Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Victoria Justice

Sùzào zìjǐ
Anata jishin o katachidzukuru
ps 24
figura te

Why shape anything?
Isn't natural development amazing?

The world is created from the earth.
A person starts to live with birth.

The world is everything that is the case.
It is something that we make as a place.

What is that which always is and has no becoming?
Space is the place for the race of galactic running.

What is that which is always becoming and never is? 
Lightning is the track for a crack through the subatomic. 
The ground for it is chronically chthonic.

That which is apprehended is in the same state.
Apprehension exists, but it evaluates. 

It does not generate or abate
reality as the state for the slate.

That which is conceived by opinion without reason 
is always in disagreement with the season.

It is becoming or perishing and never has agreement
with that which really exists in material completion. 

Everything that becomes or is created 
must be caused by something that can be dated. 

Nothing material can be created without a cause.
The immaterial is that which gives us pause. 

The immaterial cause that came before creation
is a wonder that contributes to our fascination.

The work of the creator who creates something to last
shapes form as an unchangeable pattern to cast.

Was the world always in existence and without a start?
It was created as tangible; as sensible as your heart.

All sensible things are apprehended by sense 
to inform opinion as the seat for judgment.

Sensibility is created by sense with the meaning lent.
Facts are not to be by ambition bent.

The Maker of the universe is beyond determination as a fact.
Belief in said existence is an opinion which finds substance in act.

How someone acts has an impact on tact
in the relational track.

The angels burned with reverence and awe
as they celebrated the majesty of Yah.

As the Son is in the Father and the Father in the Son,
we are called to exist as united in being as though we were one.

We are not the same in particular though we are common in nature.
Individuation requires perspective on perception for judgment regarding behavior.

Love built a house and added a garden
Fortune made the home in the frame that had been started.

Adversity tried to sweep the home away.
The family had to overcome the melee
to defend their say.

Leaves from the tree of immortality
provided shade from heat as a probability.

The roof was held by walls of wood and stone
but time worked to wear the house as home.

Heat and pressure worked steadily and more
to fell the walls. Winter and summer cleft and tore
at the doors and everything else above the floor.

Grace shored the structure to cut adversity as it grew
until decay combined with the force of death in a firm bond renewed
to raze the building to the floor's mildew. 

Love and grace took glory by the hand
and built a braver palace than the one that did not stand. 

The builder had to look at what did and didn't work
in order to build a stronger place above the earth.

The sculptor learned to look into the future with his craft.
He worked with bronze to shape birds and bats.

The flight of his imagination based on the past
shaped the prediction for the event as it had been cast.

When pain had asked what brought this plan,
the decision to act in anger against the device of man
kept the moths from death in the flame that spans
the length of time in the view that scans
the pattern in the alluvial fan.

The strength to work beyond what was learned from pain
prayed for judgment from the experience of agriculture with the angular vein
to right the wrong from righting wrong for dwelling long in too much or little gain.

The battle between the fort and the phalanx forge was on.
Siege machines would reach beyond the wall as the protective phenomenon.

The world is the totality of facts.
Apprehension includes the interpretation of acts.

Many years were tossed by storms
in the journey from the fortification of forms
to the state of law with procedural norms.

Time, toil and length of labor
were required to construct forts to savor.

Such length of labor for so vast a frame
earned leadership and labor a place in lasting fame. 

Ships from the fallen fort were now a scarce affair.
Lack in foreign language made finding direction rare.

They rarely landed in a place where
they had been before for trade that was fair.

The praiseworthy had to show his care
by learning to navigate by the stars way up there.

Her youth moved angrily in the night
when she appeared between war and leadership's might.

She was a product of destruction in her own right.
She labored with endless discontent as her targeted plight.

This heart of hearth and heaven was hell bent in sight
to let her fury vent for blight. 

Worthiness moved past the anger
to live in the peace of an objective manner.

Spring stopped at the start of summer.
The beauty of the season still lives in wonder
like the joy of the newcomer.

The world is determined by the facts
and all the acts for different tracks.

The totality determines that which is and is not the case
for the face of the human race.

The world that in my thinking lies
is the home for truth in paradise.

My life’s fair visions are unfurled
within the shell in which I rest or labor still.

You can drive my car on the road
that holds the fold in the leveled low
to the sand on the beach you know.

Mindful of the outer skies
this darkness of the mind
finds sunrise with its spokes of light to shine.

The 'rude' pattern of the quiet mind
gave restraint a luxuriant black shine to find. 

The glittering arrows shine dispersed
nature's aspect and the design that works.

Nothing from nothing has not been born,
yet this appearance has been worn and torn. 

When once we know from nothing still 
we will divine design with human will.

Those elements from which things are created
increase the bonds to that which had been stated
as weighted. 

The increase will conserve its kind
in the law that conserves and binds
until from it release unwinds. 

All begotten things abide in change
in the changeless stuff that defines our range
in the begotten name.

There are more abounding crops indeed
to provide food as the substance that we need. 

The earth bears the primordial germ of things
which the ploughshare turns in fruitful rings
as clods make room that seeds may sing.

She kneads the mold
that quickens life's hold. 

Since all must have their seeds wherefrom to grow
to reach the gentle fields of air to sow more to know
it also comes that nature dissolves the sown
into primal bodies again unknown. 

The facts in logical space are the world.
Creation was formed above the shiny sphere of the pearl.

A thing is called finite after its kind
when it finds a place in your mind.

A body is not limited by thought,
not the thought by  the body wrought.

That which is in itself is a substance.
A change in electric current is inductance.

An attribute constitutes the essence of substance.
The ratio of the current to resistance is conductance.

That which exists in something other than itself is a mode.
The essence of existence is an absolutely infinite node.

The world divides into facts
with the mental force of an axe.

Desire does not always attain the perception for which it strives.
It gets what it can and reaches for different drives.

The cause of perception is the external body
that presses the organ to each sense as haji.

That which touch, smell, taste, sight or hearing has discerned
is a pressure for the mediation of nerve.

The impulse that is sent meets reception in the head.
The brain and heart read the signals that the senses sent to be read.

The eye sees light or color.
The ear hears sound bounce from another.

The nostrils smell the unseen odor.
The tongue tastes flavor to savor. 
The body feels the sense that substance tailors.

All the qualities known as sensible
come from objects as detectable.

The object sensed is one thing.
The impression left brings an experiential ring.

Sense is subject to the fancy
of the vigilante chimpanzee.

Aristotle taught that the cause of vision
is sent from the object as a signaled provision.

Light does bounce from thing to sight, 
but the thought that the thing sent a signal is not right.

A sound is sent by waves from a source.
A smell is an admission of emission that floats through air of course.

Sense is essential to safety.
Awareness smells the flower and dodges the crazy.

Experience plays a part in what an individual thinks to say.
The fancy chimpanzee has a role to play.

Education lends perspective to perception.
Learning from others can avoid deception.

The cognition of culture is a corporate experience.
This is something an individual should take as serious.

The natural and moral have an empirical course.
The laws of nature concern the experience of force.

Redemption is a course of will that overcomes remorse.
The rule of law is in accord with what ought to occur.

When what ought to happen does not, it is a metaphysical spur
to which the thought of justice must refer.

Experience is the ground for the empirical.
Faith is the substance for the miracle.

If you won't see beyond the past
expectation remains downcast.

Logic must reason to shape the frame for mind.
Nature and morality have a metaphysic drawn from design.

Physics has a rational part.
Morality has a sensible ground in the heart.

Translation is friendly to conservative reform.
Comparison to a foreign culture considers significant norms.

Who can ascend the height of the hill?
Who can stand in the essence of our existential thrill?
Who is there who has the will?

Whosoever has clean hands and an honest mind,
they may ascend to the height of the climb.

They will receive the blessing of leadership.
They may join the consecration of fellowship.

They carried the ark of the covenant with a new heart.
They came to the house of will on the hill for their start.

Such is the generation of those who seek love,
of those who seek peace from the eternal dove.

Narva Gate, St. Petersburg, Russia

Lift your eyes to the arch of the gate.
Open the doors of perception to investigate.

Let the ring of glory into your story.
What is this ring of glory?

The essence of our existence
overcomes all resistance
to subsistence.

This is the ring of glory.
Our existence is our story.

You are the one for me.
Your love helps me to see
how to be.
You are my moral philosophy.

You received spiritual blessing from this heavenly place.
You have drawn love from the empirical base.

This unique blessing shows special favor.
Restraint became the savior to savor flavor.

Shape yourself as a duty.
It's your part in nature's beauty.


24 Domini est terra
Dominated is earth

1 The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it,
the world and all who dwell therein.
2 For it is he who founded it upon the seas
and made it firm upon the rivers of the deep.
3 "Who can ascend the hill of the Lord?
and who can stand in his holy place?"
4 "Those who have clean hands and a pure heart,
who have not pledged themselves to falsehood,
nor sworn by what is a fraud.
5 They shall receive a blessing from the Lord *
and a just reward from the God of their salvation."
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, *
of those who seek your face, O God of Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, O gates;
lift them high, O everlasting doors; *
and the King of glory shall come in.
8 "Who is this King of glory?" *
"The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle."
9 Lift up your heads, O gates;
lift them high, O everlasting doors; *
and the King of glory shall come in.
10 "Who is he, this King of glory?" *
"The Lord of hosts,
he is the King of glory."


Isa. 6:1-2

I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty, in the year that King Uzziah died. The hem of his robe filled the temple. Seraphim were in attendance above him. Each had six wings. With two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet and with two they flew.

Uzziah- Power of Yah
Isaiah- Salvation is in Yah
seraphim- Burners


The angels burned with reverence and awe
as they celebrated the majesty of Yah.


John 17:20-21

'I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word that they may all be one. As you are in me, Father, and I am in you, may they also be in us, so the world may believe that you have sent me.'


As the Son is in the Father and the Father in the Son,
we are called to exist as united in being as though we were one.

We are not the same in particular though we are common in nature.
Individuation requires perspective on perception for judgment regarding behavior.


Thomas Sowell


Ps. 24:1

The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it,
the world and all who dwell therein.


The rise of communism in Russia had an association with Marxist socialism and the Boleshevik revolution. Socialism was critical of capitalism, but the predicition of the violent overthrow of government gave it a hostile intent toward executive authority and the middle class.

Russian culture had started with polytheistic roots, but had moved through the Byzantine and Latin influences in a way that essentially preserved serfdom based on the Egyptian model. There was a strong support for executive authority in this kind of society.

Cruelty in punishment was a characteristic of any legal code prior to Constitutionally legislative reform. Profit from war was as well, but the Russians were dedicated to independence and autonomy. They didn't have slavery.

This served as the basis for alliance with British royalty. The Russians used western standards to develop, but economic growth was slower. The Marxist political leadership used this slowness as the justification for violent revolution.

Socialism was Calvinism without religion. This made the democracy a form of dictatorship that was more obsessed with the achievement of goals with violent aggression. There was the pretense of objective scientific analysis in economics, but the incentive for development that characterizes effective executive leadership was removed.

Cultural development was inhibited when that was removed from leadership. Education, art and cultural development were suppressed for the proletariat. The only development that was achieved was contrived by the competition with capitalist enterprise. Labor had less motivation to construct or produce anything that wasn't dictated by socialist convention.


Isa. 6:2

Seraphs were in attendance above the Lord. Each had six wings: with two they covered their faces; with two they covered their feet and with two they flew.


Isabel Florence Hapgood was a writer who translated Russian texts into English. Her work established a basis for understanding Russian culture.

She was one of the major figures in the dialogue between Western Christianity and Orthodoxy. She traveled through Russia between 1887 and 1889. She met with the celebrated author, Leo Tolstoy.

Isabel Florence Hapgood
b. 11.21.1851, Boston, Massachusetts
d. 6.26.1928, New York, New York

Hapgood was born in Boston on November 21, 1851.


Boston had the status of a town until it was chartered as a city in 1822. The second mayor was Josiah Quincy III. He undertook infrastructure improvements in roads and sewers. He organized the city's dock area around the newly erected Faneuil Hall Marketplace, popularly known as Quincy Market.

Boston was one of the largest manufacturing centers in the nation by the mid-19th century. The city was noted for its garment production, leather goods and machinery industries. Manufacturing overtook international trade to dominate the local economy.

A network of small rivers bordering the city and connecting it to the surrounding region made for easy shipment of goods and allowed for a proliferation of mills and factories. The building of the Middlesex Canal extended this small river network to the larger Merrimack River and its mills. These included the Lowell mills along with those on the Nashua River in New Hampshire.

An even denser network of railroads facilitated the region's industry and commerce by the 1850's. Eben Jordan and Benjamin L. Marsh opened the Jordan Marsh Department store in downtown Boston in 1851. William Filene opened his own department store across the street 30 years later. The store was called Filene's.

Brahmin Elite

The term "Brahmin elite" was coined in 1861 by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Boston's Brahmin developed a particular semi-aristocratic value system by the 1840's. They were cultivated, urbane and dignified. The ideal elitist was the very essence of enlightened aristocracy.

He was not only wealthy, but displayed suitable personal virtues and character traits.  The Brahmin had high expectations to meet. He was to cultivate the arts. Charities such as hospitals and colleges were to be supported. The role of community leader was to be assumed.

The ideal called on him to transcend commonplace business values. Many found the thrill of economic success quite attractive in practice. The Brahmins warned each other against "avarice" and insisted upon "personal responsibility." Scandal and divorce were unacceptable.

The total system was buttressed by the strong extended family ties present in Boston society. Young men attended the same prep schools and colleges. They had their own way of talking.

Heirs married heiresses. Family not only served as an economic asset, but also as a means of moral restraint.

Most belonged to the Unitarian or Episcopal churches. Some were Congregationalists or Methodists. They were successively Federalists, Whigs and Republicans in political association.

Boston was also composed of Irish immigrants. Many of these were Catholic. They had to hide their religious affiliation because it was banned when the city was part of the Bay Colony.

Congregations of Presbyterians from Ulster in the north of Ireland had immigrated near the start of the 18th century. They were called Ulster Irish but later were referred to as Scots-Irish because many of them had roots in Scotland.

Isabel Hapgood

Isabel Hapgood was the descendant of a long-established New England family. She studied Germanic and Slavic languages with a special interest in Orthodox liturgical texts.

She wrote for the New York Evening Post and the Nation as a journalist, foreign correspondent and editorial writer for 22 years.

The Nation

The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States. It was the successor to William Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator. The periodical is devoted to politics and culture. It was founded on July 6, 1865.

New York Evening Post

The New York Post is the fourth-largest newspaper in the United States. It is a leading digital media publisher. It reached more than 57 million unique visitors in the U.S. in January 2017.

The New York Post also operates the celebrity gossip site PageSix.com, the entertainment site Decider.com and co-produces the television show Page Six TV. This show garnered the highest ratings of a nationally syndicated entertainment news magazine in a decade when it debuted in 2017.

The Post was established by federalist and founding father Alexander Hamilton in 1801. It became a broadsheet in the 19th century as the New York Evening Post. The modern version of the paper is published in tabloid format. Rupert Murdoch bought the Post for US $30.5 million in 1976.

Russian Empire 1881+

The Russia to which Hapgood traveled was different than the socialist government that had been there from the start of the revolution that she witnessed until the fall of the Soviet Republic. It was also different from the current Federal Republic.

Alexander III was a Slavophile. He believed that Russia could be saved from turmoil by shutting itself off from subversive influences from Western Europe.

Russia declared alliance with republican France to contain the growing power of Germany during his reign.  The empire completed the conquest of Central Asia. It demanded important territorial and commercial concessions from China.

Alexander III was succeeded by his son, Nicholas II, in 1894. He was committed to retaining the autocracy that his father had left him. The Industrial Revolution began to show significant influence in Russia.

There were industrial capitalists and nobility who claimed to believe in peaceful social reform and a constitutional monarchy. They formed the Constitutional Democrats, or Kadets.

The Socialist-Revolutionaries (SRs) incorporated the Narodnik tradition. They advocated for the distribution of land among the peasants. This was a radical egalitarian reform.

The Social Democrats were another radical group. They were exponents of Marxism in Russia. The Social Democrats differed from the SRs in that they believed a revolution must rely on urban workers, not the peasantry.


John 17:17

Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth.


Hapgood was a major translator of French and Russian literature. She was an ecumenist who served as a key figure in the dialogue between Western Christianity and Orthodoxy.

Many of the writers Hapgood translated were people of strong religious convictions. She was a lifelong and devout Episcopalian.

She helped Harvard professor Francis James Child with his Book of Ballads. These were English and Scottish folk ballads that were published in 1882. Hapgood published her own Epic Songs of Russia in 1885. Child supplied a preface. The publication received several good reviews.

The next year Hapgood published translations of Leo Tolstoy’s "Childhood," "Boyhood" and "Youth." Nikolay Gogol’s "Taras Bulba" and "Dead Souls" were also published. Her translations of the major works of Victor Hugo began publication in 1887. The American public found that Hugo was brutally honest about the French Republic.

Hapgood was particularly impressed by the Russian Orthodox liturgy and choral singing. She wanted to translate them for the American audience.

Tikhon was the Archbishop of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands at the time. He supported her efforts and became her friend. She helped organized the choir for his consecration of St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York City in 1903.

Tikhon's successor after his promotion and return to Russia was Archbishop Nicholas. He gave Hapgood a complete set of Church Slavonic texts. The first edition of her translation appeared in 1906.

Hapgood visited Tikhon in 1916-17. He had been consecrated as the Patriarch of Moscow. She was editing a second edition of the work during her trip to Moscow when the Russian Revolution broke out. She became one of the first to report on the execution of the Romanov family.

Hapgood escaped with the assistance of the American Consul and returned to the United States. The second edition was not published until 1922 by the Young Men's Christian Association. Patriarch Tikhon was under house arrest. The publication contained Tikhon's endorsement dated November 3, 1921.

Hapgood accepted a $500 honorarium for those eleven years of work. The book received favorable reviews by Orthodox and Anglican reviewers. Several editions were also published by other Orthodox denominations, including the Syrian Orthodox, after her death.


Rev. 5:11

Then I looked. I heard the voices of many angels surrounding the throne, the living creatures and the elders. They numbered myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands. They sang with full voice.


Hapgood continued to admire Orthodox church music. She helped orthodox choirs in the United States. Their work included performances at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City and before President Woodrow Wilson at the White House. She also compiled a history of Russian Church music, but the manuscript was never published. It has been lost.

Hapgood never married despite Count Tolstoy's admonition that she should. She had no children. She died in New York.

Isabel Hapgood
S. 伊莎贝尔哈普古德
T. 伊莎貝爾哈普古德

伊  Yi      she                         伊  i         that one             Iza   いざ   イザ                               
莎  sha   insect                      莎 sa       sedge                  be    べ       ベ         I      이   this     
贝  bei   shellfish                  貝 bai      shellfish              ru     る       ル        sa    사   four
尔  er      you                        爾  ji          you                   Ha    は      ハ         bel   벨   bell           
哈  Ha     yawn                     哈  go     school of fish       pu   ぷ       プ         Hib  힙   heap       
普  pu     everywhere            普  fu        universal           gu   ぐっ    グッ     gus   굿  good           
古  gu     classic                    古  ko        old                    do   ど         ド               
德  de     morality                 德  toku   ethics                         


Translation is friendly to conservative reform.
Comparison to a foreign culture considers significant norms.



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