justice with mercy.The sources were using the account of the crucifixion to explain the persecution of the Christians by the Roman empire.
Despite claims
to the contrary regarding the pax Romana, there was no freedom of religion for monotheists. Polytheism
was only tolerated insofar as it contributed to emperor worship. Emperor
worship was being used to justify the use of war for imperial expansion and the
use of the death penalty for genocide to eliminate social groups that did not
agree with emperor worship.
Christians proclaim
Jesus as the Christ despite the fact that he was neither an emperor nor a king.
Jesus had taught belief in the love of God during the imperial celebration of
the cult of death. This expression of faith continued the anticipation for
freedom of religion that had started with Cyrus.
had actually favored Arius and the Aryan priesthood when he was baptized on his
deathbed. Constantine is regarded as the emperor who had made Christianity the
religion for the empire. While there are those who see Constantine’s
contribution as a celebration of Christianity, it only used the religion as a
cloak for emperor worship. Constantine opened the door to the ‘third reich’ for
Give thanks.
God is good.
Let your mercy endure.
Let the people say,
“The mercy of Christ will endure forever.”
Open for me
the gates of paradise.
I will enter. I will give thanks.
I will enter. I will give thanks.
This is the
gateway to justice.
The righteous will enter and be satisfied.
The righteous will enter and be satisfied.
The stone
that the builders had rejected
has become the chief cornerstone.
has become the chief cornerstone.
This is the
LORD’s doing.
It is marvelous in our eyes.
It is marvelous in our eyes.
The divine
will has been fulfilled.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Please save
us, God. Have mercy on us!
Blessed are
those who come in the name of the LORD.
We will bless you in the assembly of holiness.
We will form a procession with palms that reach
to heaven.
We will bless you in the assembly of holiness.
We will form a procession with palms that reach
to heaven.
We will shine forth as rays from the sun.
God is the LORD!
God is the LORD!
You are the
LORD, God. We thank you.
You are God, Lord Christ. We exalt you.
You are God, Lord Christ. We exalt you.
Give thanks.
The mercy of Christ
will endure forever.
The mercy of Christ
will endure forever.
Having mercy
does not mean that we are to turn a blind eye to the truth. It means that we are
to look at the evidence to form a judgment about what happened. Then we want to
correct the offense.
Zimmerman has a history of acting as an aggressor.
The recorded
police call from George Zimmerman on the night that Trayvon Martin was killed shows
that TM had run from GZ. Z. was the
aggressor. Martin weighed much less than Z. (80 lbs) GZ was wearing a light
colored t-shirt under his red jacket.
girlfriend reports that TM pulled up his “hoodie” to avoid conflict with GZ; TM
ran; he was pushed so his headset fell off.
Another 911
call records the voice of a young male crying for help. Numerous pops were
heard before a gunshot put an end to the yelling. (see "Mother Jones"
mag. for a full report)
The video at
the police station shows that GZ had no blood on his face; no visible damage to
the back of his head, but there was blood on the lower part of his jacket
(consistent with a man shooting someone under him).
ABC News
GZ on Police Video
ABC News
GZ on Police Video
The Zimmerman's
would have us believe that GZ had pursued a smaller male, then found himself on
the ground being beaten. He was about to have his head bashed onto concrete
when he pulled his gun and shot TM in self-defense. Unbelievable!
has been ruled out. GZ was the aggressor. He is guilty for killing TM. He needs
to be put on trial for murder.Trial in a constitutional democracy with a bill of rights is a merciful act. GZ has not been shot to take a life for a life. He has to stand trial for the murder of a young man. Jail provides protective custody from vigilante retaliation. A court of law evaluates the charge with a jury of citizens.
have to be expressed by lawyers in a way that is clear enough for a
non-professional to understand. When the jury has made a decision, the judge
determines what the sentencing will be if the accused is convicted on a charge. There are those who say that it is only
cruel to take the murderer’s life when there is a shadow of doubt regarding the
conviction. There are others who assert that taking life is the sole province
of God. If only the murderer had believed that assertion.
A crime that
is not as serious as murder can be corrected with reparations. Retribution is
often affected with prison under the provision that it keeps the convicted
offender from offending again for the duration of the sentence. When monetary
retribution is possible, it is rendered as restitution. When community service
is affective, it is used for correction.
The purpose
of justice is to achieve correction for an offense. Murder is a capital
offense because it takes correction with reparation off the table. How is the
murderer to give life back to those from whom the life had been taken?
How are we to
counter a murderer’s rule of death? Is it life in prison or is it the death
penalty? We want justice with mercy, but those who decided that life can be
taken from another or others have already decided that life is a prison that
can only be ruled by the oppression of others.
How is life
in prison in the ‘prison of life’ to prove tolerable to one who would claim
power over life and death? How is a murderer in prison to be punished if he
takes the life of another prisoner?
These are
important questions to consider when looking at the death penalty. Is humane
execution the form that is required by belief in merciful justice? Humane
execution is only just if it is imposed on someone who has been proven to be
guilty of murder beyond the shadow of a doubt.
This is a
time when many of us are remembering that the crucifixion of Jesus stands as a
reminder that the death penalty has been used to kill many who were not guilty
of a capital offense. Proving guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt is not as easy
as it has been taken to be historically.
Twilight – On the Surface (with lyrics)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db6meAIb5H8&feature=relmfu
“If life is
an ocean then we are only on the surface.”
reflect upon the depth of consequence associated with belief and behavior. Occupy justice with mercy,
Steve K.
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