Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Rosamund Pike

Risōsu o kanri suru

A person is born in the image of God by conversion.
The universe is the machine for energy sought in recursion
through the design of nature as it ought to be taught with immersion.

Conserving resources preserves energy.
The management works continually.

The cultivation of production in time
works best when managed with respect for design.

The rule of law is for protection.
Crime is subject to correction.

Cruelty in punishment is not the cure.
Direction by correction works for sure.

Delight is shown with respect for others.
Joy is a reward that doesn't smother.

Law that places profit from violence above people is flawed.
War or genocide is not to be held in awe.

Life rules the living.
Love favors giving.

Order by design is my proportion.
This table doesn't suffer from mass distortion.

Boundaries enclose pleasure
as a measured treasure.

Healthy happiness is a good heritage.
It works in and outside of marriage.

My heart reviews reaching for the teaching of truth.
This teaching is not reserved for the dismissal of youth.

Good counsel is blessed.
It helps you test for the best.

Don't support the rule of death.
It is more destructive than a missile from a jet. 

Justice with liberty is the goal of law.
Equity is that which the economy has to draw.

The accomplishment before me
is built upon the accomplishment seen.

My heart rejoices. My spirit is glad.
My strength avoids that which is bad.

I have not been condemned by the grave.
The rule of death does not bless or save.

The path to life is being known
by the design that is shown.

Those that sleep will wake
to rise or fall with respect for that which is great.

Let us approach authority in the house of worship
with a true heart and a conscience cleansed to cure it.

There will be disasters in various places.
There will be recovery with respect for stages.

The elegance of power requires restraint for the driven.
Intuition regarding objects provides a frame for reality in existence.

The colors of dried sedge provide objects for subsistence.
Mats, baskets and hats are useful to protect floors, store goods and provide solar resistance.

Exercise generates radiance for your tower
as you watch over the valley like a book for the hours.

Morning Musume '18

The majesty of beauty in the language
builds prestige for you in the reduction of anguish.

There is fullness of joy in your presence.
Search for the essential essence
gives joy as a gift for the present.

16 Conserva me, Domine

1 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you; *
I have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord,
my good above all other."
2 All my delight is upon the godly that are in the land, *
upon those who are noble among the people.
3 But those who run after other gods *
shall have their troubles multiplied.
4 Their libations of blood I will not offer, *
nor take the names of their gods upon my lips.
5 O Lord, you are my portion and my cup; *
it is you who uphold my lot.
6 My boundaries enclose a pleasant land; *
indeed, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel; *
my heart teaches me, night after night.
8 I have set the Lord always before me; *
because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices; *
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave, *
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life; *
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.

Dan. 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake. Some will rise to everlasting life and some will fall into shame and everlasting contempt.

Heb. 10: 21-22
Since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

Mark 13:8
Nation will rise against nation. Kingdom will rise against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pangs.

Absolute Atheism

Jacques Maritain
Paris, France
Simplified 雅克马里坦
Traditional 雅克馬里坦

雅  Ya   elegant                雅 ga   elegance                  Ji      じ    ジ               Ja     자   character
克  ke   to restrain            克 ko    deny                       ya    ゃ    ャ                keu  크   greater
马  Ma  horse                   馬 uma  horse                     kku  っく   ック         Ma   마  hemp
里  li    inside                    里 ri    neighborhood         Ma   ま     マ               li      리  lee
坦  tan  open hearted        坦 tan   level                       ri      り     リ              ta     타  other
                                                                                      te    て      テ              in     인  sign
                                                                                      in    いん  イン

French atheism was developed as a support for their socialism. Marx had described capitalism as an exercise in irresponsibility. It was exploitative of labor in order to make money for the capitalist at the expense of social relations.
The French republic had developed along different lines than the one in the USA. They were anti-English in their politics. They worked Ireland and Scotland against the union of Great Britain.
There was a British influence on French economics as well, but the socialists sought to sabotage the British alliance everywhere.

The official stock market in Paris was operated by the Compagnie des agents de change from the second half of the 19th century. The French stock exchange was based in the Palais de la Bourse in the heart of Paris. The Paris Bourse was directed by the elected members of a stockbrokers' syndical council. The number of dealers in each of the different trading areas of the Bourse was limited.

There were around 60 agents de change. These were the official stockbrokers. An agent had to be a French citizen, nominated by a former agent or his estate and approved by the Minister of Finance.

He was appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. Officially, the agents could not trade for their own account nor even be a counterpart to someone who wanted to buy or sell securities with their aid. They were strictly intermediaries.

The crash of 1882 was a stock market crash in France. It was the worst crisis in the French economy in the nineteenth century. The crash was triggered by the collapse of l'Union Générale in January.

Around a quarter of the brokers on the bourse were on the brink of collapse. The closure of the exchange was prevented by a loan from the Banque de France. The loan enabled sufficient liquidity to support settlement.

The crash led to a recession which lasted until the end of the decade.

Jacques Maritain was born in Paris on November 11, 1882. He was the son of Paul Maritain, a lawyer, and his wife Geneviève Favre, the daughter of Jules Favre. He was reared in a liberal Protestant milieu. He was sent to the Lycée Henri-IV. Later, he attended the Sorbonne to study the natural sciences: chemistry, biology and physics.

He met Raïssa Oumançoff, a Russian Jewish émigré, at the Sorbonne. They married in 1904. She was a noted poet and mystic. They married in 1904. She participated as his intellectual partner in his search for truth. Raissa's sister, Vera Oumançoff, lived with Jacques and Raissa for most all of their married life.

Jacques and Raïssa became disenchanted with scientism while they were still at the Sorbonne. Scientism could not address the larger existential issues of life in their view. They made a pact to commit suicide in 1901 if they could not discover some deeper meaning to life within a year.

They were spared from following through on this after they attended the lectures of Henri Bergson at the Collège de France at the urging of Charles Peguy. Bergson's critique of scientism dissolved their intellectual despair and instilled in them "the sense of the absolute." They converted to the Roman Catholic faith in 1906 through the influence of Léon Bloy.

The Maritains moved to Heidelberg in the fall of 1907. Jacques studied biology under Hans Driesch. Driesch’s theory of neo-vitalism attracted Jacques because of its affinity with Bergson.
Raïssa fell ill during this time.

A Dominican friar named Fr. Humbert Clérissac their spiritual advisor. He introduced her to the writings of Thomas Aquinas during her convalescence. She read them with enthusiasm. She exhorted her husband to examine the saint’s writings in turn. Maritain found a number of insights and ideas that he had believed all along in Aquinas.

Jacques Maritain was a French Catholic philosopher. He was agnostic before converting to Catholicism. He wrote more than 60 books. The books helped to revive Thomas Aquinas for modern times. He was influential in the development and drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Pope Paul VI presented his "Message to Men of Thought and of Science" at the close of Vatican II to Maritain, his long-time friend and mentor. The same pope had seriously considered making him a lay Cardinal, but Maritain rejected it.

Maritain's interest and works spanned many aspects of philosophy. His interest included aesthetics, political theory, philosophy of science, metaphysics, the nature of education, liturgy and ecclesiology.

Being in Existence

Maritain's philosophy is based on the view that metaphysics is prior to epistemology. Being is first apprehended implicitly in sense experience. It is known in two ways.

First, being is known reflexively by abstraction from sense experience. One experiences a particular thing, e.g. a dog, and through reflexion ("bending back") on the judgement, "this is a dog", one recognizes that the object in question exists.

Second, one may arrive at what Maritain calls "an Intuition of Being" in light of attaining the knowledge of some thing reflexively through the apprehension of sense experience. This is the point of departure for Maritain in metaphysics.

One cannot be a metaphysician at all without the intuition of being. The existence that is larger than being or knowledge of an object is known by intuitive reflexion. The internal mechanism of intuition is the means by which the objective outer reality of existence is apprehended.
Both atheism and the absoluteness of it were the difficulty with Maritain’s view. The scientific method is dependent upon the construction of an experiment that will test a belief. The test of faith could determine what was right or wrong with the belief.
A belief is identified as a hypothesis. Louis Pasteur identified the spontaneous generation of a diseases as an example. His test demonstrated that airborne microbes caused mold to form on a broth.
It was demonstrated that pathogenic microbes were the probable cause of illness. Disease was not spontaneously generated as a divine punishment. Hygienic practice was recommended as a means to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
The extent of Maritain’s atheism contributed to the over-development of the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights. Government becomes the primary agency for justice in an atheistic society.
Socialism is atheistic. Socialism in France worked to punish capitalist organization for trade in the world.
The socialist position was extended from an anti-management into and anti-majority view. The existence of tribal terrorism was regarded as less likely than that the state sponsored terrorism associated with the stories for national security.
Stories have been used to justify the existence of law enforcement and the military for the security of city-states since classical antiquity.
The modification of security for home defense was implicated as a supportive measure by the manufacture of rifles during the Dutch Republic. This development was included in the organization of the US republic.
Socialists have identified weapons as the source of terrorism in civilized society. The charge of genocide was used to rule out the consideration of the tribal kind, but nomadic tribalism does not recognize the right to own private property.
That made primitive society a terrorist threat to the civilized world. Are we to believe that those who don’t own property wander about with respect for the trade routes of those that do?
Are we supposed to believe that immigrants that don’t work with law enforcement officials for the legal recognition of civil rights are less likely to commit crime than those that do?
France did not participate in the western coalition war on terror as it was organized during the George W. Bush administration.
Their position against the majority in a democratic society in the US was instituted by the Democrat party to punish those who supported the insertion of a military presence to patrol property for trade interests in the Middle East.
Socialists damage national security and the strength of the economy with their overreach.

Elizabeth Perkins
Queens, New York
S. 伊丽莎白珀金斯
T. 伊麗莎白珀金斯

伊 Yi   she          伊 i             that one          Eri  えり  エリ             El    엘  L
丽 li    beauty    麗 rei          lovely              za   ざ     ザ                  li     리   lee
莎 sha  insect     莎 sa          sedge              be  べ     ベ                    ja    자   character 
白 bai  bright     白 byaku    white              su   す     ス                   be   베   Entebbe
珀 Po  amber     珀 haku       amber            Pa   ぱ-   パ-                  seu  스   switch
金 jin  king          金 kin        gold               kin  きん  キン            Peo  퍼  fur
斯 si   this            斯 shi        this                 su   す     ス                 kin   킨  keen
                                                                                                          seu  스   switch

The population for Queens, NY was 1,550,849 in 1950. The Queens Symphony Orchestra was formed in 1953. The population grew to 1,809, 578. The number had grown by about 260,000 in a decade.

Elizabeth Perkins was born in Queens, New York on November 11, 1960. She was the daughter of Jo Williams, a drug treatment counselor and concert pianist, and James Perkins, a farmer, writer and businessman. She has two older sisters.

Her paternal grandparents were Greek immigrants from Salonika. Their surname was anglicized from "Pisperikos" to "Perkins" when they moved to the United States.

Perkins was raised in Colrain, Massachusetts. Her parents were divorced in 1963. She began working in theatre with Arena Civic Theatre, a non-profit community theatre group based in Greenfield, Massachusetts.

She attended Northfield Mount Hermon School, an elite preparatory school. She spent 1978 to 1981 in Chicago attaining her BFA in Acting from the Goodman School of Drama at DePaul University.

She  is an American actress. Her film roles have included About Last Night... (1986), Big (1988), The Flintstones (1994), Miracle on 34th Street (1994) and Avalon (1990). She is known for her role as Celia Hodes in the Showtime TV series Weeds. She received three Primetime Emmy nominations and two Golden Globe nominations for this role.

She played the mother in the ABC comedy series How to Live with Your Parents (for the Rest of Your Life) in 2013.

She plays Jackie O'Neill, the town gossip and longtime family friend of the Crellins, in the mini-series Sharp Objects. This psychological thriller premiered on July 8, 2018 on HBO.

Owen Wilson 11.18.68 Dallas, Texas
S. 欧文威尔逊
T. 歐文威爾遜

欧 Ou      Europe          歐 o      Europe                    O    お-   オ-                O     오   five 
文 wen   culture           文 ben  sentence                   u     う     ウ                wen  웬   wen
威 Wei    prestige         威  i       majesty                  en  ぇん   ェン            Wil    윌  will
尔 er       you               爾  ore   you                         Ui   うぃ   ウィ           seun   슨   the
逊 xun    to yield         遜  sun  modest                     ru   る       ル
                                                                                  son そん  ソン

Kenneth Cooper's book Aerobics was published in 1968.  He was a doctor of medicine and former Air Force Colonel from Oklahoma who pioneered the benefits of doing aerobic exercise for maintaining and improving health.

His book emphasized a point system for improving the cardiovascular system. The training system required 30 points a week to maintain the Training Effect. He opened the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas in 1970.

Owen Wilson was born in Dallas, Texas on November 18, 1968. He was the middle of three sons of photographer Laura (née Cunningham) Wilson (born 1939) and Robert Andrew Wilson (1941–2017), an advertising executive and operator of a public television station.

His parents were of Irish descent from Massachusetts. Wilson attended New Mexico Military Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. He pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.

Owen is an American actor, producer, screenwriter and comedian. He has had a long association with filmmaker Wes Anderson. They shared writing and acting credits for Bottle Rocket (1996) and The Royal Tenenbaums (2001).

The latter film earned him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. His older brother Andrew and younger brother Luke are also actors. He is known for his roles in Frat Pack comedies as well as voicing Lightning McQueen in the Cars franchise.

He has appeared in over 50 films. He was nominated for about 50 awards and won 14.

Ami Tanimoto 11.16.99 Hokkaido, Japan
Tsubaki Factory
Mou Saikou: Already the Best

塔 Ta     tower         谷  Tani     valley             A        あ   ア           A   아   ah
你 ni      you             本   moto  book               mi      み   ミ           mi 미  beauty
摩 mo    rub             安   An       relax              Ta       た   タ           Ta  타  other
托 tuo   support       美   mi       beauty            ni       に    ニ          ni   니  needle
阿 A       flatter                                                 mo    も    モ           mo 모  mother
美 mei  pleased                                                to      と     ト            to   토  sat

The island is close to far eastern Russia and the northern most part of China. It is the second largest body of land in Japan. The center of the island has a number of mountains and volcanic plateaux. There are coastal plains in all directions. The disputed Kuril Islands lie to the east and north-east.

Hokkaido's largest city is the capital, Sapporo. Hakodate in the south and Asahikawa in the central region are two core cities. Most of the population is employed by the service sector but there is some light industry in paper milling and beer brewing.

Agriculture and other primary industries play a large role in Hokkaido's economy. The island has nearly one fourth of Japan's total arable land. It ranks first in the nation in the production of a host of agricultural products including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beet, onions, pumpkins, corn, raw milk and beef.

Hokkaido also accounts for 22% of Japan's forests with a sizable timber industry. The prefecture is also first in the nation in production of marine products and aquaculture.

Tourism is an important industry. Visitors are attracted to the open spaces from hotter and more humid parts of Japan and other Asian countries. Skiing and other winter sports bring other tourists during the winter.

There are more brown bears in Hokkaido than anywhere else in Asia besides Russia. Those on Honshu died out long ago.

The only land link to the rest of Japan is the Seikan Tunnel. Most travellers travel to the island by air. The main airport is New Chitose Airport at Chitose, just south of Sapporo. Tokyo–Chitose is in the top 10 of the world's busiest air routes. The airway handles more than 40 widebody round trips on several airlines each day.

The railway company developed a network of tracks, but many cities can only be accessed by road.
Tanimoto Ami was born on November 16, 1999 on Hokkaido.

It was announced on April 29, 2015 that Tanimoto would debut in a new unit named Tsubaki Factory with five other members.

November 19, 2018 will be Tanimoto's 19th birthday. She will celebrate it with a Birthday Event at Tokyo FM Hall.

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