Sunday, August 5, 2018


Maggie Lawson

Shiawase ni narimasu

The story is as old
as the discovery of gold.

The parents of the gifted
were threatened by how their gift was shifted.

They didn't chain me to test the beast,
but on my soul they made a feast.

I had said I am not better than those who came before me.
I prayed to die. 'Take my life.' it is too dark to see.

Be angry, but do not sin.
Happiness is a feeling that you will win. 

Fireballs will drive through the night sky.
The Perseids will delight your eye.

I am the bread of life.
I will help you overcome strife.

I will be happy
with a dash of savvy.

You will never make the crab walk straight,
but you can hasten or delay the return to the sea as its fate.

Consider this
for your bliss.

Foreign rule
could be more cruel.

Private property is a responsibility.
Manage it well for your security.

Fear of love will flee from your heart.
Responsible behavior will be the end from the start.

Orientation will be the secret to which you bow.
It will trace enlightenment in how 
to wield your trowel.
Time will edify space in the wow of now.

The West favors wheat to rice.
The right amount is always nice.

Happiness will be my praise.
Wisdom will guide me in my ways.

I will rejoice in the feel of reality
with the fruits of factuality.

Let those who listen hear 
how gladness grows when truth is near.

Honest speech for truth is science.
It determines beauty in cultural reliance.

Proclaim the greatness of existence with me.
Let us transcend the beast of inhumanity.

I asked for help when I needed to be fed.
I bandaged cuts when my heart bled.

Escape from error
delivered me from terror.

Radiant as the light of day,
I didn't let shame cloud my way.

I called out in my affliction and I was heard.
Love delivered me from the burden of the absurd. 

The message of deliverance embraces
those who value life with the aegis of happy faces.

Taste and see. Love is good.
Happy are those who rejoice as we should.

Respect the right to life.
Exercise with good health in your diet.

Use respect to set an example 
for those who do not sample angles.

Even young panthers suffer hunger.
Hunger drives them to thunder on the prey down under.

The swirl of chance whirls through the forest.
The lucky hand conducts the chorus. 

Those who read reality to find design 
do not lack in the discovery of goodness for the mind.

Come youth. Listen to me. 
The love of truth will set you free.

I will teach you to respect your rights.
You will win what would have been fights.

Who among you desires justified popularity
and would like the time to enjoy prosperity? 

Speak truth to power. 
Walk with justice by the hour.

Do not defend cruelty or violence.
Enjoy the benefits of serenity in silence.

Turn from evil. Do good. 
Seek peace. Pursue it as you should.

Security protects those mainly  
who take risk to value safety.

Punishment is not for destruction.
It is not as good as instruction,
but it is for the correction of insurrection
to root out the weeds in our perception.

Needs cry out. Selection detects them.
Judgment plans. Action tends to amend the withered stem.

Sympathy attends to brokenness. Empathy amends
what led to the breaking of harmony with our friends.

What we do know is this.
We will come to feel each other should we kiss.

Troubles attend the selection of goodness in design,
but effective production provides deliverance divine
from turbulent turmoil in time. 

The quiet increase in the strength of August
produces more thrust for us to trust.

Your reward will be great.
Your destiny will rise above your fate.

Security will protect your organization. 
Structure will preserve your conceptual elation.

These are those who come from the great ordeal.
The blood of the land has revealed the deal.

The least force necessary will correct a crisis.
Retribution will punish those who impose violence,
cruelty or oppression to silence self-reliance.

Those who do no harm will not be punished.
The tail of the scorpion will not admonish.

Those who do not require correction 
will not be corrected in the tension of seeking perfection.

Psalm 34 Benedicam Dominum

1 I will bless the Lord at all times; *
his praise shall ever be in my mouth.
2 I will glory in the Lord; *
let the humble hear and rejoice.
3 Proclaim with me the greatness of the Lord; *
let us exalt his Name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me *
and delivered me out of all my terror.
5 Look upon him and be radiant, *
and let not your faces be ashamed.
6 I called in my affliction and the Lord heard me *
and saved me from all my troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord encompasses those who fear him, *
and he will deliver them.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; *
happy are they who trust in him!
9 Fear the Lord, you that are his saints, *
for those who fear him lack nothing.
10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger, *
but those who seek the Lord lack nothing that is good.
11 Come, children, and listen to me; *
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Who among you loves life *
and desires long life to enjoy prosperity?
13 Keep your tongue from evil-speaking *
and your lips from lying words.
14 Turn from evil and do good; *
seek peace and pursue it.
15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, *
and his ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, *
to root out the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 The righteous cry, and the Lord hears them *
and delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted *
and will save those whose spirits are crushed.
19 Many are the troubles of the righteous, *
but the Lord will deliver him out of them all.
20 He will keep safe all his bones; *
not one of them shall be broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked, *
and those who hate the righteous will be punished.
22 The Lord ransoms the life of his servants, *
and none will be punished who trust in him.

Man and Broom Tree

1 Kings 19:4
He went a day's journey into the wilderness. He sat down under a solitary broom tree. He asked that he might die: 'It is enough, LORD. Take away my life. I am no better than my ancestors.'

Ephesians 4:26-27
Be angry, but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Do not make room for the devil.

John 6:35
Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry. Whoever believes in me will never thirst.'


Perseid Meteor Shower Peak

"The meteor shower's peak will be visible both the nights of Aug. 11-12 and Aug. 12-13, Cooke said, but he's inclined this year to lean toward the night of Aug. 12-13 for the better show. (Both, however, should be spectacular.)"

This year the moon will be near  the new phase. It will be a crescent. It will set before the Perseid show gets underway after midnight. Cooke told, "The moon is very favorable for the Perseids this year."  That'll make the Perseids probably the best shower of 2018 for people who want to go out and view it. They are rich in fireballs. The show should be even better.

Perseus was the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster in Greek mythology. He was the son of Zeus and Danaë, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos.
Perseus constellation lies in the northern sky, next to Andromeda.

The name might be from the Greek verb, "πέρθειν" (perthein), “to waste, ravage, sack, destroy.” Some form of the verb appears in Homeric epithets. Pers-eus therefore is a sacker of cities. He is a soldier by occupation. It is a fitting name for the first Mycenaean warrior.

Legend has it that the name was connected to the Greek word mycēs (μύκης, "mushroom"). Thus, Pausanias ascribes the name to the legendary founder of Mycenea, Perseus. He was said to have named it either after the cap (mykēs) of the sheath of his sword or after a mushroom he had plucked on the site.

The Lion's Gate at Mycenae


Edith Hamilton 8.12.1867  Dresden, Germany

伊  Yi       he, she          i               that one              E    え   エ               E    에   on
迪  di      enlighten        teki          edify                  de   で   デ               di    디   d
丝  si       trace               no kanji                             -i     ぃ  ィ               seu  스   switch
汉  Han   Chinese          no kanji                             su   す  ス               Hae  해   year
密  mi      secret             mitsu       secrecy              Ha   は  ハ              mil   밀   wheat
尔  er       you                 no kanji                             mi   み   ミ             teon  턴   turn
顿  dun    bow                no kanji                             ru    る   ル
                                                                                 ton  とん トン

Dresden was the capital of the Kingdom of Saxony between 1806 and 1918. Saxony was a part of the German Empire from 1871.

Many Poles, including a number of writers and composer Frédéric Chopin, fled from the Russian Partition of Poland to Dresden following the November Uprising in 1831. The city was a center of the German Revolution in 1848. The May Uprising cost human lives and damaged the historic town of Dresden.

The city became a major center for the economy during the 19th century. Motor car production, food processing, banking and the manufacture of medical equipment were added.

Edith Hamilton was the eldest child of American parents Gertrude Pond (1840–1917) and Montgomery Hamilton (1843–1909). She was born in Dresden, Germany.

The Hamilton family returned to the United States shortly after her birth. They made their home in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Edith's grandfather, Allen Hamilton, had settled there in the early 1820's. Edith spent her youth among her extended family.

Allen Hamilton was an Irish immigrant who came to Indiana in 1823 by way of Canada. He married Emerine Holman, the daughter of Indiana Supreme Court Justice Jesse Lynch Holman in 1828. Allen Hamilton became a successful businessman and a land speculator. Much of the city of Fort Wayne was built on land he once owned.

Edith was the oldest of five siblings that included three sisters and a brother. All were accomplished in their respective fields.

Edith was an American educator and internationally known author. She was one of the most renowned classicists of her era. She was a graduate of Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. She also studied in Germany at the University of Leipzig and the University of Munich.

The founding of Bryn Mawr carried out the will of Joseph W. Taylor. He was a physician who wanted to establish a college “for the advanced education of females.” Taylor originally envisioned an institution that would inculcate in its students the beliefs of the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers. His trustees had broadened the College’s mission by deciding that it would be non-denominational by 1893.

Hamilton began her career as an educator and head of the Bryn Mawr School. This was a private college preparatory school for girls in Baltimore, Maryland. She is best known for her essays and best-selling books on ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Her second career as an author began after her retirement from Bryn Mawr School in 1922. She was sixty-two years old when her first book, The Greek Way, was published in 1930.

Cecille deMille 8.12.1881 Ashfield, MA

塞  Se   block             Sai             close                  Se     せ  セ               Se     세  three   
西  xi    West              su              Spain                 shi    し   シ               sil      실  room
尔  er   you                 no kanji                               ru     る   ル               deu    드  de
德  de  favor               toku           virtue                de    で   デ                Mil    밀  wheat     
米  Mi  rice                 mai             meter               Mi    み  ミ
尔  er   those               no kanji                              ru     る  ル

The first permanent settlement in Ashfield, Massachusetts was in 1745. It was started by Richard Ellis, an Irish immigrant from the town of Easton. Governor Bernard knew people in Ashfield, England. The ash trees in the area decided the name for the new location.

The first church was Baptist. Other denominations followed. Congregationalist, Episcopalian and Methodist churches came before another Baptist community. The economy was agrarian. A variety of grains were grown. There were some textiles. A peppermint oil industry became prosperous around 1880. Ashfield pond attracted some tourism.

Cecil Blount DeMille was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, while his parents were vacationing there in 1881. He grew up in Washington, North Carolina. His father, Henry Churchill de Mille (1853–1893), was a North Carolina-born dramatist and lay reader in the Episcopal Church. He had earlier begun a career as a playwright. He wrote his first play at age 15. The name deMille is Dutch.

His mother was the playwright and script writer Matilda Beatrice DeMille (née Samuel). Her parents were both of German Jewish heritage. She emigrated from England with her parents in 1871 when she was 18. They settled in Brooklyn. Beatrice grew up in a middle-class English household.  She was related to British politician Herbert Louis Samuel.

Cecille was an American filmmaker.  He made a total of 70 features between 1914 and 1958. He started with silent and moved into sound films when audio technology became available. He is acknowledged as a founding father of the cinema of the United States.

He was the most commercially successful producer-director in film history. His films were distinguished by their epic scale and by his cinematic showmanship. He made silent films in every genre. There were social dramas, comedies, Westerns, farces, morality plays and historical pageants.

DeMille married Constance Adams on August 16, 1902 and had one child, Cecilia. The couple also adopted an orphan child, Katherine Lester, in the early 1920's. DeMille was a Freemason and a member of Prince of Orange Lodge #16 in New York City.

He was a lifelong conservative Republican activist.  He drew on his Christian and Jewish heritage to convey a message of tolerance. The Crusades was the first film to show accord between Christians and Muslims. DeMille received more than a dozen awards from Jewish religious and cultural groups, including B’nai B’rith.

Erwin Schrodinger 8.12.1887 Vienna, Austria-Hungary

欧  Ou      Europe                   o              Europe                   E       え      エ          E    에    on
文  wen    culture                    bun          sentence                 ru    る      ル            leu  르    le
薛  Xue    marsh grass            setsu        mugwort                vu    ヴ      ヴ           bin   빈   empty
定  ding    settle                      tei            determine              in     ぃん  ィン        Syu  슈  shoe
谔  e          honest speech        no kanji                                 Shi    し     シ           loe   뢰   trust
                                                                                              -yu   ゅ    ュ             ding 딩   ding
                                                                                               re-   れ-   レ-            geo  거   roughness
                                                                                               de    で    デ
                                                                                                in    ぃん ィン
                                                                                                ga    が-  ガ-

The Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867  was called the Ausgleich in German and the Kiegyezés in Hungarian. It inaugurated the empire's dual structure in place of the former Austrian Empire (1804–1867). The compromise originated at a time when Austria had declined in strength and in power.

The loss in power took place in the Italian Peninsula as a result of the Second Italian War of Independence of 1859. There was also a loss among the states of the German Confederation. The confederation had been surpassed by Prussia as the dominant German-speaking power following the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. The Compromise re-established the full sovereignty of the Kingdom of Hungary. The sovereignty had been lost after the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

The official name of the state shaped by the Ausgleich was Austria-Hungary. The kingdom of Hungary had a name, a king and a history of its own. The rest of the empire was a casual agglomeration without even a clear description.

It was officially designated as “the kingdoms and lands represented in the Reichsrat.” It was also called “the other Imperial half.” The mistaken practice soon grew of describing this nameless unit as “Austria”, “Austria proper” or “the lesser Austria.”

These names were incorrect until the title “empire of Austria” was restricted to “the other Imperial half” in 1915. The empire with its various fragments was the dynastic possession of the house of Habsburg.

Slavery was not legal in the German states in Austria-Hungary, but the anti-monarchical tendency of republican government was growing in popularity with the successful expansion of colonialism in other empires.

The Netherlands signed an international agreement to stop the slave trade in 1814. The Dutch Republic had become the kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830. This kingdom was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Slavery was not abolished in a Dutch colony until 1863.

Relations  between the two parts of the dual monarchy during the half-century after featured repeated disputes over shared external tariff arrangements and over the financial contribution of each government to the common treasury.

The terms for the "Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867"were renegotiated every ten years to determine these matters. There was political turmoil during the build-up to each renewal of the agreement. The disputes culminated in the early 1900's in a prolonged constitutional crisis.

Schrödinger was born in Vienna, Austria to Rudolf Schrödinger, a botanist, and Georgine Emilia Brenda Schrödinger (née Bauer). She was the daughter of Alexander Bauer, Professor of Chemistry, at Technische Hochschule Vienna. He was their only child.

His mother was of half Austrian and half English descent. His father was Catholic and his mother was Lutheran. He was raised in a religious household as a Lutheran, but he called himself an atheist. He had strong interests in Eastern religions and pantheism. He used the religious symbolism in his works. He also believed his scientific work was an approach to the godhead in a metaphorical sense.

He was able to learn English outside of school.  His maternal grandmother was British. He was strongly influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer at an early age. He became deeply interested throughout his life in color theory and philosophy as a result of his extensive reading of Schopenhauer's works, .

He said that "The world extended in space and time is but our representation" in his lecture "Mind and Matter." This is a repetition of the first words of Schopenhauer's main work.

He  was a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in the field of quantum theory. This formed the basis of wave mechanics. He formulated the wave equation. This is also called the stationary and time-dependent Schrödinger equation. It revealed the identity of his development of formalism and matrix mechanics. He proposed an original interpretation for the physical meaning of the wave function.

He was the author of many works in various fields of physics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, physics of dielectrics, color theory, electrodynamics, general relativity and cosmology. He made several attempts to construct a unified field theory.

Schrödinger addressed the problem of genetics by looking at the phenomenon of life from the point of view of physics in his book "What Is Life?". He paid great attention to the philosophical aspects of science. These were related to ancient and oriental philosophical concepts, ethics and religion. He also wrote on philosophy and theoretical biology. He is known for his "cat" thought-experiment.

Maggie Lawson 8.12.80  Louisville, KY

玛  Ma   agate                    no kanji                                    Ma      ま       マ            Mae    매   every
吉  ji       lucky                  kichi          good luck                 gi        ぎ-   ギ-             gi        기   group
劳  Lao  laborer                 no kanji                                     Ro     ろ-    ロ-              Lo       로   in
森  sen  forest                    shin            forest                      son   そん   ソン           son      손   hand

Judge James F. Gordon stipulated on July 17, 1975 that a desegregation plan would be implemented at the beginning of the 1975–76 school year on September 4, 1975. The school system used mandatory busing to distribute students to integrate the newly merged school systems. The busing was to achieve certain percentages of racial diversity in schools regardless of where the students lived.

Kentucky State Data Center was headquartered at the University of Louisville in 1978.

Lawson was born in Louisville in 1980. She became the daughter to Judy, a homemaker and Mike Lawson, a hotel manager. She attended Assumption High School, an all-girls Catholic School.
She is an avid animal lover and co-founder of the Tiger Frances Foundation, an animal rescue organization based in Los Angeles, California.

Maggie is an American actress who is best known for her role as Detective Juliet "Jules" O'Hara in the TV show Psych. She has also starred in the sitcoms Inside Schwartz, It's All Relative, and Crumbs, as well as the television movie Nancy Drew. She had a supporting role as Miss McMartin in the 12th and final season of Two and a Half Men in late 2014 and early 2015.

Natsumi Abe 8.10.81  Muroran, Japan
My 22 Year Old Self, 22sai no Watashi

安   An       quiet                  A           quiet                  Na     な   ナ               Na        나   I
倍   bei      increase             bai         twice                  tsu    つ   ツ                cheu     츠   tsu
夏   Xia      summer            Natsu     summer             mi      み   ミ                mi       미    beauty
美   mei    beautify              mi          august               A        あ   ア                A         아    ah
                                                                                    be      べ   ベ                be        베    Entebbe

The origin of Muroran's name is derived from the Ainu word "Mo Ruerani."  This means "the bottom of a little slope". The little slope associated with the name lies in front of the former Senkai Temple in Sakimori-cho.

Post-war Japan built many department stores. There were probably more than a thousand the length and breadth of the land at their peak in the 1980's. Every city with more than 100,000 people had to have at least one.  Blue-collar Muroran boasted three at one time. Marui Imai was the last one. It was closed in 2011.

There are large cement factories, steel mills, oil refineries and shipyards clustered around the port of Muroran.

Abe Natsumi was born in Muroran in 1981. She is a Japanese singer and actress, and a former member of Morning Musume. She was also a part of Dream Morning Musume.

She often took the lead in the songs in Morning Musume. Her combined CD and DVD sales exceed 700,000 copies in Japan alone as a soloist. Her highest selling single was her first. " She released her first solo single, "22 Sai no Watashi," on August 13, just a few days after her 22nd birthday.

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