will share satisfaction as defense. 

Those who seek love 
will see the dove.
“May your heart know peace
and care for others in a way that doesn't cease.”

Gratification will be remembered
past the glow from the burning embers.

Share the joy to the ends of the earth. 
The family of nations will feel the warmth of birth
with gratitude and mirth.

Leadership is the heritage of responsibility.
Responsibility acts with transparency for security
in accord with redemption from liability.

Those who have passed into the past 
celebrate blessings from experience cast
for progress in leadership with joy that lasts.
Our ancestors lived for a hope so vast
that my soul lives for a faith surpassed
that our descendants will live for love unabashed.

24 My praise is of him in the great assembly; *
I will perform my vows in the presence of those who
worship him.

25 The poor shall eat and be satisfied,
and those who seek the Lord shall praise him: *
"May your heart live for ever!"

26 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to
the Lord, *
and all the families of the nations shall bow before him.

27 For kingship belongs to the Lord; *
he rules over the nations.

28 To him alone all who sleep in the earth bow down
in worship; *
all who go down to the dust fall before him.

29 My soul shall live for him;
my descendants shall serve him; *
they shall be known as the Lord's for ever.

30 They shall come and make known to a people yet unborn *
the saving deeds that he has done.

Full Moon
Mars in Aquarius
Aquarius is associated with Ganymede, the cupbearer.

"...in the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, Ganymede is furious at the god Eros for having cheated him at the game of chance played with knucklebones, and Aphrodite scolds her son for "cheating a beginner.""

Astronomy Trek
Apart from the Ursa Major that is prominent near the zenith, other constellations that are prominent towards the south at this time include the eastern reaches of Hydra, Coma Berenices, Virgo, Boötes, and Corvus, all of which contain some interesting, if not spectacular deep sky objects (DSOs). Below are some details of a few such objects:

Acts 8:40
Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he was passing through the region, he proclaimed the good news to all the towns until he came to Caesarea.

1 John 4:17
Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness on the day of judgement, because as he is, so are we in this world.

John 15:7
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Masaki Sato  5.7.99 Hokkaido, Japan
佐   zuo assist sa aid
藤   teng         cane to wisteria
雅   ya elegant       misa elegant
樹   shu         tree         ki to plant
protection with construction and healing

Jerry Seinfeld  4.29.54 Brooklyn, NY
jie outstanding remarkable
li village village
sai fortress obstruction
en mercy favor
zhe to break in turn
die to fold to fold

The Battle of Brooklyn  Aug.27, 1776

The fortified American positions at Brooklyn Heights  became untenable. They were evacuated a few days later. The British were left in control of New York Harbor. Washington's defeat on the battlefield cast early doubts on his ability as the commander, but the tactical withdrawal of all his troops and supplies across the East River in a single night is now seen by historians as one of his most brilliant triumphs.

Rene Zellwegger 4.25.69, Katy TX
Lei bud bud
ni maid marriage
qi neat tide
wei fern rose
ge grid case

The construction and opening of Interstate 10 in 1966 allowed for rapid development of the area, as Houston expanded westward. This section was widened in 2008 to an average of 26 lanes, and in some areas 30 lanes total including 6 feeder and 4 HOV lanes for roughly 22 miles, making it the widest Freeway in the world.

Channing Tatum 4.26.80, Cullman, AL

cha check investigation
ning rather rather
ta tower tower
tu diagram map, plan
mu nanny daily

Cullman, AL

Cullman was originally in the territory of the Cherokee Nation. The region was traversed by a trail known as the Black Warrior's Path. The path led from the Tennessee River near the present location of Florence, Alabama, to a point on the Black Warrior River south of Cullman. This trail figured significantly in Cherokee history. It featured prominently in the American Indian Wars prior to the establishment of the state of Alabama. It was also integral to the relocation of several American Indian tribes, including the Creek people westward along the Trail of Tears.

The future location of Cullman was the site of the minor Battle of Day's Gap during the Civil War. Union forces under the command of Colonel Abel Streight won a victory over forces under Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest on Aprial 30, 1863.Although Streight's force was larger than Forrest's, while the two were negotiating, Forrest had his troops march repeatedly in a circuitous route past the site of the talks. Streight surrendered to Forrest on the spot. He thought that he was badly outnumbered.

Cullman itself was founded in 1873 by Colonel John G. Cullmann, a German refugee who had arrived in America in 1865. Cullmann had been an advocate for democratic reforms in his native Bavaria. He fled when the autocratic Prussian-dominated regime emerged ascendant after the Revolutions of 1848. Cullmann negotiated an agreement to act as agent for a tract of land 349,000 acres (1,410 km2) in size, owned by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company in 1873. He established a colony for German immigrants with the land.

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