Sunday, August 19, 2012


I used to say that the dichotomy between good and evil is false. We have better a polarity with 'good and bad.' Excellence is the opposition to evil. Now I see that good and evil are contrasted to propose that democracy is better than elitism.
Turn from evil. Do good. Work to resolve conflicts with reason.

Evil is a controversial word, yet it is a key component in countless stories. The association with the homicidal impulse is so implicit, it hardly warrants expression. So what is the controversy?

President Ronald Reagan had used it to describe the empire promoted by the Soviet Union during the superpower competition. So? It presented a hypocritical dilemma. It is not “objective” to call another entity evil for doing the same thing as the accuser.
The US and the Soviet Union were guilty of sending in the troops to decide national issues for the people in the invaded nation. Invasion is an aggressive act. A war of aggression is unacceptable in international relations.
If the homicidal impulse is used to define evil at an individual or social level, then the genocidal motive describes it politically. Is there choice in the matter? Yes. Is it enough to point at authoritarian regimes to say that they do it, so NATO doesn’t have to worry about doing it? No. Has NATO been guilty of infraction? Yes. NATO negotiated two wars of aggression. The current policy of killing suspects as "militants" and non-combatants as "collateral damage" with drone missiles is genocidal.
Socialism is a flawed form of government. Whether it proclaims communism or implies fascism, the representation promotes industrial leadership as absolute power. Industrial leadership has displayed a lack of tolerance for protest. Protest is protected by the freedoms for speech and assembly.
Read the story for an example of fascism at work. The judgment against “Pussy Riot” suggested support for the establishment of religion.
protected by the freedoms for speech and assembly. The judgment against "pussy riot" also expresses support for the establishment of religion.
What can be done to promote good? This argument will be controversial as well. It is the motivation to control others by unfair advantage that supports the use of genocide to oppress people in both foreign and domestic arenas of operation.
The bill of rights gives us freedom of speech to express opinions. It gives us the right to vote. In short, it gives us the right to participate in the political decision making process. Vote for the correction of the elitist advantage. Stand opposed to genocidal operations, nationally and internationally.
Live with care. Work with wisdom, not self-destruction.

It is difficult to live with care, when the burden for the economy has been placed on the middle class. The elitist advantage creates a sense of powerlessness in the people of a democratic republic. The bill of rights was added to the Constitution in insure that the people would be represented. When the wealthiest don’t pay for their share, the middle and lower classes suffer. It is difficult to make ends meet.
The money is in the hands of the wealthiest and the elite are paying to keep it that way. When there were programs for the people, money circulated through the economy. The public sector helped to support the private sector. Now there is not as much money available for the middle and lower classes to make ends meet. It is all too easy for those who don’t have enough to obtain provisions to let despair drive actions into self-destruction.
The wealthiest are not exempted from despair. The unfair advantage manifests as mania. Mania is a form of powerlessness over power. Powerlessness engenders despair during the crash from mania.
Living with care becomes even more important in an unstable economic structure. Many of us have had our shadow days. Things were done that were not beneficial for safety, health or social relations. Often enough, the cost for these actions was unaffordable. Repair becomes the name of the game in recovery. We need to live with care for repair.
What is the best way to live? The search for design in life helps each to find that answer for personal and social benefit.
Wisdom has built her house with seven pillars.
Consider the wisdom of Piceras, the seven fundamental parts of life. in the people of a democratic republic. The bill of rights was added to the Constitution to insure that the people would be represented. When the wealthiest don't pay for their share of the deficit, the middle and lower classes suffer. It is difficult to make ends meet.

The money is in the hands of the wealthiest and the elite are paying to keep it that way. When there were programs for the people, money circulated through the economy. The public sector helped to support the private sector. Now it is all too easy to let despair drive actions into self-destruction. This is true for the wealthiest as well since the unfair advantage manifests as mania.

Living with care however becomes even more important in an unstable economic structure. Many of us have had our shadow days. Recovery becomes the name of the game. We need to live in repair.

Now look at this re-write for ancient writ.
cidal motive describes it politically. Is there choice in the matter? Yes. Is it enough to point at authoritarian regimes to say that they do it, so NATO doesn't have to worry about doing it? No.

What can be done? This argument will be controversial as well. It is the motivation to control others by unfair advantage that supports the use of genocide to oppress people in both foreign and domestic arenas of operation.

The bill of rights gives us freedom of speech to express opinions. It gives us the right to vote. In short, it gives us the right to participate in the political decision making process. Vote for the correction of the elitist advantage. Stand opposed to genocidal operations nationally and internationally.

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
there's still time to change the road you're on."
Ps34 Prov9

Please, give me an understanding mind
to love other people; to choose good;
to turn from evil; to complete the work
that has been set before me.
Fear fear;
too much or too little
causes harm..
Fear apathy;
that which takes caring
and concern from you.
Fear panic;
that which disables movement
when you need to move
or makes you run into harm
when moving elsewhere is safest.
Fear mania;
that which makes the destruction
of others the motivation for movement.

Young lions suffer hunger,
but those who save surplus,
conserve energy
and preserve resources,
respect providence.
Those who respect provision
from the Creator
lack nothing that is good.
Wisdom has built her house
with seven pillars. Each day
is part of the building.
Each week builds the month:
each month the year;
each year a decade;
each decade a life.
Wisdom has gathered her provisions.
She has prepared the meal
and mixed the wine with water.
The table has been set.
Invitations have been sent.

She says,
“Come. Taste my bread.
Drink my wine. Listen to me.

“Leave immaturity.
Turn from evil. Do good.
Seek peace. Pursue it.
Make decisions with insight.
Walk in the way of life.”
Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
Those who look for goodness will act
for the love of others as well as self.
Lessons will be learned in the process.
Understanding is built, torn down
and re-built.
Goodness is essential to the quality of life. The search for it is the goal for both government and religion. What does this mean? Goodness has objective properties. Survival is regarded as a good for the life of the species. Obtaining provisions for existence is something that is necessary for the survival of each. Goodness also has subjective properties. There are things that are simply a matter of taste. 
Find goodness. Share it when it’s right. Share that amount that is appropriate for the independence of any who are receiving it.
"I say my hell is the closet I’m stuck inside;
Can’t see the light.
And my heaven is a nice house in the sky.
Got central heating
and I’m alright…
Treading trodden trails for a long long time...
I find sometimes it's easy to be myself.
Sometimes, I find it better to be somebody else."
Look for goodness with faith. Find it. Enjoy it.
Share it when you can.
Steve K.

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