Sunday, October 14, 2018


Maimi Yajima

Your Shelter
Anata no hinansho o tateru

Shelter from the storm
protects the bodily form
and the ability to perform
despite alarm as the norm.

The reduction in the threat of destruction
provides room for production.

It is a refuge from the 'too much'
of 'that such'
that threatens malfunction
in your fluxion.

Education is more than the feel of the need.
There is protection in the direction you draw from relief.

Nothing to drink in the refrigerator?
The choice of what to buy makes you your own liberator.

Protection will deliver you from harm.
You won't have to 'buy the farm.'

A man sits on a horse to explain to his youth
how the growth of grain defends the truth.

The son of furrows is rich in the land.
His knowledge is worth what his labor demands.

Selection by election will keep you from falling to death by disease.
You will find your way to pray by degrees.

The body grows outside
the spirit it hides
except for the shine
energy divines.

The ocean is the god of all to the cute girl who beholds it.
The wave is the stem of the scale in the rise and fall of known wit.

The more convenient way
to restrain the fire of desire is to make your play
resemble a temple as it stands in the day
as though it will last always
in the worth of what you have to say.

Nothing against the scythe of time can make sure defense
save the brave bearing to transcend the grave when he takes you hence.

Faithfulness beats fate.
You will not lose to hate.

Examine your love to support your respect.
Benefit that lasts is the characteristic to detect.

Fear results from the ignorance of cause.
Ignorance is a condition that signals the pause
to consider deliverance from that which gnaws
with or without claws.

The soul is ajar, secure and hospitable
to the spirit that seeks shelter that is formidable
against harmful agents that are visible or invisible.

Were the gods created by the experience of fear?
Consider the divine design of nature as dear.

You will see light despite your anguish.
Satisfaction will be found in your knowledge of language.

You will be able to deal gently with the wayward
when you learn to treat weakness as though it were tailored.

Power is managed by those who are prepared
for the consequence of responsibility responsibly shared.

The hunter shoots for game
in the cosmic frame for fame.

He braves the primitive energy of the hunt
to fathom ancestral memory like a storm front.

Classical consciousness is written to reconstruct
power from the time the lightning struck.

Law enforcement is the will to power
in the field of experience with authority as the tower.

The dimension of mind in time
moves like a river through the unthought forest of the sublime.

The new pond in the Greek sky
creates surprise as a pleasant find.

Learn from concepts derived from experience.
The concepts are elements that help you to discard the spurious.

Seek peace and pursue it, but defend your self.
Stand your ground to hallow it. Tend the place where you dwell.

Wisdom denotes the pursuit of the best end by the best means.
That action is best which promotes happiness for all who can be seen.
That action is worst which engenders the most misery to glean.

The notion of rightness looks to find the universally good.
The good news of salvation serves you as it should.

The prestige of majesty builds fortune as shelter in experience.
Investigate the seniority of love to reject the deleterious.

You will steer clear of the fear of terror by night.
You won't have to fight or take flight
when you play it right.

The attack that comes by day
will have to go away.

The malady that stalks in the darkness
won't leave you heartless.

The sickness that strikes at mid-day
won't cause you to stray.

The right of possession and redemption is yours.
Redemption can be called that which cures.

The great outdoors implores
you to score for what you adore.

A thousand will stand by your side.
Ten thousand will supply a high with peptides
inside where you reside.

Good work is your treasure. Be ready to care.
Show the world that you know how to share.

Build a foundation that won't shift where you stand.
Your plan to expand will find that it can.

The angels are angles that show you the light.
They shine for your mind to see what is right.

The elegant beauty of autumn fun
helps rate the state of the date  to rake leaves in the sun.

You will use your own hands
to decipher your plan.

You will not break if a rock
gives you a shock.

You will keep your distance from venom
to maintain your plenum.

You will respect Mr. Gator
like an instant crusader.
He's not a good grader.

Live a good life.
Love is your husband or wife.

Learn from the strong.
Sift right from wrong.

You will be remembered long
for singing your song
to please the whole throng.

91 Qui habitat

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, *
abides under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 He shall say to the Lord,
"You are my refuge and my stronghold, *
my God in whom I put my trust."
3 He shall deliver you from the snare of the hunter *
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with his pinions,
and you shall find refuge under his wings; *
his faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of any terror by night, *
nor of the arrow that flies by day;
6 Of the plague that stalks in the darkness, *
nor of the sickness that lays waste at mid-day.
7 A thousand shall fall at your side
and ten thousand at your right hand, *
but it shall not come near you.
8 Your eyes have only to behold *
to see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, *
and the Most High your habitation,
10 There shall no evil happen to you, *
neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over you, *
to keep you in all your ways.
12 They shall bear you in their hands, *
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and adder; *
you shall trample the young lion and the serpent under your feet.
14 Because he is bound to me in love,
therefore will I deliver him; *
I will protect him, because he knows my Name.
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; *
I am with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and bring him to honor.
16 With long life will I satisfy him, *
and show him my salvation.

Out of his anguish he shall see light;
he shall find satisfaction through his knowledge.

Heb. 5:2
He is able to deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself was subject to weakness...

Mk.10:41 sit at my right hand or my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.

Night Sky

The annual Orionid meteor shower, composed of debris from repeated passages of Comet Halley, runs from September 23 to November 27. It peaks between midnight and dawn on Saturday, October 21 under a dark moonless sky. The parent body responsible for creating the Orionid shower is

Halley's comet.
Mars in Capricorn

Rising Order
PM Saturn, Mars, Moon
AM Venus, Mercury, Jupiter

John Dewey 10.20.1859, Burlington, Vermont
Traditional 約翰杜威
Simple       约翰杜威

约  Yue     date          no kanji                                    Ji       じ    ジ          Jon   존    a
翰  han     writing       翰   kan            writing              yon    ょん  ョン       Dyu  듀   a
杜  Due    restrict      杜    zu             mistake           De     で     デ          i       이   this
威  wei     power        威  i                power              -yu     ゅ-  ュ-
                                                                                    i        い    イ

Burlington is located in northern Vermont. It is on the western border right next to Lake Champlain.

The town's position helped it develop into a port of entry and center for trade. The capacity for trade was increased after completion of the Champlain Canal in 1823, the Erie Canal in 1825 and the Chambly Canal in 1843.

Wharves allowed steamboats to connect freight and passengers with the Rutland & Burlington Railroad and Vermont Central Railroad. Burlington became a bustling lumbering and manufacturing center.

It was incorporated as a city in 1865. Its Victorian era prosperity left behind much fine architecture. Buildings by Ammi B. Young, H.H. Richardson and McKim, Mead & White stand as testimony to the appreciation of design.The waterfront was extended by construction of the Pine Street Barge Canal in 1870.

John Dewey was born in Burlington, VT on October 20, 1859 to a family of modest means. He was one of four boys born to Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemisia Rich Dewey.

Archibald was a grocer. Lucina was the daughter of a judge. Their second son was also named John, but he died in an accident on January 17, 1859. The second John Dewey was born October 20, 1859, forty weeks after the death of his older brother.

Lucina insisted that their sons attend college. They were the first generation of Dewey's to do so in the country. John attended the University of Vermont ike his older, surviving brother, Davis Rich Dewey.

H.A.P. Torrey was the professor of philosophy at UVM. He was an ethical intuitionist. He taught that the intuitive awareness of value forms the foundation for ethical knowledge. He was a supporter of Kant's morality. John graduated from UVM in 1879.

He studied privately with Torrey after his graduation. He taught for two years as a high-school teacher in Oil City, Pennsylvania and one teaching elementary school in the small town of Charlotte, Vermont.

He went to Johns Hopkins University to study with George Sylvester Morris, Charles Sanders Peirce, Herbert Baxter Adams and G. Stanley Hall in 1882. He received his Ph.D. from the School of Arts & Sciences in 1884.

He taught at the University of Michigan from 1884 to 1894. He published his first two books, Psychology (1887), and Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding (1888). Both books expressed Dewey's early commitment to British neo-Hegelianism. Dewey attempted a synthesis between idealism and experimental science in Psychology.

He  joined the newly founded University of Chicago in 1894 and stayed there until 1904. He developed his belief in Rational Empiricism. This started his association with the newly forming pragmatic philosophy.

He initiated the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in 1896 in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. He was able to actualize the pedagogical beliefs that provided material for his first major work on education, The School and Society (1899).

Dewey's educational theories were presented in My Pedagogic Creed (1897), The School and Society (1900), The Child and the Curriculum (1902), Democracy and Education (1916), Schools of To-morrow (c1915) with Evelyn Dewey and Experience and Education (1938).

He thought that education should build upon itself. Knowledge that has been gained has to be tested. Growth in knowledge should not be limited to progression. It should be built on experience.

This theory of experience has continuity and interaction as the two main components. Continuity describes valuable lessons that are learned by going through different trials in life. Lessons from the trials are carried through time.

Interaction challenges continuity to respond to the current experience. Convergence in the assimilation of knowledge is beneficial with respect for the emergence of productivity for service.

He was professor of philosophy at Columbia University from 1904 until 1930. He was one of the founders of the New School for Social Research in 1919.

John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. He is one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism. He is considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.

He is known for his advocacy of democracy. He considered school and civil society to be the fundamental elements needed for reconstruction to encourage experimental intelligence in plurality. He died on June 1, 1952.

Dewey advocated for democracy with logic conditioned by practical considerations as pragmatic philosophy. His approach proved to be too open-ended for youth without self-motivation in organization.

Education like democracy has to have a framework that provides direction. When there is no guidance with respect to the value of self-limitation in the achievement of goals, the uneducated choose to prevent education for others.

Ken Watanabe, 10.21.59, Koide, Japan
C. 肯瓦塔諾比
J.  渡辺謙

肯 Ken    willing             渡  Watari     crossing          Ken    けん  ケン     Ken  켄  Ken                 
瓦 Wa     watt                  辺   hen          area                Wa    わ     ワ            Wa  와   wow
塔  ta       tower                謙  Ken          modesty          ta      た     タ           ta    타   other     
诺  nuo    promise                                                          na     な     ナ            na   나    I         
比  bi       ratio                                                               be     べ     ベ             be   베   bee 

Koide is one of the towns that merged to form Uonuma in Niigata Prefecture in 2004. The U is silent. Onuma produces rice. It is known for the production of koshihikari rice.

The Niigata Prefecture was known as the Eichigo Province prior to the Meiji Restoration that started in 1868. It is located on the north shore of Honshu. It faces the Sea of Japan. Koide is known for its snowy ski resort.

Ken Watanbe was born in Koide on October 21, 1959. His mother was a school teacher and his father taught calligraphy.

Watanabe moved to Tokyo after graduation from high school in 1978 to begin his acting career. He got his big break with the Tokyo-based theater troupe En. He is mostly known for playing samurai.

He was introduced to most Western audiences in the 2003 American film The Last Samurai. The movie was set in 19th Century Japan. His performance as Lord Katsumoto earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. He also played the tragic hero  General Tadamichi Kuribayashi in Letters from Iwo Jima. This was released in 2006.

Viggo Mortensen, 10.20.58  Manhattan, NY
T. 維戈莫滕森
S. 维戈莫滕森
 FB Fan

维 Wei   dimension     维  no kanji                             Vu  ヴ     ヴ     Bi     비  ratio
戈  ge     go                 戈  ka           dagger axe         -i    ぃ     ィ      go     고  and
莫  Mo    do not           莫  mana      may not              go  ご      ゴ     Mo    모  mother
滕  teng  water burst    滕  no kanji                             Mo も-    モ-    ten   텐  ten
森  sen    forest            森  shin        forest                   ten  てん  テン  seun 슨  the
                                                                                     sen せん  セン

The New York City Subway opened in 1904. The construction helped bind the new city together. Additional bridges to Brooklyn tied together above ground routes. Manhattan experienced large arrivals of African-Americans in the 1920's. It was part of the Great Migration from the southern United States for the Harlem Renaissance.

This change was part of a larger boom time in the Prohibition era that included new skyscrapers competing for the skyline. New York City became the most populous city in the world in 1925. It overtook London in size. London had reigned as the largest for a century. Manhattan's majority white ethnic group declined from 98.7% in 1900 to 58.3% by 1990

The metropolitan area surpassed the 10 million mark in the early 1930's. It became the first megacity in human history. The difficult years of the Great Depression saw the election of reformer Fiorello La Guardia as mayor. Tammany Hall had fallen after eighty years of political dominance.

World War II veterans created a post-war economic boom. Large housing tracts were developed in eastern Queens and Nassau County. Similar suburban areas were built in New Jersey. New York emerged from the war unscathed as the leading city of the world.

Wall Street laid claim to America's place as the world's dominant economic power. The United Nations Headquarters was completed in 1952. New York's global geopolitical influence was solidified. The rise of abstract expressionism in the city precipitated New York's displacement of Paris as the center of the art world.

Viggo Mortensen was born in New York City on October 20, 1958. He was the son of Grace Gamble (née Atkinson; July 8, 1928 – April 25, 2015) and Viggo Peter Mortensen Sr. (May 8, 1929 – March 2, 2017). His mother was American. His father was Danish. They met in Norway. His maternal grandfather was a Canadian from Nova Scotia. His maternal grandmother's family was from New England.

The family moved to Venezuela, then Denmark and eventually settled in Argentina in the provinces of Córdoba, Chaco and Buenos Aires. Viggo attended primary school and acquired a fluent proficiency in Spanish. His father managed poultry farms and ranches. He was baptized Lutheran.

His parents divorced when he was 11. He and his mother returned to New York where he spent the rest of his childhood. He graduated from Watertown High School in Watertown in 1976.

He attended St. Lawrence University in Canton. He earned a bachelor's degree in Spanish Studies and Politics in 1980. He lived in England and Spain after graduation, then moved back to Denmark. He took various jobs such as driving trucks in Esbjerg and selling flowers in Copenhagen. He eventually returned to the United States to pursue an acting career.

Viggo Mortensen is an actor, producer, author, musician, photographer, poet and painter.

Mortensen made his film debut in Peter Weir's 1985 thriller Witness and appeared in many notable films of subsequent years. He was in The Indian Runner (1991), Carlito's Way (1993), Crimson Tide (1995), Daylight (1996), The Portrait of a Lady (1996), G.I. Jane (1997), A Perfect Murder (1998), A Walk on the Moon (1999) and 28 Days (2000).

Mortensen received international attention in the early 2000's with his role as Aragorn in the epic film trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

Mortensen won critical acclaim for David Cronenberg's crime thriller A History of Violence in 2005. Another Cronenberg film, Eastern Promises (2007), earned him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor two years later. A third teaming with Cronenberg in A Dangerous Method (2011) resulted in a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture.

Other well-received films have included Appaloosa (2008) and Far from Men (2014). He received a second Best Actor nomination in 2017 at the 89th Academy Awards for his role in Captain Fantastic.
Mortensen's other artistic pursuits include fine arts, photography, poetry and music. He founded the Perceval Press in 2002 to publish the works of little-known artists and authors.

Kisora Niinuma, 10.20.99  Aichi, Japan
J 新沼希空
C 吉所以啊倪柳啊
 Tsubaki Factory
 Keeping You

吉  Ji       lucky                新   Nii         new          Ki   き    キ          Ki   키   key   
所  suo    place                沼   numa      pond         so   そ   ソ           so   소   small
以  yi       with                 希   Ki          Greek        ra    ら   ラ           la    라   la
啊  a        surprise            空   sora        sky           Ni    に    ニ          Ni    니  needle
倪  Ni       tiny                                                         i      い   ー          nu   누   fistula
柳  liu       pleasure                                                 nu   ぬ   ヌ          ma   마  hemp
啊  a         surprise                                                  ma   ま   マ

Aichi Prefecture is located near the center of the Japanese main island of Honshu. It faces the Ise and Mikawa Bays to the south. Shizuoka Prefecture is on the border to the east, Nagano Prefecture to the northeast, Gifu Prefecture to the north and Mie Prefecture to the west.

There is verse in the third volume of the Man'yōshū a poem by Takechi Kurohito that reads: "The cry of the crane, calling to Sakurada; it sounds like the tide, draining from Ayuchi flats, hearing the crane cry".

Ayuchi is the original form of the name Aichi. The Fujimae tidal flat is all that remains of the earlier Ayuchi-gata. It is now a protected area.

Brother Industries has their headquarters in Nagoya. Toyota Motor Corporation is headquartered in the city of Toyota in the prefecture. Mitsubishi, Suzuki and Sony have branch offices there.
Niinuma Kisora was born on October 20, 1999 in Aichi, Japan.

Kisora is a member of Tsubaki Factory. She first joined Hello! Project as a member of Hello Pro Kenshuusei on September 22, 2013.

It was announced on 29 April 2015 that Niinuma would be debuting in a new unit named Tsubaki Factory alongside Yamagishi Riko, Kishimoto Yumeno, Asakura Kiki, Ogata Risa and Tanimoto Ami.

When Niinuma joined Tsubaki Factory, she was a first year high school student. She graduated from high school in March 2018.

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