Wednesday, April 17, 2019



Last Supper

Fǎnkàng shēnghuó
Rivu~ia seikatsu

I love that I found help when I needed it.
Salvation came and I heeded it.

I had fallen to the place of shades
the distress beyond bad dreams had made.

The grip of the grave grapple grabbed
until my adam's apple gagged
while seeing the sensible source sag 
from the sense perception had.

I said, "Though I have been driven from your sight,
I hope to look on your temple again with delight."

I felt desperate. My mind cried for direction.
Choice was compressed to this bit. I had to select protection 
from the danger of dereliction.

I found what I needed before the moment of crisis.
The rightness in choice was decisive. 

The cords of death had entangled me.
My sight was so strangled, I had to get free.

Sorrow drove sadness to the threshold of pain.
The horror drove madness to enfold the insane.

Human being is not made holy by work
but faith lives for grace when responsibility is not shirked.

I remembered to pray
when my life was fading away.

My prayer reached you in your holy place.
You heard my cry for help with grace.

I will sacrifice to you with thanksgiving.
I will give a portion from what I am given to make a living.

Salvation spoke to me through a whale and fish.
The sea spit me out on dry land to answer my wish.

The success of salvation is gracious.
It was so efficacious, it was almost salacious.

Nothing else is quite so profound
as wonder in the world once it has been found.

Defense is granted to the watchful
if only because the thoughtful 
watch for the goodness of the gospel.

I felt that I fell very low, but I was helped.
I exempted contempt for the hand I was dealt.

I was rescued from death.
Help was given in the test.

My eyes shed natural tears.
I was grateful for my years.

My feet did not stumble
though I felt very humble.

I will walk in the presence 
of the divine essence
in the land of the living
to give thanks for the giving.

Brooker Creek Preserve Trail

I believed even when 
I had been brought to a bend.
Then I had said, 
“No one can be trusted
when trust has been busted.”

How will I repay my debt
without regret 
for all the good things 
carried by angel wings?

I will lift up the cup of salvation 
and hold it high as a libation.

I will fulfill my promise to live
with reverence for life as a gift
in the rule of law that we win
by transcending sin.

We had been told that your lamb will be a sheep or a goat.
It will be a year old male intended to connote
a sacrifice from providence as a promissory note.

Now the sacrifice is a donation to service
to consecrate thanksgiving with purpose.

Precious in the sight of divine Light
is the death of those who defended rights.
They lived good lives.

I am a defender of rights. 
I have been resurrected as a good life
by the experience that brought me past strife. 

I tasted this glimpse of the abyss.
It was black and gray with white lights in the tryst.

I have been freed from the world of discrimination
to recount deliverance by narration.

I listen to hear.
I have not rebelled in fear.
I did not turn back the years.

My ear has been opened.
I hear sounds that are spoken.

Blessing and curse come from the same mouth.
This ought not to be so for the north or the south.

From the same tongue comes curses or worse.
Speech should be the garden ground for statement and verse.

Who do you say that I am?
You are anointed to pass the exam.

Christ stood near the water anointed by the sun.
Peter said, "You are the Messiah of the holy One."

I was not rebellious,
reckless or helpless.

I did not turn backwards.
I spoke in exact words.

Bravery is most bold when prepared.
Faith looks for benign design to be shared.

Time starts to grow bold.
The word shares the beauty of hope.

Hope desires goodness
to add to the fullness.

Measure the base of an object
to secure restraint in the prospect 
for the project.

The bug pulls this stem.
You straighten the hem.

The bridge to love leads the way
to the right thing to do or say.

I will offer thanksgiving with my sacrifice.
I will give thanks to the Giver of life.

Jesus said
after he broke the bread,
'Take eat. This is my body broken for you.

This is my blood offered for redemption in truth.
Do this in remembrance of my gift to guide your youth.'

He poured water to clean his disciples' feet.
He washed and dried each foot to make the task complete.

I will speak with reason for the reasonable acceptance
of benefit for people in the presence 
of the divine essence
in the assembly in public
in the city of peace that is love lit
by the waters near where the dove sits.

It is time to rest
now that I have been blessed
with the quest to sing of salvation with zest.

Stress from the test has worn my torn soul.
I will do my best to celebrate life as a whole. 

Yea Yah!
You fill me with awe!


116 Dilexi, quoniam
I love because

1 I love the Lord, because he has heard the voice of
my supplication,
because he has inclined his ear to me whenever
I called upon him.
2 The cords of death entangled me;
the grip of the grave took hold of me;
I came to grief and sorrow.
3 Then I called upon the Name of the Lord:
"O Lord, I pray you, save my life."
4 Gracious is the Lord and righteous;
our God is full of compassion.
5 The Lord watches over the innocent;
I was brought very low, and he helped me.
6 Turn again to your rest, O my soul.
for the Lord has treated you well.
7 For you have rescued my life from death,
my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.
8 I will walk in the presence of the Lord
in the land of the living.
9 I believed, even when I said,
"I have been brought very low."
In my distress I said, "No one can be trusted."
10 How shall I repay the Lord
for all the good things he has done for me?
11 I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call upon the Name of the Lord.
12 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people.
13 Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his servants.
14 O Lord, I am your servant;
I am your servant and the child of your handmaid;
you have freed me from my bonds.
15 I will offer you the sacrifice of thanksgiving
and call upon the Name of the Lord.
16 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people,
17 In the courts of the Lord's house,
in the midst of you, O Jerusalem.


Exodus 12:5

Your lamb shall be without blemish, a year-old male; you may take it from the sheep or from the goats.


Your lamb will be a sheep or a goat.
It will be a year old male intended to connote
a sacrifice from providence as a promissary note.


1 Corinth. 11:24

When he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body that is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me.'


Take eat. This is my body broken for you.
This is my blood offered for redemption in truth.
Do this in remembrance of my gift to guide your youth.


John 13:5

He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.


His command was to love each other as a service.
He washed the disciples' feet to show that he heard us
as having heard his purpose.


Washing Feet

Maundy Thursday

Law is a system of rules that regulates the members of a body. Enforcement by the imposition of punishment is to be limited to cases where damage was caused by a party charged with a crime.
Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. The event is known as the Last Supper. It occurred the night before the day on which he was crucified. The Last Supper is used for the celebration of the Eucharist or Communion.

Communion and Baptism are regarded as key rites in the institution of the Christian religion. Baptism is performed once for initiation into membership in the Church. Communion is offered repeatedly to commune with the Christ of Jesus as the Son of God. Leadership in the Church is respected as sanctified for the administration of the sacraments.

The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word for command, mandatum. Jesus gave a command to his disciples at the Last Supper to love and serve one another.

Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day that falls on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Last Supper and foot washing of Jesus Christ with the apostles as described in the canonical gospels. It is the fifth day of Holy Week. It is preceded by Holy Wednesday and followed by Good Friday.

The term Holy Thursday is associated with the celebration of the Ascension throughout the Anglican Communion. The Eastern Orthodox Church uses the term for the day before Good Friday.
When a church observes the rite associated with Maundy Thursday, it includes the enactment of the foot washing ceremony. The act is performed in remembrance of how Christ humbled himself.

Have this mind which is yours in Christ Jesus. He did not count equality with God a thing to be taken. He emptied himself by being born in the likeness of men and took the form of a servant. (Philippians 2:5)

A new commandment was given. Love each other as you have been loved that you may serve each other. (John 13:34)

Maundy Thursday initiates the Easter Triduum. This is the period which commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Easter celebration starts on Saturday before midnight. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the three days in the triduum.

The commemoration of the crucifixion of Christ serves as a symbolic reminder to reject or 'put to death' false beliefs. We believe in our Savior as the author of salvation, but that which is false about belief in God does not serve the Church, the world or us.

Law is absolute in the identification of murder as a capital offense. When the charge of murder is proven in a court of law, it warrants life in prison or death as the penalty. The severity of the punishment is dependent upon the certainty of proof in the evidence.

Since it is conceivable that a person who was not guilty of murder could be convicted for the charge of that crime, proof of guilt has to be beyond the shadow of a doubt for the imposition of death as the penalty.

The prohibition of things that don't necessarily, but could cause harm represents an over-extension of legislative authority.

The prohibition of alcohol serves as an example. Alcohol causes physical damage to bodily health when consumed in excess, but it can be used recreationally for the medicinal property of relaxation. Driving while drunk can be prohibited by law, but the prohibition of alcohol was an example of overreach.

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