Sunday, April 12, 2020



Emma Watson

Guǎnlǐ zīyuán
Risōsu o kanri suru
Curo opibus

The coldness of winter has departed.
The earth has opened that new growth may be started.

Warmth has increased to heat the soil
to sprout the seed planted by the farmer's toil.

The worth of warmth is a force that has exhorted
animals to move from shelter's comfort.

Men that moved for sports or consorts
found a mate for household reports.

Birds bred broods
for flight in moods.


The ram butt the wether
but wouldn't harm the ewe to which he was tethered.

Barbadoes Blackbelly Ram

The bull feared by all in field and forest
followed the heifer as the destiny for taurus.

The same source of warmth bred
living things under the broad bosom of the deep. 

The same pressure that pressed man from savage attire
promoted personal hygiene for comfort in clean clothes as required.

A lover was the first to sing to the one desired
though his entrance through the door was denied by the higher choir.

Each pleaded his own cause to his love with eloquence
for the mother of invention in the development of relevance.

A month has passed since the vernal equinox.
Darkness has shortened by less than the length of the tail of a silver fox.

Do five sheep eat the same amount as one cow?
That's alot of hay or grass per sheep and how!

This was more significant back in the days of yor
when the boat was powered by the sail or oar.

Election has been defined for purpose.
Economic choice is aligned with service.

Spring has sprung with productive light.
Design has shed overly protective sight.

First Father of conservative reform,
you invoked the functional norms.

You are called in the hour of need
to share protection with your seed.

You rejoice in the miracle of love. 
Shine your light for sight from above.

Help me to lay my trembling hold
on your altar's horn of gold.

The past had seemed a violent dream
but the blood of souls you redeemed.

There were times when the leaves blew in sight
and every flower was bathed in light.

My willfulness had burst away
from where the holy shadow laid.

I let those sunshine moments from the past
take me from where heaven my lot had cast.

I thought it scorn with you to dwell
so I lived like a hermit in a lonely cell.

Wild fancy blew his trumpet's strain
to marshall all to his sleek modern train
as on the steel rails it swiftly swept by
to catch the world's wandering eye.

I would have joined the wildness oft
but I heard your warnings, kind and soft.

"My servant, leave the world alone
on the steps of Jesus' throne."

My better soul confessed
that which was tranquil and blessed.

"Does it seem to you a stingy hand
that heaven has bade you to stand
to swing the censor's sacred fire
with the incense of the heart's desire
to touch the ark with the presence the aroma bears
while you the snow white ephod wear?"

Why crave the worldly worldling's wreath
on whom the Savior deigned to breathe?

The world of matter is not your Maker.
The Maker made you a giver as well as a taker.

Christ has the choir where angels meet
with the fruit of love for the assembly greet. 

It is for those to whom the keys were given
to pour the drink as the sacred wine of heaven.

When sorrow is all our heart would ask
we need not shun our daily task
and hide ourselves for calm. 
The common air is our balm. 

The herbs we seek to heal our woe
are familiar by our pathway grown.

The bright flowers of Eden bloom and twine
around each hallowed domestic shrine.

The hearth that holds the altar's all
is that by which unseen foes are appalled.

The prayers of hungry souls are stored
like armed angels at the entry door.   

The joy that is sweetest in decay
falls not like withered leaves away.

Like violets drooping one by one
as soon as their fragrant task is done
with the silence of the Spirit's breath
are carried off to heaven by death.   

Jesus of Nazareth had been attested by God to you
with deeds of power and signs that pointed to that which was true.

He was crucified and killed by hands outside the law.
He was raised from the dead because death could not hold him at all.

The purity of your faith has been tried by various trials.
Genuine faith endures at length whereas the tests last a little while.

Jesus was tested for his faith too
that you might see that it is Christ that lives in you.

Salvation is the outcome for true belief.
Glorious joy will provide you with relief.

The Son sent the messengers (apostolos)
to proclaim the good news to questioners
as though he had breathed on them from the sepulcher.

The forgiveness of sins was integral to conversion
that the cleansing of baptism in the Spirit's immersion
would give birth to the love of God as the inversion
of the polytheist belief in cruel or violent aversion
to intuitive inspersion or interspersion.

A person is born in the image of God by conversion.
The universe is the machine for energy sought in recursion
through the design of nature as it ought to be taught with convergence
and emergence.

Conserving resources preserves energy.
The management works continually.

The cultivation of production in time
works best when managed with respect for design.

The rule of law is for protection.
Crime is subject to correction.

Cruelty in punishment is not the cure.
Direction by correction works for sure.

Delight is shown with respect for others.
Joy is a reward that doesn't smother.

Law that places profit from violence above people is flawed.
War or genocide is not to be held in awe.

Life rules the living.
Love favors giving.

Order by design is my proportion.
This table doesn't suffer from mass distortion.

Boundaries enclose pleasure
as a measured treasure.

Healthy happiness is a good heritage.
It works in and outside of marriage.

My heart reviews reaching for the teaching of truth.
This teaching is not reserved for the dismissal of youth.

Good counsel is blessed.
It helps you test for the best.

Don't support the rule of death.
It is more destructive than a missiled jet. 

Justice with liberty is the goal of law.
Equity is that which the economy has to draw.

The accomplishment before me
is built upon the accomplishment seen.

My heart rejoices. My spirit is glad.
My strength avoids that which is bad.

I have not been condemned by the grave.
The rule of death does not bless or save.

The path to life is being known
by the design that is shown.

Those that sleep will wake
to rise or fall with respect for that which is great.

Let us approach authority in the house of worship
with a true heart and a conscience cleansed to cure it.

There will be disasters in various places.
There will be recovery with respect for stages.

The elegance of power requires restrant for the driven.
Intuition regarding objects provides a frame for reality in existence.

The colors of dried sedge provide objects for subsistence.
Mats and hats are useful to protect floors and provide solar resistance.

Exercise generates radiance for your tower
as you watch over the valley like a book for the hours.

The majesty of beauty in the language
builds prestige for you in the reduction of anguish.

There is fullness of joy in your presence.
Search for the essential essence
gives joy as a gift for the present.


16 Conserva me, Domine
      Conserve me, Dominated

1 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you;
I have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord,
my good above all other."
2 All my delight is upon the godly that are in the land,
upon those who are noble among the people.
3 But those who run after other gods
shall have their troubles multiplied.
4 Their libations of blood I will not offer,
nor take the names of their gods upon my lips.
5 O Lord, you are my portion and my cup;
it is you who uphold my lot.
6 My boundaries enclose a pleasant land;
indeed, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
my heart teaches me, night after night.
8 I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices;
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.


Psalm 16
A Miktam of David

The psalm is titled as a Miktam of David. The word 'mitcham' is Old English. Micel means 'big'. Ham means 'homestead.' Together the word means 'settlement.'

'Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.'

The sense of settlement is used as the basis for the expression of gratitude. That which is right about the defense of that which is known about the development of the settlement is used as a petition for protection.

'I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord. I have no good apart from you."'

Goodness was attained with blessing from the Author of creation. No goodness was gained without the recognition of the Creator.

'The noble are the holy ones in the land. All my delight is in them.'

The transcendent aspect of what was established with the management of labor provided the experience of the real presence as it helped to build community in the settlement.

'Those who choose another god multiply their sorrows.'

The multiplication of sorrows is the consequence for not looking at the human condition in the situation from the perspective of the wholeness of creation.

'The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup. You hold my lot.'

Choice is the vessel for the promotion of the divine will. This will desires the cooperation of the human and the divine for the sustainment of goodness.

Choice is embodied in the vessel. The cup is an image of good choice as a portion among possibilities.

'I keep the Lord always before me. I shall not be moved because he is at my right hand.'

That which is right about provision for the settlement sets the policy for functional operation.

Change in policy is only warranted when the change represents something as good or better than established procedure.

'My heart is glad. My soul rejoices. My body also rests secure.'

The benefit for policy based on established procedure is joy with security.

'You did not give me up to Sheol or let your faithful one see the pit.'

Disregard for reasonable rules of operation casts the feeling of certainty into the shadow of doubt.

The royal office was given more importance than that of the prophet when it operates for the security of the state with goodness. The prophet Jeremiah was thrown into the pit in order to check the veracity of his vision.

'You show me the path of life. There is fullness of joy in your presence. Pleasures forever at in your right hand.'

Security comes from the knowledge of what works for protection. Knowledge provides the path of life insofar as it is derived from the goodness of creation in accord with the will of the Creator.

This was a psalm of faith. The psalmist sought refuge in the Name of the one God as his sovereign Lord and goodness (v. 1-2). Divine favor was embodied in the good pleasure of the faithful, the lights of insight for life in civilization (v. 3).

The apostates multiplied their sorrows. They separated themselves from goodness with their impiety. (v. 4).

Y-hw-h was the choice of the psalmist for his portion and his inheritance in pleasant places (v. 5-6). His counsel was enjoyed (v. 7) and for the continual helpful presence (v. 8).

He was glad and secure (v. 9) in the confidence that he would not be abandoned in Sheol (v. 10).  He had the faith that he would be granted life and joy forever in the real presence of the divine essence.


Hair Sheep

4th Month

"... April was named from the open (apertum) season, because spring then opens (aperit) all things, and the sharp frost-bound cold departs, and the earth unlocks her teeming soil, though kindly Venus claims the month and lays her hand on it. She indeed sways, and well deserves to sway, the world entire; she owns a kingdom second to that of no god; she gives laws to heaven and earth and to her native sea, and by her inspiration she keeps every species in being. She created all the gods – ‘twere long to number them; she bestowed on seeds and trees their origins. She drew rude-minded men together and taught them to pair each with his mate. What but bland pleasure brings into being the whole brood of birds? Cattle, too, would not come together, were loose love wanting. The savage ram butts at the wether, but would not hurt the forehead of the ewe he loves. The bull, whom all the woodland pastures, all the groves do dread, puts off his fierceness and follows the heifer. The same force preserves all living things under the broad bosom of the deep, and fills the waters with unnumbered fish. That force first stripped man of his savage garb; from it he learned decent attire and personal cleanliness. A lover was the first, they say, to serenade by night the mistress who denied him entrance, while he sang at her barred door, and to win the heart of a coy maid was eloquence indeed; every man then pleaded his own cause. This goddess has been the mother of a thousand arts; the wish to please has given birth to many inventions that were unknown before."


The coldness of winter has departed.
The earth has opened that new growth may be started.

Warmth has increased to heat the soil
to sprout the seed planted for the farmer's toil.

The worth of warmth is a force that exhorts
animals to move from shelter's comfort.

Men that moved for sports or consorts
find a mate for household reports.

Birds breed broods
for flight in moods.

The ram butts the wether
but won't harm the ewe to which he has tethered.

The bull feared by all in field and forest
follows the heifer as the destiny for taurus.

The same source of warmth breeds
living things under the broad bosom of the deep.

The same pressure that pressed man from savage attire
promoted personal hygiene for comfort in clean clothes as required.

A lover was the first to sing to the one desired
though his entrance through the door was denied by the higher choir.

Each pleaded his own cause to his maid with eloquence
and the mother of invention for the development of relevance.


The Lyre of Orpheus

The Lyrids meteor shower appears on April 16 - April 26 each year. The peak generally occurs on April 22. The radiant of the meteor shower is located in the constellation Lyra.

The radiant  of a meteor shower is the celestial point in the sky from which from the point of view of a terrestrial observer the paths of meteors appear to originate.

Lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus in Greek mythology. It was made by Hermes from a tortoise shell and given to Apollo in a bargain as the first lyre ever made.

Recitations of lyric poetry were accompanied by playing the lyre. The earliest picture of a stringed instrument with seven strings appears in the famous sarcophagus of Hagia Triada (a Minoan settlement in Crete). The sarcophagus was used during the Mycenaean occupation of Crete (c. 1400 BCE).

Orpheus's music was said to be so great that even inanimate objects such as trees, streams and rocks could be charmed.

Jason and the Argonauts

His music was able to quell the voices of the dangerous Sirens when he joined Jason and the Argonauts on their mission to obtain the golden fleece. The Sirens sang tempting songs to the Argonauts in an effort to lure them to crash their ship against the rocks.

Orpheus married the nymph Eurydice. She stepped on a snake while fleeing from an attack by Aristaeus. The snake bite killed her.

Orpheus entered the Underworld to reclaim her. He used the music from his lyre to charm Hades.  Hades allowed him to take his wife back on one condition. He must never look back until he reached outside.

Orpheus faltered and looked back near the end of the journey. Eurydice was left in the Underworld forever.

Orpheus spent the rest of his life strumming his lyre while wandering aimlessly through the land. He rejected all marriage proposals from the women who were enchanted by his music.

The story of the journey to the underworld is a variant of a common motif in mythology. The trip represents the sun's relative dormancy during the winter months. The Greek word ορφνη (orphne) means "the darkness of night".

The darkness of the night is longer in the winter months. The distance of the sun from the earth doesn't produce enough warmth to grow plants in northern regions.

Orpheus disdained the worship of all gods except the sun whom he called Apollo towards the end of his life according to a Late Antique summary of Aeschylus' lost play Bassarids.

He went to the oracle of Dionysus at Mount Pangaion to salute his new god at dawn, but was ripped to shreds by Thracian Maenads for not honoring his previous patron (Dionysus).

Ovid gave a different account about the end of his life. The Ciconian women were followers of

Dionysus. They felt spurned by Orpheus for taking only male lovers  (eromenoi).

They  threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him.

The women tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgy of rage.

His lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses and was placed among the stars.

The appearance of the Lyrids in the night sky signals the celebration of the return of Spring.

Offenbach -
Orpheus in the Underworld Overture

The zodiac signs for the month of April are Aries (until April 18) and Taurus (April 19 onwards).


A month has passed since the vernal equinox.
Darkness has shortened by less than the length of the tail of a silver fox.


Are cattle cows or sheep?

Chn. 牛是牛还是羊?
           Niú shì niú háishì yáng?
Jpn.  牛は牛ですか、羊ですか?
           Ushi wa ushidesu ka, hitsujidesu ka?
Krn.   소나 양은?
            Sona yang-eun?
Ltn.    Lumenta autem bovis vel ovis?
Itln.    Sono mucche o pecore da bestiame?
Spn.    ¿Son vacas o ovejas?
Frn.     Les bovins sont-ils des vaches ou des moutons?
Gmn.  Sind Viehkühe oder Schafe?
Dtch.   Zijn koeien of schapen?
Czch.   Jsou krávy nebo ovce?
Hng.    Szarvasmarha tehén vagy juh?
Trk.     Sığır inek veya koyun mu?
Grk.     Είναι αγελάδες βοοειδών ή πρόβατα;
             Eínai ageládes vooeidón í próvata?
Rsn.    Являются ли коровы крупного рогатого скота или овцы?
             Yavlyayutsya li korovy krupnogo rogatogo skota ili ovtsy?

Do five sheep eat the same amount as one cow?
That's alot of hay or grass per sheep and how.


Violets are blue.

John Keble
The Christian Year
First Sunday After Easter


Election has been defined for purpose.
Economic choice is aligned with service.

Spring has sprung with productive light.
Design has shed protective sight.

First Father of conservative reform,
you invoked the functional norms.

You are called in the hour of need
to share protection with your seed.

You rejoice in the miracle of love.
Shine your light for sight from above.

Help me to lay my trembling hold
on your altar's horn of gold.

The past had seemed a violent dream
but the blood of souls you redeemed.

There were times when the leaves blew in sight
and every flower was bathed in light,
my willfulness would burst away
from where the holy shadow laid.

I let those sunshine moments from the past
take me from where heaven my lot had cast.

I thought it scorn with you to dwell
so I lived like a hermit in a lonely cell.

Wild fancy blew his trumpet's strain
to marshall all to his sleek modern train
as on the steel rails it swiftly swept by
to catch the world's wandering eye.

I would have joined the wildness oft
but I heard your warnings, kind and soft.

"My servant, leave the world alone
on the steps of Jesus' throne."

My better soul confessed
that which was tranquil and blessed.

"Does it seem to you a stingy hand
that heaven has bade you to stand
to swing the censor's sacred fire
with the incense of the heart's desire
to touch the ark with the presence the aroma bears
while you the snow white ephod wear?"

Why crave the worldly worldling's wreath
on whom the Savior deigned to breathe?

The world of matter is not your Maker.
The Maker made you a giver as well as a taker.

Christ has the choir where angels meet
the fruit of love the assembly greet.

It is for those to whom the keys were given
to pour the drink as the sacred wine of heaven.

When sorrow is all our heart would ask
we need not shun our daily task
and hide ourselves for calm.
Our common air is our balm.

The herbs we seek to heal our woe
are familiar by our pathway grown.

The bright flowers of Eden bloom and twine
around each hallowed domestic shrine.

The hearth that holds the altar's all
is that by which our unseen foes are appalled.

The prayers of hungry souls are stored
like armed angels at the entry door. 

The joy that is sweetest in decay
falls not like withered leaves away.

Like violets drooping one by one
as soon as their fragrant task is done
with the silence of the Spirit's breath
are carried off to heaven by death. 


Christ Raised from the Dead

The author of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles was charged with the responsibility to persuade the Greek reader that the gospel as taught by Jesus during his ministry was repeated by the apostles in theirs.

The Greek reader had the Greek, Roman, Judaic and Persian empires to consider in terms of experience. This included the Egyptian and Babylonian empires insofar as they had preceded the Greek and Roman forms. What was it about Jesus and his teaching that made his message worthy of consideration?

How did the proclamation of love serve as the basis for belief in the  miracle of being healed? What did his death on the cross, his resurreciton from the dead and his ascension into heaven have to say to the world?

The first chapter recounted the 40 cays after the resurrection. The Holy Spirit was presented as the divine agent for the extension of the incarnation of Christ into the apostolic Church.

The disciples had devoted themselves with one accord in prayer to wait for the parousia of the Holy Spirit along with the mother of Jesus, his brothers and some women in the upper room in Jerusalem.

The 'parousia' was a term that had been borrowed from empire as a call to prepare for a visit from the emperor.

Preparation for the arrival of such an important visitor gave the community something to anticipate in the way of organization for celebration.

The Greek reader was being advised that the gospel was a means to change the religious cultural context from a polytheistic to a monotheistic environment.

The apostles would come to warn the community against eating meat offered in sacrifice to idols. They would also predict the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.

While they had already been circumcised, Peter and Paul would rise to deny the challenge that adult converts would have to be circumcized in accord with Judaic custom.

It was reported that Matthias was elected to replace Judas. Judas was the symbolic representation of excess investment in devotion to the service of the poor with rebellion or betrayal.

Membership in the monotheistic community would come to be challenged as though it were an act of treason. Confidentiality was for the protection of the community that the Church represented.

The biblical narrative of Pentecost is given in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. Those present were numbered at about one hundred and twenty followers of Christ (Acts 1:15).

Their empowerment to speak in tongues to preach the gospel to the nations was granted with the reception of the Holy Spirit.

The details were  recounted in Acts 2:1-6.

Acts 2:14, 22-24
Peter, standing with the 11, raised his voice and addressed them: 'Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you...

'Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders and signs that were done through him and among you as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you according to the plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law. God raised him up. He freed him from death because it was impossible for him to be held in its power.


Jesus of Nazareth had been attested by God to you
with deeds of power and signs that pointed to that which was true.

He was crucified and killed by hands outside the law.
He was raised from the dead because death could not hold him with awe.


Test by Fire
1 Peter 1

The author of the epistle identified himself as the apostle.  The text of the letter states that it was written from Babylon (1 Peter 5:13). This has traditionally been used to attribute the letter to Rome, but he instructed the readers to 'Honor the king' (1 Peter 2:17).

This presents a problem to the traditional view. The emperor was the leader of the Roman republic, but he was not titled as the king in Rome.

This favors the placement for where the letter was written in Jerusalem where the king was a client of the empire.

Peter had directed compliance with the civil authority whether it was a king or governor (1 Peter 2:13). He wrote that such authority had been appointed to punish "evildoers" (1 Peter 2:14).

The letter was addressed to the "strangers" in Asia Minor (1 Peter 1:1). There were kings and governors in the area.

The members were called 'strangers' because there were mostly Gentile converts in the various churches in Asia Minor. They were suffering religious persecution, because they were new monotheists.

The Romans were polytheists. The Jews were monotheists with different customs. Baptism was presented as the initiation rite for the Church (1 Peter 3:20).  The cleansing was declared a symbol of being 'saved by water' like Noah.

The following passage is the first explanation for the persecution. It was a test by fire to determine whether the metal that looked golden was fake.

Fire assays are the standard for valuing gold and silver at major mining companies and refineries. A precious metal sample is melted down to test for purity. When the sample is found to be mainly pure, it is valued as precious. It is closest to the base element. 

1 Peter 1:6-9

You rejoice in this even if you have had to suffer various trials for a little while, so the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that is perishable, is tested by fire that it may be found to result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Although you have not seen him, you live him. Even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy. You are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.


The purity of your faith has been tried by various trials.
Genuine faith endures at length whereas the tests last a little while.

Jesus was tested for his faith too
that you might see that it is Christ that lives in you.

Salvation is the outcome for true belief.
Glorious joy will provide you with relief.


The future is conditioned by the interpretation of experience. When there is no allowance for improvement in condition, the only growth that can happen is by accident. Polytheism had this kind of problem with the closeness to primtive life.

There was a kind of eternal recurrence that made improvement for the liberals dependent upon the enslavement of primitives with the threat of genocide. Manumission was possible, but the prevalent trend was to make the slaves into a class with indefinite extension.

Jesus was better than Cyrus insofar as he represented the potential to liberate the Gentile world from indefinite enslavement to slavery. He also 'set the captives' free, but he promoted the love of God as the key to the liberation.

The successors to Cyrus used the threat of genocide to enslave those who did not give enough to the extension of the empire. The apostolic succession could not lay claim to such a policy without the diminishment of apostolicity.


The Testimony of the Scriptures

This part of the chapter describes the persuasion that was presented to those who limited agreement to the testimony of sense perception.

Mary had gone to the tomb to tend to the body of Jesus, but found it empty. She had told the leaders of the disciples that they didn't know where the body was.

Peter and John ran to the tomb to find the linen clothes in which the body of Jesus had been wrapped. John saw and believed what had been said.

They had yet to know that the scripture had testified that he must rise from the dead.

The presence of Christ was revealed to her by the testimony of angels and the recollection of what Jesus had said about faith from the scriptures. She told the other disciples that she had seen the risen Christ.

The same presence was revealed to other disciples on the same day at evening. It was the first day of the week. He was witnessed in their midst behind closed doors.

Jesus showed them his hands and side. He gave them the apostolic mission with his breath. He said, 'As the Father has sent me, even send I you' (John 20:21). The Greek word 'apostolos' means messengers.

Mercy was the criterion for judgment in the conduct of their duty. Forgiveness was to be given or retained based on this criterion.

The observation of the senses had to be checked against the scriptures for apostolic verity.

John 20:20-23

Jesus showed the disciples his hands and his side. They rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.'

When he had said this, he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'


The Son sent the messengers (apostolos)
to proclaim the good news to questioners
as though he had breathed on them from the sepulcher.

The forgiveness of sins was integral to conversion
that the cleansing of baptism in the Spirit's immersion
would give birth to the love of God as the inversion
of the polytheist belief in cruel or violent aversion
to intuitive inspersion or interspersion.


Sunday, April 5, 2020


Jennifer Morrison

to Care
Gǎnyú guānxīn
Daiji ni suru
Dare curare

Dare to have mercy. 
Mercy endures in memory 
with certainty.               

Remember this you nations.                                                            
This will last for generations.                                                  

That which is regal about law is legal             
from the eagle to the beetle, you people.                                     

Mercy endures in memory at length.                          
It is the foundation for love with strength.  

Love secures endurance.                                                             
Endurance with education and allurance                              
yields wisdom and knowledge for insurance                       
with perspective on perception that yields assurance.        

Let the vote denote the number                               
for policy that does not encumber
people as the hunter
for the state between slumber
and wonder.    

Let the vote connote opposition to policies that harm the public.       
Let freedom ring for people in kingdom or republic.         

Allow defense when police protection is not at hand;               
free trade so plutocracy does not rule the land;              
construction for protection from the elements and man;   
communication with people in foreign nations; 
travel to experience different sensations 
in various locations.                                 

Beauty is in the strength of the song.                     
Success rings long with the bong                             
of the gong.                                         

Smoke drifts slowly from the echo of dreams.                  
Things are not as certain as they seem.

The fragrant mist from the hyacinth                   
drifts in through the open window inch
to give a pinch of the aromatic labyrinth.

The odor of nard had filled the room 
where the bottle broke before the tomb                       
and the maiden resumed work before the loom.            

The earth's sweet being in the beginning in the garden of Eden         
was not ended by sinning for eternal winning in freedom.       

The penalty of death is not meant to kill                       
those with the right intent and execution of will.                   

Jesus carried the beam to Golgotha's peak.
Christ died from the pain the cross had wreaked.
The Word rose again as resurrected speech.

The legal code has since been asked
to consider the role that justice has tasked
to punishment as correction cast.

Jesus was not guilty of a plan
for rebellion. He murdered no man.
Cruelty or violence do not belong in the legal span.

Mary remembered her barren womb
as she stood by the open tomb
and felt the memory of the empty room.

What were you and I until we loved?
Were we not to become products of the love
from above?

All pleasures are fancied true.
Any earthly beauty that I saw to sooth
was desired and got as the dream of you. 

The stars vanished after dawn
had banished.the night for the fawn.

The darkness behind the moon disappeared
to let the atmosphere appear as revered.

The temple of fortune had been revealed
on the hill of oaks in the space that time would yield.

The earth produced green herbs without solicitation.
The tender leaves of tree-tops furnished a feast without hesitation.

The acorn of the sturdy oak offered an increase in influence.
The necks of bulls were tested to wield the yoke of oaken affluence.

The upturned soil beheld the sun for the first time.
The copper that turned the soil was seen as sublime.

Iron ore had yet to be forged as steel. 
The steel plow would break baked dirt for real
in the mid-West US when John Deere's zeal
for the hyperbolic shape of 1837's appeal
invented that zeal for real as a deal.    

Spelt and spurting salt were offered on old hearths
with incense or resin torches as aromatic arts.

The attendants with tucked up robes
did not kill the ox whose labor was as good as gold.

They let the ox plow
to sacrifice the lazy sow. 

The ax was not used to smite the neck that fit the yoke for toil
as the task for the same was to live and labor in the testy soil.

The grain grown in the plowed field
made bread to eat with the green herbs in a meal.

Good news was proclaimed with energy from God.
The message was confirmed with signs that beat the odds.

Man lost the pleasure of paradise in the competition to build the taller tower.
He was raised to walk when faith in Christ became his power.

The stone wall reduced traffic through the fertile field.
The rights of man and woman were protected for the yield.

Why did we seek the living among the dead?
He is not here. He has risen as he said.

The day of days sets hearts free.
The music finds freedom in accountability.

You are the Sun for other days!
They shine by giving back your rays!

Enthroned in your sovereign sphere,
you shed light on all the year.

Sundays are more glorious to seek
as the Easter for every week. 

Week days follow in their train
with the blessing of practical gain.

Until all in the resting soil employ
the greatest happiness with Christian joy.

Then wake to high desires, my soul,
to let these fires define your goals.

The world is on her way in hours
without the thought of your altar flowers

If she holds the light of Easter morn
in contempt with her vernal scorn
her dark gaze will not behold
the light of reason in the legal fold.

The people of Israel were the gate to the nations.
Peace was preached to them by Jesus for any station.

The message of faith in the one God spread throughout Judea
after the baptism of Jesus by John in the Jordan by the Spirit's parousia.

Jesus of Nazareth had been anointed with power by the Holy Spirit.
He healed the oppressed with a word for those who would hear it
to revere it and to draw near it.

God was with him
in the passage through the gate from the grim.

It was still dark on the third day after his death on the cross.
It was the first day of the week, the day the light of creation embossed.

The stone had been rolled away from the tomb.
Mary felt as though a child had been ripped from her womb.

The body of Christ was no longer lying in state in the grave.
Peter and John were told that they did not know where he was laid.

The Word that had become flesh among us
had disappeared as though he left us only numbness.

He was revealed to Mary by the word of angels
who spoke to her from the empty tomb as staples of the spacial. 

Even the lifeless stone was dear and bare
with thought for him who had laid there.

The dark world that had refused to see one God as light
had been shown Christ crucified for atonement with sacrifice. 

It was not a charnel house to fence
the relics of lost innocence.

The imprisoning stone had been rolled away
from the vault of ruin and decay.

It is now a cell that angels use
to convey the goodness of the heavenly news.

The ears of mourners hear them say,
"Come. See the place where Jesus lay."

It is a shrine were love can find
the message that Christ rose to shine
to hold the memorials of dutiful feet.
for those who offered honor sweet.

Joy to Mary was first allowed
when from her mourning she was roused
by his own calm, soul-soothing tone.
He spoke her name with the breath he owned.

When Christ who is your life is revealed in your body,
you will be seen as the light for what's right in the literati.

Golden Eagle

The golden eagle watches noh theater from a tree.
The lover appeals to his love as a reasoner from what is seen         
in the palace yard as the fantasy sphere
below the cypress as the seat for the seer. 

Noh Theater
Kyoto, Japan

Spring flows in a streaming state
while young grass grows near the gate
where there had been snow of late.  

The tea ceremony doesn't wait

for the cherry tree 桜 to blossom late.

The fate of a mate is made great

with the dish that is set upon a plate. 

Like a drifting cloud

bound by nothing loud 
I let go of feeling proud.

I allowed myself to wander round  

to hear the whim of the wind wound   
above ground with this wooshing sound.

Saki is sipped slowly by evening.

The light lets dark reveal her reason. 

She sips her cup to test

her best  
with zest
for the west
in the zodiac crest
in the quest for rest.

The east edge of the milky way

is the abode for his astral play.  

There is no partiality with justice.

Each day has a candle lit for us.

Magdala Stone

The stone stands alone unaltered thus 
as an altar for trust 
that looks beyond the dust
and the rust.

I will draw the inference 
that reason affirms with assurance. 

When one thing is seen as an implication of another
the antecedent implies the consequent to reduce pother.

I will live to declare the art of the seen
that the knowledge of science has drawn for me.

A rare convergence is a sign
of the special role that the planets play in time.

Open the gates of perspective on perception for consciousness.
I will see light with the sight that is given to perceive more of the less 
evident with tests.

True belief shows value in time
with the experience of tests transcendent or sublime. 

I will rejoice in the increase of fruit on trees by the lake.         
I will sing for the moon as a turn in orbit for heaven's sake.

The transendence of excess individual or social limitation 
is more beautiful than self-degradation.

The right to work is productive. 
The logic required is reductive.

Dare to have mercy.
Mercy endures in memory 
for surety. 

Mercy endures in memory at length.
It is the foundation for love with strength.             

science 科学 kagaku
beauty 美しさ utsukushi-sa


118 Confitemini Domino
Acknowledge the Dominator

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his mercy endures for ever.
2 Let Israel now proclaim,
"His mercy endures for ever."
3 Let the house of Aaron now proclaim,
"His mercy endures for ever."
4 Let those who fear the Lord now proclaim,
"His mercy endures for ever."
5 I called to the Lord in my distress;
the Lord answered by setting me free.
6 The Lord is at my side, therefore I will not fear;
what can anyone do to me?
7 The Lord is at my side to help me;
I will triumph over those who hate me.
8 It is better to rely on the Lord
than to put any trust in flesh.
9 It is better to rely on the Lord
than to put any trust in rulers.
10 All the ungodly encompass me;
in the name of the Lord I will repel them.
11 They hem me in, they hem me in on every side;
in the name of the Lord I will repel them.
12 They swarm about me like bees;
they blaze like a fire of thorns;
in the name of the Lord I will repel them.
13 I was pressed so hard that I almost fell,
but the Lord came to my help.
14 The Lord is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.
15 There is a sound of exultation and victory
in the tents of the righteous:
16 "The right hand of the Lord has triumphed!
the right hand of the Lord is exalted!
the right hand of the Lord has triumphed!"
17 I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord has punished me sorely,
but he did not hand me over to death.
19 Open for me the gates of righteousness;
I will enter them;
I will offer thanks to the Lord.
20 "This is the gate of the Lord;
he who is righteous may enter."
21 I will give thanks to you, for you answered me
and have become my salvation.
22 The same stone which the builders rejected
has become the chief cornerstone.
23 This is the Lord's doing,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 On this day the Lord has acted;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
25 Hosannah, Lord, hosannah!
Lord, send us now success.
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;
we bless you from the house of the Lord.
27 God is the Lord; he has shined upon us;
form a procession with branches up to the horns of the altar.
28 "You are my God, and I will thank you;
you are my God, and I will exalt you."
29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his mercy endures for ever.



Festival of Cerealia

The festival of Cerealia was held for seven days from mid-to-late April in Ancient Rome. The Cerealia was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres in the ancient Roman religion.

Dwarf Planet Ceres


The dwarf planet Ceres was named for the goddess. The planet  is 1/13 the radius of Earth. If Earth were the size of a nickel, Ceres would be about as big as a poppy seed.

It is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Even though Ceres comprises 25 percent (1/4) of the asteroid belt's total mass, tiny Pluto is still 14 times more massive.

It takes 1,682 Earth days, or 4.6 Earth years, to make one trip around the sun. It completes one rotation every 9 hours in the orbit. The length of day is one of the shortest in the solar system.

It is implausible that the festival held in Rome in April was based on the regular appearance of the dwarf planet in the night sky.

The festival may have been founded as early as the Regal period. A nighttime ritual was described by Ovid.  Blazing torches were tied to the tails of live foxes. The foxes were released into the Circus Maximus.

Circus Maximus

The stadium was situated in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire. It was used for mass entertainment as well as chariot races.

It may have been intended to cleanse the growing crops from plant matter that had died in the winter. The controlled burn may have provided protection for new plant growth from disease and vermin.

Modern sensibilities regarding the protection from cruelty to animals suggests that a controlled burn without the foxes is more humane.

Ovid offered an aetiological explanation. A farm-boy caught a fox stealing chickens long ago at ancient Carleoli and tried to burn it alive. The fox escaped with a torch tied to its tail.

The fields and their crops which were sacred to Ceres were set on fire in its flight. Foxes had been punished at her festival ever since.

There is a story in the bible about how Samson caught 300 foxes to set fields on fire. (Judges 15:4-5)

Samson's Foxes

The Ludi Ceriales or "Games of Ceres" were held as part of the festival in the Circus Maximus. Ovid mentioned that Ceres' search for her lost daughter Proserpina was represented by women clothed in white, running about with lighted torches.

The Cerealia was organised by the plebeian aediles during the Republican era. Ceres was one of the patron deities of the plebs or common people.

Chariot Races

The festival included ludi circenses, circus games. These opened with a horse race in the Circus Maximus. The starting point was just below the Aventine Temple of Ceres, Liber and Libera.

The Cerealia included ludi scaenici, theatrical performances, held April 12–18 after around 175 BCE. The plebeian aedile Gaius Memmius is credited with staging the first of these.

April is National Poetry Month and National Sexual Awareness Month in the United States.
Taxes are due on April 15. Easter falls in April this year. There are other awareness days and holidays throughout the month.

One of these is Financial Literarcy.

There is a rare convergence of Jupiter, Venus, Mars and the Moon this month.

wiki Ceres Dwarf Planet
NASA Ceres
wiki Cerealia
Financial Highway: April
Money Management blog

The Ox that Plough


Bk.4 Aprilis

[373] When the next Dawn shall have shone in the sky, and the stars have vanished, and the Moon shall have unyoked her snow white steeds, he who shall say, “On this day of old the temple of Public Fortune was dedicated on the hill of Quirinus” will tell the truth...

PR. ID. 12th

[393] Next come the games of Ceres. There is no need to declare the reason; the bounty and the services of the goddess are manifest. The bread of the first mortals consisted of the green herbs which the earth yielded without solicitation; and now they plucked the living grass from the turf, and now the tender leaves of tree-tops furnished a feast. Afterwards the acorn became known; it was well when they had found the acorn, and the sturdy oak offered a splendid affluence. Ceres was the first who invited man to better sustenance and exchanged acorns for more useful food. She forced bulls to yield their necks to the yoke; then for the first time did the upturned soil behold the sun. Copper was now held in esteem; iron ore still lay concealed; ah, would that it had been hidden for ever! Ceres delights in peace; and you, ye husbandmen, pray for perpetual peace and for a pacific prince. You may give the goddess spelt, and the compliment of spurting salt, and grains of incense on old hearths; and if there is no incense, kindle resinous torches. Good Ceres is content with little, if that little be but pure. Ye attendants, with tucked up robes, take the knives away from the ox; let the ox plough; sacrifice the lazy sow. The axe should never smite the neck that fits the yoke; let him live and often labour in the hard soil.


The stars vanished after dawn
had banished.the night for the fawn.

The darkness behind the moon disappeared
to let the atmosphere appear as revered.

The temple of fortune had been revealed
on the hill of oaks in the space that time would yield.

The earth produced green herbs without solicitation.
The tender leaves of tree-tops furnished a feast without hesitation.

The acorn of the sturdy oak offered an increase in influence.
The necks of bulls were tested to wield the yoke of oaken affluence.

The upturned soil beheld the sun for the first time.
The copper that turned the soil was seen as sublime.

Iron ore had yet to be forged as steel.
The steel plow would break baked dirt for real
in the mid-West US when John Deere's zeal
for the hyperbolic shape of 1837's appeal
invented that zeal for real as a deal. 

Spelt and spurting salt are offered on old hearths
with incense or resin torches as aromatic arts.

The attendants with tucked up robes
did not kill the ox whose labor was as good as gold.

They let the ox plow
to sacrifice the lazy sow.

The ax was not used to smite the neck that fit the yoke for toil
as the task for the same was to live and labor in the testy soil.

The grain grown in the plowed field
made bread to eat with the green herbs in a meal.


Christian Year
John Keble

So is it still: to holy tears,
In lonely hours, Christ risen appears:

In social hours, who Christ would see
Must turn all tasks to Charity.

Joy to the faithful Three renewed,
As their glad errand they pursued!

Happy, who so Christ’s word convey,
That he may meet them on their way!


Psalm 118

The psalm is one of the Egyptian Hallel. It is conceivable that this kind of psalm was drawn from Egyptian texts. The description of the gods by name was deleted. The general frame for the request for divine assistance was retained.

The first person perspective that recognized the frame set by the architecture for monarchy was selected for emphasis. The incantation of spells were changed to petitions to the one God.

The individual devotee was encouraged to offer praise for the majesty of divine grace in accord with the celebrant in the context of the congregation.

Psalms 113 -118 are called hallel. These are prayers that are recited on Jewish holidays as an act of praise to give thanks.

They are recited as a unit on joyous occasions such as the three pilgrim festivals mentioned in the Torah. They are spoken at Pesach (Passover), Shavuot and Sukkot (the "bigger" Jewish holy days) as well as at Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh.

Many Jewish communities, especially those which identify with religious Zionism, recite Hallel on Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) and some also recite it on Yom Yerushalayim (the day commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967).

Hallel is usually chanted aloud as part of Shacharit (the morning prayer service) on those occasions following the Shacharit's Shemoneh Esreh ("The Eighteen", the main prayer).

The psalm expresses gratitude, admiration, joy and praise. The first 18 verses describe the goodness of trust. The last 10 verses describe the coming of Christ through the gates of righteousness.


J.S. Bach - Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden
Praise this Mister all Heathen
Music Video

There is a rare convergence of Jupiter, Venus, Mars and the Moon this April 2020.

Chn.  到2020年4月,木星,金星,火星和月球难得会合。
          Dào 2020 nián 4 yuè, mùxīng, jīnxīng, huǒxīng hé yuèqiú nándé huìhé.
Jpn.   2020年4月に、木星、金星、火星、月の珍しい収束があります。
          2020-Nen 4 tsuki ni, mokusei, kinboshi, kasei, tsuki no mezurashī shūsoku ga
Krn.  2020 년 4 월 목성, 금성, 화성 및 달의 드문 수렴이 있습니다.
         2020 nyeon 4 wol mogseong, geumseong, hwaseong mich dal-ui deumun
         sulyeom-i issseubnida.
Ltn.   Est rara convergence Iovis, Venus, Mars et lunam Aprilis huius MMXX.
Itln.    Vi è una rara convergenza di Giove, Venere, Marte e la Luna questo aprile
Spn.  Hay una rara convergencia de Júpiter, Venus, Marte y la Luna este abril de
Frn.    Il y a une rare convergence de Jupiter, Vénus, Mars et la Lune en avril 2020.
Gmn. Es gibt eine seltene Konvergenz von Jupiter, Venus, Mars und Mond im April
Dtch.  Er is een zeldzame convergentie van Jupiter, Venus, Mars en de Maan in
           april 2020.
Czch. Letos v dubnu 2020 dochází ke vzácné konvergenci Jupiteru, Venuše, Marsu
           a Měsíce.
Hng.  A Jupiter, a Vénusz, a Mars és a Hold 2020 áprilisában ritkán közelít
Trk.   Bu Nisan 2020'de Jüpiter, Venüs, Mars ve Ay'ın nadir bir birleşimi var.
Grk.  Υπάρχει μια σπάνια σύγκλιση του Δία, της Αφροδίτης, του Άρη και της Σελήνης
          τον Απρίλιο του 2020.
          Ypárchei mia spánia sýnklisi tou Día, tis Afrodítis, tou Ári kai tis Selínis ton
          Aprílio tou 2020.
Rsn.  В апреле 2020 года наблюдается редкое сближение Юпитера, Венеры,
          Марса и Луны
          V aprele 2020 goda nablyudayetsya redkoye sblizheniye Yupitera, Venery,
          Marsa i Luny.

A rare convergence is a sign
of the special role that nature plays in time.


Acts 10
The Baptism Message of John the Baptist

The Book of Acts is the fifth book of the New Testament. It recounts the founding of the Christian church and the spread of its message to the Roman Empire.

The book was addressed to Theophilus (God lover) as had the gospel. (Luke 1:3).

The gospel of Luke told how God fulfilled his plan for the world's salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah.

Acts continued the story of Christianity in the 1st century from the start with Jesus's ascension to Heaven.

The early chapters were set in Jerusalem. They described  the Day of Pentecost  as the coming of the Holy Spirit. This preceded the growth of the Church in the city.

A number of Jews were receptive to the Christian message. Others rejected it. There was a conflict between the Hellenists and the Jews. The message was extended to include the Gentiles with the leadership of the apostle Peter.

The tenth chapter of Acts is about Peter and Cornelius. Cornelius was a centurion of the Italian band. A centurion was one of 60 officers in a Roman legion. Each commanded 100 men.

He was a God-fearing man who practiced some Jewish traditions in his household even though he was not a Jew.

He renounced idolatry and prayed. He was visited by an angel during his prayers and was told to look for Simon Peter who would tell him what was wanted from him.

Peter was ordered in a vision to get up, kill certain animals and eat them. He did not want to eat unclean meat. It was against Jewish tradition. He was told that what had been cleansed by God was no longer common or unclean. He could share a meal in a home that welcomed him.

This was a turning point in the development of the Church. It was not customary for Jews to visit the homes of Gentiles to bear witness to the gospel.. Peter was given a vision so he could feel sanctified in the extension of monotheism to the non-Jewish.

This would fulfill those passages that proclaimed that the faith in one God was to be preached to all nations. Peter's vision told him that people like Cornelius were not unclean. They were sanctified by their desire to live a good life with faith.

Acts 10:36-38

You know the message he sent to the people of Israel. Peace was preached by Jesus Chrust. He is Lord of all. That message spread throughout Judea.

It began in Galilee after the baptism that John announced: God had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power. He went about doing good and healing those who were oppressed by the devil. God was with him.


The people of Israel were the gate to the nations.
Peace was preached to them by Jesus Christ to each of any station.

The message of faith in the one God spread throughout Judea
after the baptism of Jesus by John in the Jordan by the Spirit's parousia.

Jesus of Nazareth had been anointed with power by the Holy Spirit.
He healed the oppressed with a word for those who would hear it
to draw near it.

God was with him
in the passage through the gate from the grim.


Colossians 3
Clothe Yourself with Kindness

The unexcavated site of Colossae sits near the modern city of Honaz at the base of Mt. Cadmus (in modern Turkey). It is located near the sites of Laodicea and Hierapolis. The three cities formed a triad.

It was an ancient city of Phrygia in Asia Minor. It was one of the most celebrated cities of southern Anatolia.

Map of Colossae
Asia Minor

It was a significant city from the 5th century BCE. Herodotus mentioned it as a “great city” visited by the Persian king Xerxes on his military campaign to Greece.

It had dwindled in importance by the time of Paul. It was notable for the existence of its local angel cult. The cult venerated the archangel Michael who is said to have caused a curative spring to gush from a fissure in the Earth.

The letter referred to the things from above as greater in importance than those below.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
(Colossians 3:2)

Surveys of the site revealed remains on the acropolis. A defensive wall and a pit lined with stones to the west was uncovered. A theater was found on the eastern side and a necropolis to the north of the Lycus River.

Paul had never visited Colossae when he composed his epistle to the church. He implied that Epaphras founded the church along with those at Laodicea and Hierapolis (Col 1:7-8; 4:12-13).

The letter was composed during Paul’s third missionary journey when he preached in Ephesus for two years.

Colossians 3:4

When Christ who is your life is revealed, you also will be revealed with him in glory.


When Christ who is your life is revealed in your body,
you will be seen as the light for what's right in the literati.


John 20

The twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John relates the story of Jesus' resurrection.

Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. Jesus appeared to her and spoke of his resurrection. He dispatched Mary to tell the news to the disciples. Jesus then appeared to his disciples.

He was not recognized by his appearance. His presence was revealed by the truth of something that had been spoken by him during his ministry.

The Word of God had become flesh to dwell among us. He was resurrected to show his triumph over death on the cross.

John 20:1-2

Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early on the first day of the week while it was still dark and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. She ran to Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved and said to them, 'They have taken the Lord out of the tomb. We do not know where they have laid him.'


It was still dark on the third day after his death on the cross.
It was the first day of the week. The day the light of creation embossed.

The stone had been rolled away from the tomb..
Mary felt as though a child had been ripped from her womb.

The body of Christ was no longer lying in state in the grave.
Peter and John were told that they did not know where he was laid.

The Word that had become flesh among us
had disappeared as though he left us only numbness.

He was revealed to Mary by the words of angels
who spoke to her from the empty tomb as staples of the spacial.


Federalist Papers #8
Standing Army

Alexander Hamilton

The 8th Federalist paper is about the "Consequences of Hostilities Between the States." If the states were not to unify into a single nation there would be a perpetual cycle of aggression between neighboring states.

A situation similar to that of Europe where the cycle of aggression between neighboring nations created a need for domestic armies and fortifications. The more populated states might plunder the less for their resources.

The Articles of Confederation which were finally ratified in 1781 had established the ability to raise troops for the common defense of the United States. Individual states were allowed to declare war under certain conditions.

The Confederation government had greatly scaled back the remains of the Continental Army into a new regiment with 700 men. There were great concerns about the need for a standing army outside of times of war.

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia provided checks on any standing army by allowing the President to command it. Congress was given the authority to finance it using short-term legislation. (2 years)

Article I, Section 8, Clause 12 is known as the Army Clause. It reads, “The Congress shall have Power To . . . raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years.”

President Washington had insisted that the lawmakers pass an Act clarifying the Army’s role under the new Constitution as the First Congress had entered its final day on September 29, 1789.

He had written to Congress on August 7th to remind them that legislation was needed to replace the outdated part of the Articles that pertained to the military.

The congressional body passed an Act for “Establishment of the Troops.” The President was authorized to call up state militias under some circumstances. A loyalty oath to the Constitution was required by anyone in service.

Security was the motivation for the union. No matter how great the nation's commitment to liberty, freedoms are reduced to achieve protection.

It has been extremity in defense that has given rise to oppressive government practice. Stories that have sought to increase hostility with foreign powers have taken the military to the furthest reaches of the globe.

This media expression has increased the cost of communication for the military at the expense of reasonable debate about legislative action. Military expenses have been stretched to accomodate the story line.

It hasn't been the standing military that has acted as the greatest maker of mischief in government. It has been the overstatement of the 'need' for military action at the furthest reaches.

Consider the consequences of liberal versus conservative overstatement with respect for cost. This is the thing that liberals don't want you to do.

The 'war on terror' presented the western coalition with a justification for a joint military presence outside of national borders.

This gave the continental European powers a reason to support a professional fighting force to protect trade in the Middle East. National Guard troops were amenable to this task.

The professional military has units to offer support to host nations in the fight against terrorism. This kind of action has to curtail overruns in expense or it is an offense to civil liberty.


Right to Bear Arms

wiki Federalist Paper #8
History Blog: US Army created
Text: Federalist Paper #8


Idealism and the German Work Ethic


Conceptual Pragmatism was contrasted with idealism. Idealism often resulted in thought that was too detached from the reconstruction of classical ideas to have a beneficial impact on the world.

C.I. Lewis
b. 4.12.1883 Stoneham, Massachusetts
d.  2.3.1964  Menlo Park, California

Clarence Irving Lewis was an American academic philosopher and the founder of conceptual pragmatism.

He developed a system of modal logic from his survey of mathematical symbols. His survey included Leibniz, De Morgan, Boole, C.S. Peirce, Peano, Russell and Whitehead.

His early graduate student work was a criticism of Bertrand Russell's definition of "material implication" (a → b as "a implies b") in the Principia Mathematica.

Lewis proposed a definition for "strict implication" which prevented false antecedents from implying true consequents.

He defined an intensional modal operator that marked the beginning of modern modal logic and possible worlds analysis of various truths in this work.

He was noted as a logician, but he later branched into epistemology. He wrote about ethics in the last 20 years of his life.

He was born in Massachusetts in the latter part of the 19th century.

Stoneham, MA

The earliest documented mention of the territory now called Stoneham dates to 1632 when, on February 7, Governor Winthrop and his party came upon this area.

Winthrop was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Puritan reformers thought King Charles from the House of Stewart was too sympathetic to papism.

He had married a Roman Catholic. They also objected to the teachings of Arminianism. Arminian theology was Dutch.

It emphasised clerical authority and the individual's ability to reject or accept salvation. Puritan opponents viewed this as a potential vehicle for the reintroduction of Roman Catholicism.

A number of Puritans banded together to support the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop was among them.

Winthrop led the first large wave of immigrants from England in 1630 and served as governor for 12 of the colony's first 20 years. His writings and vision of the colony as a Puritan "city upon a hill" dominated New England colonial development.

Governor Winthrop and his party found Spot Pond and ate their lunch on a place they called Cheese Rock. The location is now known as Bear Hill.

Stoneham was first settled by colonists in 1634 and was originally included in Charlestown, a part of Boston.

The town's first meeting-house was erected in 1726. The first church was organized in 1729.

Members were released from the congregations in Reading and Melrose to form it. The town voted to raise £9 for the building of a school and chose a committee to hire a schoolmaster in the same year.

Stoneham remained a small town during the colonial era. It prospered as a major shoe-manufacturing center during the Industrial Revolution.

C.I. Lewis

Clarence was born on April 12, 1883 in Stoneham. His father was a skilled worker in the shoe factory.

He discovered philosophy when reading about the Greek pre-Socratics, Anaxagoras and Heraclitus at the age of 13.

He entered Harvard in 1902. He worked as a waiter because his parents weren't able to pay for his tuition. He was awarded the Bachelor of Arts cum laude after three years of study in 1905.

He taught English for one year in a high school in Quincy, Massachusetts. He moved to the University of Colorado to teach for 2 years.

He married Mable Maxwell Graves in 1906. He returned to Harvard and completed a Ph.D in philosophy in 1908. He studied logic under his eventual Ph.D. thesis supervisor, Josiah Royce, the American Idealist.

Benjamin Peirce had identified ideas as the basis for practical application. C.S. Peirce had proposed that a true belief was one that has and will continue to hold up to sustained inquiry.

This became the ground for agreement by William James. He derived a therapeutic model for psychology and religion. Royce contested that the model needed application for the community to social value.

He taught philosophy at the University of California from 1911–20.

He took exception to the Principia's use of material implication. The material implication allowed for a conditional statement to be replaced by a disjunction in which the antecedent P is negated.

The rule stated that 'P implies Q' is logically equivalent to 'not-P or Q.'  The symbolic expression was P --> Q <-> ~P or Q. The <-> is a metalogical symbol that means "can be replaced in a proof with" where P and Q are any given statements.

This rule inserted the potential for paradox much like Godel's incompleteness theorem had. The sentence expressed the liar's paradox, "This statement is not true" or "This sentence does not exist."

It is essentially non-sensical, but something was stated as having been derived from a false implication.

Material implication allowed a true consequent to follow from a false antecedent. Lewis proposed to replace material implication with strict implication.

The (contingently) false antecedent does not always strictly imply a (contingently) true consequent.
Lewis wrote his 1918 monograph A Survey of Symbolic Logic.  He both surveyed developments in logic up to his day and concluded with his own modal system of strict implication.

Lewis deleted these sections from reprints of SSL. He revised his treatment of their topics for his co-authored 1932 book Symbolic Logic (Lewis and Langford 1932) in response to criticism of his account of strict implication.

He returned to Harvard in 1920 where he taught until his retirement in 1953.

He proposed the radical idea that a priori systems of thought are invented by humans and validated empirically in 1923.

He claimed that there is not just one logic in a short paper, A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori. There are a number of logics from which we must choose the one that best explains experience. 

Lewis declared himself a "conceptual pragmatist" in his 1929 book Mind and the World Order. The Roycean, Kantian and Hegelian transcendental absolute mind imposing order and regulative principles on the world disappeared from his thought.

The unending connection of a priori abstractions in the ideal was replaced by the action of the human mind in the construction of various a priori conceptual schemes to make sense of the raw perceptions of the "given" in the world.

Lewis criticized the Logical Positivists. This included Bertrand Russell, Rudolf Carnap and his Vienna Circle colleagues. They were empiricists, but the focus on the linguistic meaning of a statement was limited to the discovery of direct verification by perception. No room was allowed for metaphysical inference.

Carnap felt we had no choice but to build up our knowledge of the world logically (Der logische Aufbau der Welt) on "methodological solipsism"  despite the egocentric predicament.

Lewis thought the verification of empirical meaning depended on experience. The common relational experiences of many observers was more important than any kind of solipsism. This came to be called pragmatic meaning. The positivist idea was called semantic meaning.

He agreed that pragmatism committed one to the Peircean pragmatic test. He maintained that this commitment can be taken in either of two directions in a1930 essay with the title, "Pragmatism and Current Thought".

One direction emphasized the subjectivity of experience. He took the other direction in Mind and the World Order (1929). There was an as needed review of that which began with Peirce's limitation of meaning to that which makes a verifiable difference in experience.

Lewis anticipated Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism insofar as he knew that analytic truths have an empirical or "synthetic" basis. That knowledge depends on relations between concepts and not atomistic reductions of statements to their supporting sentences in observation.

He came to be known as the father of modern modal logic and as a proponent of the given in epistemology. He was also an influential figure in value theory and ethics.

His philosophy as a whole revealed a systematic unity in which logic, epistemology, value theory and ethics all take their place as forms of reasonable conduct in its broadest sense of self-directed agency.


Clarence Lewis
S.  克拉伦斯·刘易斯
T.  克拉倫斯·劉易斯

克  Ke   gram          克  koku   overcome        Ku  ク      く        Keul  클  clo       
拉  la    pull            拉  ratsu   Latin                 ra   ラ      ら        la       라   la                   
伦  lun  Len             倫  rin      ethics               ren レン  れん    len     렌   wren               
斯  si     this            斯  shi      this                   su   ス      す        seu    스   s                               
刘  Liu   lau             劉  ryu      weapon           Rui  ルイ るい    Lu    루    sack                 
易  yi     easy          易  eki       easy                 su   ス      す        i        이    this                                 
斯  si     this            斯  shi       this                                               seu    스    s   


When one thing is seen as an implication of another
the antecedent implies the consequent to re duce pother.

True belief shows value in time
with the experience of tests transcendent or sublime.


wiki CI Lewis
wiki Pragmatism Phil.of Sci.
wiki Modal Logic
Text: Mind and the World Order
wiki Material Implication


How do greatness and goodness figure into the kingdom of heaven?

Cyrus set the captives free. He allowed each province to retain their official religious customs.

Alexander used the best strategy to win. When he was asked who should act as his successor, he said, "Whoever is best." His generals chose to divide the territory.

They allowed existing custom to stand, but the imperial cult was such that it found acceptance in polytheistic society. It wasn't welcome in the province of Judea.

The Athenians used populism to counter the authority of the monarch. The Spartans made themselves into a military state to avoid the pitfalls of populism.

The Roman senate agreed to the divine origins of the imperial office, but spent a good deal of energy circulating stories about the corruption of the person in office.

Jesus was better than these. The miracle stories were about how faith healed those who were incapacitated by primitive animism or polytheistic fatalism.

He taught belief in benefit from the love of God in that which is right about the law.

The death penalty was not viewed as appropriate punishment for adultery. Divorce was allowed as a form of reconciliation.

Exile was presented as better than the death penalty for those who were not found to be unfaithful stewards in the management of labor.


Distancing Extended through April
National Review: Social Distance

"The recommendation to extend the social distancing guidelines came from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical expert on the administration’s coronavirus task force and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Fauci predicted Sunday that 100,000 to 200,000 people could die from the virus and millions could be infected before the spread is halted."

Conservative principles of government warn against the overextension of national power. These principles were written into the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The people who set the Quarantine up are liberals. They don't see the lockdown as overreach. They talk about how the smallness of numbers in reported cases is only an indication that the 'coronavirus' has not taken hold over the area.

They estimate the number of deaths at over 3%. The reported numbers reflect their estimation. They are working to control policy with the report about the high incidence of deadliness in the disease.

Italy had reported that the flu was anticipated to have a normal consequence (1% or less). Reports about a higher than expected number of deaths followed. They want people to believe that the Quarantine is necessary to save lives.

Dr. Fauci has been in Washington DC since 1984. He has had plenty of time to consider what would be necessary for a national quarantine. Chances are high that he has ambitious Democrat and liberal Republican direction in the imposition of the quarantine as a national action.

The president ordered a travel restriction, but the quarantine appeared shortly after the order.

Distancing Extended through April

China has a different form of government. They used to self-identify as communist. What is the prevailing assumption regarding their current state?

China Model

Those who seek to shape public opinion call them socialist due to the single party legislative body, the People's Congress of China.

There is not so much a question of whether they are socialist or not, as there is a question of how liberals will push for more socialism in this country if they get away with blaming the economic policy on the Chinese.

Newsweek: China

"This combative narrative fits easily with the Trump administration's longstanding trade disputes with China, and lawmakers—including Senators Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley—have spoken ominously of making China "pay." The resulting back-and-forth is exacerbating fears about China's rise as we navigate our new geopolitical reality."

The Nanjian model was not so effective at containing disease as it was at using the threat of contagion to impose continual medical lockdown procedures on the population. The conclusion was drawn that the contagion was contained after quarantine had been imposed.

If the number of dead used to describe the 'deadliness' of the contagion was fictional, the conclusion was false.

Maybe the Chinese are more socialist than we are. It is bad policy to use someone else's error to increase our own.